SVG Shapes Line Annotation Tutorial

SVG Shapes Line Annotation Tutorial

SVG Shapes Line Annotation Tutorial

Our “Show Some Shapes” web application of SVG Shapes Overlay Tutorial was well set up for …

  • linear annotation … especially considering …
  • lines use the stroke colour the user defines and the other shape types mainly show the fill colour

… and so, generally speaking, line features can “overlay” other shapes, like annotation helps clarify a diagram or document.

In order to allow for this we’re now accepting these styles of entry (via any textbox presented to the user) …

  • comma (and/or semicolon ; pen up) separated x1,y1,x2,y2 co-ordinate set(s)
  • comma (and/or semicolon ; pen up) separated x1,y1,bearing-distance set(s)
  • justification code from to justification code to ( eg. the default tltobr )… where …
    1. tl … top left
    2. tc … top centre
    3. tr … top right
    4. cl … centre left
    5. cc … centre centre
    6. cr … centre right
    7. bl … bottom left
    8. bc … bottom centre
    9. br … bottom right

    … relative to the SVG window width x height dimensions, comma (and/or semicolon ; pen up) separated

… allowing “hover” titles via # (hashtag) delimited comments (hopefully missing commas and semicolons) helped out by a new Javascript function …

function equalsrcheck(ioo) {
var thisval=ioo.value;
var justs=['tl','tc','tm','tr','bl','bc','bm','br','cl','cc','cm','cr','ml','mc','mm','mr'];
var jusxw=[0.00,0.50,0.50,1.00,0.00,0.50,0.50,1.00,0.00,0.50,0.50,1.00,0.00,0.50,0.50,1.00];
var jusyh=[0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50,0.50];
var xfofarc='', iix, xtoflds=[], jjx;
//if (thisval.trim() == '' || thisval.indexOf(',') == -1) { equalsr='y'; }
if (thisval.indexOf(',') != -1) {
var cflds=thisval.split(',');
for (var inm=0; inm<cflds.length; inm++) {
if (cflds[inm].split('#')[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('to') == 2 && eval('' + cflds[inm].split('#')[0].length) == 6) {
for (iix=0; iix<justs.length; iix++) {
if (xtoflds[0] == justs[iix] || xtoflds[0] == (justs[iix].substring(1) + justs[iix].substring(0,1))) {
if ('mage') != -1) {
xfofarc='' + eval(jusxw[iix] * imifw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[iix] * imifh) + ',';
} else if ('frame') != -1) {
xfofarc='' + eval(jusxw[iix] * ififw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[iix] * ififh) + ',';
if (xfofarc != '') {
for (jjx=0; jjx<justs.length; jjx++) {
if (xtoflds[1] == justs[jjx] || xtoflds[1] == (justs[iix].substring(1) + justs[iix].substring(0,1))) {
if ('mage') != -1) {
xfofarc+='' + eval(jusxw[jjx] * imifw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[jjx] * imifh) + '';
} else if ('frame') != -1) {
xfofarc+='' + eval(jusxw[jjx] * ififw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[jjx] * ififh) + '';
if (eval('' + xfofarc.split(',').length) == 4) {
thisval=thisval.replace(cflds[inm].split('#')[0], xfofarc);
if (eval('' + cflds.length) >= 3) {
if (eval('' + cflds.length) >= 4 && (cflds[2] + ' ').substring(1).indexOf('-') == -1) {
if ('cp','sel').indexOf('sel') != -1) { ioo.value=''; }
} else if ((cflds[2] + ' ').substring(1).indexOf('-') > 0) {
var pcx=eval('' + cflds[0].split('#')[0]);
var pcy=eval('' + cflds[1].split('#')[0]);
var radialssofar='', fdel='';
for (var jj=2; jj<cflds.length; jj++) {
if ((cflds[jj] + ' ').substring(1).indexOf('-') > 0) {
pcx=eval(pcx + Math.sin(Math.PI * eval('' + cflds[jj].split('#')[0].split('-')[0]) / 180.0) * eval('' + cflds[jj].split('#')[0].split('-')[1]));
pcy=eval(pcy + Math.cos(Math.PI * eval('' + cflds[jj].split('#')[0].split('-')[0]) / 180.0) * eval('' + cflds[jj].split('#')[0].split('-')[1]));
radialssofar+=fdel + cflds[0] + ',' + cflds[1] + ',' + pcx + ',' + pcy;
pcx=eval('' + cflds[0].split('#')[0]);
pcy=eval('' + cflds[1].split('#')[0]);
} else {
radialssofar+=',' + cflds[jj].split('#')[0];
if ('cp','sel').indexOf('sel') != -1) { ioo.value=''; }
} else {
thisval='' + cflds[0].split('#')[0];
} else if (thisval.split('#')[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('to') == 2 && eval('' + thisval.split('#')[0].length) == 6) {
var toflds=thisval.toLowerCase().split('to');
var combit='';
if (thisval.indexOf('#') != -1) { combit='#' + thisval.split('#')[1].split(',')[0].split(';')[0]; }
var fofarc='';
for (var ii=0; ii<justs.length; ii++) {
if (toflds[0].split('#')[0] == justs[ii] || toflds[0].split('#')[0] == (justs[ii].substring(1) + justs[ii].substring(0,1))) {
if ('mage') != -1) {
fofarc='' + eval(jusxw[ii] * imifw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[ii] * imifh) + ',';
} else if ('frame') != -1) {
fofarc='' + eval(jusxw[ii] * ififw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[ii] * ififh) + ',';
if (fofarc != '') {
for (var jj=0; jj<justs.length; jj++) {
if (toflds[1].split('#')[0] == justs[jj] || toflds[1].split('#')[0] == (justs[jj].substring(1) + justs[jj].substring(0,1))) {
if ('mage') != -1) {
fofarc+='' + eval(jusxw[jj] * imifw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[jj] * imifh) + '';
} else if ('frame') != -1) {
fofarc+='' + eval(jusxw[jj] * ififw) + ',' + eval(jusyh[jj] * ififh) + '';
if (eval('' + fofarc.split(',').length) == 4) {
equalsr=encodeURIComponent(fofarc + combit);
if ('cp','sel').indexOf('sel') != -1) { ioo.value=''; }
return thisval;

