Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Geo Chart Click Tutorial

Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Geo Chart Click Tutorial

Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Geo Chart Click Tutorial

Onto yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Mainstream Interfacing Tutorial plan of attack, today we need to add a fourth spoke, if you will …

  1. Help itself … map.php … phase 1
  2. Redirect to Image Chart Map Chart … map.php and/or geo_chart.php … just after first prompt … phase 2
  3. Caller form method=POST map.php action interventions at onsubmit event … non map.php … phase 3
  4. Transfer the onclick prompt window functionality over to geo_chart.php … phase 4

… so that the user has a new way to access these geographical latitude and longitude based functionalities.

This involved getting in behind the “used to be” way the SVG circle markers were created and attend to both …

  1. an amended onclick logic set appears everytime now, if argument onclick is set, rather than just when a marker was associated with a URL, using a new data-svggeo global data attribute, and when clicked for those non-URL scenarios show the new Javascript prompt window menu … and …
  2. adjust the way a title attribute was included in the SVG in favour of an SVG title element version, so that a tooltip displays for non-mobile platform markers, when hovering over them


if (isset($_GET['aregeographicals'])) {
if ($ugare == "Y") {
if (strpos(strtolower($ugare), "http") !== false || isset($_GET['onclick'])) {
//echo ' alert("' . $upa . '"); ';
if (strpos(strtolower($gsis[0]), "http") === false) {
for ($jgsis=1; $jgsis<sizeof($gsis); $jgsis++) {
if ($igsis == 0 && strpos(strtolower($gsis[$jgsis]), "http") !== false) {
echo "\n var froma=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], toa=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], igsis=0, localgdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'), localgsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','), peninfo=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'); \n";
if (isset($_GET['peninfo'])) {
echo "\n peninfo=(\"" . $_GET['peninfo'] . "\").replace(/\,\ /g,',+').split(','); for (var pjgs=0; pjgs<peninfo.length; pjgs++) { if ((peninfo[pjgs] + ' ').substring(0,1) == '+') { peninfo[pjgs]='+' + peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)].replace('+',''); } else { peninfo[pjgs]=peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)]; } if (peninfo[pjgs] != '' && gsis.length > pjgs) { if (gsis[pjgs] == '') { gsis[pjgs]='//'; } } } \n";
// ... bad was ...echo "\n if (document.getElementById('defs')) { console.log(' attaChEdImage' + jgs + '=" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "'); document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\"><image xlink:href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; \n";
echo "\n alldefs=document.getElementsByTagName('defs'); if (alldefs.length > 0) { if (('' + alldefs[0].id) != '') { defsid=styleit('' + alldefs[0].id); } } if (document.getElementById(defsid)) { console.log(' attaChEdImage' + jgs + '=" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "'); document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\"><image xlink:href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; \n";
echo "\n if (document.getElementById(defsid) && gsis.length >= 1) { for (var jgs=0; jgs<gsis.length; jgs++) { if (gsis[jgs] != '') { console.log('attachedImage' + jgs + '=' + noemoji(gsis[jgs])); document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage' + jgs + '\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\"><image xlink:href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; } } } \n";
echo "\n var lastpl='', lastcx=-1, lastcy=-1, lastlx=-1, lastly=-1, gsuff='', linew='', postgs=[], gs=document.getElementsByTagName('g'), iigs=0, malt='';\n for (var igs=0; igs<gs.length; igs++) { \n if (peninfo.length > iigs) { \n malt=peninfo[iigs].replace('+','').trim(); \n } else { \n malt=''; \n } \n if (gsis.length > iigs) { \n if (fooc(gsis[iigs]) != '') { \n if (gsis[iigs].trim() == '') { \n gsuff='x'; \n } else { \n toa[1]=emojimaybe(gsis[iigs],malt,'></circle>',iigs); \n if (toa[1] == '></circle>') { \n toa[0]='<circle ' + refooc(lastfooc); \n toa[2]=' cx='; \n toa[3]=' cy='; \n toa[4]=' r='; \n toa[5]=' fill='; \n toa[6]=' stroke='; \n toa[7]=' stroke-width='; \n toa[8]=' opacity='; \n } else { \n toa[1]=toa[1].replace('>',' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + iigs + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\">'); \n toa[0]='<text '; \n toa[2]=' x='; \n toa[3]=' y='; \n toa[4]=' data-r='; \n toa[5]=' data-fill='; \n toa[6]=' data-stroke='; toa[7]=' data-stroke-width='; \n toa[8]=' data-opacity='; \n if (gsis[iigs].indexOf(' ') != -1) { \n gsis[iigs]=gsis[iigs].replace(gsis[iigs].split(' ')[0] + ' ',''); \n } \n } \n gsuff='' + iigs; \n } \n } else { \n gsuff=''; \n } \n } else { \n gsuff=''; \n } \n if (gsuff != 'x' && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text ','<circle ').indexOf('<circle') != -1 && (gs[igs].innerHTML + '*').replace('</text>*','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1) { \n if (peninfo.length > iigs) { \n if (peninfo[iigs].indexOf('+') != -1) { \n linew='<line title=\"' + gdis[eval(-1 + iigs)].