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CC: " . $spareris; } if (isset($_GET['bcc'])) { $xxris=explode(",", urldecode($_GET['bcc'])); $spareris=""; for ($iy=0; $iy" . $xxris[$iy] . ""; } if ($_GET['bcc'] != "") $otherccs.="
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PDF Attachment

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" . $imdata . "
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" . $ris . $otherccs . "

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" . $ris . $otherccs . "

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'rmetcalfe@rjmprogramming.com.au' . $eol; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . 'rmetcalfe@rjmprogramming.com.au' . $eol; } if (isset($_POST['cc'])) { if ($_POST['CC'] != '') { $headers .= 'CC: ' . urldecode($_POST['cc']) . $eol; } } if (isset($_POST['bcc'])) { if ($_POST['BCC'] != '') { $headers .= 'BCC: ' . urldecode($_POST['bcc']) . $eol; } } // 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $pdffn=""; $th="text/html"; if ($pbit != "") { // Thanks to https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/canvas/integrating/ $th="application/pdf"; $pdffn=dirname(__FILE__) . 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