1) { $voice=$mvins[1]; for ($ilx=0; $ilx= 23) { $found=true; file_put_contents('./sayspare.php', $contis); file_put_contents('./say.php', str_replace('?' . '>', "\n $" . $lcode . '="' . $transblurb . '";' . "\n" . '?' . '>', $contis)); } } } $fromb=str_replace("_"," ",str_replace("-v_" . $mvins[1] . "_","",trim($mvin))); $frombs=explode(",", $fromb); if ($found) { // Playing 500 or bridge card game $pbcg=trim(str_replace(" 500 "," ",$transbits[0])); $pg=trim(str_replace($transbits[21],$transbits[22],$transbits[0])); if (strpos($fromb, "In your bridge card game") !== false) { $pg=$pbcg; } $intrick=trim(str_replace("23","",$transbits[5])); $passedword=trim(str_replace("41","",$transbits[7])); $doubleword=trim(str_replace("31","",$transbits[8])); $redoubleword=trim(str_replace("21","",$transbits[9])); $bidword="with bid"; $tostarttrick="to start trick"; $trickword="trick"; $andword="and"; $winword="win"; $withword="with"; $congrats="Congratulations"; $andweshow=trim($transbits[11]); $fbis=''; $cbis=''; $afterfbis=''; $fbis1=''; $fbis2=''; $fbis3=''; $fbis4=''; $cbis2=''; $cbis1=''; $cbis3=''; $cbis4=''; $fbb=''; $stp=''; $stn=''; $clubs="Clubs"; $ofword="of"; $ofclubs=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[16])); $ofspades=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[17])); $ofhearts=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[18])); $ofdiamonds=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[19])); $joker=trim($transbits[20]); $jack=str_replace($ofspades,"",$transbits[3]); $queen=str_replace($ofhearts,"",$transbits[4]); $king=str_replace($ofdiamonds,"",$transbits[5]); $ace=str_replace($ofclubs,"",$transbits[6]); $notrumps="No Trumps"; $byword="by"; $winblurb=""; $scare=""; if (strpos($transbits[2], "51") !== false && strpos($transbits[2], " 1") !== false) { if (strpos($transbits[2], "51") < strpos($transbits[2], " 1")) { $bidword=trim(explode(" 1", explode("51", $transbits[2])[1])[0]); $clubs=strtolower(trim(explode(" 1", explode("51", $transbits[2])[1])[1])); $ofword=trim(str_replace(strtolower($clubs), "", strtolower($ofclubs))); } else { $bidword=trim(explode("51", explode(" 1", $transbits[2])[1])[0]); $clubs=strtolower(trim(explode("51", explode(" 1", $transbits[2])[1])[1])); $ofword=trim(str_replace(strtolower($clubs), "", strtolower($ofclubs))); } } if (strpos($transbits[2], $ofword) !== false) { $notrumps=strtolower(trim(explode($ofword, $transbits[2])[1])); } else { $notrumps=strtolower(trim(explode("91", $transbits[2])[1])); } $spades=trim(str_replace($ofword,"",strtolower($ofspades))); $hearts=trim(str_replace($ofword,"",strtolower($ofhearts))); $diamonds=trim(str_replace($ofword,"",strtolower($ofdiamonds))); if (strpos($transbits[23], "5") !== false && strpos($transbits[23], "6") !== false) { $trickword=trim(explode("6", explode("5",trim($transbits[23])[0])[0])); $andword=trim(explode("6", explode("5",trim($transbits[23])[1])[0])); if (strpos($transbits[23], " " . $andword . " ") !== false) { $ands=explode(" " . $andword . " ", $transbits[23]); $winword=explode(",", $ands[1])[0]; if (sizeof($ands) > 2) { $congrats=explode(",", $ands[2])[0]; } } } if (strpos($fromb, 'cores are ') !== false) { $scare=str_replace(" 0 0 0 0", "", $transbits[14]) . explode('cores are ', $fromb)[1]; } else if (strpos($fromb, ' trick scores ') !