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + ' to ' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" onmouseover=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" onclick=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" x1=\"' + lastcx + '\" y1=\"' + lastcy + '\" x2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" y2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" style=\"stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2\" />'; \n } \n } \n postgs=gs[igs].innerHTML.split(' fill='); \n gs[igs].innerHTML=tel(gs[igs].innerHTML.replace(' fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + postgs[1].substring(1).split(postgs[1].substring(0,1))[0], ' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + gsuff + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + 'url(#attachedImage' + gsuff + ')').replace(froma[0],toa[0]).replace(froma[1],toa[1]).replace(froma[2],toa[2]).replace(froma[3],toa[3]).replace(froma[4],toa[4]).replace(froma[5],toa[5]).replace(froma[6],toa[6]).replace(froma[7],toa[7]).replace(froma[8],toa[8])) + linew; } linew=''; if ((gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<line ','*<line ') + '*').replace('</text>','</circle>').replace('-stroke','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf(' onclick=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text x=','<text fill= ').indexOf('fill=') != -1) { lastcx=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastcy=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastlx=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0]; lastly=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1]; lastpl=gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' '); \n iigs++; \n } \n } \n } \n";
} else if (isset($_POST['aregeographicals'])) {
if ($ugare == "Y") {
if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",$ugare)), "http") !== false || isset($_POST['onclick'])) {
$upa=wlook(str_replace("+"," ",$ugare));
if (strpos(strtolower($gsis[0]), "http") === false) {
for ($jgsis=1; $jgsis<sizeof($gsis); $jgsis++) {
if ($igsis == 0 && strpos(strtolower($gsis[$jgsis]), "http") !== false) {
echo "\n var froma=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], toa=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], igsis=0, localgdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'), localgsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','), peninfo=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'); \n";
if (isset($_POST['peninfo'])) {
echo "\n peninfo=(\"" . $_POST['peninfo'] . "\").replace(/\,\ /g,',+').split(','); for (var pjgs=0; pjgs<peninfo.length; pjgs++) { if ((peninfo[pjgs] + ' ').substring(0,1) == '+') { peninfo[pjgs]='+' + peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)].replace('+',''); } else { peninfo[pjgs]=peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)]; } if (peninfo[pjgs] != '' && gsis.length > pjgs) { if (gsis[pjgs] == '') { gsis[pjgs]='//'; } } } \n";
echo "\n alldefs=document.getElementsByTagName('defs'); if (alldefs.length > 0) { if (('' + alldefs[0].id) != '') { defsid=styleit('' + alldefs[0].id); } } if (document.getElementById(defsid)) { console.log(' attaChedImage' + jgs + '=" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "'); document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\"><image xlink:href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; \n";
echo "\n if (document.getElementById(defsid) && gsis.length >= 1) { for (var jgs=0; jgs<gsis.length; jgs++) { if (gsis[jgs] != '') { console.log(' atTachedImage' + jgs + '=' + noemoji(gsis[jgs])); document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage' + jgs + '\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\"><image xlink:href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; } } } \n";
echo "\n var lastpl='', lastcx=-1, lastcy=-1, lastlx=-1, lastly=-1, gsuff='', linew='', postgs=[], gs=document.getElementsByTagName('g'), iigs=0, malt=''; for (var igs=0; igs<gs.length; igs++) { if (peninfo.length > iigs) { malt=peninfo[iigs].replace('+','').trim(); } else { malt=''; } if (gsis.length > iigs) { if (gsis[iigs] != '') { if (fooc(gsis[iigs]).trim() == '') { gsuff='x'; } else { toa[1]=emojimaybe(gsis[iigs],malt,'></circle>',iigs); if (toa[1] == '></circle>') { toa[0]='<circle ' + refooc(lastfooc); toa[2]=' cx='; toa[3]=' cy='; toa[4]=' r='; toa[5]=' fill='; toa[6]=' stroke='; toa[7]=' stroke-width='; toa[8]=' opacity='; } else { toa[1]=toa[1].replace('>',' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + iigs + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\">'); toa[0]='<text '; toa[2]=' x='; toa[3]=' y='; toa[4]=' data-r='; toa[5]=' data-fill='; toa[6]=' data-stroke='; toa[7]=' data-stroke-width='; toa[8]=' data-opacity='; if (gsis[iigs].indexOf(' ') != -1) { gsis[iigs]=gsis[iigs].replace(gsis[iigs].split(' ')[0] + ' ',''); } } gsuff='' + iigs; } } else { gsuff=''; } } else { gsuff=''; } if (gsuff != 'x' && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text ','<circle ').indexOf('<circle') != -1 && (gs[igs].innerHTML + '*').replace('</text>*','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1) { if (peninfo.length > iigs) { if (peninfo[iigs].indexOf('+') != -1) { linew='<line title=\"' + gdis[eval(-1 + iigs)].