Wikipedia List Webpage Containing Latitude and Longitude Makeover

" . $errmsg . "

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' . selcreate("Australia") . ' Waterfalls ... Thanks to Wikipedia

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"%3E" . urlencode($altis . ", " . $titleis) . "%3C/a%3E%22,~" . urlencode(str_replace("'","`",str_replace('"','`',$altis . ", " . $titleis))) . "~]"; //$thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . "," . "%22A%20Wikipedia%20image%20(thanks)%20and%20clicking%20link%20for%20Google%20Map%20based%20on%20latitude%20and%20longitude%20of%20%3Ca%20target=_blank%20href=\\\\\"" . urlencode("z=15&t=m&q=loc:" . $latis . $longis) . "\\\\\"" . $seimgbit . "%22,~" . urlencode($altis . ", " . $titleis) . "~]"; $thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . ",~" . str_replace("+","%20",urlencode(ltrim($altis . " " . $titleis,","))) . "~]"; // Write out Javascript to populate textarea and rest of form data that will be posted to iframe ... $ourscript .= "\n document.getElementById('data').value+=decodeURIComponent('" . $thisdata . 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" beComes " . $rn; //exit; return $rn; } function selxcreate($def) { $ret=$def; $selstr='"; return $ret; } if (isset($_GET['notyet'])) { echo 'Australia Ports - RJM Programming - September, 2017'; } else { $lhcont=fixit(false,file_get_contents("")); $url="//"; $method="POST"; $iname="my_iframe"; $ourtitle=urlencode("Australia Ports"); $ourlabel="[%27Lat%27,"; $ourvalue="%27Lon%27,%20%27Name%27]"; $ourdata=""; $prefix=$url . "?title=" . $ourtitle . "&onclick=y&lines=y&label=" . $ourlabel . "&value=" . $ourvalue . "&data="; $isok=true; $titleis=""; $altis=""; $imgbit=""; $simgbit=""; $seimgbit=""; $tdzdone=0; $tdzd=false; // Prepare HTML form and iframe for later ... $ourform="<" . "form target='" . $iname . "' method='" . $method . "' action='" . $url . "'>\n"; $ourscript="<" . "script type='text/javascript'>\nfunction populate() { document.getElementById('title').value=decodeURIComponent('" . $ourtitle . "'); document.getElementById('label').value=decodeURIComponent('" . $ourlabel . 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'").style.display="inline"; } '; // For each table ... //$tbits=explode('', $bits[$ii]); for ($iij=0; $iij", str_replace("", "", $preabits[$iij])); for ($iijj=1; $iijj", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace("", ">", str_replace("<", "<", $titleis . " ... " . $altis)); //exit; } else if ($altis == "" || $altis == $titleis) { $altis=str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace("", ">", str_replace("<", "<", $titleis . " .. " . $altis)); //exit; } if (1 == 2) echo "\n"; //if (substr($xpostabits[$iijjk], 0, 1) == "E") $longis="+" . trim(str_replace("S", "", str_replace("N", "", str_replace("\n", "", $xpostabits[$iijjk - 1])))); // . ""; //if (substr($xpostabits[$iijjk], 0, 1) == "W") $longis="-" . trim(str_replace("S", "", str_replace("N", "", str_replace("\n", "", $xpostabits[$iijjk - 1])))); // . ""; if (strpos((explode("<",$xxpostabits[$iijjk])[0] . "<"),"N<") !== false) { $latis="+" . extract_nums(explode("<",$xxpostabits[$iijjk])[0]); } if (strpos((explode("<",$xpostabits[$iijjk])[0] . "<"),"S<") !== false) { $latis="-" . extract_nums(explode("<",$xxpostabits[$iijjk])[0]); } if (strpos((explode("<",$xpostabits[$iijjk])[0] . "<"),"E<") !== false) { $longis="+" . extract_nums(explode("<",$xxpostabits[$iijjk])[0]); } if (strpos((explode("<",$xpostabits[$iijjk])[0] . "<"),"W<") !== false) { $longis="-" . extract_nums(explode("<",$xxpostabits[$iijjk])[0]); } if (strpos($postabits[$iijjk] . " "," S ") !== false) { // 35°26'49.2"S $wls=explode(" ",str_replace('"',"",str_replace("°"," ",str_replace("'"," ",str_replace(" S","",$postabits[$iijjk]))))); $val=(0.0 - $wls[0]); $div=60.0; for ($iwls=1; $iwls") !== false) { // 35°26'49.2"S $postabitsiijjk=explode(">",explode(" E",$tbits[$i])[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(">",explode(" E",$tbits[$i])[0]))]; $wls=explode(" ",str_replace('"',"",str_replace("°"," ",str_replace("'"," ",str_replace(" E","",$postabitsiijjk))))); $val=(0.0 + $wls[0]); $div=60.0; $lp=$val; for ($iwls=1; $iwls") !== false) { // 35°26'49.2"S $postabitsiijjk=explode(">",explode(" W",$tbits[$i])[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(">",explode(" W",$tbits[$i])[0]))]; $wls=explode(" ",str_replace('"',"",str_replace("°"," ",str_replace("'"," ",str_replace(" W","",$postabitsiijjk))))); $val=(0.0 - $wls[0]); $div=60.0; for ($iwls=1; $iwls" . $altis . ", " . $titleis) . "%3C/a%3E"; if ($seimgbit == "" && 1 == 2) $seimgbit=">" . $altis . ", " . $titleis . ""; // Write out cell of information for one dam ... if (trim($altis . $titleis) != "") { if (trim($altis) == "") { if (!