… in our changed third draft Show Some Shapes web application (you can also try below).

And yes, 404.php had to accomodate these new $_GET argument value expansions (previously only the pretty dumb y as a value always), via $plusline linear annotation append PHP as per …



if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '=') !== false) {
$rvalis=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('&',explode('=', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])[1])[0]));
$semicrvals=explode(';', $rvalis);
for ($ijk=0; $ijk<sizeof($semicrvals); $ijk++) {
$crvals=explode(',', $semicrvals[$ijk]);
if (sizeof($crvals) >= 4) {
for ($hj=0; $hj<4; $hj++) {
$comsb=explode('#', $crvals[$hj]);
if (sizeof($comsb) > 1) {
$combit='<title>' . $comsb[1] . '</title>';
$plusline.='<line x1="' . explode('#',$crvals[0])[0] . '" y1="' . explode('#',$crvals[1])[0] . '" x2="' . explode('#',$crvals[2])[0] . '" y2="' . explode('#',$crvals[3])[0] . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="strokec" fill="fillc">' . $combit . '</line>';
if (sizeof($crvals) >= 6) {
for ($ibv=6; $ibv<=sizeof($crvals); $ibv+=2) {
for ($hj=-4; $hj<=-1; $hj++) {
$comsb=explode('#', $crvals[$hj + $ibv]);
if (sizeof($comsb) > 1) {
$combit='<title>' . $comsb[1] . '</title>';
$plusline.='<line x1="' . explode('#',$crvals[-4 + $ibv])[0]. '" y1="' . explode('#',$crvals[-3 + $ibv])[0] . '" x2="' . explode('#',$crvals[-2 + $ibv])[0] . '" y2="' . explode('#',$crvals[-1 + $ibv])[0] . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="strokec" fill="fillc">' . $combit . '</line>';
} // else if (sizeof($crvals) == 3) { if (strpos(substr($crvals[2] . ' ',1),'-') !== false) { $rvalis=$rvalis; } }


You want to try some practical examples of use? Type …


… into the iframe fill textbox … or try the equivalent resultant URL …

… or view it below …

Previous relevant SVG Shapes Overlay Tutorial is shown below.

SVG Shapes Overlay Tutorial

SVG Shapes Overlay Tutorial

The dimensions discussed in yesterday’s SVG Shapes Dimensions and Colour Tutorial were the “what we normally talk about as 2D” dimensions …

  1. width … which you could think of as X … and …
  2. height … which you could think of as Y … and, today, we want to add into the mix …
  3. “overlay” … or depth … … which you could think of as Z … or elevation … the three of which we all know of as … anyone, anyone? Yes, Fayette, we see you, again, but not in degrees … but … in … anyone, anyone? Yes, Kate, something’s coming to you? Yes … yes … three thingos … thingos being … maybe … yes … 3 dimensions!

This opens up the variety of “shapes” you can come up with considerably, even without involving any opacity, and so far we have not coded for CSS z-index usage (just good ol’ position:absolute usage so far). Should you stumble upon a useful “overlay creation” a right click can open it up in a new web browser tab, should you prefer that arrangement.

