0) { $isgif = true; } //$pngext = 'gif'; } else if (isset($_POST['isgif'])) { if (strlen($_POST['isgif']) > 0) { $isgif = true; } //$pngext = 'gif'; } } //// file_put_contents("001.001",""); if (isset($_POST['tdsubj']) || isset($_GET['tdsubj'])) { if (isset($_GET['tdsubj'])) { //// file_put_contents("002.002",explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[0]); $psubject = analtoken(explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[0],""); if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])),"~") !== false) { //// file_put_contents("003.003",explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[0]); $gmtblurb = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[1]; } } else { //// file_put_contents("004.004",explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])))[0]); $psubject = analtoken(explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])))[0],""); if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])),"~") !== false) { //// file_put_contents("005.005",explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['tdsubj'])))[0]); $gmtblurb = explode("~", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['tdsubj'])))[1]; } } } if (isset($_POST['mysubject']) && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { if (strpos($_POST['mysubject'], ' via ') !== false && strpos(($_POST['mysubject'] . ''), 'animated_gif_slideshow.gif') !== false) { sleep(9); if (file_exists('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) { $altmydurl = @file_get_contents('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif'); $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_POST['mysubject']); //// file_put_contents("006.006",str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject'])); $postsubj = analtoken(str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject']),""); $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; if (strpos($_POST['myfname'], '.' . $pngext) !== false) { $postfname = str_replace('.' . $pngext, '.gif', $_POST['myfname']); } else { $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } $pngext = 'gif'; } else { $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_POST['mysubject']); //// file_put_contents("007.007",str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject'])); $postsubj = analtoken(str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_POST['mysubject']),""); $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } } else { //// file_put_contents("008.008",$_POST['mysubject']); $postsubj = analtoken($_POST['mysubject'],""); $postfname = $_POST['myfname']; } } else if (isset($_GET['mysubject']) && isset($_GET['myfname'])) { if (strpos($_GET['mysubject'], ' via ') !== false && strpos(($_GET['mysubject'] . ''), 'animated_gif_slideshow.gif') !== false) { sleep(9); if (file_exists('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif')) { $altmydurl = @file_get_contents('../PHP/animegif/' . server_remote_addr() . '.gif'); $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_GET['mysubject']); //// file_put_contents("009.009",str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject'])); $postsubj = analtoken(str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject']),""); $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; if (strpos($_GET['myfname'], '.' . $pngext) !== false) { $postfname = str_replace('.' . $pngext, '.gif', $_GET['myfname']); } else { $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } $pngext = 'gif'; } else { $postsubjs = explode(' via ', $_GET['mysubject']); //// file_put_contents("010.010",str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject'])); $postsubj = analtoken(str_replace(' via ' . $postsubjs[-1 + sizeof($postsubjs)], '', $_GET['mysubject']),""); $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } } else { //// file_put_contents("011.011",$_GET['mysubject']); $postsubj = analtoken($_GET['mysubject'],""); $postfname = $_GET['myfname']; } } function zmail($zris, $zxsis, $ztis, $zhis) { global $subjarr, $fflist; // file_put_contents("091.091",""); if (strpos($zxsis, "[") === false && strpos($zxsis, "<") === false && $zxsis != "") { $zxsis.=" at [date] for [files]"; // file_put_contents("092.092",$zxsis); analtoken($zxsis, ""); } // file_put_contents("093.093",$fflist); subjtokenization($fflist, "files"); // file_put_contents("094.094",$subjarr[0]); $zhis=str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $zhis)); // file_put_contents("095.095",$xsis); return mail($zris, subjtokenization($zxsis,"subject"), $ztis, $zhis); } function analtoken($inofinterest, $ifnotblankbody) { global $subjarr, $fflist; $inofinterest=trim($inofinterest); if ($ifnotblankbody == "" && $inofinterest != "") { // subject if (strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "]~") !== false && strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "[") !== false) { // file_put_contents("012.012",$inofinterest); $subjarr[3]="html"; $inofinterest=str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpreferer]", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[serveraddr]", $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[requesttime]", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpacceptlanguage]", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpuseragent]", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[remoteaddr]", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[requesturi]", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[pathinfo]", $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[lf]", "\n", $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[crlf]", "\r\n", $inofinterest); $huharr=explode("[", $inofinterest); // file_put_contents("013.013",$inofinterest); // $proposedih=$huharr[0]; if (strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "]") !== false && strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "[") !== false) { // file_put_contents("014.014",$inofinterest); for ($ih=1; $ih", str_replace("[", "<", str_replace("]", ">", $inofinterest))); } else { if (strpos($inofinterest, "\n") !== false) { // file_put_contents("027.027",$inofinterest); $huharr=explode("\n", $inofinterest); $subjarr[1]=""; } else { $subjarr[1]="

