"; if (isset($_GET['attachment']) || isset($_POST['attachment'])) { $inlineis=""; } $slh=""; if (isset($_GET['smallh'])) { $slh=str_replace("\"","\\\"",str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['smallh']))); } echo "

" . $honesmt . "

" . $inlineis . " To:

"; } else { echo "

Incorrect usage.

"; } exit; } $phpcont=""; $body=""; $to=""; $cc=""; $bcc=""; $subj=""; $fns=[""]; $fnc=[""]; $filename=""; $hcont=""; $content=""; $ifromto=0; $fromu=[""]; $tou=[""]; $localdt=""; $mtypes = ["audio/x-aiff","audio/wav","audio/x-wav","audio/x-pn-realaudio","audio/x-mpegurl","audio/x-aiff","audio/mpeg","audio/mid", "audio/basic","audio/ogg","video/x-sgi-movie","video/x-msvideo","video/quicktime","audio/mp3","video/mp4","video/mpeg", "video/x-la-asf","video/ogg","video/webm","audio/mp4", "image/jpeg", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/bmp", "image/tif"]; $mexts = [".aiff",".wav",".wav",".ram",".m3u",".aiff",".mp3",".rmi", ".snd",".ogg",".movie",".avi",".mov",".mp3",".m4v",".mpeg", ".lsx",".ogv",".webm",".m4a", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tif"]; $fflist=""; $ffname=""; $subjarr=["", "", "", ""]; $retm=true; $retmd=""; function notwoto($inhb) { global $headers, $eol; if (strpos($inhb, 'To:') !== false && strpos($inhb, '-To:') === false) { if (strpos($headers, $eol . 'To:') !== false) { return ''; } } return $inhb; } function this_str_replace($zxc, $zxy, $zxz) { global $psacv; if ($psacv != "") { return $psacv; } return str_replace($zxc, $zxy, $zxz); } function zmail($zris, $zxsis, $ztis, $zhis) { global $subjarr, $fflist, $ffname, $localdt, $fromer, $retmd, $isinline; // file_put_contents("091.091",""); if (strpos($zxsis, "[") === false && strpos($zxsis, "<") === false && $zxsis != "") { $zxsis.=" at [date] for [files]"; // file_put_contents("092.092",$zxsis); analtoken($zxsis, ""); } // file_put_contents("093.093",$fflist); subjtokenization($fflist, "files"); subjtokenization($ffname, "name"); // file_put_contents("094.094",$subjarr[0]); if ($ffname == "") { $zhis=str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $zhis)); } $zhis=str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, $zhis)))); // file_put_contents("095.095",$xsis); //$xretmd=""; //$xxretmd=""; if ($isinline && (isset($_GET['waitforreturn']) || isset($_POST['waitforreturn']))) { // relies on crontab scheduling of snapshotexim.ksh $refd='' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $cursecs=explode(':', $refd)[2]; $curtens=substr($cursecs,0,1); $subsecs=substr($cursecs,1,1); if ($cursecs > 56) { sleep((61 - $cursecs)); $refd='' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $cursecs=explode(':', $refd)[2]; $curtens=substr($cursecs,0,1); $subsecs=substr($cursecs,1,1); } else if ($subsecs > 6) { sleep((11 - $subsecs)); $refd='' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $cursecs=explode(':', $refd)[2]; $curtens=substr($cursecs,0,1); $subsecs=substr($cursecs,1,1); } if ($curtens < 5) { $refd=substr($refd, 0, 17) . '[' . $curtens . (1 + $curtens) . ']'; } if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.php")) { unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.php"); } if (strpos($refd, "[") !== false) { file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.txt", '' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ' "' . substr($refd, 0, 21) . '"'); exec('chmod 666 ' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.txt"); } else { file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.txt", '' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ' "' . substr($refd, 0, 18) . '"'); exec('chmod 666 ' . $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.txt"); } } $outretm=mail($zris, subjtokenization($zxsis,"subject"), $ztis, $zhis); if ($isinline && (isset($_GET['waitforreturn']) || isset($_POST['waitforreturn']))) { // relies on crontab scheduling of snapshotexim.ksh $maxwait=91; $curwait=0; while ($curwait < $maxwait && !file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.php")) { sleep(1); $curwait++; } $reth=""; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.php")) { $reth=file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "snapshotexim.php"); if (strpos($reth, "no immediate delivery:") !== false) { echo "