To achieve this change asked nothing more of our 404.php code, but rather asked of the client web application the turning of the “Height” hardcoding into a new select (dropdown) like …

<select onchange=fixv(this); id=selimageoverlay><option value="">Height</option><option value="overlay">Height ... Overlayed</option></select>
<div id="doverlay"></div>

… and accompanying new Javascript global variables and “onchange event logic” …

var imageoverlay=false, iframeoverlay=false;
var imageprevs='', iframeprevs='';
var imagelasts='', iframelasts='';
var imageurlpush=[], iframeurlpush=[];
var imagerect=[], iframerect=[];
var snapshotoh='';
var bigwo=[];

… with new Javascript “onchange event logic” code like …

function fixv(oselinvo) {
var theval=oselinvo.value;
switch('' + {
case 'selimageoverlay': // overlay flag
if (theval.trim() == '') {
} else {
if (eval('' + imageurlpush.length) == 0) {
snapshotoh='<html><head>' + document.head.innerHTML + '</head>' + document.body.outerHTML + '</html>';
imageurlpush.push(document.getElementById('myimage' + imagelasts).src);
imagerect.push(document.getElementById('myimage' + imagelasts).getBoundingClientRect());
imagelasts='' + imageurlpush.length;

case 'seliframeoverlay': // overlay flag
if (theval.trim() == '') {
} else {
if (eval('' + iframeurlpush.length) == 0) {
snapshotoh='<html><head>' + document.head.innerHTML + '</head>' + document.body.outerHTML + '</html>';
iframeurlpush.push(document.getElementById('myiframe' + iframelasts).src);
iframerect.push(document.getElementById('myiframe' + iframelasts).getBoundingClientRect());
iframelasts='' + iframeurlpush.length;
// more cases would follow

… setting up the “oncontextmenu” (ie. right click) event logic …

function windowopen(purl, pway) {
if (imageoverlay && iframeoverlay) {
bigwo[eval(-1 + bigwo.length)].document.write(snapshotoh.replace(' id="my' + 'iframe" style="',' id="my' + 'iframe" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="my' + 'image" style="',' id="my' + 'image" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="do' + 'verlay">', ' id="do' + 'verlay">' + document.getElementById('doverlay').innerHTML));
} else if (imageoverlay) {
bigwo[eval(-1 + bigwo.length)].document.write(snapshotoh.replace(' id="my' + 'ifrXame" style="',' id="my' + 'ifrXame" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="my' + 'image" style="',' id="my' + 'image" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="do' + 'verlay">', ' id="do' + 'verlay">' + document.getElementById('doverlay').innerHTML));
} else if (iframeoverlay) {
bigwo[eval(-1 + bigwo.length)].document.write(snapshotoh.replace(' id="my' + 'iframe" style="',' id="my' + 'iframe" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="my' + 'imaXge" style="',' id="my' + 'imXage" style="visibility:hidden;').replace(' id="do' + 'verlay">', ' id="do' + 'verlay">' + document.getElementById('doverlay').innerHTML));
} else {
bigwo[eval(-1 + bigwo.length)].document.write('<html><head>' + document.head.innerHTML + '</head>' + document.body.outerHTML + '</html>');

… and all helped out by two “wrapper functions” that wrap the image and/or iframe “src” attribute “calculation” code, as per …

function thenimagain(inurl) {
if (imageoverlay) {
var wasp=imageprevs;
//setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('doverlay').innerHTML+='<img title="Click for new window version or right click showing overlays" oncontextmenu="windowopen(this.src,' + "'_blank'" + ');" onclick=",' + "'_blank'" + ');" style=' + "'width:" + imifw + "px;height:" + imifh + "px;left:" + imagerect[0].left + "px;top:" + imagerect[0].top + "px;position:absolute;'" + ' id=myimage' + imagelasts + ' src="' + inurl + '"></img>';
imagerect.push(document.getElementById('myimage' + imagelasts).getBoundingClientRect());
imagelasts='' + imageurlpush.length;
//}, 1000);
return document.getElementById('myimage' + wasp).src + '#';
return inurl;

function thenifagain(inurl) {
if (iframeoverlay) {
var wasp=iframeprevs;
//setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('doverlay').innerHTML+='<iframe title="Click for new window version or right click showing overlays" oncontextmenu="windowopen(this.src,' + "'_blank'" + ');" onclick=",' + "'_blank'" + ');" frameborder=0 style=' + "'width:" + ififw + "px;height:" + ififh + "px;left:" + iframerect[0].left + "px;top:" + iframerect[0].top + "px;position:absolute;'" + ' id=myiframe' + iframelasts + ' src="' + inurl + '"></iframe>';
iframerect.push(document.getElementById('myiframe' + iframelasts).getBoundingClientRect());
iframelasts='' + iframeurlpush.length;
//}, 1000);
return document.getElementById('myiframe' + wasp).src + '#';
return inurl;

… in our changed third draft Show Some Shapes web application (you can also try below.

Previous relevant SVG Shapes Dimensions and Colour Tutorial is shown below.