" . $inofinterest . "

"; // file_put_contents("028.028",$subjarr[1]); } } } else { // file_put_contents("016.016",$inofinterest); $subjarr[0]=str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", $inofinterest)); if (strpos($inofinterest, "\n") !== false) { $huharr=explode("\n", $inofinterest); $subjarr[1]=""; } else { $subjarr[1]="

" . $inofinterest . "

"; } } } } else if ($inofinterest != "") { // body $ifnotblankbody=trim($ifnotblankbody); } // file_put_contents("017.017",$inofinterest); return $inofinterest; } function subjtokenization($inthing, $inmode) { global $subjarr, $fflist; if ($inmode == "subject") { if ($subjarr[0] != "") { if ($fflist == "") { return $subjarr[0]; } return str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[file]", $fflist, $subjarr[0])))); } else if (strpos($inthing, "[") !== false) { if ($fflist == "") { return str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inthing); } return str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[file]", $fflist, str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inthing))))); } return str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $inthing)); } else if ($inmode == "bodysubject") { // file_put_contents("036.036",""); if ($subjarr[1] != "") { // file_put_contents("037.037",$subjarr[1]); if (substr($subjarr[1], 0, 1) == "<" && strpos($subjarr[1], "") !== false) { $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", "

" . str_replace("\n", "
", $inthing) . "

", $subjarr[1]); } else if (substr($subjarr[1], 0, 1) == "<" && strpos($subjarr[1], "") !== false) { $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", "

" . str_replace("\n", "
", $inthing) . "

", $subjarr[1]); } if ($fflist == "" || 1 == 1) { return $subjarr[1]; } return str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $subjarr[1])); } } else if ($inmode == "body") { if ($subjarr[2] != "") { return $subjarr[2]; } } else if ($inmode == "contenttype") { if ($subjarr[3] != "") { return $subjarr[3]; } } else if ($inmode == "file") { // file_put_contents("057.057",$subjarr[1]); $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[file]", $inthing, $subjarr[1])); // file_put_contents("058.058",$subjarr[1]); } else if ($inmode == "files" && $inthing != "") { // file_put_contents("067.067",$subjarr[0]); $subjarr[0]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[files]", $inthing, $subjarr[0])); $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[files]", $inthing, $subjarr[1])); if ($subjarr[0] != "" && $subjarr[1] != "") { if (strpos($subjarr[1], $subjarr[0]) !== false) { $subjarr[0].=explode("<", explode($subjarr[0], $subjarr[1])[1])[0]; } } // file_put_contents("068.068",$subjarr[0]); } return $inthing; } function server_remote_addr() { $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return $rma; } function ourpremail($ris, $ssis, $tis, $his) { global $okay, $atendis, $idata, $pngext, $postfname, $postfname, $altmydurl, $fflist, $subjarr; $imdata = ""; $otherccs=""; $xris=""; //$ris; $spareris=""; $toaststyling=" "; $xxris=explode(",", $ris); for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if (isset($_GET['cc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_GET['cc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_GET['cc'] != "") $otherccs.="
CC: " . $spareris; } else if (isset($_POST['cc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_POST['cc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_POST['cc'] != "") $otherccs.="
CC: " . $spareris; } if (isset($_GET['bcc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_GET['bcc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_GET['bcc'] != "") $otherccs.="
BCC: " . $spareris; } else if (isset($_POST['bcc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_POST['bcc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_POST['bcc'] != "") $otherccs.="
BCC: " . $spareris; } $hgt="200"; $xsis = $ssis; $altwin=''; if (1 == 1 && $idata != "") { if ($altmydurl != '') { $imdata=""; } else { $imdata=""; } $hgt="480"; } try { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.00aaa", $ris . " " . $xsis); //mail("rmetcalfe15@gmail.com", $xsis, "My Body", $his); zmail($ris, $xsis, $tis, $his); $altwin = "" . $toaststyling . "Email sent successfully
To: " . $xris . $otherccs . "
Subject: " . $ssis . "
" . $imdata . "
'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } catch (Exception $merr) { $okay = 0; if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob")) { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob", file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob") . "\n\n" . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $merr->getMessage()); $altwin = "" . $merr->getMessage() . " sending to
" . $ris . $otherccs . "

'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } else { file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/mail.prob", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $merr->getMessage()); $altwin = "" . $merr->getMessage() . " sending to
" . $ris . $otherccs . "