no immediate delivery

"; exit; } else { echo "

delivered from exim

"; exit; } } else { echo "

not sure if exim delivered

"; exit; } } return $outretm; } function analtoken($inofinterest, $ifnotblankbody) { global $subjarr, $fflist, $ffname, $localdt, $fromer; $inofinterest=trim($inofinterest); if ($ifnotblankbody == "" && $inofinterest != "") { // subject //file_put_contents("010.010",$inofinterest); if (strpos($inofinterest, "[") === false && strpos($inofinterest, "<") === false && $inofinterest != "") { $inofinterest.=" [lf] at [date] [lf] for [files]"; } //file_put_contents("011.011",$inofinterest); if (strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "]~") !== false && strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "[") !== false) { //file_put_contents("012.012",$inofinterest); $subjarr[3]="html"; if ($localdt != "") { $inofinterest=str_replace("[date]", $localdt, $inofinterest); } else { $inofinterest=str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inofinterest); } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpreferer]", str_replace("square_hr_tracing.htm?worJUNKding", "square_hr_tracing.htm#wording", ('' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])), $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[serveraddr]", $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[requesttime]", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpacceptlanguage]", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[httpuseragent]", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[remoteaddr]", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[requesturi]", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $inofinterest); if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { $inofinterest=str_replace("[pathinfo]", $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $inofinterest); } } if ($ffname != "") { $inofinterest=str_replace("[name]", $ffname, $inofinterest); } $inofinterest=str_replace("[lf]", "\n", $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace("[crlf]", "\r\n", $inofinterest); $inofinterest=str_replace(" ", " + ", $inofinterest); $huharr=explode("[", $inofinterest); // file_put_contents("013.013",$inofinterest); // $proposedih=$huharr[0]; if (strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "]") !== false && strpos(($inofinterest . "~"), "[") !== false) { // file_put_contents("014.014",$inofinterest); for ($ih=1; $ih", str_replace("[", "<", str_replace("]", ">", $inofinterest)))); } else { if (strpos($inofinterest, "\n") !== false) { // file_put_contents("027.027",$inofinterest); $huharr=explode("\n", $inofinterest); $subjarr[1]=""; } else { $subjarr[1]="

" . str_replace(" ", " + ",$inofinterest) . "

"; // file_put_contents("028.028",$subjarr[1]); } } } else { // file_put_contents("016.016",$inofinterest); $subjarr[0]=str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", $inofinterest)); if (strpos($inofinterest, "\n") !== false) { $huharr=explode("\n", $inofinterest); $subjarr[1]=""; } else { $subjarr[1]="

" . str_replace(" ", " + ",$inofinterest) . "