SVG Shapes Dimensions and Colour Tutorial

SVG Shapes Dimensions and Colour Tutorial

It’s not so much fun, for a lot of us, learning about things when it’s just dished up. It’s usually better, especially for our visual or kinesthetic learners out there, that the user can change a setting to see a changed result. And so, further to yesterday’s SVG Shapes Game Primer Tutorial‘s start to our changed second draft Show Some Shapes web application (you can also try below), we’ve added …

  • dimensional width and height “input” controls
  • fill colour and stroke colour “input” colour picker controls … including “Transparent” and “None” choices presented in an accompanying dropdown
  • fill colour opacity and stroke colour opacity “input” controls

Our strategy, here was to allow URLs to our 404.php be a lot more complex via …



function restcheck($inideacol) {
global $opacityis, $fopacityis, $sopacityis, $linemode;
if (strlen($inideacol) >= 4) {
if (strpos(strtolower(substr($inideacol, -4, 3)), "to") !== false) {
if ( str_replace('l','r',str_replace('t','r',str_replace('b','r',str_replace('c','r',str_replace('m','r', strtolower(substr($inideacol, -1, 1))))))) == 'r') {
$rbit=explode('to', strtolower($inideacol))[-1 + sizeof(explode('to', strtolower($inideacol)))];
$lbitis=explode('to' . $rbit, strtolower($inideacol))[-1 + sizeof(explode('to' . $rbit, strtolower($inideacol)))];
if ( str_replace('l','r',str_replace('t','r',str_replace('b','r',str_replace('c','r',str_replace('m','r', strtolower(substr($lbitis, -1, 1))))))) == 'r') {
$lpref=strtolower(substr($lbitis, -1, 1));
if ( str_replace('l','r',str_replace('t','r',str_replace('b','r',str_replace('c','r',str_replace('m','r', strtolower(substr($lbitis, -2, 1))))))) == 'r') {
$linemode=strtolower(substr($lbitis, -2, 1)) . $lpref . 'to' . $rbit;
$outideacol=substr($inideacol,0,(strlen($inideacol) - strlen($linemode)));
} else {
$linemode=$lpref . 'to' . $rbit;
$outideacol=substr($inideacol,0,(strlen($inideacol) - strlen($linemode)));
} else {
$linemode=$lpref . 'to' . $rbit;
$outideacol=substr($inideacol,0,(strlen($inideacol) - strlen($linemode)));
if (strpos(strtolower(substr($outideacol, -2, 2)), ".") !== false && strpos(strtolower(substr($outideacol, -2, 2)), ")") === false) {
$rbit=explode('.', strtolower($outideacol))[-1 + sizeof(explode('.', strtolower($outideacol)))];
$lbitis=explode('.' . $rbit, strtolower($outideacol))[0];
if ($rbit == "" || (substr(($rbit . ' '),0,1) >= '0' && substr(($rbit . ' '),0,1) <= '9' )) {
if ((substr(($lbitis . ''),-1,1) >= '0' && substr(($lbitis . ''),-1,1) <= '9' )) {
//echo $outideacol . ' ' . substr(($lbitis . ''),-1,1) . '.' . $rbit . '?' . $lbitis . '!';
$outideacol=substr($outideacol,0,(strlen($outideacol) - strlen(substr(($lbitis . ''),-1,1) . '.' . $rbit)));
//echo $outideacol;
$opacityis=substr(($lbitis . ''),-1,1) . '.' . str_replace('00','0',substr(($rbit . '0'),0));
} else {
$outideacol=substr($outideacol,0,(strlen('.' . $rbit)));
$opacityis='0' . '.' . str_replace('00','0',substr(($rbit . '0'),0));
return $outideacol;

function ffcolcheck($outideacol) {
global $opacityis, $fopacityis, $sopacityis;
// echo ' ' . $fopacityis . ' ' . $sopacityis . ' ' . $opacityis . ' ... ' . $outideacol;
// exit;
if ($fopacityis != $opacityis) { $fopacityis=$opacityis; $opacityis=$waso; }
// echo $inideacol . ' ' . $fopacityis . ' ' . $sopacityis . ' ' . $opacityis . ' ... ' . $outideacol;
// exit;
if (strlen($inideacol) == 6) {
if (str_replace('A','',str_replace('a','',str_replace('B','',str_replace('b','',str_replace('C','',str_replace('c','',str_replace('D','',str_replace('d','',str_replace('E','',str_replace('e','',str_replace('F','',str_replace('f','', str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','', $inideacol)))))))))))))))))))))) == '') {
if ($fopacityis != '1.0') {
// echo 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $fopacityis . ')';
// exit;
return 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $fopacityis . ')';
return 'rgb(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ')';
return $inideacol;

function fcolcheck($outideacol) {
global $opacityis, $fopacityis, $sopacityis;
// echo ' ' . $fopacityis . ' ' . $sopacityis . ' ' . $opacityis . ' ... ' . $outideacol;
// exit;
if ($sopacityis != $opacityis) { $fopacityis=$opacityis; $opacityis=$sopacityis; }
// echo $inideacol . ' ' . $fopacityis . ' ' . $sopacityis . ' ' . $opacityis . ' ... ' . $outideacol;
// exit;
if (strlen($inideacol) == 6) {
if (str_replace('A','',str_replace('a','',str_replace('B','',str_replace('b','',str_replace('C','',str_replace('c','',str_replace('D','',str_replace('d','',str_replace('E','',str_replace('e','',str_replace('F','',str_replace('f','', str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','', $inideacol)))))))))))))))))))))) == '') {
if ($fopacityis != '1.0') {
// echo 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $fopacityis . ')';
// exit;
return 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $fopacityis . ')';
return 'rgb(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ')';
return $inideacol;