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + ' to ' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" onmouseover=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" onclick=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" x1=\"' + lastcx + '\" y1=\"' + lastcy + '\" x2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" y2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" style=\"stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2\" />'; } } postgs=gs[igs].innerHTML.split(' fill='); gs[igs].innerHTML=tel(gs[igs].innerHTML.replace(' fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + postgs[1].substring(1).split(postgs[1].substring(0,1))[0], ' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + gsuff + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + 'url(#attachedImage' + gsuff + ')').replace(froma[0],toa[0]).replace(froma[1],toa[1]).replace(froma[2],toa[2]).replace(froma[3],toa[3]).replace(froma[4],toa[4]).replace(froma[5],toa[5]).replace(froma[6],toa[6]).replace(froma[7],toa[7]).replace(froma[8],toa[8])) + linew; } linew=''; if ((gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<line ','*<line ') + '*').replace('</text>','</circle>').replace('-stroke','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf(' onclick=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text x=','<text fill= ').indexOf('fill=') != -1) { lastcx=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastcy=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastlx=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0]; lastly=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1]; lastpl=gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' '); iigs++; } } } \n";
} else if (isset($_GET['areplaces'])) {
if (strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['areplaces'])), "http") !== false || isset($_GET['onclick'])) {
if (strpos(strtolower($gsis[0]), "http") === false) {
for ($jgsis=1; $jgsis<sizeof($gsis); $jgsis++) {
if ($igsis == 0 && strpos(strtolower($gsis[$jgsis]), "http") !== false) {
echo "\n var froma=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], toa=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], igsis=0, localgdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'), localgsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','), peninfo=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'); \n";
if (isset($_GET['peninfo'])) {
echo "\n peninfo=(\"" . $_GET['peninfo'] . "\").replace(/\,\ /g,',+').split(','); for (var pjgs=0; pjgs<peninfo.length; pjgs++) { if ((peninfo[pjgs] + ' ').substring(0,1) == '+') { peninfo[pjgs]='+' + peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)].replace('+',''); } else { peninfo[pjgs]=peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)]; } if (peninfo[pjgs] != '' && gsis.length > pjgs) { if (gsis[pjgs] == '') { gsis[pjgs]='//'; } } } \n";
echo "\n alldefs=document.getElementsByTagName('defs'); if (alldefs.length > 0) { if (('' + alldefs[0].id) != '') { defsid=styleit('' + alldefs[0].id); } } if (document.getElementById(defsid)) { document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\"><image xlink:href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; \n";
echo "\n if (document.getElementById(defsid) && gsis.length >= 1) { for (var jgs=0; jgs<gsis.length; jgs++) { if (gsis[jgs] != '') { document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage' + jgs + '\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\"><image xlink:href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; } } } \n";
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} else if (isset($_POST['areplaces'])) {
if (strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_POST['areplaces'])), "http") !== false || isset($_POST['onclick'])) {
if (strpos(strtolower($gsis[0]), "http") === false) {
for ($jgsis=1; $jgsis<sizeof($gsis); $jgsis++) {
if ($igsis == 0 && strpos(strtolower($gsis[$jgsis]), "http") !== false) {
echo "\n var froma=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], toa=['<circle ','></circle>',' cx=',' cy=',' r=',' fill=',' stroke=',' stroke-width=',' opacity='], igsis=0, localgdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'), localgsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','), peninfo=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gsis=(\"" . $upa . "\").split(','); \n gdis=(\"" . $GETdata . "\").split(']'); \n";
if (isset($_POST['peninfo'])) {
