'; $surlprefix=str_replace("//localhost/", "/",str_replace("index.php", "", str_replace("indexslideshow.php", "", str_replace("phpidea.php", "", "//" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . explode("#", explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0])[0])))); $prepurlis=str_replace('//localhost','http://localhost','//' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "/PHP/"); $purlis=str_replace("index.php","",'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "" . str_replace("~","",str_replace(":443~","",str_replace(":80~","",(":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "~")))) . "" . explode("#", explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0])[0]); $ssurlprefix=".." . str_replace("index.php","",explode("#", explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0])[0]); $zerobit=' style="vertical-align:top;padding-top:200px;" '; $zerobit=''; $tos=""; function pdfw($inw) { global $isiPad; if ($isiPad) { return '600'; } return '' . $inw; } function pdfh($inh) { global $isiPad; if ($isiPad) { return "400px;\" width=\"600px;\" height=\"400"; } return '' . $inh; } function oururlencode($instgis) { global $tos, $fcform; if (strpos($instgis, "&") === false) { return urlencode($instgis); } else { $rvas=explode("&", $instgis); $rva=urlencode($rvas[0]); $fcform=str_replace(' value="" ', ' value="' . $rvas[0] . '" ', $fcform); for ($ir=1; $ir', ' value="' . substr($rvas[$ir],(strlen($rve[0]) + 1)) . '">', $fcform); } return $rva; } } function andmore($oneis, $twois) { $couldbe=$oneis . $twois; $suffix="&rp=" . $oneis; $oneis=""; $andthenmaybe=""; $items = glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*"); natsort($items); //foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*") as $ifil) { foreach ($items as $key => $val) { if ($andthenmaybe == "") { $andthenmaybe=$oneis . $val; } else if (strpos($andthenmaybe, $oneis . $val) === false) { $andthenmaybe.=',' . $oneis . $val; } } $items = glob("*[-_][0-9]*.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*"); natsort($items); foreach ($items as $key => $val) { if ($andthenmaybe == "") { $andthenmaybe=$oneis . $val; } else if (strpos($andthenmaybe, $oneis . $val) === false) { $andthenmaybe.=',' . $oneis . $val; } } if ($andthenmaybe == "") { return $couldbe; } else { return $andthenmaybe . $suffix; } } function ourrealpath($inid) { global $surlprefix, $purlis, $ssurlprefix; //echo $purlis; //exit; if (realpath($inid) != $inid && realpath($inid) != '') { if (strpos($inid, $delim) === false && strpos($inid, "/") === false) { $surlprefix=""; } return realpath($inid); } $delim=substr("\\" . "\\",0,1); if (PHP_OS=='WINNT' || PHP_OS=='WIN32' || PHP_OS=='Windows') { if (strpos($inid, $delim) === false && strpos($inid, "/") === false) { $surlprefix=""; return dirname(__FILE__) . $delim . $inid; } $bits=explode($delim, $inid); $lbit=$bits[-1 + sizeof($bits)]; if (strpos($lbit, ".") !== false) { if (file_exists(str_replace($delim . $lbit, $delim, $inid))) { if (realpath(str_replace($delim . $lbit, $delim, $inid)) != str_replace($delim . $lbit, $delim, $inid) && realpath(str_replace($delim . $lbit, $delim, $inid)) != '') { return realpath(str_replace($delim . $lbit, "", $inid)) . $delim . $lbit; } } } } else { if (strpos($inid, "/") === false) { $surlprefix=""; return dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $inid; } $bits=explode("/", $inid); $lbit=$bits[-1 + sizeof($bits)]; if (strpos($lbit, ".") !== false) { if (file_exists(str_replace("/" . $lbit, "/", $inid))) { if (realpath(str_replace("/" . $lbit, "/", $inid)) != str_replace("/" . $lbit, "/", $inid) && realpath(str_replace("/" . $lbit, "/", $inid)) != '') { return realpath(str_replace("/" . $lbit, "", $inid)) . "/" . $lbit; } } } } return $inid; } function startBackgroundProcess( $command, $stdin = null, $redirectStdout = null, $redirectStderr = null, $cwd = null, $env = null, $other_options = null ) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45953/php-execute-a-background-process global $wh; $trunning = false; $proc = null; $descriptorspec = array( 1 => is_string($redirectStdout) ? array('file', $redirectStdout, 