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Tag Archives: capture
Making of Automated Tethering of iPhone to iPad Tutorial
The animated GIF presentation featuring in yesterday’s Automated Tethering of iPhone to iPad Tutorial featured … iPad control-command-shift-3 generated screenshot images making their way to Photos app … and … iPhone control-command-shift-3 generated screenshot images making their way to Photos … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, Apple, automation, button, camera, capture, connect, connection, dialog box, EXIF, fomo, hotspot, hover, image metadata, integration, iOS, iPad, iPhone, join, MacBook Air, macOS, macos sonoma, making of, meta, metadata, networking, Notes, notification, order, personal hotspot, photos, Preview, slide, software integration, tether, tethering, tutorial
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PHP Upload Security Tutorial
Perhaps our PHP Upload Primer Tutorial shows us a little “green around the gills” regarding “uploading”. Let’s face it, there is quite a bit more malicious activity going on with the net that means the discussion back then did not … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged accept, audio, browse, browsing, capture, content, content generator, dialog box, exec, extension, file, file browsing, file extension, file size, finfo_file, finfo_open, form, getimagesize, image, malicious, malware, media, mime type, moderation, PHP, programming, rename, renaming, security, serverside, tutorial, upload, uploader, video, web server
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Video via Image Filter and Canvas Magnifier Internet Explorer and Edge Tutorial
Media web applications such as that of Video via Image Filter and Canvas Magnifier Mobile Tutorial can be expected to consider cross-browser and cross-platform issues to work to the extent that sometimes you need Javascript “if” code blocks to differentiate … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged addeventlistener, background colour, background image, browse, canvas, capture, colour, CSS, debug, defer, Digital Colour Meter, div, external Javascript, f12 developer tools, file API, filter, getBoundingClientRect, grayscale, HTML, HTML5, image, invert, iOS, Javascript, magnifier, media, nest, overlay, pixel, position, programming, resize, Safari, scroll, transparency, tutorial, video, Windows, z-index
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Font Tutorial
As many ways to “mix it up” regarding … animated GIF “visual” image slides … animated GIF “text” annotation overlay … accompanying audio and/or video media … going to make up our (let’s say, leaving behind “Haiku” now, just) Animated … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, angle, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, console.log, content, contenteditable, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, font, FormData, genericization, Gmail, haiku, hardcoding, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, mantissa, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, opacity, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, Wikipedia, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Genericization Tutorial
Coming at yesterday’s Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Background Tutorial … we start to allow a comma separated list of user entered image URLs into the Background URL textbox as a possibility … along the way getting into some “Data-URI … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, console.log, content, contenteditable, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, genericization, Gmail, haiku, hardcoding, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Background Tutorial
Yesterday’s Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Share Tutorial helped with the “Haiku feel” to our Haiku Creation web application. The thing is, though, as we found with the video and YouTube API interfacing talents of our (ostenbibly) Karaoke web application, … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, content, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Share Tutorial
Everybody is somebody’s child. And often, in a modular I.T. woooooorrrrlllld a piece of code can be another’s child, even though they have an identity as a parent in their own right. It was the latter role we said goodbye … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, content, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Media Mix Play Audio Video Mix Concatenation Tutorial
Yesterday’s Media Mix Play Audio Video Mix Emoji Tutorial gave us a basis for ongoing improved aesthetics, but to end this “Voiceover Ideas” project we go back to … the local web server (and also just macOS) idea of the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, animated emoji, animated gif, animation, Apple, aspect ratio, attachment, audio, autoplay, background, border, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, concatenation, content, copy, cross-browser, CSS, curl, dictation, DOM, dropdown, email, email attachment, emoji, exec, ffmpeg, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, hashtag, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, linear gradient, local web server, location.hash, loop, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, media mix, microphone, mobile, multiple, multiple background, operating system, overlay, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, select, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, styling, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, text-decoration, textarea, textbox, tutorial, vertical-align, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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