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Category Archives: Land Surveying
Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them ( Wikipedia )
Javascript Lazy Evaluation Sun Angle Game Tutorial
In this world we all look up at the same … Sun Moon … as our “usual companions” of space. One is tempted to say G’Day but we’re too scared of misspelling it, so we’ll just say … Good Morning … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged astronomer, astronomy, async, asynchronous, azimuth, background, bearing, capital, capital city, challenge, client pre-emptive iframe, clue, code, code syntax, collaborate, colour, colour code, context, country, country code, crow, date, datetime, day of week, daylight saving, Did you know, distance, dropdown, eager, email, emoji, emoji flag, equation, evaluation, fixed, flag, function, game, geo chart, geographicals, geography, gmt, Google chart, hint, hover, IFRAME, image, integer, internationalization, intl, ISO, iso 639-2, Javascript, kilometers, Land Surveying, language, latitude, lazy, lazy evaluation, link, locale, longitude, map, map chart, Math.floor, Math.random, mathematical sentence, mathematics, Mercator, moon, noon, now, object, offset, onload, onmouseover, PATH, popup, position, programming, programming.tutorial, projection, promise, promise object, random, reveal, scale, scrollIntoView, select, sentence, setTimeout, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, sun, sun angle, sunrise, sunset, survey traverse, SVG, svg path, syntax, theodoloite, time, timer, timestamp, timezone, traverse, tutorial, utl, variable, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, world
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Mobile App Survey Traverse Preparation Tutorial
We’ve spoken before about the mobile app we are so keen on here, in New South Wales, Australia, to help prepare for a Land Survey job. It’s not that we do this any more in a professional sense, but thought … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, iOS, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, angle, app, bearing, camera, chain, co-ordinates, datum, Did you know, elevation, ellipsoid, EXIF, grid, grid co-ordinates, initial bearing, iOS, iPhone, Land Survey, Land Surveyor, level, location services, map, measurement, mobile, mobile app, new south wales, photos, position, positioning, preparation, relative, survey, survey mark, survey traverse, theodolite, total station, traverse, tutorial
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Earth Bearing Distance Missing Two Trip Details Orientation Tutorial
Humans, particularly before the advent of the mobile devices, were probably (as a whole) more skilled regarding navigation via “landmarks” or “sunmarks” or “moonmarks” working out … In which direction is North? Well, the irony here, today, is that the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, angle, async, await, bearing, compass, CSS, DeviceMotionEvent, DeviceOrientationEvent, distance, Earth, elevation, event, focus, form, FormData, geo chart, geodata, geographicals, Google, Google Directions, gyroscope, head, horizon, HTML, IFRAME, image, inline html email, iPhone, Javascript, latitude, link, longitude, map, mobile, mobile device, name, navigate, navigation, north, onblur, order, orienteering, PHP, place, placeholder, placename, programming, reveal, ring, style, styling, submit, textbox, theodolite, trips, trtip, tutorial, Wikipedia
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HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse CSV Geo Chart DMS Tutorial
Up to and including yesterday’s HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse CSV Geo Chart Order Tutorial‘s web application’s CSV co-ordinate formats supported included … grid Easting and Northing co-ordinates geographical Latitude and LongitudeLongitude and Latitude decimal co-ordinates … and … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged client pre-emptive iframe, co-ordinates, codepoint, column, comma separated values, context, CSS, CSV, data, degrees, delimitation, delimiter, dms, emoji, file_get_contents, font, font size, geo chart, geochart, geodata, Google chart, HTML, html entity, IFRAME, import traverse, Javascript, Land Surveying, linked lines, local storage, localStorage, map chart, minutes, order, PHP, place, placename, scale, seconds, span, srcdoc, SVG, text, Wikipedia
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HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse CSV Geo Chart Order Tutorial
It’s been about a three day bugbear for us that ever since we introduced the possibility for geographical (ie. latitude, longitude) co-ordinate input data to do with yesterday’s HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse CSV Geo Chart Emoji Tutorial‘s … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged client pre-emptive iframe, co-ordinates, codepoint, column, comma separated values, context, CSS, CSV, data, delimitation, delimiter, emoji, file_get_contents, font, font size, geo chart, geochart, Google chart, HTML, html entity, IFRAME, import traverse, Javascript, Land Surveying, linked lines, local storage, localStorage, map chart, order, PHP, place, placename, scale, span, srcdoc, SVG, text
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HTML and Javascript and CSS NSW State Survey Traverse Tutorial
Yesterday’s HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Co-ordinates Tutorial was kind of “mathematical” by nature. Today we add some realism. This realism stems from the discovery of a NSW State Survey mark in the local area (to the right … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged amg, angle, app, australian map grid, bearing, co-ordinates, datum, decimal degrees, degrees, elevation, ellipsoid, Google, HTML, iOS, iPhone, Javascript, Land Surveying, map, minutes, mobile, mobile app, NSW Survey Marks, programming, reduced level, seconds, sketch, state survey, survey mark, theodolite, tutorial
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HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Co-ordinates Tutorial
Today we revisit our HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Tutorial web application because we want to allow it to be able to … do its usual entering of theodolite measured angles and distance measurements to glean Easting,Northing co-ordinates … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged angle, bearing, co-ordinates, distance, HTML, Javascript, Land Surveying, measurement, polar co-ordinates, programming, theodolite, total station, tutorial
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HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial
With the “terrestrial” side to Land Surveying (ie. that of the small distances kind), two “get out there and do it” skills spring to mind, those being … performing a traverse via the use of a theodolite (or “total station”) … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged calculation, CSS, datum, elevation, field book, fixed, HTML, Javascript, Land Surveying, level, levelling, mathematics, measurement, programming, reading, reduced level, terrestrial, tutorial
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