'w') : array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => is_string($redirectStderr) ? array('file', $redirectStderr, 'w') : array('pipe', 'w'), ); if (is_string($stdin)) { $descriptorspec[0] = array('pipe', 'r'); } //if ($iswatchdog) { file_put_contents("zz.5",""); } //if ($isthere) { //if ($iswatchdog) { file_put_contents("zz.6",""); } $proc = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env, $other_options); //} if (!is_resource($proc)) { //throw new \Exception("Failed to start background process by command: $command"); $proc=null; } if (is_string($stdin)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $stdin); fclose($pipes[0]); } if (!is_string($redirectStdout)) { fclose($pipes[1]); } if (!is_string($redirectStderr)) { fclose($pipes[2]); } return $proc; } $sothers=""; $tdid=''; //' id="tdfirst" '; $stitle=""; //"Please sign it"; if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $stitle=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['title'])); } $scnt=0; $sscnt=1; $whsbits=""; //$zerobit=""; $slo=-1; $smodebit=""; $spush=""; if (isset($_GET['exif'])) { // //www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php?image= $surlprefix=str_replace("//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/", "../", $surlprefix); $smodetemplate="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>
'; \n"; } else if (isset($_GET['pdf'])) { // //www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php?image= $surlprefix=str_replace("//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/", "../", $surlprefix); $smodetemplate="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>
'; \n"; } else { $smodetemplate="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>'; \n"; } // Zip file coding $rmcmd=""; $onlyzip=""; $pattern1 = '/[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]/'; $pattern2 = '/[-_][0-9]*.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]/'; $matches1 = []; $matches2 = []; // End of zip file coding if (!file_exists("index.htm") && !file_exists("index.html")) { // Zip file coding foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*.[zZ][iI][pP]") as $ifil) { $onlyzip=$ifil; } foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[zZ][iI][pP]") as $ifil) { $onlyzip=$ifil; } if ($onlyzip != "") { foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*") as $ifil) { $onlyzip=""; } foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*") as $ifil) { $onlyzip=""; } } if ($onlyzip != "") { foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*.[zZ][iI][pP]") as $ifil) { $zip = zip_open($ifil); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $ourfilename=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); preg_match($pattern1, $ourfilename, $matches1, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (sizeof($matches1) == 0) { preg_match($pattern2, $ourfilename, $matches2, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); } if (sizeof($matches1) > 0 || sizeof($matches2) > 0) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) { // some code $cont=zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); file_put_contents(basename($ourfilename), $cont); if ($rmcmd == "") { $rmcmd=" sleep 3600; "; } $rmcmd.=" rm -f " . realpath(basename($ourfilename)) . "; "; } } $matches1 = []; $matches2 = []; } zip_close($zip); } } $matches1 = []; $matches2 = []; foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[zZ][iI][pP]") as $ifil) { $zip = zip_open($ifil); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $ourfilename=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); preg_match($pattern1, $ourfilename, $matches1, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (sizeof($matches1) == 0) { preg_match($pattern2, $ourfilename, $matches2, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); } if (sizeof($matches1) > 0 || sizeof($matches2) > 0) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) { // some code $cont=zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); file_put_contents(basename($ourfilename), $cont); if ($rmcmd == "") { $rmcmd=" sleep 3600; "; } $rmcmd.