== false) { $scare=' trick scores ' . explode(' trick scores ', $fromb)[1]; $scare=str_replace(' trick scores ', ' ' . str_replace(" 0 0 0 0", "", $transbits[14]), $scare); $scare=str_replace(' game score ', ' ' . str_replace(" 456", "", $transbits[15]), $scare); $scare=str_replace(' team scores ', ' ' . str_replace(" 8 0", "", $transbits[24]), $scare); $scare=str_replace(" and ", $andword, $scare); } if (strpos($fromb, 'ongratulations,') !== false) { $winblurb=" " . trim(explode(',', explode('ongratulations,', $fromb)[1])[0]) . ' ' . $winword . ' ' . $trickword . ' ' . explode(' ', explode('rick ', $fromb)[1])[0] . ', '; } if (strpos($transbits[23], "7") !== false && strpos($transbits[23], "6") !== false) { $withword=trim(explode("7", explode("6",trim($transbits[23])[1])[0])); } if (strpos($transbits[23], "7") !== false && strpos($transbits[23], "8") !== false) { $byword=trim(explode("8", explode("7",trim($transbits[23])[1])[0])); } if (strpos($transbits[12], " 2") !== false && strpos($transbits[12], " 9") !== false) { if (strpos($transbits[12], " 2") < strpos($transbits[12], " 9")) { $tostarttrick=trim(explode(" 9", explode(" 2", $transbits[12])[1])[0]); } else { $tostarttrick=trim(explode(" 2", explode(" 9", $transbits[12])[1])[0]); } } //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx0z", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); if (strpos($fromb, ' follow suit') !== false) { if (sizeof($frombs) > 1) { $fromb=$frombs[1] . ', ' . $transbits[1]; } else { $fromb=$people[0] . ', ' . $transbits[1]; } //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx0a", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); } else if (strpos($fromb, 'incorrect') !== false) { if (sizeof($frombs) > 1) { $fromb=$frombs[1] . ', ' . $transbits[10]; } else { $fromb=$people[0] . ', ' . $transbits[10]; } //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx0b", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); } else if (strpos($fromb, ' with final bid ') !== false && strpos($fromb, ' by ') !== false && strpos($fromb, ' started trick ') !== false) { $fbis=trim(explode(" by ", explode(" with final bid ", $fromb)[1])[0]); if (strpos($fromb, " after ") !== false) { $afterfbis=trim(explode(" started trick ", explode(" after ", $fromb)[1])[0]); $fbis1=$afterfbis; $cbis1=explode(" and ", explode(" with ", explode(" after ", $fromb)[1])[1])[0]; } else { $fbis1=trim(explode(",", explode(" started trick ", $fromb)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(",", explode(" started trick ", $fromb)[0]))]); $cbis1=explode(" and ", explode(" with ", $fromb)[2])[0]; } $fbb=trim(explode(",", explode(" by ", explode(" with final bid ", $fromb)[1])[1])[0]); $stp=trim(explode(" started trick ", explode(" with final bid " . $fbis . " by " . $fbb . ",", $fromb)[1])[0]); $stn=trim(explode(" ", explode(" started trick ", $fromb)[1])[0]); $anda=explode(" and ", $fromb); if (strpos($anda[0], " with ") !== false) { $cbis=explode(" and ", explode(" with ", $anda[0])[1])[0]; } // Reword translated words for card game scenarios if (strpos($fromb, ' final bid ') !== false && strpos($fromb, 'n your ') !== false) { if (strpos($fromb, 'ongratulations,') !== false) { $fromb=$congrats . ", " . $winblurb . $pg; } else { $fromb=$pg; } //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx1", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); $fromb.=" " . $bidword . " " . str_replace(" no trumps", " " . $notrumps, str_replace(" clubs", " " . $clubs, str_replace(" spades", " " . $spades, str_replace(" diamonds", " " . $diamonds, str_replace(" hearts", " " . $hearts, str_replace("Jack", $jack, str_replace("Queen", $queen, str_replace("Ace", $ace, str_replace("Joker", $joker, str_replace("King", $king, strtolower($cbis1))))))))))); // $fbis //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx2", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); $fromb.