@echo off rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem ideas.bat has some Windows Batch file ideas rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Way to check if first parameter defined and an existant file rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @if %1TRICK==TRICK goto preprebit2 @if not exist %1 goto prebit2 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem use for to type out first four words of lines of file, separated by then rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo. @for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4* delims= " %%e IN ("%1") DO @echo %%e *then* %%f *then* %%g *then* %%h rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Way to prompt for delimiter, for instance rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo. set /p d=What is your word delimiter (the report above was for space as delimiter) for first three words of lines of %1 (shown in reports above and below separated by *then*)? cls @for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=%d%" %%e IN ("%1") DO @echo %%e *then* %%f *then* %%g *then* %%h echo. echo. pause rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Show current date and time rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. > %TEMP%/in.in date < %TEMP%/in.in a time < %TEMP%/in.in rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Some maths rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set /a "_num=5+6" echo %_num% = 5 + 6 set /A "_num=34" set /A "_num*=67" echo %_num% = 34 * 67 set /A "_num=65%%17" echo %_num% = remainder of 65 divided by 17 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Some date parsing ... thanks to http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/956/windows-batch-file-bat-to-get-current-date-in-mmddyyyy-format/ rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @for /F "usebackq TOKENS=1* DELIMS= " %%A IN (`DATE/T`) DO SET CDATE=%%B @for /F "usebackq TOKENS=1,2 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN (`DATE/T`) DO SET mm=%%B @for /F "usebackq TOKENS=1,2 DELIMS=/ eol=/" %%A IN (`echo %CDATE%`) DO SET dd=%%B @for /F "usebackq TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=/ " %%A IN (`echo %CDATE%`) DO SET yyyy=%%B echo Today's date is made up of month %mm% and day %dd% and year %yyyy% rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Show a substring rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo. set ipos=12 set jpos=8 set sentence=There is an elephant in the room call set substr=%%sentence:~%ipos%,%jpos%%% echo (%substr%) is substring from (%ipos%+1) for %jpos% of %sentence% rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Choose between three options but default to one after 5 seconds rem Show current date and time rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. > %TEMP%/in.in date < %TEMP%/in.in time < %TEMP%/in.in choice /c:ync /t:5 /d n /m "Press Y or N or [C] (5 seconds)" rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Show current date and time rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. > %TEMP%/in.in date < %TEMP%/in.in time < %TEMP%/in.in rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Wait 12 seconds via ping rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo ping is waiting approximately 12 seconds ping -n 12 > nul rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Show current date and time rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. > %TEMP%/in.in date < %TEMP%/in.in time < %TEMP%/in.in goto bit2 :preprebit2 echo %0 a-real-file.name was expected goto bit2 :prebit2 echo %1 not an existant file :bit2 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem Show systeminfo information rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo. echo. echo. echo. echo Showing systeminfo information below ... please wait ... systeminfo rem exit