Zipfile Name:
Zipfile File of Interest (can be comma separated list):

"; $tabledata=""; $zip = zip_open($zipfile); $reportdata=""; if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $ourfilename=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $formstuff=str_replace("", "", $formstuff); $ourext=explode(".",$ourfilename)[-1 + sizeof(explode(".",$ourfilename))]; $ourmimetype=""; for ($i=0; $i
"; } $tabledata=str_replace("", "" . $ourfilename . "", $tabledata); $tabledata=str_replace("", "", $tabledata); } } if ($asgallery == "" && strpos("," . $ofinterest . ",","," . $ourfilename . ",") !== false) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) { // some code $cont=zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); zip_close($zip); header('Content-type: ' . $ourmimetype); echo $cont; exit; } } else if ($ofinterest == "youllneverfindthis") { $reportdata.="

"; if ($ourmimetype == "") { $reportdata.="Name: " . $ourfilename . "
"; } else { $reportdata.="Name: " . $ourfilename . "
"; } $reportdata.="Original size: " . zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry); $reportdata.="

"; } } zip_close($zip); } if ($tabledata != "") { echo str_replace("", "Zipfile Information - RJM Programming - September, 2017" . "

Zipfile Information

RJM Programming - September, 2017

" . $formstuff . "", $tabledata); } else if ($reportdata != "") { echo "Files extracted from " . $zipfile . "

Zipfile Information

RJM Programming - September, 2017

" . $formstuff . "" . $reportdata . "
"; } else { echo "Zipfile Information - RJM Programming - September, 2017" . "

Zipfile Information

RJM Programming - September, 2017

" . $formstuff . ""; } ?>