"; if (file_exists("drutil.php")) $more.=" "; if (file_exists("caffeinate.php")) $more.=" "; if (file_exists("opendiff.php")) $more.=" "; if (file_exists("qlmanage.php")) $more.=" "; if (file_exists("scp.php")) $more.=" "; return "" . $more; } } if ($mode == "") return "

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"/ Thanks to https:/" . "/stackoverflow.com/questions/19035557/jsonp-request-error-handling $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'http:/" . 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" . mamptest("") . "

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" . mamptest("") . "

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"; } if ($gnumis == 0) { $gtotis++; $gnumis++; // 🎬 $greportdata="🎬"; $gofprevinterest="&ofprevinterest=" . $ourfilename; } else { $gtotis++; $tabledata=str_replace($itable . "','_blank');\" id='g" . $gnumis . "'","&ofnextinterest=" . $ourfilename . $itable . "','_blank');\" id='g" . $gnumis . "'",$tabledata); $gnumis++; $greportdata="🎬"; $gofprevinterest="&ofprevinterest=" . $ourfilename; } $tabledata=str_replace("", "    " . $ourfilename . " " . $greportdata . "  ⬅⬅      ➡➡", $tabledata); $tabledata=str_replace("", "", $tabledata); } } if ($asgallery == "" && strpos("," . $ofinterest . ",","," . $ourfilename . ",") !== false) { if (!isset($_GET['ofprevinterest']) && !isset($_GET['ofnextinterest'])) { // new if if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) { // some code $cont=zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); zip_close($zip); if (!isset($_GET['raw']) && strpos($ourmimetype, "video/") !== false) { echo ""; exit; } else if (!isset($_GET['raw']) && strpos($ourmimetype, "audio/") !== false) { echo "