1) { $retv=str_replace($retsare[0] . 'localhost' . explode('#', explode('?', explode('/', $retsare[1])[0])[0])[0] . '/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $retv); } $gretv=$retv; return $retv; } //file_put_contents('x.x', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if (isset($_GET['imagetest']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'localhost') !== false) { //file_put_contents('xx.xx', (urldecode($_GET['imagetest']))); $im = imagecreatetruecolor(120, 10); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 233, 14, 91); imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, 'A Simple Text String', $text_color); // Output the image if (strpos(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']), '.') === false) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "imagetest.jpg")) { unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "imagetest.jpg"); } $gretv=dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "imagetest.jpg"; imagejpeg($im, dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . "imagetest.jpg"); } else if (strpos(strtolower(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])), '.gif') !== false) { //file_put_contents('xxx.xxx', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if (file_exists(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']))) { unlink(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } imagegif($im, oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); //file_put_contents('xxxx.xxxx', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } else if (strpos(strtolower(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])), '.bmp') !== false) { if (file_exists(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']))) { unlink(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } imagebmp($im, oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']), true); } else if (strpos(strtolower(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])), '.png') !== false) { if (file_exists(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']))) { unlink(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } imagepng($im, oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } else if (strpos(strtolower(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])), '.jp') !== false) { if (file_exists(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest']))) { unlink(oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } imagejpeg($im, oururldecode($_GET['imagetest'])); } // Free up memory imagedestroy($im); if (file_exists($gretv)) { unlink($gretv); echo ""; } //sleep(25); //unlink(oururldecode($_GET['imgtest'])); exit; } $doaudio=''; $stufftosay=''; $formstufftosay=""; $divstufftosay=""; $kh=""; if (isset($_GET['doaudio']) || isset($_POST['doaudio'])) { if (isset($_GET['iam'])) { $kh="&doaudio=" . $_GET['iam']; // . '&iam=' . $_GET['iam']; } else { $kh="&doaudio=" . $_GET['doaudio'];; } } //$speakerblurb=''; $speakerblurb="'; maybeaudio(0); } \">🔊"; if (PHP_OS == "Darwin") { $stufftosay=''; if (isset($_GET['audio']) || isset($_POST['audio'])) { if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $doaudio=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['audio']))); } else if (isset($_POST['audio'])) { $doaudio=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['audio']))); } } if (trim($doaudio) != '' || isset($_GET['doaudio']) || isset($_POST['doaudio'])) { $divstufftosay=""; if (isset($_GET['audio']) || isset($_POST['audio'])) { if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $stufftosay=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['audio']))); } else if (isset($_POST['audio'])) { $stufftosay=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['audio']))); } if ($stufftosay != '') { while (file_exists('what_is_the_english_word.blurb')) { sleep(2); } file_put_contents('what_is_the_english_word.blurb', ''); //file_put_contents('what_is_the_english_word.b', '' . $_GET['audio'] . ' ... ' . $_GET['doaudio']); if (strpos($stufftosay, "Player,") === false && ($_GET['audio'] != '' && $_GET['doaudio'] != '')) { exec('say "' . $stufftosay . '"'); } if (file_exists('what_is_the_english_word.blurb')) { unlink('what_is_the_english_word.blurb'); } if (isset($_GET['andthatisit']) || isset($_POST['andthatisit'])) { exit; } } } } } $h1prefix=""; $h1itprefix=""; $seloh=" "; $ddname=""; if (isset($_GET['myname'])) { $ddname=""; } $score=0; $goes=0; $blurb=''; $dblurb="Score: 0/0"; $totalj=0; $fortyeight="48"; $fortyeighti=""; $fortyeightj=""; $ob=""; $okp=""; $sh3=""; $aic="Am I Correct?"; $bc="background-color:yellow;"; if (isset($_GET['fortyeight'])) { $fortyeight=$_GET['fortyeight']; $fortyeighti=""; $fortyeightj="&fortyeight=" . $fortyeight; $aic="Correct?"; $ob=" onblur=\" if (this.value.trim() != '' && eval('' + this.value.length) >= eval('' + document.getElementById('wl').innerHTML)) { document.getElementById('subm').style.backgroundColor='orange'; document.getElementById('subm').click(); } \" "; $okp=" onkeydown=\" return isitnum(event); \" title=\"Type numerics to focus on that player number textbox.\" "; $sh3=" style='display:none;'"; $bc="background:linear-gradient(270deg, #00D7B9, #B95DD7 50%, #FFB367 100%);"; //linear-gradient(180deg, cornflowerblue, purple);"; if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $fortyeightj.='&audio=' . $_GET['audio']; } if (isset($_GET['andthatisit'])) { $fortyeightj.='&andthatisit=' . $_GET['andthatisit']; } if (isset($_GET['myname'])) { $fortyeightj="&fortyeight=" . $fortyeight . '&myname=' . $_GET['myname']; $h1itprefix=str_replace(', ,',',',str_replace(', ,',',',str_replace(',,',',',trim(str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myname'])))) . ', '))) . "What Is " . $_GET['length'] . " Letter English Word With " . $_GET['letter'] . " position " . $_GET['position'] . '?'; $h1prefix="'); \">" . str_replace(', ,',',',str_replace(', ,',',',str_replace(',,',',',trim(str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['myname'])))) . ', '))) . ""; } else { $h1prefix="'); \">"; } } if (isset($_GET['numplayers'])) { $preifs=" What Is The English Word - RJM Programming - February, 2022