'); setTimeout(andthenx,7000); \">"; } } if ($atendis != "") { echo $atendis; $atendis=''; exit; } else if ($altwin != "") { echo $altwin; $altwin=''; exit; } } function issetgetaudiodata($which) { global $bigbits; if (isset($_POST[$which])) { return true; } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], $which . "=") !== false) { return true; } } return false; } function getaudiodata($which) { global $bigbits; if (isset($_POST[$which])) { return $_POST[$which]; } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], $which . "=") !== false) { $xxx=explode($which . "=", $bigbits[0]); $yyy=explode("&", $xxx[1]); return $yyy[0]; } } return ""; } function send_email($tem, $mysubject, $mybody) { global $idata, $bigbits, $atendis, $pngext, $postfname, $postfname, $altmydurl, $isgif, $psubject, $gmtblurb, $fflist, $subjarr; if ($psubject != "") { $mysubject=$psubject; } $aext = ".wav"; $cno = 0; $mobilewav = ""; $pref=""; $defone = ""; //"Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below:"; $eol = PHP_EOL; if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio1')) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1')) != "") { $cfound = 0; $cno = 1; while ((issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) || issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) { if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; if ($defone == "") { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else if (strpos($defone, " audio") !== false) { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) and audios (second) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } } } if (issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; if ($defone == "") { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download audio (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else if (strpos($defone, "download image") !== false) { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download image (first) and audios (second) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } else { $defone = $pref . "Please see or download audios (first) before any download and double clicking of image clickable and applicable web application below ... please note mobile web email clients are preferred to mobile email clients:"; } } } else if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { if (strpos($bigbits[0], "mapaudio") !== false) { $pref = ""; //"huh "; $defone = $pref . $defone; } } $cno++; } $cno = $cfound; } } else if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1')) { //if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick1') != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1') != "") { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords1')) != "") { $cfound = 0; $cno = 1; while (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $cfound = 1; } $cno++; } $cno = $cfound; } } if (strpos($tem, ",") !== false) { $hs = explode(",", $tem); for ($ihs=0; $ihs "; $ais="audio"; $bigais=""; if (issetgetaudiodata('maptype' . $cno)) { if (str_replace("img","",urldecode(getaudiodata('maptype' . $cno))) != "") { $bigais=urldecode(getaudiodata('maptype' . $cno)); $bs=explode("/",$bigais); $ais=$bs[0]; } else { $bigais=$ais . '/' . strtolower(str_replace(".","",$aext)); } } $mobilewav .= "<" . $ais . " id='au" . $cno . "' controls='controls' autobuffer='autobuffer'> "; if (strpos(urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)), ";base64,") !== false) { if (strpos(urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)), "data:;base64,") !== false) { $mobilewav .= ' '; } else { $mobilewav .= ' '; } } else { $mobilewav .= ' '; } $mobilewav .= " "; $mobilewav .= "
"; $content = chunk_split(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)); $fwav=$befdots[0] . "_" . $cno . $aext; //".wav"; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $fwav . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; if ($fflist == "") { $fflist=$fwav; } else { $fflist.="," . $fwav; } $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . subjtokenization($fwav,"file") . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; //"--"; } $cno++; } $cno = $origcno; $somehtml = ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= 'Web Application for Clickable ' . $filename . ''; $somehtml .= ''; //$somehtml .= 'click map'; $somehtml .= 'click map'; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= '
'; $somehtml .= ''; $somehtml .= ''; if (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords1') && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio1')) { while (issetgetaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno) && issetgetaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) { if (urldecode(getaudiodata('mapclick' . $cno)) != "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapaudio' . $cno)) == "" && urldecode(getaudiodata('mapcoords' . $cno)) != "") { $somehtml = str_replace('Navigate ' . $cno . '' . 'Listen and Navigate ' . $cno . '' . 'Listen ' . $cno . '' . 'Navigate ' . $cno . '' . '", $mobilewav . "", $somehtml)))); $filename="mobile_" . $befdots[0] . ".htm"; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filename . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; if ($fflist == "") { $fflist=$filename; } else { $fflist.="," . $filename; } $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . subjtokenization($filename,"file") . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; } $headers .= "--" . $separator . "--"; } //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $filename); ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, "", $headers); } } if ($contents == '') { // on fail //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "fail"); ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, $mybody, $headers); } } return ""; } if (isset($_GET['lookfor'])) { // audio content if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "rjmprogramming.com.au") !