// gchartgen.js // Email functionality for H1 onclick event specifics for Google Chart work // RJM Programming // Robert Metcalfe // January 2015 // Added event functionality in July 2015 var wua = navigator.userAgent; var wisiPad = /iPad/i.test(wua) || /iPhone OS 3_1_2/i.test(wua) || /Android/i.test(wua) || /iPhone OS 3_2_2/i.test(wua); var wisTouch = /touch/i.test(wua) || /Touch/i.test(wua); var gcadvice = ' ... To email a snapshot of this Google Chart click me.'; var wisMobile = false; var wisWebView = false; var toobigform = null; var ourbae = null; var formid = ''; var xnewfbit = ''; var divid = ''; var emailtitle = 'Email Attachment Title suffixes are &ema' + 'ilto=[emailTo] &emailsubject=[EmailSubject] '; var yesgo='noway' + 'okay' + '675'; var nogo=yesgo; var yesgo2=yesgo; var nogo2=yesgo; var yesgo3=yesgo; var nogo3=yesgo; var yesgo4=yesgo; var nogo4=yesgo; var yesgo5=yesgo; var nogo5=yesgo; var ghurl=''; var ghform=''; var tdghuhta=''; var oncprefix=''; var remail='remail'; var deftois=''; var pnum=1, lastfi=false; var issatisfied=false; var satisfiedvalue=null; var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); // var xpnum=1; // done back at supervisor // var allowed=true; // done back at supervisor if (typeof paramdata === "undefined") { var paramdata=""; } if (document.URL.indexOf('nojwin') != -1) { // || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad/i)) { var prompt = function(zwords, defwords){ var vcancel=''; var vok=''; var ansis=location.search.split('val' + pnum + '=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('val' + pnum + '=')[1].split('&')[0]).replace(/\+/g,' ')) : ''; if (document.URL.indexOf('val' + pnum + '=') == -1) ansis=null; if (document.URL.indexOf('val' + pnum + '=') != -1 && pnum == eval(-1 + xpnum)) { vcancel=location.search.split('Cancel=')[1] ? location.search.split('Cancel=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; vok=location.search.split('OK=')[1] ? location.search.split('OK=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; } if (vcancel != '') { pnum++; return null; } else if (vok != '') { pnum++; return ansis; } else if (document.getElementById('val' + pnum)) { allowed=false; lastfi=true; document.getElementById('safariform').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('prompt').value=zwords; document.getElementById('val' + pnum).value=defwords; document.getElementById('hval' + pnum).value=encodeURIComponent(defwords); if (zwords.split(String.fromCharCode(10)).length > eval('0' + document.getElementById('prompt').rows)) { document.getElementById('prompt').rows=zwords.split(String.fromCharCode(10)).length; } else if (zwords.split('
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' + ' pnum=' + pnum + ' xpnum=' + xpnum + ' ' + document.URL); var defwords='1trueYesOK'; var vcancel=''; var vok=''; var ansis=location.search.split('val' + pnum + '=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('val' + pnum + '=')[1].split('&')[0]).replace(/\+/g,' ')) : ''; if (document.URL.indexOf('val' + pnum + '=') == -1) ansis=null; if (document.URL.indexOf('val' + pnum + '=') != -1 && pnum == eval(-1 + xpnum)) { vcancel=location.search.split('Cancel=')[1] ? location.search.split('Cancel=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; vok=location.search.split('OK=')[1] ? location.search.split('OK=')[1].split('&')[0] : ''; } //alert('vok=' + vok); if (vcancel != '') { pnum++; return null; } else if (vok != '') { pnum++; return '1trueYesOK'; } else if (document.getElementById('val' + pnum)) { allowed=false; lastfi=true; document.getElementById('safariform').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('prompt').value=zwords; document.getElementById('val' + pnum).value=defwords; document.getElementById('hval' + pnum).value=encodeURIComponent(defwords); document.getElementById('val' + pnum).style.display='none'; document.getElementById('OK').focus(); pnum++; return ansis; } else if (lastfi) { pnum++; lastfi=false; if (ansis == 'null') return null; return ansis; } else { pnum++; if (ansis == 'null') return null; return ansis; } }; } // Thanks to http://jennifermadden.com/javascript/stringEnterKeyDetector.html function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from function invocation var characterCode; //literal character code will be stored in this variable if(e && e.which){ //if which property of event object is supported (NN4) e = e; characterCode = e.which; //character code is contained in NN4's which property } else{ e = event; characterCode = e.keyCode; //character code is contained in IE's keyCode property } if(characterCode == 13){ //if generated character code is equal to ascii 13 (if enter key) document.getElementById('hval' + xpnum).value=encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('val' + xpnum).value); document.forms[-1 + eval(document.forms.length)].submit(); //submit the form return false; } else{ return true; } } function alatr() { if (document.getElementById('psubm')) { document.getElementById('psubm').click(); } } function toolong(inup) { if (inup.split('&emailto=').length > 2) { while (inup.split('&emailto=').length > 2) { inup=inup.replace('&emailto=' + inup.split('&emailto=')[1].split('&')[0],''); } } if (inup.split('&emailsubject=').length > 2) { while (inup.split('&emailsubject=').length > 2) { inup=inup.replace('&emailsubject=' + inup.split('&emailsubject=')[1].split('&')[0],''); } } if (inup.split('&emailcc=').length > 2) { while (inup.split('&emailcc=').length > 2) { inup=inup.replace('&emailcc=' + inup.split('&emailcc=')[1].split('&')[0],''); } } if (inup.split('&emailbcc=').length > 2) { while (inup.split('&emailbcc=').length > 2) { inup=inup.replace('&emailbcc=' + inup.split('&emailbcc=')[1].split('&')[0],''); } } if (inup.indexOf('&email') > inup.indexOf('&data')) { var putb=inup.substring(inup.indexOf('&email')); inup=inup.replace(putb,''); inup=inup.replace('&data', putb + '&data'); } if (inup.length < 900) return inup; var texr=''; if (document.getElementById('specf')) { texr=' target=specf '; } var pform=''; var pars=inup.replace('?','&').split('#')[0].split('&'); for (var ipars=1; ipars', ''); } else { pform=pform.replace('', ''); } } document.body.innerHTML+=pform; //alert(pform.split(' name="task"')[1]); setTimeout(alatr, 2000); //document.getElementById('psubm').click(); return '#'; } function depends(ins) { if (ins == "") return wisWebView; return ins; } function getH1s(evt) { var rest = '', rests, restss, brest='?justmenu=justmenu', nojx=''; var orsms=' or SMS'; if (typeof paramdata !== "undefined") { if (eval('' + ('' + paramdata).length) > 850) { orsms=''; } } if (document.URL.indexOf('nojwin') != -1) nojx='&nojwin=y'; if (document.URL.indexOf('?') != -1) { rests = document.URL.split('?'); restss = rests[1].split('&'); if (restss[0].indexOf('title=') == -1) rest = '?' + restss[0] + nojx; if (restss[0].indexOf('title=') == -1) brest = '?justmenu=justmenu&' + restss[0] + nojx; } if (nojx != "") { if (brest.indexOf(nojx) == -1) { if (brest == "") { brest="?nojwin=y"; } else { brest+="&nojwin=y"; } } if (rest.indexOf(nojx) == -1) { if (rest == "") { rest="?nojwin=y"; } else { rest+="&nojwin=y"; } } } if (wisWebView || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { wisWebView = wisWebView; } else { wisMobile = false; wisWebView = false; } if (wisWebView || (wisMobile && document.URL.indexOf("title=") != -1)) { if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("jkl" + "email") == -1) { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "Email" + orsms + " snapshot to:    
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"; document.getElementById('email').click(); } } } function pausecomp(ms) { ms += new Date().getTime(); while (new Date() < ms){} } function gcinit() { // Listen for the 'select' event, and call my function selectHandler() when // the user selects something on the chart. // July, 2015 changes thanks to https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/basic_interactivity // try { //if (chart != null) { //alert(99); // google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'select', selectHandler); //} else { //alert(98); //} //} catch (e) { //alert(97 + " " + e.message); //} var orsms=' or SMS'; if (typeof paramdata !== "undefined") { if (eval('' + ('' + paramdata).length) > 850) { orsms=''; } } if (!document.body) { setTimeout(gcinit, 2000); return; } if (typeof paramdata === "undefined") { paramdata=""; } var bae = document.getElementById('bitsatend'); var prebae=''; if (document.getElementById('thedivemail')) { prebae='
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"; if (document.URL.indexOf('data=') == -1 && paramdata.trim() == '') { setTimeout(gfillindata,1); pausecomp(1000); } } else { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + prebae + "  Menu  Email" + orsms + " snapshot of Google Chart to:    
"; if (document.URL.indexOf('data=') == -1 && paramdata.trim() == '') { setTimeout(gfillindata,1); pausecomp(1000); } } } } else { if (document.body.innerHTML.replace("SM" + "S:","MAIL" + "TO:").indexOf("MAIL" + "TO:") == -1 && document.body.innerHTML.indexOf(">E" + "mail") == -1) { if (bae != null) { bae.innerHTML+="  Menu  Email" + orsms + " snapshot of Google Chart ...  