"; } } } } else if ($inofinterest != "") { // body if (strpos($inofinterest, "@") !== false) { if (strpos($inofinterest, "[") !== false && strpos($inofinterest, "]") !== false) { $ffname=trim(explode("[", explode(",", $inofinterest)[0])[0]); } else { $ffname=explode(",", $inofinterest)[0]; } } else { $ifnotblankbody=trim($ifnotblankbody); } } // file_put_contents("017.017",$inofinterest); return $inofinterest; } function subjtokenization($inthing, $inmode) { global $subjarr, $fflist, $ffname, $localdt, $fromer; if ($inmode == "subject") { if ($subjarr[0] != "") { //file_put_contents("036.036",$subjarr[0]); if ($fflist == "" && $ffname == "") { return $subjarr[0]; } if ($fflist == "") { return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, $subjarr[0])); } return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[file]", $fflist, $subjarr[0])))))); } else if (strpos($inthing, "[") !== false) { if ($fflist == "" && $ffname == "") { if ($localdt != "") { return str_replace("[date]", $localdt, $inthing); } else { return str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inthing); } } if ($fflist == "") { if ($localdt != "") { return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, str_replace("[date]", $localdt, $inthing))); } else { return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inthing))); } } if ($localdt != "") { return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[file]", $fflist, str_replace("[date]", $localdt, $inthing))))))); } return str_replace("", $ffname, str_replace("[name]", $ffname, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[file]", $fflist, str_replace("[date]", date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $inthing))))))); } return str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $inthing)); } else if (substr($inmode,0,11) == "bodysubject") { // file_put_contents("036.036",""); if ($subjarr[1] != "") { $bsprefix=""; if (strlen($inmode) > 11) { $bsprefix=str_replace("","",str_replace("","",str_replace("","",str_replace("","",substr($inmode,11))))); $tbdiv=""; $tbz=0; if (isset($_POST['doboth'])) { if (substr(($_POST['doboth'] . ' '),0,1) >= "0" && substr(($_POST['doboth'] . ' '),0,1) <= "9") { $tbz='' . $_POST['doboth']; } } else if (isset($_GET['doboth'])) { if (substr(($_GET['doboth'] . ' '),0,1) >= "0" && substr(($_GET['doboth'] . ' '),0,1) <= "9") { $tbz='' . $_GET['doboth']; } } $tbits=explode("top:", $bsprefix); for ($it=1; $it") { $tbz+=20; $bsprefix.="
"; } $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $tbdiv, str_replace("", "" . str_replace(" ", " + ",$bsprefix), $subjarr[1])); } // file_put_contents("037.037",$subjarr[1]); if (substr($subjarr[1], 0, 1) == "<" && strpos($subjarr[1], "") !== false) { $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", "

" . str_replace("\n", "
", $inthing) . "

", $subjarr[1]); } else if (substr($subjarr[1], 0, 1) == "<" && strpos($subjarr[1], "") !== false) { $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", "

" . str_replace("\n", "
", $inthing) . "