== false) { while (!file_exists("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav")) { sleep(5); } //sleep(2); $audioc = file_get_contents("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav"); unlink("../MarkItUp/html/audio/audio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "_" . str_replace(":","",str_replace(".","",server_remote_addr())) . ".wav"); echo " parent.document.getElementById('mapaudio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "').value='" . base64_encode($audioc) . "'; parent.document.getElementById('mapxaudio" . $_GET['lookfor'] . "').value='" . base64_encode($audioc) . "'; "; } exit; } else { // email work if ($altmydurl != "") { $mydurl = $altmydurl; $idata = $mydurl; } else { $bigbits = explode("mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { //if (strlen($bigbits[1]) < 35) { // sleep(13); // $bigbits = explode("&mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); //} //$putfp = fopen('php://input', 'r'); //$putdata = ''; //while ($data = fread($putfp, 1024)) { // $putdata .= $data; //} //fclose($putfp); //$bigbits[1]=$putdata; $mydurl = urldecode($bigbits[1]); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.aaaaa", $mydurl); if (isset($_POST['mydurl'])) { if (strlen(urldecode($_POST['mydurl'])) > strlen($mydurl)) { $mydurl=urldecode($_POST['mydurl']); } } $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } } if (isset($_GET['mode']) || isset($_POST['mode']) || isset($_POST['ismobile'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "a.a"); if (isset($_POST['ismobile'])) { $gmode .= " "; $ismobile = $_POST['ismobile']; if (!isset($_POST['mydurl']) && $mydurl == '') { // && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $mydurl = $altmydurl; $idata = $mydurl; } else { $bigbits = explode("mydurl=", file_get_contents('php://input')); if (sizeof($bigbits) == 2) { $mydurl = urldecode($bigbits[1]); //file_put_contents("aaaa.aaaa", $mydurl); if (isset($_POST['mydurl'])) { if (strlen(urldecode($_POST['mydurl'])) > strlen($mydurl)) { $mydurl=urldecode($_POST['mydurl']); } } $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } } } } if (isset($_GET['mode'])) $gmode .= $_GET['mode']; if (isset($_POST['mode'])) $gmode .= $_POST['mode']; //file_put_contents("aaaaa.0aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("*feedback_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { $tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.02aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.002aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aaa"); if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); if (isset($_GET['showimage']) || isset($_POST['showimage'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $atendis=""; } else { $atendis="'; \">"; } } } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), explode("&from=",($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); if (isset($_GET['showimage']) || isset($_POST['showimage'])) { if ($altmydurl != "") { $atendis=""; } else { $atendis="'; \">"; } } } // //file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); //file_put_contents(urldecode($postfname), $idata); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", ""); $mysubject = $postsubj; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", urldecode($mysubject)); $mybody = $postfname; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); send_email($tem, urldecode($mysubject), urldecode($mybody)); } } else if ($gmode != '' && $ismobile == '' && (isset($_POST['mydurl']) || $mydurl != '') && isset($_POST['myfname'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aa.aa"); //$tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.1aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { if ($altmydurl != '') { $idata = $altmydurl; //base64_decode(explode("&from=",$altmydurl)[0]); } else if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); } file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); } } else if ($ismobile != '' && (isset($_POST['mydurl']) || $mydurl != '') && isset($_POST['myfname']) && isset($_POST['to'])) { //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aa"); $tem = urldecode($_POST['to']); //file_put_contents("aaaaa.02aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); if (strlen(str_replace("." . $pngext . "*", "", ($postfname . "*"))) != strlen(($postfname . "*")) && strlen(str_replace("*" . $lworld . "_", "", ("*" . $postfname))) != strlen(("*" . $postfname))) { //file_put_contents("aaaaa.002aaa", $lworld . " " . $postfname); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", "aaa.aaa"); if ($altmydurl != '') { $idata = $altmydurl; //base64_decode(explode("&from=",$altmydurl)[0]); } else if ($mydurl != '') { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",$mydurl)[0]); } else { $idata = base64_decode(explode("&from=",urldecode($_POST['mydurl']))[0]); } //file_put_contents($postfname, $idata); //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", ""); $mysubject = $postsubj; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", urldecode($mysubject)); $mybody = $postfname; //file_put_contents("aaa.aaa", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); send_email($tem, urldecode($mysubject), urldecode($mybody)); if ($okay == 0) { echo " parent.document.getElementById('estatus').style.color='red'; parent.document.getElementById('estatus').innerHTML=' X '; "; } else { echo " parent.document.getElementById('estatus').style.color='green'; parent.document.getElementById('estatus').innerHTML=' ✓ '; "; } } } } } ?>