function colcheck($outideacol) {
global $opacityis, $fopacityis, $sopacityis;
if ($opacityis != '1.0' && $sopacityis != $opacityis) { $sopacityis=$opacityis; }
if ($wasop != $opacityis) { $sopacityis=$opacityis; }
if (strlen($inideacol) == 6) {
if (str_replace('A','',str_replace('a','',str_replace('B','',str_replace('b','',str_replace('C','',str_replace('c','',str_replace('D','',str_replace('d','',str_replace('E','',str_replace('e','',str_replace('F','',str_replace('f','', str_replace('0','',str_replace('1','',str_replace('2','',str_replace('3','',str_replace('4','',str_replace('5','',str_replace('6','',str_replace('7','',str_replace('8','',str_replace('9','', $inideacol)))))))))))))))))))))) == '') {
if ($sopacityis != '1.0') {
// echo 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $sopacityis . ')';
// exit;
return 'rgba(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ',' . $sopacityis . ')';
return 'rgb(' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,0,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,2,2)) . ',' . hexdec(substr($inideacol,4,2)) . ')';
return $inideacol;

function createScaledImage($newWidth,$newHeight,$path,$datauri) { // thanks to
global $ptitle, $reltopic, $filterstuff, $randstr, $opacityis, $linemode;
$image_name=explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path)[-1 + sizeof(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path))];

if (($newWidth == 32 && $newHeight == 32) || strpos(('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), '?svg') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('arc=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('semicircle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'pie=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('pie=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
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$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
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$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'circle=') !== false) {
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('circle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
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$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
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if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('ellipse=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
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$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
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if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'square=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('square=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
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$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('rectangle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('rhombus=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
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if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'octagon=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('octagon=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
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$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
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if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<rect x="-' . ($newWidth / 2) . '" y="-' . ($newHeight / 2) . '" width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '" transform="translate(' . ($newWidth / 2) . ', ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ') rotate(45)"/>
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'triangle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('triangle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<polygon points="' . $newWidth . ',' . $newHeight . ' ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ',0 0,' . $newHeight . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '" />
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'line=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('line=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" viewbox="0 0 ' . ($newWidth / 1) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<line x1="' . $newWidth . '" y1="' . $newHeight . '" x2="0" y2="0" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '" />
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'bezier=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('bezier=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" viewbox="0 0 ' . ($newWidth / 1) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<path d="M 0 ' . $newHeight . ' q ' . (($newWidth / 2) - 0) . ' ' . (0 - $newHeight) . ' ' . ($newWidth - 0) . ' ' . ($newHeight - $newHeight) . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '" />

} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('arc=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('semicircle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=fcolcheck($inbw[0]); }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<path d="M ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' 0 A ' . (($newWidth + $newWidth) / 4) . ' ' . (($newHeight + $newHeight) / 4) . ', 0, 0, 0, ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . $newHeight . ' " stroke="' . $strokec . '" stroke-width="2" fill="' . $fillc . '" />

} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'crescent=') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('quadrant=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'crescent=') !== false) {
$inbetween=restcheck(str_replace(':',' ',str_replace('`',' ',str_replace(';',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode(explode('crescent=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0]))))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbetween=trim($inbetween); $inbw=explode(' ', str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace(' ',' ',$inbetween)))));
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false) {
$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false) {
$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=colcheck($inbw[1]); }
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<path d="M 0 ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' A ' . (($newWidth + $newWidth) / 4) . ' ' . (($newHeight + $newHeight) / 4) . ', 0, 0, 1, ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' 0 ' . $thehome . '" stroke="' . $strokec . '" stroke-width="2" fill="' . $fillc . '" />

if (!$datauri) {
if (isset($_GET['random'])) {
if (substr(($_GET['random'] . ' '),0,1) == '0') {
$thist=' ' . time();
$thistminustwo=substr($thist,0,(strlen($thist) - 2));
if (!file_exists('./rjmlist.htm')) {
file_put_contents('./rjmlist.htm', '<body><pre>' . "\n" . $thist . '|' . $_GET['random'] . '|' . $ptitle . "\n</pre></body>");
} else {
$newones=explode($thistminustwo, $sofarc);
if (strpos($sofarc, ' ') !== false) { $lastiis=explode('|',explode(' ', $sofarc)[1])[0]; }
if (sizeof($newones) == 1 && (time() - $lastiis) > 100) {
file_put_contents('./rjmlist.htm', '<body><pre>' . "\n" . $thist . '|' . $_GET['random'] . '|' . $ptitle . "\n</pre></body>");
} else {
$sofarcs=explode('|' . $_GET['random'] . '|', $sofarc);
if (sizeof($sofarcs) > 1) {
$sofarpref=' ' . explode(' ', $sofarcs[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' ', $sofarcs[0]))] . '|' . $_GET['random'] . '|' . explode("\n", $sofarcs[1])[0] . "\n";
$sofarc=str_replace($sofarpref, "", $sofarc);
file_put_contents('./rjmlist.htm', '<body><pre>' . "\n" . $thist . '|' . $_GET['random'] . '|' . $ptitle . "\n" . str_replace('<body><pre>' . "\n", '', $sofarc));

