@echo off rem findthis.bat rem Parameter 1 is (XML element one) to find eg. section rem Parameter 2 is (XML element two) to find eg. chapter rem Parameter 3 is string to find rem Parameter 4 is (XML) file(spec) if exist findthis.exe goto lookmore goto nolookmore :lookmore if not exist %0 goto nolookmore if exist %0.exe goto nolookmore copy findthis.exe %0.exe :nolookmore set fstr= set fsection= set fchapter= set fis=%1 set xdot= @for /F "delims=. tokens=1*" %%x in ("%1") do @set xdot=%%y if JUNK%xdot%==JUNK goto domore1 type %1 > n%1.jnk if errorlevel 1 goto aster if not exist n%1.jnk goto aster rem no prefixes goto bigokay :domore1 set xdot= @for /F "delims=. tokens=1*" %%x in ("%2") do @set xdot=%%y if JUNK%xdot%==JUNK goto domore2 set fstr=%1 shift type %1 > n%1.jnk if errorlevel 1 goto aster if not exist n%1.jnk goto aster rem no prefixes goto bigokay :domore2 set xdot= @for /F "delims=. tokens=1*" %%x in ("%3") do @set xdot=%%y if JUNK%xdot%==JUNK goto domore3 set fsection=%1 set fstr=%2 shift shift find "%fsection% " %1 > n%1.jnk if errorlevel 1 goto aster+ if not exist n%1.jnk goto aster find /V "%fsection% " %1 > x%1.jnk goto bigokay :domore3 set fsection=%1 set fchapter=%2 set fstr=%3 shift shift shift :top rem echo %1 %fsection% %fchapter% %fstr% if JUNK%1==JUNK goto nomore set xz= @for /f "delims=* tokens=1*" %%x in ("x%1") do @set xz=%%y if JUNK%xz%==JUNK goto okay goto aster :okay if not exist %1 goto nomore @find "%fsection% " %1 > n%1.jnk rem if errorlevel 1 goto aster if not exist n%1.jnk goto aster if JUNK%fchapter%==JUNK goto bigokay @find /V "%fsection% " %1 > x%1.jnk @find "%fchapter% " x%1.jnk >> n%1.jnk :bigokay echo. > ~%1~ @for /f "delims=\n tokens=1*" %%x in (n%1.jnk) do (@for %%i in (%%x %%y) do echo %%i %%j) >> ~%1~ if JUNK%fstr%==JUNK goto nomore find /c "%fstr%" ~%1~ if exist n%1.jnk erase n%1.jnk if exist x%1.jnk erase x%1.jnk erase ~%1~ shift goto top :aster if exist findthis.exe goto yestwomore if exist findthis.bat.exe goto yesmore @for %%x in (%1) do @findthis.bat %fsection% %fchapter% %fstr% %%x goto nomore :yesmore @for %%x in (%1) do @findthis.bat.exe %fsection% %fchapter% %fstr% %%x goto nomore :yestwomore @for %%x in (%1) do @findthis.exe %fsection% %fchapter% %fstr% %%x goto nomore :nomore