=" rm -f " . realpath(basename($ourfilename)) . "; "; } } $matches1 = []; $matches2 = []; } zip_close($zip); } } } // End of zip file coding // Zip file coding if ($rmcmd != "") { $huhp = startBackgroundProcess($rmcmd); header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); exit; } // End of zip file coding $items = glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*"); natsort($items); //foreach (glob("*[-_][0-9]*of.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*") as $ifil) { foreach ($items as $key => $val) { $ifil=$val; //$items[$iio]; $ibits=explode("-", $ifil); if (sizeof($ibits) <= 1) { $ibits=explode("_", $ifil); } if (sizeof($ibits) > 1) { $proposedstitle=str_replace("_", " ", $ibits[0]); if ($proposedstitle != $stitle) { if ($stitle == "") { $stitle=$proposedstitle; } else if (strpos($sothers, $proposedstitle) === false) { $spush.="\n firstones.push(" . $scnt . "); \n"; $spush.="\n lastones.push(" . (-1 + $scnt) . "); \n"; $sothers.="
" . $proposedstitle . ""; $sscnt++; } } if (isset($_GET['exif'])) { // //www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php?image= //echo ourrealpath($ifil); //exit; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(ourrealpath($ifil)); if (strpos($zerobit, ' style="') !== false) { $zerobit=str_replace(' style="', ' style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;', $zerobit); } else { $zerobit=" style=\"vertical-align:top;width:" . $width . "px;height:" . $height . "px;\" "; } $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>'; \n"; } else if (isset($_GET['pdf'])) { // //www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/read_exif_off_image_rotate.php?image= //echo ourrealpath($ifil); //exit; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(ourrealpath($ifil)); if (strpos($zerobit, ' style="') !== false) { $zerobit=str_replace(' style="', ' style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;', $zerobit); } else { $zerobit=" style=\"width:" . $width . "px;height:" . $height . "px;\" "; } if (strpos($smodebit, "form_creator.php?slideshowlist=") === false) { $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>
'; \n"; } } else { $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>'; \n"; } $spush.="\n uarraydatauri.push('" . $surlprefix . $ifil . "'); \n"; $scnt++; } } $items = glob("*[-_][0-9]*.[jJgGpP][pPiInN]*"); natsort($items); foreach ($items as $key => $val) { $ifil=$val; //$items[$iio]; //echo ourrealpath($ifil) . ' surlprefix=' . $surlprefix; //exit; if (strpos($spush, "'" . $surlprefix . $ifil . "'") === false) { $ibits=explode("-", $ifil); if (sizeof($ibits) <= 1) { $ibits=explode("_", $ifil); } if (sizeof($ibits) > 1) { $proposedstitle=str_replace("_", " ", $ibits[0]); if ($proposedstitle != $stitle) { if ($stitle == "") { $stitle=$proposedstitle; } else if (strpos($sothers, $proposedstitle) === false) { $spush.="\n firstones.push(" . $scnt . "); \n"; $spush.="\n lastones.push(" . (-1 + $scnt) . "); \n"; $sothers.="
" . $proposedstitle . ""; $sscnt++; } } if (isset($_GET['exif'])) { //echo $surlprefix; //exit; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(ourrealpath($ifil)); if (strpos($zerobit, ' style="') !== false) { $zerobit=str_replace(' style="', ' style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;', $zerobit); } else { $zerobit=" style=\"width:" . $width . "px;height:" . $height . "px;\" "; } $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>'; \n"; $tdid=""; } else if (isset($_GET['pdf'])) { //echo $surlprefix; //exit; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(ourrealpath($ifil)); if (strpos($zerobit, ' style="') !== false) { $zerobit=str_replace(' style="', ' style="width:' . $width . 'px;height:' . $height . 'px;', $zerobit); } else { $zerobit=" style=\"width:" . $width . "px;height:" . $height . "px;\" "; } if (strpos($smodebit, "form_creator.php?slideshowlist=") === false) { $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>
'; \n"; } $tdid=""; } else { $smodebit.="\n if (smode != '0') document.getElementById('row').innerHTML+='>'; \n"; } $spush.="\n uarraydatauri.push('" . $surlprefix . $ifil . "'); \n"; $scnt++; } } } } ?> <?php echo $stitle; ?> - via RJM Programming Slideshow Presentation iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; } td { vertical-align: top; } "; } ?>

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