echo "\n peninfo=(\"" . $_POST['peninfo'] . "\").replace(/\,\ /g,',+').split(','); for (var pjgs=0; pjgs<peninfo.length; pjgs++) { if ((peninfo[pjgs] + ' ').substring(0,1) == '+') { peninfo[pjgs]='+' + peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)].replace('+',''); } else { peninfo[pjgs]=peninfo[pjgs].split('|')[eval(-1 + peninfo[pjgs].split('|').length)]; } if (peninfo[pjgs] != '' && gsis.length > pjgs) { if (gsis[pjgs] == '') { gsis[pjgs]='//'; } } } \n";
echo "\n alldefs=document.getElementsByTagName('defs'); if (alldefs.length > 0) { if (('' + alldefs[0].id) != '') { defsid=styleit('' + alldefs[0].id); } } if (document.getElementById(defsid)) { document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\"><image xlink:href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" href = \"" . noemoji($gsis[$igsis]) . "\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; \n";
echo "\n if (document.getElementById(defsid) && gsis.length >= 1) { for (var jgs=0; jgs<gsis.length; jgs++) { if (gsis[jgs] != '') { document.getElementById(defsid).innerHTML+='<pattern id = \"attachedImage' + jgs + '\" height = \"100%\" width = \"100%\" patternContentUnits = \"objectBoundingBox\" title=\"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\"><image xlink:href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" href = \"' + noemoji(gsis[jgs]) + '\" preserveAspectRatio = \"none\" width = \"1\" height = \"1\"/></pattern>'; } } } \n";
echo "\n var lastpl='', lastcx=-1, lastcy=-1, lastlx=-1, lastly=-1, gsuff='', linew='', postgs=[], gs=document.getElementsByTagName('g'), iigs=0, malt=''; for (var igs=0; igs<gs.length; igs++) { if (peninfo.length > iigs) { malt=peninfo[iigs].replace('+','').trim(); } else { malt=''; } if (gsis.length > iigs) { if (gsis[iigs] != '') { if (fooc(gsis[iigs]).trim() == '') { gsuff='x'; } else { toa[1]=emojimaybe(gsis[iigs],malt,'></circle>',iigs); if (toa[1] == '></circle>') { toa[0]='<circle ' + refooc(lastfooc); toa[2]=' cx='; toa[3]=' cy='; toa[4]=' r='; toa[5]=' fill='; toa[6]=' stroke='; toa[7]=' stroke-width='; toa[8]=' opacity='; } else { toa[1]=toa[1].replace('>',' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + iigs + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\">'); toa[0]='<text '; toa[2]=' x='; toa[3]=' y='; toa[4]=' data-r='; toa[5]=' data-fill='; toa[6]=' data-stroke='; toa[7]=' data-stroke-width='; toa[8]=' data-opacity='; if (gsis[iigs].indexOf(' ') != -1) { gsis[iigs]=gsis[iigs].replace(gsis[iigs].split(' ')[0] + ' ',''); } } gsuff='' + iigs; } } else { gsuff=''; } } else { gsuff=''; } if (gsuff != 'x' && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text ','<circle ').indexOf('<circle') != -1 && (gs[igs].innerHTML + '*').replace('</text>*','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('fill=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1) { if (peninfo.length > iigs) { if (peninfo[iigs].indexOf('+') != -1) { linew='<line title=\"' + gdis[eval(-1 + iigs)].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + ' to ' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" onmouseover=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" onclick=\"tripd(this,' + lastlx + ',' + lastly + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0] + ',' + gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1] + ',true);\" x1=\"' + lastcx + '\" y1=\"' + lastcy + '\" x2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" y2=\"' + eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]) + '\" style=\"stroke:rgb(255,0,0);stroke-width:2\" />'; } } postgs=gs[igs].innerHTML.split(' fill='); gs[igs].innerHTML=tel(gs[igs].innerHTML.replace(' fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + postgs[1].substring(1).split(postgs[1].substring(0,1))[0], ' onclick=gck(' + ('~' + gsuff + '~').replace('~~','-1').replace('~','').replace('~','') + ',this); fill=\"#008000\" data-svggeo=\"' + ('' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[0].replace('[','').trim().replace(/^\|/g,'').replace(/\|$/g,'')).substring(0).trim() + '\" title=\"' + gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' ') + '\" fill=' + postgs[1].substring(0,1) + 'url(#attachedImage' + gsuff + ')').replace(froma[0],toa[0]).replace(froma[1],toa[1]).replace(froma[2],toa[2]).replace(froma[3],toa[3]).replace(froma[4],toa[4]).replace(froma[5],toa[5]).replace(froma[6],toa[6]).replace(froma[7],toa[7]).replace(froma[8],toa[8])) + linew; } linew=''; if ((gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<line ','*<line ') + '*').replace('</text>','</circle>').replace('-stroke','</circle>*').indexOf('</circle>*') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf('font-family=') == -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.indexOf(' onclick=') != -1 && gs[igs].innerHTML.replace('<text x=','<text fill= ').indexOf('fill=') != -1) { lastcx=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('x=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastcy=eval(gs[igs].innerHTML.split('y=\"')[1].split('\"')[0]); lastlx=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[0]; lastly=gdis[iigs].split('[')[1].split('|')[1]; lastpl=gdis[iigs].split('~')[1].replace(/\%20/g,' ').replace(/\_/g,' '); iigs++; } } } \n";