"; for ($ih=1; $ih<=$_GET['numplayers']; $ih++) { $preifs=str_replace("", "" . $ih . str_replace('=isel','=isel' . $ih,$seloh) . "", $preifs); $preifs=str_replace("", "   " . $ih . "", $preifs); } echo $preifs; exit; } function ask() { global $score, $goes, $blurb, $fortyeightj, $kh; $letters=['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']; $rl=rand(0,25); $lr=rand(5,12); $pr=rand(1,$lr); header('Location: ' . str_replace(":80/","/",str_replace(":443/","/","http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "" . explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0] . '?position=' . $pr . $kh . '&length=' . $lr . '&letter=' . $letters[$rl] . '&score=' . $score . '&goes=' . $goes . $fortyeightj . '&blurb=' . urlencode($blurb)))); exit; } if (isset($_GET['youranswer']) && isset($_GET['theanswer'])) { if (isset($_GET['score'])) { $score=$_GET['score']; } if (isset($_GET['goes'])) { $goes=$_GET['goes']; } if (isset($_GET['blurb'])) { $dblurb=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['blurb'])); } $goes++; $blurb=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['explanation'])) . "" . $_GET['theanswer'] . " ... Score: " . $score . "/" . $goes; if (trim(strtolower($_GET['youranswer'])) == trim(strtolower($_GET['theanswer']))) { $score++; $blurb="Congratulations! ... Score: " . $score . "/" . $goes; } ask(); } else if (isset($_GET['letter']) && isset($_GET['length']) && isset($_GET['position'])) { if (isset($_GET['score'])) { $score=$_GET['score']; } if (isset($_GET['goes'])) { $goes=$_GET['goes']; } if (isset($_GET['blurb'])) { $dblurb=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['blurb'])); } $h1itprefix="What Is " . $_GET['length'] . " Letter English Word With " . $_GET['letter'] . " position " . $_GET['position'] . '?'; $w14a=$_GET['letter']; $wzero=""; $wz=""; $dwz="_"; for ($ii=1; $ii<=$_GET['length']; $ii++) { if ($ii == $_GET['position']) { $wzero.=$w14a; $wz.=$w14a; } else { $wzero.="0"; $wz.=$dwz; if ($dwz == "_") { $dwz="-"; } else { $dwz="_"; } } } $w10d=""; $jj=0; while (strpos($w10d, ' ') === false) { $w10d = file_get_contents(str_replace(":80/","/",str_replace(":443/","/","http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "/PHP/surprise.php?min=" . (1 + $_GET['length']) . "&max=" . (1 + $_GET['length']) . "&hastobe=" . $wzero . "&needclue=y&youllneverfindthis=y"))); $jj++; $totalj++; if ($totalj > 100) { exit; //header('Location: ' . str_replace(":80/","/",str_replace(":443/","/","http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "" . explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0]))); } if ($jj > 10) { ask(); } sleep(2); } if (PHP_OS == "Darwin") { $stufftosay=''; if (isset($_GET['audio']) || isset($_POST['audio'])) { if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $doaudio=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['audio']))); } else if (isset($_POST['audio'])) { $doaudio=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['audio']))); } } if (trim($doaudio) != '' || isset($_GET['doaudio']) || isset($_POST['doaudio'])) { if (isset($_GET['audio']) || isset($_POST['audio']) || 1 == 1) { if (isset($_GET['audio'])) { $stufftosay=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['audio']))); } else if (isset($_POST['audio'])) { $stufftosay=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['audio']))); } if ($stufftosay == '') { if (isset($_GET['iam'])) { $stufftosay='Player ' . $_GET['iam'] . ', your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } else if (isset($_POST['iam'])) { $stufftosay='Player ' . $_POST['iam'] . ', your clue is ' .trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } else { $stufftosay='Player, your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } } else if (isset($_GET['doaudio'])) { if ($_GET['doaudio'] != '') { $stufftosay='Player ' . $_GET['doaudio'] . ', your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } } if ($stufftosay != '') { $formstufftosay=''; while (file_exists('what_is_the_english_word.blurb')) { sleep(2); } file_put_contents('what_is_the_english_word.blurb', ''); if (strpos($stufftosay, "Player,") === false && ($_GET['audio'] != '' && $_GET['doaudio'] != '')) { exec('say "' . $stufftosay . '"'); } if (file_exists('what_is_the_english_word.blurb')) { unlink('what_is_the_english_word.blurb'); } } } if ($stufftosay != '' && (isset($_GET['andthatisit']) || isset($_POST['andthatisit']))) { exit; } } } if ($stufftosay == '') { if (isset($_GET['iam'])) { $stufftosay='Player ' . $_GET['iam'] . ', your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } else if (isset($_POST['iam'])) { $stufftosay='Player ' . $_POST['iam'] . ', your clue is ' .trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } else { $stufftosay='Player, your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '. ' . $h1itprefix . '. Your clue is ' . trim(substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0]))) . '.'; } } echo " What Is The English Word - RJM Programming - February, 2022 W",", w",str_replace(", W",", w",">" . $h1prefix . "What Is ")) . $_GET['length'] . " Letter English Word With \"" . $_GET['letter'] . "\" position " . $_GET['position'] . "? RJM Programming February, 2022  " . $speakerblurb . "

" . $dblurb . "

" . $fortyeighti . "   " . substr($w10d, strlen(explode(' ',$w10d)[0])) . " ...     
"; } else { ask(); } ?>