=" " . $byword . " " . $fbis . ", "; //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx3", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); $fromb.=$fbis1 . " " . $tostarttrick . " " . $stn . " " . $withword . " " . str_replace(" of Clubs", " " . $ofclubs, str_replace(" of Spades", " " . $ofspades, str_replace(" of Diamonds", " " . $ofdiamonds, str_replace(" of Hearts", " " . $ofhearts, str_replace("Jack", $jack, str_replace("Queen", $queen, str_replace("Ace", $ace, str_replace("Joker", $joker, str_replace("King", $king, $cbis1))))))))); //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx4", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); if (strpos($fromb, 'ongratulations,') !== false) { $fromb.=" " . $congrats . ", " . $bidword . " " . str_replace(" no trumps", " " . $notrumps, str_replace(" clubs", " " . $clubs, str_replace(" spades", " " . $spades, str_replace(" diamonds", " " . $diamonds, str_replace(" hearts", " " . $hearts, str_replace("Jack", $jack, str_replace("Queen", $queen, str_replace("Ace", $ace, str_replace("Joker", $joker, str_replace("King", $king, strtolower($cbis1))))))))))); // $fbis //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx5", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); } } else if (strpos($fromb, 'ongratulations,') !== false) { $fromb=$congrats . ", " . $winblurb . $andword . " " . $scare; //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx9", "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""); } for ($ibn=1; $ibn', "\n $" . $lcode . '="' . $transblurb . '";' . "\n" . '?' . '>', $contis)); } } } } if (isset($_GET['say'])) { if ($_GET['say'] == "") { exec("say hello world"); $title="Just said ... hello world"; } else { $cexec=''; $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say']))) . ";"); $title="Just said ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say']))); if (isset($_GET['say2'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say2']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say2']))); if (isset($_GET['say3'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say3']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say3']))); if (isset($_GET['say4'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say4']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say4']))); if (isset($_GET['say5'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say5']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say5']))); if (isset($_GET['say6'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say6']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say6']))); if (isset($_GET['say7'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say7']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say7']))); if (isset($_GET['say8'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say8']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say8']))); if (isset($_GET['say9'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say9']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say9']))); if (isset($_GET['say10'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say10']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say10']))); } } } } } } } } } //echo $cexec; //exit; if ($cexec != '') exec($cexec); } } else if (isset($_POST['say'])) { if ($_POST['say'] == "") { exec("say hello world"); $title="Just said ... hello world"; } else { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say']))) . ""); $title="Just said ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say']))); if (isset($_POST['say2'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say2']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say2']))); if (isset($_POST['say3'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say3']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say3']))); if (isset($_POST['say4'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say4']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say4']))); if (isset($_POST['say5'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say5']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say5']))); if (isset($_POST['say6'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say6']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say6']))); if (isset($_POST['say7'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say7']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say7']))); if (isset($_POST['say8'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say8']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say8']))); if (isset($_POST['say9'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say9']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say9']))); if (isset($_POST['say10'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say10']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say10']))); } } } } } } } } } } } if (1 == 1) { echo " " . $title . "

Text to English Speech via MAMP Web Server

What You Want to Hear:
And Then:
And Back to You:

"; } $it="Giocando a un gioco di carte da 500 bridge, potresti seguire il seme, 51 con dichiarazione di 1 fiori, jack di picche, regina di cuori, re di quadri, asso di fiori, 41 passati, 31 raddoppiati, 21 raddoppiati, ma errati, mostriamo il principale offerente carte a tutti, gioca 2 per iniziare la presa 9 e vincere e congratulazioni, quindi gioca 91 senza briscola, quindi il punteggio è 0 0 0 0, il punteggio del gioco è 456, 7 di fiori, 7 di picche, 7 di cuori, 7 di quadri , jolly, gioco di carte bridge, gioco di carte, nelle prese 5 e 6 con 7 per 8, il punteggio della squadra è 8 0"; //$wasit="Giocando a 500 carte bridge, potresti seguire il seme, 51 con dichiarazione di 1 fiori, jack di picche, regina di cuori, re di quadri, asso di fiori, 41 passati, 31 raddoppiati, 21 raddoppiati, non è corretto e mostriamo il miglior offerente carte partner a tutti e gioca 2 per iniziare la presa 9, quindi gioca 91 di fiori, quindi il punteggio è 0 0 0 0, il punteggio del gioco è 456, 7 di fiori, 7 di picche, 7 di cuori, 7 di quadri, jolly, gioco di carte bridge, gioco di carte, nella presa 5, il punteggio della squadra è 8 0"; $de="Wenn Sie 500 Bridge-Kartenspiele spielen, können Sie dem Beispiel folgen, 51 mit Gebot 1-Schlägern, Pik-Wagenheber, Königin der Herzen, König der Diamanten, Ass der Schläger, 41 bestanden, 31 verdoppelt, 21 verdoppelt, aber falsch, wir zeigen den führenden Bieter-Partner Karten an alle, spielt 2, um Trick 9 zu starten und zu gewinnen und zu gratulieren, dann spiele 91 ohne Trümpfe, also ist die Punktzahl 0 0 0 0, die Punktzahl 456, 7 der Vereine, 7 der Pik, 7 der Herzen, 7 der Diamanten , Joker, Bridge-Kartenspiel, Kartenspiel, in Trick 5 und 6 mit 7 mal 8 beträgt die Teamwertung 8 