1 && strlen($ourtitles[0]) > 3 && (strpos(strtolower($ourtitles[0]), "//") !== false || strpos(strtolower($ourtitles[0]), "data:") !== false)) { while (sizeof($ourtitles) > 1 && strlen($ourtitles[0]) > 3 && (strpos(strtolower($ourtitles[0]), "//") !== false || strpos(strtolower($ourtitles[0]), "data:") !== false)) { $burl=""; // Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8828076/how-can-i-hack-a-background-image-into-google-chart-tools-dynamic-javascript-s if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "data:") !== false) { $burl=str_replace("%2b","+","data:" . explode(" ", explode("data:", substr($ourtitles[0],0,20) . explode(";",substr($ourtitles[0],20))[0] . " " )[1])[0]); } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "DATA:") !== false) { $burl=str_replace("%2b","+","data:" . explode(" ", explode("DATA:", substr($ourtitles[0],0,20) . explode(";",substr($ourtitles[0],20))[0] . " " )[1])[0]); } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "Data:") !== false) { $burl=str_replace("%2b","+","data:" . explode(" ", explode("Data:", substr($ourtitles[0],0,20) . explode(";",substr($ourtitles[0],20))[0] . " " )[1])[0]); } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "https://") !== false) { $burl="https://" . explode(" ", explode("https://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "Https://") !== false) { $burl="Https://" . explode(" ", explode("Https://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "HTTPS://") !== false) { $burl="HTTPS://" . explode(" ", explode("HTTPS://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "http://") !== false) { $burl="http://" . explode(" ", explode("http://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "Http://") !== false) { $burl="Http://" . explode(" ", explode("Http://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitles[0], "HTTP://") !== false) { $burl="HTTP://" . explode(" ", explode("HTTP://", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } else { $burl="//" . explode(" ", explode("//", $ourtitles[0])[1])[0]; } if ($burl != "") { $ourmimetype=""; if (strpos($burl, "data:") === false) { $ourext=explode(".", $burl)[-1 + sizeof(explode(".", $burl))]; for ($im=0; $im"; } else { $bdivend=str_replace("", "", $bdivend); } } else if (strpos($burl, "video/") !== false || strpos($ourmimetype, "video/") !== false) { if ($bdivstart == "") $bdivstart="
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";" . $ourtitles[1]; } } else { $nondefs=$nondefs; } } } function latlongmassage($inll) { global $isoneorother, $gcalled_by; if ($gcalled_by == "pie_chart") return '' . $inll; if ($gcalled_by == "intensity_chart") return '' . $inll; $gch="-0123456789."; $foi=0; $llfactor=1.0; $nfcis=1.0; $isoneorother=0; if (is_numeric($inll)) return '' . $inll; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"n") !== false) $isoneorother=-1; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"s") !== false) $llfactor=-1.0; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"s") !== false) $isoneorother=-1; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"e") !== false) $isoneorother=1; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"e") !== false) $llfactor=-1.0; if (strpos(strtolower($inll),"w") !== false) $isoneorother=1; $pvalis=0.0; $cpvalis=""; if ($llfactor == -1) $inll=str_replace("-","",$inll); for ($iwe=0; $iwe 1.1) { return '' . ($pvalis * $llfactor); } return '' . $inll; } function read_and_array($viaurl, $calledby) { global $isoneorother, $gcalled_by; $gcalled_by=$called_by; $onei=1; $onev=3; $placefirst=true; $latpos=0; $longpos=1; $outcsvis=""; $outcsvisd=","; $ioff=0; if (strpos($calledby, ".php") !== false && strpos($calledby, "pie_chart") !== false) { $ioff=1; $onev=(3 - $ioff); } if (strpos(('`' . str_replace('https','http',strtolower($viaurl))), "`http;") !== false) { $conturl=substr(str_replace('https','http',str_replace('HTTP','http',str_replace('Http','http',$viaurl))),5); } else { $conturl=@file_get_contents(str_replace("Https:","http:",str_replace("HTTPS:","http:",str_replace("https:","http:",$viaurl)))); } //echo str_replace("Https:","http:",str_replace("HTTPS:","http:",str_replace("https:","http:",$viaurl))) . "Prehere " . $conturl; if ($conturl != "") { if (strpos($calledby, ".php") !== false && (strpos($calledby, "pie_chart") !== false || strpos($calledby, "intensity_chart") !== false || strpos($calledby, "map") !