$mime = getimagesize($path);

if ($mime['mime']=='image/png') {
if ($filterstuff != '') {
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo ourimagecreatefromcontent(file_get_contents($path), 'png');
$src_img = imagecreatefrompng($path);
if ($mime['mime']=='image/jpg' || $mime['mime']=='image/jpeg' || $mime['mime']=='image/pjpeg') {
if ($filterstuff != '') {
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
echo ourimagecreatefromcontent(file_get_contents($path), 'jpeg');
$src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
if ($mime['mime']=='image/gif') {
//echo 'data:image/gif;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($path));
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
echo ourimagecreatefromcontent(file_get_contents($path), 'gif');
$src_img = imagecreatefromgif($path);

$old_x = imageSX($src_img);
$old_y = imageSY($src_img);

if ($old_x > $old_y) {
$thumb_w = $newWidth;
$thumb_h = $old_y/$old_x*$newWidth;

if ($old_x < $old_y) {
$thumb_w = $old_x/$old_y*$newHeight;
$thumb_h = $newHeight;

if ($old_x == $old_y) {
$thumb_w = $newWidth;
$thumb_h = $newHeight;

$dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_w,$thumb_h);


// New save location
$new_thumb_loc = '/tmp/' . $image_name;

if (!$datauri) {
if($mime['mime']=='image/png') {
header('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng($dst_img); //,$new_thumb_loc,8);
if (file_exists($new_thumb_loc)) {
} else if ($mime['mime']=='image/jpg' || $mime['mime']=='image/jpeg' || $mime['mime']=='image/pjpeg') {
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
imagejpeg($dst_img); //,$new_thumb_loc,80);
if (file_exists($new_thumb_loc)) {
} else if ($mime['mime']=='image/gif') {
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
imagegif($dst_img); //,$new_thumb_loc,80);
if (file_exists($new_thumb_loc)) {

if ($mime['mime']=='image/png') {
$result = file_get_contents($new_thumb_loc);
if ($mime['mime']=='image/jpg' || $mime['mime']=='image/jpeg' || $mime['mime']=='image/pjpeg') {
$result = file_get_contents($new_thumb_loc);
if ($mime['mime']=='image/gif') {
$result = file_get_contents($new_thumb_loc);


if (file_exists($new_thumb_loc)) {

return ourimagecreatefromcontent($result, $theextis);


Previous relevant SVG Shapes Game Primer Tutorial is shown below.

SVG Shapes Game Primer Tutorial

SVG Shapes Game Primer Tutorial

Although we do not mention it in today’s blog posting title, today’s work primarily hinges on some changes we made to our WordPress Blog (you are reading) 404.php logic, further to the last foray into WordPress TwentyTen theme’s 404.php means by which unsuccessful prefixing URLs get processed, as we talked about with Interactively Change WordPress Blog Background Image on Scroll Tutorial.

We’ve opened up a new segment of functionality here, allowing the user to receive SVG (via svg+xml protocol) image based data for a URL such as …

As you probably know, SVG is a boon to people trying to explain geometry or shapes, as with today’s “proof of concept” Show Some Shapes web application you can also try below …

… which beggars the question …

What does the changed 404.php PHP code look like?

Glad you asked!


if (($newWidth == 32 && $newHeight == 32) || strpos(('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), '?svg') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'arc=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('arc=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'semicircle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('semicircle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
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header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<path d="M ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' 0 A ' . (($newWidth + $newWidth) / 4) . ' ' . (($newHeight + $newHeight) / 4) . ', 0, 0, 0, ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . $newHeight . ' " stroke="' . $strokec . '" stroke-width="2" fill="' . $fillc . '" />

} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'pie=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('pie=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<circle cx="' . ($newWidth / 2) . '" cy="' . ($newHeight / 2) . '" r="' . (($newWidth + $newHeight) / 4) . '" stroke="' . $strokec . '" stroke-width="2" fill="' . $fillc . '"/>
<path d="M ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' 0 A ' . (($newWidth + $newWidth) / 4) . ' ' . (($newHeight + $newHeight) / 4) . ', 0, 0, 1, ' . ($newWidth / 1) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' ' . $thehome . '" stroke="white" stroke-width="3" fill="white" />

} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'circle=') !== false) {
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('circle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
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} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('ellipse=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
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if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'square=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('square=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'rectangle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('rectangle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '"/>
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$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('rhombus=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
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$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
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} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg viewbox="0 0 ' . ($newWidth / 1) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'octagon=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('octagon=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
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echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'triangle=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('triangle=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('line=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<line x1="' . $newWidth . '" y1="' . $newHeight . '" x2="0" y2="0" stroke-width="2" stroke="' . $strokec . '" fill="' . $fillc . '" />
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$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('bezier=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') { $fillc=$inbw[0]; }
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
if ($newHeight > $bone) { $bone=$newHeight; }
$sbone=sqrt($bone * $bone * 2);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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} else if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'crescent=') !== false) {
$inbetween=str_replace(':',',',str_replace('.',',',str_replace(' ',',',str_replace('+',',',urldecode(explode('crescent=', str_replace('?svg','',str_replace('??svg','',('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))))[0])))));
if ($inbetween != '') {
$inbw=explode(',', $inbetween);
if (sizeof($inbw) == 1) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false) {
$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
} else if (sizeof($inbw) >= 2) {
if (trim($inbw[0]) != '') {
if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'quadrant=') !== false) {
$thehome=' L ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' Z';
if (trim($inbw[1]) != '') { $strokec=$inbw[1]; }
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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<svg width="' . ($newWidth / 1) . '" height="' . ($newHeight / 1) . '" version="1.1" xmlns="//">
<path d="M 0 ' . ($newHeight / 2) . ' A ' . (($newWidth + $newWidth) / 4) . ' ' . (($newHeight + $newHeight) / 4) . ', 0, 0, 1, ' . ($newWidth / 2) . ' 0 ' . $thehome . '" stroke="' . $strokec . '" stroke-width="2" fill="' . $fillc . '" />


Previous relevant Interactively Change WordPress Blog Background Image on Scroll Tutorial is shown below.

Interactively Change WordPress Blog Background Image on Scroll Tutorial

Interactively Change WordPress Blog Background Image on Scroll Tutorial

With yesterday’s Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll User Settings Tutorial‘s offering were you “an intrepid”, typing …


… into that newly minted Javascript prompt window designed for user interaction purposes? This populates the background images in our new Image Scrolling with Fixed Text web application with a random selection from the WordPress Blog you are reading. Because we have some control here, we researched whether our WordPress 404.php logic could be tweaked to help out more in this scenario. The way the PHP works here, detecting this situation, at the end of its workings, is to use an image header (exemplified by the GIF one below) …


header('Content-Type: image/gif');
echo file_get_contents($path);


… where $path would point at a GIF image file residing on the RJM Programming domain web server. This design restricts us from any echo functionality before this, so what can we achieve? Anyone? Anyone? Yes, Rasmus, we can write to other web server files that could be like middle-people between the server (supplier of image data) and client (the webpage that called the server). After the server work …


if (strpos(('' . str_replace(');%20}','',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '~'), '591734~') !== false) {
//file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'p.p','here');
$ptfileis=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ptitledata.html';
if (file_exists($ptfileis)) { // thanks to
$modifdate = filemtime($ptfileis);
$secondsago = time() - $modifdate;
if ($secondsago > 5) {
} else {
file_put_contents($ptfileis, $prevcontis . "\n" . $ptitle . '?' . str_replace(');%20}','',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
//file_put_contents($ptfileis . "huh", $prevcontis . "\n" . $ptitle . '?' . str_replace(');%20}','',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
//} else {
// file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'p.q',('' . str_replace(');%20}','',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '~'));


… back at that client (which called the server with that appended “591734” placed onto the URL to indicate the intention to want to examine this return data), we have Ajax based Javascript logic …

var ptc='#';
var iptc=0;
var btlist=[];
var vsbtlist=[];
var omo='';

var zhr=null;
var zform=null;
var rawhtml='';

function defmaybe(inu) {
var retomo=omo;
if (omo != '') {
return retomo;
return inu;

function stateChanged() {
var inm=1, jnm=1, thebtitle='';
if (zhr.readyState == 4) {
if (zhr.status == 200) {
rawhtml = zhr.response;
console.log('rawhtml=' + rawhtml);
if (rawhtml.indexOf('random=') != -1 && vsbtlist.length > 0) {
var rawrs=rawhtml.split('random=');
for (inm=1; inm<rawrs.length; inm++) {
for (jnm=0; jnm<vsbtlist.length; jnm++) {
if (vsbtlist[jnm].indexOf('?random=' + rawrs[inm].split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0]) != -1) {
console.log('found ...');
thebtitle=rawhtml.split('?random=' + rawrs[inm].split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0])[0].split(String.fromCharCode(10))[eval(-1 + rawhtml.split('?random=' + rawrs[inm].split(String.fromCharCode(10))[0])[0].split(String.fromCharCode(10)).length)];
document.getElementById(vsbtlist[jnm].split('?')[0]).title=thebtitle + ' ... you can right click to navigate there';
document.getElementById(vsbtlist[jnm].split('?')[0]).onmouseout=function(){ omo=''; };
document.getElementById(vsbtlist[jnm].split('?')[0]).onmouseover=function(){ omo='//' + thebtitle.split(' (')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/\ /g,'-'); };
document.getElementById(vsbtlist[jnm].split('?')[0]).oncontextmenu=function(){'//' + thebtitle.split(' (')[0].toLowerCase().replace(/\ /g,'-')),'_blank','top=50,left=50,width=800,height=800'); };

function ajaxit() {
zhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
zhr.onreadystatechange=stateChanged;'get', '//' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 196756453), true);

… adding oncontextmenu (ie. right click) functionality to the background images, so as a popup window can open to show the associated WordPress Blog posting linked to the image data.