"; if (document.URL.indexOf('data=') == -1 && paramdata.trim() == '') { setTimeout(gfillindata,1); pausecomp(1000); } } else { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "  Menu  Email" + orsms + " snapshot of Google Chart ...  
"; if (document.URL.indexOf('data=') == -1 && paramdata.trim() == '') { setTimeout(gfillindata,1); pausecomp(1000); } } } } if ((wisiPad || wisTouch)) { allPs[j].onclick = getH1s; if (allPs[j].title.indexOf(gcadvice) == -1) allPs[j].title += gcadvice; } else { allPs[j].onclick = getH1s; if (allPs[j].title.indexOf(gcadvice) == -1) allPs[j].title += gcadvice; } } } if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { // is mobile if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("but" + "sel." + "php") == -1) { if (bae != null) { bae+=prebae + "  Menu"; } else { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + prebae + "  Menu"; } } var ozmenu=document.getElementById('zmenu'); if (ozmenu != null) { ozmenu.href='//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/justmenuWebView.html'; } } setTimeout(ftde, 1000); } function fixanother() { if (document.getElementById('another')) { if (document.getElementById('another').href.indexOf('./') == 0 || document.getElementById('another').href.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') != 0) { document.getElementById('another').href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; } } } function makeabs(inh) { var outh=inh; var uide=["ww" + "w.","ma" + "ps.","ic" + "ons.","go" + "ogle.","yo" + "utube."]; for (var iuyt=0; iuyt') != -1) { inbo=inbo.replace('', + ' function dub() { ' + " documentURL=\"" + documentURL + "\"; if (documentURL.indexOf(\"&data=\") != -1) { paramdata=(documentURL + \"&\").split(\"&data=\")[1].split(\"&\")[0]; pardata=encodeURIComponent(paramdata); } } " + ' '); } else { inbo+=' function dub() { ' + " documentURL=\"" + documentURL + "\"; if (documentURL.indexOf(\"&data=\") != -1) { paramdata=(documentURL + \"&\").split(\"&data=\")[1].split(\"&\")[0]; pardata=encodeURIComponent(paramdata); } } " + ' '; } if (inbo.split('')[0].indexOf(' onload=') == -1) { return inbo.replace('' + makeabs(document.head.innerHTML) + makeabs(makeright(document.body.outerHTML.replace('dIsPlAy:nOnE;','').split('
')[0]) + ''; document.getElementById('thehtml').value=hcis.replace(/" + "\\" + "+/g,'%2b').replace(nogo,yesgo).replace(nogo2,yesgo2).replace(nogo3,yesgo3).replace(nogo4,yesgo4).replace(nogo5,yesgo5).replace('" + emailtitle + "',''); return true; }\" style='display:none;' id=theformemail method=POST action=../webviewemail.php>"; tde+=" "; tde+=" "; tde+=" "; tde+=" "; tde+=" "; tde+=" "; tde+="
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' + to_is; } if (tdghuhta != '') { document.getElementById(remail).setAttribute('data-data', encodeURIComponent(gpreen(tdghuhta))); } if (to_is.indexOf('@') != -1) { // || (to_is.trim() != '' && to_is.trim().replace(/0/g,'').replace(/1/g,'').replace(/2/g,'').replace(/3/g,'').replace(/4/g,'').replace(/5/g,'').replace(/6/g,'').replace(/7/g,'').replace(/8/g,'').replace(/9/g,'') == '')) { console.log('c6'); if (eval('' + document.getElementById(remail).href.length) <= 900) { document.getElementById(remail).href=document.getElementById(remail).href; } else { var gzhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var gzform=new FormData(); if (to_is.toUpperCase() != to_is) { gzform.append('inline', ''); } gzform.append('to', to_is); gzform.append('subj', 'My Google Chart'); var xtdghuhta=""; xtdghuhta="" + ghform.replace('GET','POST') + ""; //var xtdghuhta="
' id=mypietitle>' id=mypiecountry>' id=mypiepopularity>' id=mypier>' id=mypiec>' id=mypiedesc>' id=mypietask>
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' id=mypietitle>' id=mypiecountry>' id=mypiepopularity>' id=mypier>' id=mypiec>' id=mypiedesc>' id=mypietask>
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' id=mypietitle>' id=mypiecountry>' id=mypiepopularity>' id=mypier>' id=mypiec>' id=mypiedesc>' id=mypietask>
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