== false)) { // Pie Chart, Intensity Chart, Map Chart via csv data place,lat,long or lat,long,place ... can be very simple placelatlong or latlongplace table records if ((strpos(strtolower($conturl), "") === false || strpos(strtolower($conturl), "") === false) && strpos(strtolower($conturl), '') !== false) { $nbits=explode("" . substr($nbits[$iyu], strlen(explode(">", $nbits[$iyu])[0] . " ")); } $conturl=$newconturl; $onev=2; //echo "there " . sizeof($nbits) . " " . str_replace("<","<",str_replace(">",">",$conturl)); } if (strpos($conturl, "'") !== false && strpos($conturl, '"') === false) { $conturl=str_replace("'", '"', $conturl); } else if (strpos($conturl, "'") === false && strpos($conturl, '"') === false && strpos($conturl, ',') !== false) { $conturl=str_replace(",,",",",str_replace("\n",",",str_replace('""','"',str_replace("",' "',str_replace("",'" ', str_replace("",' ',str_replace("",' ', str_replace("",' "',str_replace("",'" ', str_replace("", ",", $conturl)))))))))); } if (strpos(strtolower($conturl), "") !== false && strpos($conturl, ',') === false) { $conturl=str_replace(",,",",",str_replace("\n"," ",str_replace('""','"',str_replace("",' "',str_replace("",'" ', str_replace("",' ',str_replace("",' ', str_replace("",' "',str_replace("",'" ', str_replace("", ",", strtolower($conturl))))))))))); $onev=(2 - $ioff); } if (strpos($conturl, '",') !== false || strpos($conturl, ',"') !== false || strpos($conturl, ',') !== false) { $pcbits=explode('",', $conturl); if (sizeof($pcbits) <= 1) { $placefirst=false; $pcbits=explode(',"', $conturl); } if (sizeof($pcbits) <= 1) { $pcbits=explode(',', $conturl); if (sizeof($pcbits) > (2 - $ioff)) { $onei=$onev; // "hgfhg hgfhj,45.8,123.6" "hgfhg hgfhj,45.8,123.6" if (is_numeric(latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[1])[0])) && is_numeric(latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0])) && is_numeric(latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[0])[0]))) { if (!is_numeric(substr($pcbits[0],0,2)) && is_numeric(substr($pcbits[(2 - $ioff)],0,2))) { $placefirst=true; //echo "True" . latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]); } else { $placefirst=false; //echo "False" . $onei . $conturl . latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]) . " " . explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]; } } else if (!is_numeric(latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[0])[0]))) { $placefirst=true; //echo "true" . latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]); } else { $placefirst=false; //echo "false" . latlongmassage(explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]) . " " . explode('"',$pcbits[(2 - $ioff)])[0]; } } } if (sizeof($pcbits) > 1) { for ($ic=1; $ic 1) { if (strpos($conturl, '",') === false && strpos($conturl, ',"') === false) { if ($placefirst) { $zer=0; //if (substr(trim($pcbits[-1 + $ic]),0,1) == '"') $zer=1; if (sizeof(explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])) > 1) { //$pcbits[-1 + $ic]="" . explode(' ',explode('"',substr(trim($pcbits[-1 + $ic]),$zer))[-1 + sizeof(explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))])[0] . '"'; $pcbits[-1 + $ic]="" . explode('"',substr(trim($pcbits[-1 + $ic]),$zer))[-1 + sizeof(explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))] . '"'; //echo "HERE" . $pcbits[-1 + $ic] . " ... next" . $onei . " ... " . $pcbits[-1 + $ic + $onei] . " " . $conturl; } else { //$pcbits[-1 + $ic]="" . explode(' ',explode('"',substr(trim($pcbits[-1 + $ic]),$zer))[0])[0] . '"'; $pcbits[-1 + $ic]="" . explode('"',substr(trim($pcbits[-1 + $ic]),$zer))[0] . '"'; } //$pcbits[$ic]='"' . $pcbits[$ic] . '"'; $pcbits[$ic].="," . $pcbits[1 + $ic]; $rpi=0; //echo "hERE " . $pcbits[-1 + $ic]; } else if ($ioff == 0) { $pcbits[-1 + $ic]=$pcbits[-1 + $ic] . "," . $pcbits[$ic]; $pcbits[$ic]='' . $pcbits[1 + $ic] . '"'; //$pcbits[$ic]='"' . $pcbits[$ic] . ''; //echo $pcbits[$ic] . " ConTurl=" . $conturl; //exit; } } } else { $rpi=(-1 + sizeof(explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))); } if ($placefirst) { $rlatis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[$ic])))[$latpos]); if ($outcsvisd == "" && $ioff == 0 && ($rlatis > 90.0 || $rlatis < -90.0 || $isoneorother == 1)) { $latpos=(1 - $latpos); $longpos=(1 - $longpos); $rlatis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[$ic])))[$latpos]); } } else { //echo " " . $latpos , " ... " . (-1 + $ic); $rlatis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])))[-2 + $ioff + $latpos + sizeof(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))))]); if ($outcsvisd == "" && $ioff == 0 && ($rlatis > 90.0 || $rlatis < -90.0)) { $latpos=(1 - $latpos); $longpos=(1 - $longpos); $rlatis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])))[-2 + $ioff + $latpos + sizeof(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))))]); } } if (strpos($calledby, ".php") !