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Tag Archives: select
HTML/Javascript Binary to Hexadecimal Base Game Tutorial
Remember being pointed out, at school, in mathematics, how you could have numerical counting systems that weren’t base 10, and it blowing my tiny little mind! Then, in high school, imaginary numbers … wow! Still don’t know what they’re useful … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged base, binary, blank, counting number, decimal, Did you know, dimension, DOM, dropdown, game, hexadecimal, HTML, innerHTML, Javascript, mathematics, maths, number, octal, programming, quiz, select, tutorial, value
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Google Chart Geo Chart Quiz Beep Tutorial
We’ve long had on our minds a wish to incorporate a beep sound into quiz scenarios, and we’re revisiting this, again, for us, trying to get this going using the Geographical Quiz featuring in Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged audio, beep, chart, click, DOM, dropdown, geo chart, geography, geography quiz, gesture, Google chart, Javascript, map, mp3, multitasking, opacity, overlay, position, programming, quiz, select, sound, tutorial, underlay, user, user click, wav, Web Application, z-index
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WordPress Calendar Widget Above the Fold Ondblclick Iframe Tutorial
We’re revisiting our WordPress Blog TwentyTen themed Calendar Widget last referred to with WordPress Calendar Widget Above the Fold Word Count Tutorial regarding it’s “Iframes Up the Top” functionality. On the revisit we made we immediately thought of two improvement … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged blog, calendar, dropdown, emoji, event, hash, hashtag, IFRAME, Javascript, onclick, ondblclick, onmousemove, ontouchmove, PHP, programming, report, scroll, scrolling, select, stop press, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, widget, Wordpress, words
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Gmail Email Attachment Photo Order Tutorial
Regarding the composing of reasonably complex business emails, in our mind, we like to separate the Gmail (iOS mobile app, in today’s case) email composing of ones that will involve a photograph image attachment or two into two categories, in … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GUI, iOS, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged app, attachment, bessiness, Blurb, body, collaboration, communication, compose, composing, copy, email, Gmail, graphics, GUI, image, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac, macOS, messages, messages app, photos, Photos app, recipient, save, select, sharing, SMS, subject, text
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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Backup Translation Tutorial
As we intimated earlier, using PHP gettext is a good framework to use regarding writing your own serverside language translation functionality, but the “gruntwork” is there ahead of you maintaining those [domain].po (Poedit) files. And so, improving on yesterday’s AlmaLinux … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, backup, dnf, dropdown, Google Translate, install, language, language code, locale, moderate, moderation, module, msgfmt, Package Manager, PHP, poEdit, programming, select, translate, translation, tutorial, user
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AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Your Own Translation Tutorial
To open up yesterday’s AlmaLinux PHP Gettext Translation Tutorial‘s PHP Gettext Using web application to the possibility of … user supplying a new locale into the mix … and … user supplying their own English to “Their Newly Introduced Locale” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, dnf, dropdown, install, language, language code, locale, moderate, moderation, module, msgfmt, Package Manager, PHP, poEdit, programming, select, translate, translation, tutorial, user
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Javascript Map Array Destructuring Tutorial
Structured data makes lots of programmers happy, in a similar way the “order” in “law and order” makes people happy. But, often, complexity works well with storage, but in analyzing what the data means, the programmer wants to break it … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aggregate, Ajax, area chart, array, bar chart, browse, browsing, button, chart, column, column chart, conditions, conduit, CSV, data, delimit, delimitation, delimiter, destructure, destructuring, Did you know, DOM, drag and drop, email, emoji, emoji button, eval, field, file, file browsing, filter, filtering, form, function, generic, genericization, geo chart, get, Google chart, Google Charts, groupBy, hardcoding, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, histogram, Histogram Chart, hybrid, import, intervention, inventory, iPhone, Javascript, line chart, location.hash, logic, mailto, map, method, mobile, navigation, object, Object Oriented Programming, ondblclick, OOP, order, order by, paradigm, pie chart, programming, prompt, push, relationship, select, set, share, sharing, SMS, sort, spreadsheet, SQL, sql filter, structure, tool, tutorial, undefined, url, user, user defined, where
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Javascript Map Array Aggregates Tutorial
The SQL emphasis, recently, regarding our current Arrays and Map web application talked about in yesterday’s Javascript Map Array Delimiter Tutorial had us thinking about if we could incorporate those … count(*) sum(*) min(*) max(*) avg(*) … SQL aggregate function … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aggregate, Ajax, area chart, array, bar chart, browse, browsing, button, chart, column, column chart, conditions, conduit, CSV, data, delimit, delimitation, delimiter, Did you know, DOM, drag and drop, email, emoji, emoji button, eval, field, file, file browsing, filter, filtering, form, function, generic, genericization, geo chart, get, Google chart, Google Charts, groupBy, hardcoding, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, histogram, Histogram Chart, hybrid, import, intervention, inventory, iPhone, Javascript, line chart, location.hash, logic, mailto, map, method, mobile, navigation, object, Object Oriented Programming, ondblclick, OOP, order, order by, paradigm, pie chart, programming, prompt, push, relationship, select, set, share, sharing, SMS, sort, spreadsheet, SQL, sql filter, structure, tool, tutorial, undefined, url, user, user defined, where
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