… in our the changed geo_chart.php Geo Chart interfacer.

Previous relevant Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Mainstream Interfacing Tutorial is shown below.

Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Mainstream Interfacing Tutorial

Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Mainstream Interfacing Tutorial

Yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Mainstream Primer Tutorial mentioned a three point plan …

  1. Help itself … map.php … phase 1
  2. Redirect to Image Chart Map Chart … map.php and/or geo_chart.php … just after first prompt … phase 2
  3. Caller form method=POST map.php action interventions at onsubmit event … non map.php … phase 3

… we find ourselves still dealing with the “first point” above regarding, where it rubs up against the first half of the second point (if all that makes sense), today.

This means we might now, with map.php user interfacing, present a Google Charts Image Chart Map Chart in various guises …

  • &iso=US-NJ|CA-AB suffix to the map title showing a non-legended cropped world view of that | delimited region codes list
  • &isoall=AU suffix to the map title showing a legended (initially) country view of country’s regions … toggleable to …
  • a world view of that same user setting (via click or right click)

… after that first prompt, if the user entered settings to indicate that desire.

We’ve moved on to a “four point” code section of relevance paradigm today, with …

var xiso='iso';
if (document.URL.indexOf('&iso') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('&iso=') == -1) {
xiso='iso' + document.URL.indexOf('&iso')[1].split('=')[0];
var isusdams='<?php echo (isset($_POST['iso']) ? trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['iso']))) : (isset($_GET['iso']) ? trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['iso']))) : '')); ?>';
if (xiso != 'iso' && isusdams == '') { isusdams=decodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('&' + xiso + '=')[1].split('&')[0]); }
//alert('xiso=' + xiso + ' and isusdams=' + isusdams);
if ( || isusdams.trim() != '') {
if (isusdams.trim() != '') {
if (isusdams.indexOf(';') == -1) { isusdams+=';'; }
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/dams_usa.htm') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/australian_') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/ireland_') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/new_zealand_') != -1) {
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (parent.document.URL.indexOf('/tz_places.php?iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=parent.document.URL.split('/tz_places.php?iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/tz_places.php?iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=top.document.URL.split('/tz_places.php?iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('&iso') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('&iso')[1].split('=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
if (isusdams != '') { // amapidgeo
if (document.getElementById('amapidgeo')) {
} else {
setTimeout(latergeoclick, 5000);

… and …

<?php echo ”

function gogeo(usug) {
if (documentURL.indexOf('data=') != -1) {
if ((documentURL + '~').indexOf('&data=~') != -1 && ('' + pardata).replace('undefined','') != '') {
documentURL=documentURL + pardata;
var isdfrom='youllneverfindthis';
var isdto='youllneverfindthis';
var isfrom='youllneverfindthis';
var isto='youllneverfindthis';
var xiso='iso';
if (document.URL.indexOf('&iso') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('&iso=') == -1) {
xiso='iso' + document.URL.indexOf('&iso')[1].split('=')[0];
isdfrom='&iso' + document.URL.split('&iso')[1].split('=')[0] + '=';
var isusdams='" . (isset($_POST['iso']) ? trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['iso']))) : (isset($_GET['iso']) ? trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['iso']))) : '')) . "';