== false && strpos($calledby, "pie_chart") !== false) { $rlongis=$rlongis; } else { if ($placefirst) { $rlongis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[$ic])))[$longpos]); } else { $rlongis=latlongmassage(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])))[-2 + $ioff + $longpos + sizeof(explode(",",str_replace("'","",str_replace('"','',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))))]); } } if ($placefirst) { //$rplaceis="~" . explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])[-1 + sizeof(explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic]))] . "~"; $rplaceis="~" . explode('"',$pcbits[-1 + $ic])[$rpi] . "~"; //echo $rplaceis . " ConTuRl=" . $conturl . "?" . $pcbits[-1 + $ic]; //exit; } else { $rplaceis="~" . explode('"',$pcbits[$ic])[0] . "~"; //echo $rplaceis . " :" . $ic . ":: " . $pcbits[$ic]; } if (strpos($calledby, ".php") !== false && strpos($calledby, "pie_chart") !== false) { $outcsvis.=$outcsvisd . "[" . $rplaceis . "," . $rlatis . "]"; } else if (strpos($calledby, ".php") !== false && strpos($calledby, "intensity_chart") !== false) { $outcsvis.=" , " . "[" . strtoupper($rplaceis) . "," . $rlatis . "," . $rlongis . "]"; } else { $outcsvis.=$outcsvisd . "[" . $rlatis . "," . $rlongis . "," . $rplaceis . "]"; } $outcsvisd=","; } } } //echo "done"; //file_put_contents("huhhuhtwo.cSv", $outcsvis); return $outcsvis; } } return $viaurl; } function datefixes($inch) { $ouch=$inch; $dbits=explode("new Date(", $inch); $dtwobits=explode("newDate(", $inch); if (sizeof($dbits) > 1) { if (substr($ouch, 0, 1) == ",") $ouch="Date" . $ouch; for ($i=(sizeof($dbits) - 1); $i>=0; $i--) { $dhuhs=explode(")", $dbits[$i]); $ymd=explode(",", $dhuhs[0]); $ouch=str_replace("new Date(" . $dhuhs[0] . ")", $ymd[2] . "/" . ($ymd[1] + 1) . "/" . $ymd[0], $ouch); } } if (sizeof($dtwobits) > 1) { if (substr($ouch, 0, 1) == ",") $ouch="Date" . $ouch; for ($i=(sizeof($dtwobits) - 1); $i>=0; $i--) { $dhuhs=explode(")", $dtwobits[$i]); $ymd=explode(",", $dhuhs[0]); $ouch=str_replace("newDate(" . $dhuhs[0] . ")", $ymd[2] . "/" . ($ymd[1] + 1) . "/" . $ymd[0], $ouch); } } return $ouch; } $csv_file_content=""; $datais=""; if (isset($_GET['data'])) $datais=$_GET['data']; if (isset($_POST['data'])) $datais=$_POST['data']; if ($datais == "" && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "&data=") !== false) { $things=explode("&data=", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); if (sizeof($things) > 1) { $subthings=explode("&", $things[1]); $datais = $subthings[0]; } } if ($datais != "" && strpos($datais, "[") !== false && strpos($datais, "[") < strpos($datais, ",")) { $datais="," . $datais; } $csvprefix=""; if (isset($_GET['label'])) $csvprefix.=$_GET['label']; if (isset($_POST['label'])) $csvprefix.=$_POST['label']; if (isset($_GET['task'])) $csvprefix.=$_GET['task']; if (isset($_POST['task'])) $csvprefix.=$_POST['task']; if (isset($_GET['country'])) $csvprefix.=$_GET['country']; if (isset($_POST['country'])) $csvprefix.=$_POST['country']; if (strpos(urldecode($datais), '),newDate(') !== false && strpos(urldecode($datais), ')]') === false && $csvprefix == '') { $csvprefix='"Task ID","Task Description","Start Date","End Date","Duration","Percent Complete","Dependencies"'; } else if (strpos(urldecode($datais), '),new Date(') !== false && $csvprefix == '') { if (isset($_GET['desc'])) $csvprefix='"' . $_GET['desc'] . 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"~", ".csv~") !== false) { $csv_file_content=datefixes(str_replace("\n\n","\n",str_replace('~','"',str_replace("[","",str_replace("]","",str_replace(", [","\n",str_replace(",[","\n",str_replace("'", '"', urldecode($csvprefix)) . 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"~", ".csv~") !== false) { //$csv_file_content=datefixes(str_replace("\n\n","\n",str_replace('~','"',str_replace("[","",str_replace("]","",str_replace(", [","\n",str_replace(",[","\n",urldecode($csvprefix . "\n" . $datais0)))))))); $csv_file_content=datefixes(str_replace("\n\n","\n",str_replace('~','"',str_replace("[","",str_replace("]","",str_replace(", [","\n",str_replace(",[","\n",str_replace("'", '"', urldecode($csvprefix)) . 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