", $subjarr[1]); } if ($fflist == "" || 1 == 1) { return $subjarr[1]; } return str_replace(" ", " + ",str_replace("", $fflist, str_replace("[files]", $fflist, $subjarr[1]))); } } else if ($inmode == "body") { if ($subjarr[2] != "") { return $subjarr[2]; } } else if ($inmode == "contenttype") { if ($subjarr[3] != "") { return $subjarr[3]; } } else if ($inmode == "file") { // file_put_contents("057.057",$subjarr[1]); $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[file]", $inthing, $subjarr[1])); // file_put_contents("058.058",$subjarr[1]); } else if ($inmode == "name" && $inthing != "") { // file_put_contents("067.067",$subjarr[0]); $subjarr[0]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[name]", $inthing, $subjarr[0])); $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[name]", $inthing, $subjarr[1])); if ($subjarr[0] != "" && $subjarr[1] != "") { if (strpos(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[1]))), preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[0])))) !== false) { $subjarr[0].=explode("<", explode(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[0]))), preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[1]))))[1])[0]; } } } else if ($inmode == "files" && $inthing != "") { // file_put_contents("067.067",$subjarr[0]); $subjarr[0]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[files]", $inthing, $subjarr[0])); $subjarr[1]=str_replace("", $inthing, str_replace("[files]", $inthing, $subjarr[1])); if ($subjarr[0] != "" && $subjarr[1] != "") { if (strpos(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[1]))), preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[0])))) !== false) { $subjarr[0].=explode("<", explode(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[0]))), preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', str_replace("
","",str_replace("\n","",$subjarr[1]))))[1])[0]; } } } return $inthing; } function ourbase64_decode($instg) { return $instg; } function fillarraysmaybe($bdin) { global $phpcont, $fns, $fnc, $body, $fromer; if (substr(($bdin . "<"),0,1) == "<") { return $bdin; } else { $ii=0; if (trim($phpcont) != "") { $ii=1; } $bd=" " . str_replace("\n"," ",str_replace("
"," ",str_replace("#"," ",str_replace("&"," ",str_replace("?"," ",str_replace(","," ",$bdin)))))) . " "; //file_put_contents("inv.inv9", $bd); $htbits=explode(" http", str_replace(" HTTP", " http", $bd)); if (sizeof($htbits) > 1) { for ($hi=1; $hi 0 && strpos(substr($htbits[$hi],0),".") !== false && strlen(substr($htbits[$hi],0)) > 2) { $fcc=""; if (strtolower(substr($htbits[$hi],0,1)) == "s") { try { $fcc=file_get_contents("http" . explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],1))[0]); } catch (Exception $ee) { $fcc=""; } } else { try { $fcc=file_get_contents("http" . explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0]); } catch (Exception $ee) { $fcc=""; } } if ($fcc != "") { $fnc[$ii]=chunk_split(base64_encode($fcc)); $fns[$ii]=explode("#", explode("?", explode("/", explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0)))])[0])[0]; $ii++; } } } } $htbits=explode(" ", $bd); if (sizeof($htbits) > 1) { for ($hi=1; $hi 0 && strpos(substr($htbits[$hi],0),".") !== false && strlen(substr($htbits[$hi],0)) > 2 && strpos(strtolower(" " . substr($htbits[$hi],0)), " http") === false) { //file_put_contents("inv.inv99", "" . $ilen); $fcc=""; if (strpos(strtolower(" " . substr($htbits[$hi],0)), " //") !== false) { try { $fcc=file_get_contents("http:" . explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0]); } catch (Exception $ee) { $fcc=""; } } else if (file_exists(substr($htbits[$hi],0))) { //file_put_contents("inv.inv999", "" . explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0]); try { $fcc=file_get_contents(explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0]); //file_put_contents("inv.inv9999", "" . strlen($fcc)); } catch (Exception $ee) { $fcc=""; //file_put_contents("inv.inv99990", "" . strlen($fcc)); } } if ($fcc != "") { //file_put_contents("inv.inv999909", "" . explode("#", explode("?", explode("/", explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0)))])[0])[0]); $fnc[$ii]=chunk_split(base64_encode($fcc)); $fns[$ii]=explode("#", explode("?", explode("/", explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0))[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(" ", substr($htbits[$hi],0)))])[0])[0]; $ii++; } } } } if ($fns[0] != "" && $phpcont == "") { $phpcont=" "; } return $bdin; } } $subptitle=''; $subdata=""; $subfile=""; $getpostfound=false; foreach( $_POST as $name=>$val ) { //file_put_contents("inv.preinv0", "inv.inv0"); if ($val != "") { //file_put_contents("jnv." . $name, "jnv.inv00 " . strlen($phpcont)); if ($name == "tdhuhta" && $subfile != "" && $subdata != "" && strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)), $subfile) !== false) { if (!isset($_POST['subjectis']) && (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)), ' srcdoc="') !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)), ' data="') !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)), ' src="') !== false)) { //file_put_contents('baaa.aaa','b'); if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)), ' title="') !== false) { //file_put_contents('haaa.aaa',explode('/animegif/', explode('"', explode(' title="', str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)))[1])[0])[1]); if (!file_exists('../PHP/animegif/' . explode('/animegif/', explode('"', explode(' title="', str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)))[1])[0])[1] . 'animegif.pdf')) { //file_put_contents('iaaa.aaa','b'); if (file_exists('../PHP/animegif/animegif.pdf')) { //file_put_contents('jaaa.aaa','b'); copy('../PHP/animegif/animegif.pdf', '../PHP/animegif/' . explode('/animegif/', explode('"', explode(' title="', str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)))[1])[0])[1] . 'animegif.pdf'); //file_put_contents('kaaa.aaa','b'); } } if (strpos($subfile, ".pdf") !== false) { $psacv=explode('"', explode(' title="', str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($val)))[1])[0] . 'animegif.pdf'; $subptitle='Mobile whole PDF
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