// details_hash.js // RJM Programming // September, 2020 // Hashtag navigate to an "a" tag above a "details/summary" pairing via their onclick event(s) var initiallynone=false; function makeDelayedHandler(f, time){ // Delay execution of event handler function "f" by "time" ms, thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3048005/document-onclick-settimeout-function-javascript-help return function(e){ var ev = e || window.event; setTimeout(function(){ f(ev); }, time); }; } function checkds(e) { var ois = (e && e.target) || (event && event.srcElement); var dpp=ois.getAttribute('data-preid').replace(/^null$/g, '').replace(/^undefined$/g, ''); var dld=ois.getAttribute('data-lastid').replace(/^null$/g, '').replace(/^undefined$/g, ''); if (ois.parentElement && ois.outerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(' 0) { var inelems=document.getElementsByTagName('*'); nodetails=false; if (initiallynone) { initiallynone=false; setTimeout(lookfordsa, 3000); return; } bihis=document.body.innerHTML; for (var iplj=0; iplj~') != -1) { fbefore='