0"; $fr="En jouant à 500 jeux de cartes de bridge, vous pouvez emboîter le pas, 51 avec l'offre 1 clubs, valet de pique, reine de cœur, roi de carreau, as de trèfle, 41 réussis, 31 doublés, 21 redoublés, mais incorrect, nous montrons le meilleur soumissionnaire partenaire cartes à tout le monde, joue 2 pour commencer le tour 9 et gagnez et félicitations, puis jouez 91 sans atouts, donc le score est de 0 0 0 0, le score du jeu est de 456, 7 de clubs, 7 de pique, 7 de cœur, 7 de carreau , joker, jeu de cartes de bridge, jeu de cartes, dans les figures 5 et 6 avec 7 par 8, le score de l'équipe est de 8 0"; $es="Jugando al juego de cartas de puente 500, podría seguir su ejemplo, 51 con tréboles de oferta 1, sota de espadas, reina de corazones, rey de diamantes, as de tréboles, 41 pasado, 31 duplicado, 21 redoblado, pero incorrecto, mostramos el socio líder en la oferta cartas para todos, juega 2 para comenzar el truco 9 y gana y felicitaciones, luego juega 91 de ningún triunfo, por lo que el puntaje es 0 0 0 0, el puntaje del juego es 456, 7 de tréboles, 7 de espadas, 7 de corazones, 7 de diamantes , comodín, juego de cartas de bridge, juego de cartas, en el truco 5 y 6 con 7 por 8, la puntuación del equipo es 8 0"; $pt="Jogando 500 cartas de bridge, você pode seguir o naipe, 51 com lance 1 de paus, valete de espadas, dama de copas, rei de ouros, ás de paus, 41 passados, 31 dobrados, 21 redobrados, mas incorreto, mostramos o principal licitante cartas para todos, joga 2 para começar o truque 9 e vence e parabéns, então joga 91 sem trunfos, então a pontuação é 0 0 0 0, a pontuação do jogo é 456, 7 de paus, 7 de espadas, 7 de copas, 7 de ouros , coringa, jogo de cartas de bridge, jogo de cartas, na manobra 5 e 6 com 7 por 8, pontuação da equipe é 8 0"; $zh="玩500张纸牌游戏,您可以跟进,有51个竞标1个俱乐部,黑桃杰克,红桃皇后,钻石之王,俱乐部王牌,41个通过,31个加倍,21个加倍,但不正确,我们向竞标者显示了领先的伙伴 给所有人发牌,打2来开始第9招并赢得胜利,然后打91而不是王牌,所以得分为0 0 0 0,比赛得分为456,俱乐部7,黑桃7,红心7,钻石7 ,小丑,桥牌游戏,纸牌游戏,在技巧5和6中以7乘8进行,团队得分为8 0"; $th="เล่นเกมไพ่บริดจ์ 500 เกมคุณสามารถทำตามชุดได้ 51 แต้มด้วยการเสนอราคา 1 คลับแจ็คโพดำราชินีแห่งหัวใจราชาแห่งเพชรเอซคลับ 41 ครั้งผ่าน 31 แต้มเพิ่ม 21 แต้ม แต่ไม่ถูกต้องเราแสดงพันธมิตรผู้เสนอราคาชั้นนำ ไพ่สำหรับทุกคนเล่น 2 เพื่อเริ่มเคล็ดลับ 9 และชนะและขอแสดงความยินดีจากนั้นเล่น 91 จากไม่สำคัญดังนั้นคะแนนคือ 0 0 0 0 คะแนนเกมคือ 456, 7 ไม้กอล์ฟ, 7 โพดำ, 7 หัวใจ, 7 เพชร , โจ๊กเกอร์, เกมไพ่บริดจ์, เกมไพ่, ในเคล็ดลับ 5 และ 6 ด้วย 7 โดย 8 คะแนนทีมคือ 8 0"; $hi="500 ब्रिज कार्ड गेम खेलते हुए, आप सूट का पालन कर सकते हैं, 51 बोली 1 क्लब के साथ, जैक ऑफ स्पेड्स, दिलों की रानी, हीरे का राजा, क्लबों का इक्का, 41 पास, 31 दोगुना, 21 दोगुना, लेकिन गलत, हम अग्रणी बोलीदाता साथी दिखाते हैं सभी के लिए कार्ड, चाल 9 शुरू करने के लिए 2 खेलता है और जीतता है और बधाई देता है, फिर 91 बिना ट्रम्प के खेलता है, इसलिए स्कोर 0 0 0 0 है, खेल का स्कोर 456 है, क्लबों का 7, हुकुम का 7, दिल का 7, हीरे का 7 , जोकर, ब्रिज कार्ड गेम, कार्ड गेम, चाल 5 और 6 में 7 बटा 8 के साथ, टीम स्कोर 8 0 . है"; $ja="500ブリッジカードゲームをプレイすると、スーツをフォローできます。51はビッド1クラブ、ジャックオブスペード、クイーンオブハート、キングオブダイアモンド、エースオブクラブ、41パス、31ダブル、21ダブルですが、間違っています。主要なビッダーパートナーを示しています。 全員にカードを送り、2をプレイしてトリック9を開始し、勝っておめでとう、そして91の切り札をプレイしないので、スコアは0 0 0 0、ゲームのスコアは456、クラブの7、スペードの7、ハートの7、ダイヤモンドの7です。 