", $cont)[1])[1]; //file_put_contents('za.za','is ' . '', explode($minidelim, $things[$ii])[0])[0] . ')'); } array_push($a, str_replace('List of ','',explode('#', explode('&', explode('?', explode("/", str_replace('+',' ',str_replace($spacesub,' ',urldecode(explode('>', explode($minidelim, $things[$ii])[0])[0]))))[-1 + sizeof(explode("/", str_replace('+',' ',str_replace($spacesub,' ',urldecode(explode('>', explode($minidelim, $things[$ii])[0])[0])))))])[0])[0])[0]) . $plusbit); } sort($a); } // get the q parameter from URL $q = $_REQUEST["q"]; $hint = ""; // lookup all hints from array if $q is different from "" if ($q !== "") { $q = strtolower($q); $len=strlen($q); foreach($a as $name) { if (stristr($q, substr($name, 0, $len))) { if ($hint === "") { $hint = str_replace(', ',',',$name); } else { $hint .= ", " . str_replace(', ',',',$name); } } } } // Output "no suggestion" if no hint was found or output correct values echo $hint === "" ? "no suggestion" : $hint; ?>