"; $ourdatabase = ""; if (isset($_GET['host'])) { $ourhost=$_GET['host']; } else { $ourhost="localhost:8889"; } if (isset($_GET['user'])) { $ouruser=$_GET['user']; } else { $ouruser="root"; } if (isset($_GET['password'])) { $ourpassword=$_GET['password']; } else { $ourpassword="root"; } if (isset($_GET['database'])) { $ourdatabase=$_GET['database']; } else { $ourdatabase="testdb"; } ?>
Select database for query:

Please input SQL for (and before) Table Creation:

Please input SQL for (and before) Stored Procedure 1 of 3:

Please input SQL for (and before) Stored Procedure 2 of 3:

Please input SQL for (and before) Stored Procedure 3 of 3:

Please input SQL for query ( maybe CALL AddLine(23.4, 45.6, 56.4, 79.4); )