if (xiso != 'iso' && isusdams == '') { isusdams=decodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('&' + xiso + '=')[1].split('&')[0]); }
if ( || isusdams.trim() != '') {
if (isusdams.trim() != '') {
if (isusdams.indexOf(';') == -1) { isusdams+=';'; }
if (eval('' + isusdams.length) > 3) { isfrom=isusdams.substring(0,3); isto=isusdams.substring(0,2) + ';'; }
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/dams_usa.htm') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/australian_') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/ireland_') != -1) {
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/new_zealand_') != -1) {
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (parent.document.URL.indexOf('/tz_places.php?iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=parent.document.URL.split('/tz_places.php?iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (top.document.URL.indexOf('/tz_places.php?iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=top.document.URL.split('/tz_places.php?iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('iso=') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('iso=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('&iso') != -1) {
isusdams=document.URL.split('&iso')[1].split('=')[1].split('&')[0].split('#')[0] + ';';
isdfrom='&iso' + document.URL.split('&iso')[1].split('=')[0] + '=';
if (isusdams != '') {
locationhref=toolong((documentURL.replace(isdfrom,isdto) + '%20,%20[-90.0|0.0|~%20~,999999999]').replace('/Map', '/GeoChart').replace('map.php', 'geo_chart.php').replace('?','?width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=&aregeographicals=y&').replace('title=','title=' + (isusdams + ' ').substring(0,3).trim().replace(isfrom,isto)).replace(/\=\,/g,'=').replace(/\,\~/g,'|~').replace(/0\,/g,'0|').replace(/1\,/g,'1|').replace(/2\,/g,'2|').replace(/3\,/g,'3|').replace(/4\,/g,'4|').replace(/5\,/g,'5|').replace(/6\,/g,'6|').replace(/7\,/g,'7|').replace(/8\,/g,'8|').replace(/9\,/g,'9|').replace('%27|%20','%27,%20').replace('%27|','%27,').replace(/\~\]/g,'~,1]'));
} else {
locationhref=toolong((documentURL.replace(isdfrom,isdto) + '%20,%20[-90.0|0.0|~%20~,999999999]').replace('/Map', '/GeoChart').replace('map.php', 'geo_chart.php').replace('?','?width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=&aregeographicals=y&').replace(/\=\,/g,'=').replace(/\,\~/g,'|~').replace(/0\,/g,'0|').replace(/1\,/g,'1|').replace(/2\,/g,'2|').replace(/3\,/g,'3|').replace(/4\,/g,'4|').replace(/5\,/g,'5|').replace(/6\,/g,'6|').replace(/7\,/g,'7|').replace(/8\,/g,'8|').replace(/9\,/g,'9|').replace('%27|%20','%27,%20').replace('%27|','%27,').replace(/\~\]/g,'~,1]'));
//locationhref=toolong((documentURL + ',[-90.0,0.0,~%20~,999999999]').replace('/Map', '/GeoChart').replace('map.php', 'geo_chart.php').replace('?','?width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=&aregeographicals=' + agy + '&').replace(/\=\,/g,'=').replace(/\,\~/g,'|~').replace(/0\,/g,'0|').replace(/1\,/g,'1|').replace(/2\,/g,'2|').replace(/3\,/g,'3|').replace(/4\,/g,'4|').replace(/5\,/g,'5|').replace(/6\,/g,'6|').replace(/7\,/g,'7|').replace(/8\,/g,'8|').replace(/9\,/g,'9|').replace('%27|%20','%27,%20').replace('%27|','%27,').replace(/\~\]/g,'~,1]'));
//locationhref=toolong((documentURL + '').replace('/Map', '/GeoChart').replace('map.php', 'geo_chart.php').replace('?','?width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=&aregeographicals=' + agy + '&').replace(/\=\,/g,'=').replace(/\,\~/g,'|~').replace(/0\,/g,'0|').replace(/1\,/g,'1|').replace(/2\,/g,'2|').replace(/3\,/g,'3|').replace(/4\,/g,'4|').replace(/5\,/g,'5|').replace(/6\,/g,'6|').replace(/7\,/g,'7|').replace(/8\,/g,'8|').replace(/9\,/g,'9|').replace('%27|%20','%27,%20').replace('%27|','%27,').replace(/\~\]/g,'~,1]'));
} else {
if (locationhref != '#') { location.href=locationhref; } locationhref='';

