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Tag Archives: play
YouTube Video API Event Playlist Generations Tutorial
Recently, on this current YouTube API interfacing Song Playing web application, further to the recent YouTube Video API Event Playlist User Settings Tutorial, we’ve been referring a lot to … top.document.title … as a place to store settings in which … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged audio, background colour, background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, colour, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, generation, gesture, grandchild, grandparent, greatgrandparent, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, parent, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, scroll, scrolling, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, top, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist User Settings Tutorial
We’re happy to be talking about three new pieces of functionality to add to our recent YouTube API interfacing Song Playing web application last talked about with the recent YouTube Video API Event Playlist Background Image Tutorial, those being … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged audio, background colour, background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, colour, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, gesture, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, scroll, scrolling, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist Background Image Tutorial
Our current project last talked about with YouTube Video API Event Playlist Shuffle and Loop Tutorial started as a … “proof of concept” one to allow for user testing of event.stopPropagation() Javascript event bubbling control usage … and yet, is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, gesture, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist Shuffle and Loop Tutorial
We left our Song Playing web application in YouTube Video API Event Playlist Save and Recall Tutorial … on mobile, needing a lot of “user tap maintenance” to keep the “personalized playlist” (consisting of YouTube ID video) music rolling … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, continous, cookie, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, mobile, music, mute, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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Ffmpeg Voiceover AlmaLinux Synchronize Browsing Tutorial
Today it is the case of … combining the work of yesterday’s Local File Browsing Tool Stringency Tutorial … with that of the recent … Ffmpeg Voiceover AlmaLinux Tutorial … to show how that work of yesterday’s onto the functionality … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged audio, browse, browsing, convert, DOM, ffmpeg, HTML, Javascript, local file, media, multiple, operating, PHP, play, programming, source, stop press, synchronization, synchronize, system, track, tutorial, video, voiceover
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Ffmpeg Voiceover AlmaLinux Tutorial
Two recent aspects to work here have meant that the Voiceover work of Ffmpeg Shelling Peas Tutorial can be improved upon … migrating the web server from CentOS to AlmaLinux gave us the opportunity to have ffmpeg installed on the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged audio, convert, DOM, ffmpeg, HTML, Javascript, media, PHP, play, programming, synchronization, synchronize, track, tutorial, video, voiceover
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Making of iPhone Videos Play Around the Traps Tutorial
Especially as far as video creation goes with the set of web browser brands, on mobile and non-mobile platforms, going around, it can be valid to ask … Does it play everywhere? … because it’s surprising what can arise sometimes. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged airdrop, audio, camera, codecs, command line, compatibility, configuration, context, contextualize, convert, ffmpeg, functionality, iPhone, macOS, media, mimetype, mov, mp4, open source, platform, play, playing, Safari, StackOverflow, sync, synchronize, track, tutorial, video, web browser
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Earth Scanner Initial Placename Popup Window Tutorial
With the Earth Bearing Distance Missing Two Hashtagged Mailto Sharing Tutorial it was the same Earth Scanner web application involved as talked about in Earth Scanner Placements Tutorial where it talked about the URL … … or equivalent in … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged absolute URL, address bar, Ajax, animation, annotate, annotating, annotation, antarctic circle, API, arctic circle, array, audio, autoplay, background image, background-position, base64, blog post, browse, browsing, clip-path, code, collaboration, collage, comma, comma separated list, CSS, curl, decode, delimitation, delimiter, delimiters, detail, device, Did you know, document.title, DOM, Earth, email, emoji, emoji flag, equator, external CSS, external Javascript, file, FileReader, filereader api, focus, geodata, geographicals, geography, geojson, Google, Google Chrome, Google Directions, greenwich meridian, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, horizontal rule, hotlink, HTML, IFRAME, image, img, interactive map, intranet, itinerary, Javascript, karaoke, keyframes, kinear-gradient, kludge, land, landscape, latitude, leg, legs, lengthy, line, linear gradient, lines, link, local web server, localStorage, longitude, making of, MAMP, mantissa, map, Mapping, margin, margin-left, margin-top, media, Mercator, meridian, microphone, mixed content, mobile, navigator.canShare, North Pole, onclick, one image website, operating system, order, orientation, overlay, Page Visibility API, Patsy Gallant, place, placement, placename, play, plot, pole, popup, portrait, programming, realtime, reference, Safari, screen height, screen width, screen.orientation, script, scroll, scrolling, sea, share, sharing, SMS, south pole, speech, speech to text, stop press, style, styling, syntax, tab, terrestrial, textarea, timestamp, timezone, timing, trip, trip leg, trip planning, trips, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, tutorial, url, video, web browser, web browser tab.title, web share api, Web Speech, Web Speech API, when, where, Wikipedia, window, window.atob,, wrapper, YouTube
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