、ジョーカー、ブリッジカードゲーム、カードゲーム、トリック5と6で7 x 8、チームスコアは80"; $ru="Играя в карточную игру «500 бридж», вы можете последовать примеру 51 со ставкой 1 треф, валет пик, дама червей, бубновый король, туз треф, 41 пас, 31 удвоение, 21 удвоение, но неверно, мы показываем ведущего партнера-участника торгов карты всем, сыграйте 2, чтобы начать взятку 9 и выиграть и поздравить, затем сыграйте 91 без козырей, так что счет будет 0 0 0 0, счет игры 456, 7 треф, 7 пик, 7 червей, 7 бубен , джокер, бридж карточная игра, карточная игра, в трюках 5 и 6 с 7 на 8, командный счет 8 0"; $pl="Grając w grę karcianą 500 brydżową, możesz pójść w ten sam sposób, 51 z licytacją 1 trefl, walet pik, dama kier, król kar, as trefl, 41 spasowanych, 31 podwojonych, 21 podwojonych, ale niepoprawnie, pokazujemy wiodącego partnera licytanta karty dla wszystkich, gra 2, aby rozpocząć lewę 9 i wygrać i gratulacje, a następnie zagrać 91 bez atutów, więc wynik to 0 0 0 0, wynik w grze to 456, 7 trefl, 7 pik, 7 kier, 7 kar , joker, gra karciana w brydża, gra karciana, w lewie 5 i 6 z 7 na 8, wynik drużyny to 8 0"; $nl="Als u 500 bridge-kaartspel speelt, zou u kleur kunnen volgen, 51 met bod 1 klaveren, schoppenboer, hartenvrouw, ruitenheer, klaverenaas, 41 geslaagd, 31 verdubbeld, 21 verdubbeld, maar onjuist, we tonen de partner van de leidende bieder kaarten voor iedereen, speelt 2 om truc 9 te starten en te winnen en gefeliciteerd, speel dan 91 zonder troeven, dus score is 0 0 0 0, spelscore is 456, klaveren 7, schoppen 7, harten 7, ruiten 7 , joker, bridge-kaartspel, kaartspel, in slag 5 en 6 met 7 bij 8, teamscore is 8 0"; $sv="Om du spelar 500 bridge-kortspel kan du följa efter, 51 med bud 1-klubbar, spadejack, drottning av hjärtan, kung av diamanter, ess av klubbar, 41 passerade, 31 dubblade, 21 fördubblade, men felaktiga, vi visar ledande budgivarpartner kort till alla, spelar 2 för att starta trick 9 och vinna och gratulera, spela sedan 91 utan trumf, så poängen är 0 0 0 0, spelpoängen är 456, 7 klubbar, 7 spader, 7 hjärtan, 7 diamanter , joker, bridge-kortspel, kortspel, i trick 5 och 6 med 7 och 8, lagpoängen är 8 0"; $da="Når du spiller 500 bridge-kortspil, kan du følge trop, 51 med bud 1-klubber, spadestik, dronning af hjerter, konge af diamanter, ess af klubber, 41 bestået, 31 fordoblet, 21 fordoblet, men forkert, vi viser førende byderpartner kort til alle, spiller 2 for at starte trick 9 og vinde og tillykke, spil derefter 91 uden trumf, så score er 0 0 0 0, game score er 456, 7 af klubber, 7 af spar, 7 af hjerter, 7 af diamanter , joker, bridge-kortspil, kortspil, i trick 5 og 6 med 7 efter 8 er holdresultatet 8 0"; $el="Παίζοντας 500 παιχνίδια καρτών γέφυρας, θα μπορούσατε να ακολουθήσετε το ίδιο, 51 με κλαμπ προσφοράς 1, τζακ μπαστούνι, βασίλισσα καρδιών, βασιλιάς διαμαντιών, άσσο κλαμπ, 41 πέρασαν, 31 διπλασιάστηκαν, 21 διπλασιάστηκαν, αλλά λανθασμένα, δείχνουμε τον κορυφαίο συνεργάτη πλειοδότη χαρτιά σε όλους, παίζει 2 για να ξεκινήσει το κόλπο 9 και κερδίστε και συγχαρητήρια, έπειτα παίξτε 91 χωρίς ατού, οπότε το σκορ είναι 0 0 0 0, το σκορ του παιχνιδιού είναι 456, 7 κλαμπ, 7 μπαστούνια, 7 καρδιές, 7 διαμάντια , τζόκερ, παιχνίδι καρτών γέφυρας, παιχνίδι καρτών, στο κόλπο 5 και 6 με 7 επί 8, το σκορ ομάδας είναι 8 0"; $id="Memainkan permainan kartu 500 bridge, Anda bisa mengikutinya, 51 dengan bid 1 klab, jack of spades, queen of heart, king of diamonds, ace of club, 41 passing, 31 doubled, 21 digandakan, tapi salah, kami tunjukkan partner bidder terdepan kartu untuk semua orang, mainkan 2 untuk memulai trik 9 dan menang dan selamat, kemudian mainkan 91 tanpa kartu truf, jadi skornya adalah 0 0 0 0, skor permainan adalah 456, 7 klub, 7 sekop, 7 hati, 7 berlian , joker, permainan kartu bridge, permainan kartu, di trik 5 dan 6 dengan 7 x 8, skor tim adalah 8 0"; ?>