“; ?>

… and within the map.php interactivity logic

<?php echo ”

function yourprompt(blb, defa) {
if (('' + location.hash).indexOf('title=') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('&') == -1) {
return decodeURIComponent(('' + location.hash).split('title=')[1].split('&')[0]);
} else if (document.URL.indexOf('title=') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('&') == -1) {
return decodeURIComponent(document.URL.split('title=')[1].split('=')[1].split('&')[0]);
return ourprompt(blb, defa);

// used at ...
echo ' var title = yourprompt("Enter Map Title (background image URL or image data URI ; separated (followed by ;) before title are options, and suffix by &iso=BR for BR as example of ISO country code for Brazil or &isoall=AU for regions of AU as country code of Australia or &iso=US-NJ|CA-AB example of regions of interest and suffix by &lines=y for overlay clickable link lines and/or suffix by &onclick=y for all onclick functionalities such as &brgplace=[1] for Bearing Distance table and perhaps &brgmode=trip for that table in trip order). Email Attachment Title suffixes are &emailto=[emailTo] &emailsubject=[EmailSubject] ... ' . $promptsuffix . '", "' . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)). '"); ' . "\n";

“; ?>

… and …

<?php echo ”

function dllb() {
var qpw=0;
var justiso=true;
if (('' + location.hash).indexOf('title=') != -1 && document.URL.indexOf('&') == -1) {
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// rest of usual dllb "onload" event logic follows ...

“; ?>

… in the changed map.php.php PHP code for our inhouse Google Chart Map Chart interfacer.

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