… in today’s changed interactively_change_background_image_on_scroll.html web application you can also try way below.

Previous relevant Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll User Settings Tutorial is shown below.

Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll User Settings Tutorial

Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll User Settings Tutorial

If you are a regular reader, you’ll know with the web applications presented here, we usually try to allow the user to control …

  • how they function … and/or sometimes …
  • how they look

… in the ephemeral “this session” sense, and sometimes follow that up, depending, with recallable settings often calling on window.localStorage or HTTP Cookies, associated with the web browser being used.

Regarding that ephemeral “this session” sense above, building on the work of yesterday’s Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll Tutorial, we now allow the user control over defining any/all …

  • Background Image source URL
  • Refresh delay (in seconds)
  • Text Wording
  • Text Background Image source URL

… and regarding the use of that last one, we’ve decided, somewhat, to take over with the CSS regarding the Text Wording showing through amongst so many “image interests” with various opacities …

var mode='dw';

function preask() {
if (backimg.trim() != '') {
if (backimg.toLowerCase().replace(/\ /g,'') == 'lorempicsum') {
backimg='//' + suffix + '?random=' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 198765643);
if (mode == 'dw') {
document.write('<style> .bg-text { background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.8),rgba(255,255,255,0.8)),URL("' + backimg + '"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat; text-shadow:-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95; opacity: 0.9; } </style>');
} else {
document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML+='<style> .bg-text { background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.8),rgba(255,255,255,0.8)),URL("' + backimg + '"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat; text-shadow:-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95; opacity: 0.9; } </style>';
} else {
if (mode == 'dw') {
document.write('<style> .bg-text { background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.8),rgba(255,255,255,0.8)),URL("' + backimg + '"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat; text-shadow:-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95; opacity: 0.9; } </style>');
} else {
document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML+='<style> .bg-text { background: linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0.8),rgba(255,255,255,0.8)),URL("' + backimg + '"); background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat; text-shadow:-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95; opacity: 0.9; } </style>';

Which beggars the observation …

Isn’t the CSS text-shadow property just great?!

We use it more and more often to help out foreground text presented with a lot of “overlay imagery” going on behind it.

Here is the Javascript prompt window “blurb” presented to the user should they want to delve into this woooooorrrrrlllllldddd just by clicking or touching in the non-text part of the webpage …

var ansis=prompt(‘Optionally enter in background source URL prefix [‘ + prefix + midbit + suffix + ‘] ( or type Lorem Picsum or for blog posting images you could try //’ + sixhundred + ‘/’ + fourhundred + ‘/ ), hashtag delimited from an optional imagery refresh rate in seconds [‘ + ten + ‘], hashtag delimited from an optional Text element background image (or type Lorem Picsum), hashtag delimited from optional Text wording [‘ + tcont + ‘] we will assume involves a space.‘, ”);

… in the changed interactively_change_background_image_on_scroll.html web application you can also try below.

Previous relevant Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll Tutorial is shown below.

Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll Tutorial

Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll Tutorial

Regarding today’s “Interactively Change Background Image on Scroll” topic, we’d like to thank, profusely, two sources …

Queue … Lulu (no, not the dog, this time)!

Yes, we’ve just added “Interactively”, we hear you say (just maybe, perhaps, a tad sarcastically, shall we say … huh?!!!!). But, it’s the …

… that is all a bit new, at least to us, today, continuing on the recent wonder regarding contenteditable=true, mentioned in the recent Animated GIF SVG Quiz Automation Interaction Tutorial

And did you know, at least for non-mobile platforms, you can set the focus (on non-mobile platforms only, as there are the โ€œkeyboard getting in the wayโ€ issues weโ€™re thankful for with mobile platforms which preclude any thoughts of a programmed [element].focus() operation) to one of these โ€œcontenteditable=true style elementsโ€? Weโ€™d never been sure, only focussing to HTML input textboxes and textareas up to now, we believe.

… whereby non-mobile focus to a contenteditable=true HTML div type (innerHTML style) element is possible, adding to the original W3School’s content ideas swirling around …

  • CSS position: fixed; … for foreground text, in relation to …
  • scrolling … with …
  • background imagery

… for topics we hope you find as interesting as we did, in our new “proof of concept” web application you can also try below …

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

If this was interesting you may be interested in this too.

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