$tdzd) { if (strpos($listsofar, ";" . $titleis . ";") === false) { $listsofar.=$titleis . ";"; $tdzdone=1; $tdzd=true; echo "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($listsofar, ";" . $titleis . ";") === false) { $listsofar.=$titleis . ";"; $tdzdone++; echo "\n"; } } //if (strpos($tbits[$i], "Bermagui") !== false) { // echo $lp . " " . $latis . $longis; // exit; //} if (1 == 2) $thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . "," . "%22A%20Wikipedia%20image%20(thanks)%20and%20clicking%20link%20for%20Google%20Map%20based%20on%20latitude%20and%20longitude%20of%20%3Ca%20target=_blank%20href=\\\\\"" . urlencode("z=15&t=m&q=loc:" . $latis . $longis) . "\\\\\"" . "%3E" . urlencode($titleis) . "%3C/a%3E%22,~" . urlencode(str_replace(' Harbour','',$titleis)) . "~]"; $thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . "," . "%22A%20Wikipedia%20image%20(thanks)%20and%20clicking%20link%20for%20Google%20Map%20based%20on%20latitude%20and%20longitude%20of%20%3Ca%20target=_blank%20href=\\\\\"" . urlencode("z=15&t=m&q=loc:" . $latis . $longis) . "\\\\\"" . $seimgbit . "%22,~" . urlencode(str_replace(' Harbour','',$titleis)) . "~]"; } else { if (!$tdzd) { if (strpos($listsofar, ";" . $altis . ";") === false) { $listsofar.=$altis . ";"; $tdzdone=1; $tdzd=true; echo "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($listsofar, ";" . $altis . ";") === false) { $listsofar.=$altis . ";"; $tdzdone++; echo "\n"; } } //if (strpos($tbits[$i], "Bermagui") !== false) { // echo $lp . " " . $latis . $longis; // exit; //} if (1 == 2) $thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . "," . "%22A%20Wikipedia%20image%20(thanks)%20and%20clicking%20link%20for%20Google%20Map%20based%20on%20latitude%20and%20longitude%20of%20%3Ca%20target=_blank%20href=\\\\\"" . urlencode("z=15&t=m&q=loc:" . $latis . $longis) . "\\\\\"" . "%3E" . urlencode($altis) . "%3C/a%3E%22,~" . urlencode(str_replace(' Harbour','',$altis)) . "~]"; $thisdata = ",[" . str_replace("+","",$latis) . "," . str_replace("+","",$longis) . "," . "%22A%20Wikipedia%20image%20(thanks)%20and%20clicking%20link%20for%20Google%20Map%20based%20on%20latitude%20and%20longitude%20of%20%3Ca%20target=_blank%20href=\\\\\"" . urlencode("z=15&t=m&q=loc:" . $latis . $longis) . "\\\\\"" . $seimgbit . "%22,~" . urlencode(str_replace(' Harbour','',$altis)) . "~]"; } } // Write out Javascript to populate textarea and rest of form data that will be posted to iframe ... $ourscript .= "\n document.getElementById('data').value+=decodeURIComponent('" . $thisdata . "'); "; $ourscript .= "\n document.getElementById('data').innerHTML+=decodeURIComponent('" . $thisdata . "'); "; $ourdata .= $thisdata; //$titleis=""; //$altis=""; $imgbit=""; $simgbit=""; $seimgbit=""; // For image cells ... } else if (strpos($postabits[$iijj], ""; if (strpos($imgbit, ' src=') !== false) { $ibits=explode(' src=', $imgbit); $jbits=explode(' ', $ibits[1]); $simgbit = " onclick=\"" . $jbits[0] . ", '" . $altis . "'); \">" . $altis . ", " . $titleis . ""; $seimgbit = urlencode(" onclick=\\\"" . $jbits[0] . ", '" . $altis . "','left=200,top=200,width=300,height=300'); \\\">" . $altis . ", " . $titleis . ""); } else { $simgbit=""; $seimgbit=""; } // For other cells ... } else if (1 == 2) { if ($titleis == "") { $titleis=str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace("", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace("" . str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(""; } } // Check for end of significant information in this table row ... if (strpos($postabits[$iijj], ".") !== false && (strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°S") !== false || strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°N") !== false || strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°E") !== false || strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°W") !== false)) $isok=false; } } } // Reset to look for interesting cells in program ... $isok=true; } $titleis=""; $altis=""; $imgbit=""; $simgbit=""; $seimgbit=""; } // Write out end of HTML including end of row and end of table and form (method=POST with a submit button programmatically clicked via setInterval() at body onload event) and Javascript code and Google Chart Map Chart map.php iframe. echo "\n
" . str_replace(">", ">", str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(""; } //} //} } for ($iijj=1; $iijj') !== false))) { // For "still within interesting cells" within table row ... if ($isok) { // For decimal latitude, longitude content cells ... if (strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°") !== false || strpos($postabits[$iijj], 'itude">') !== false) { if (strpos($postabits[$iijj], 'itude">') !== false) { $xxpostabits=explode('itude">', $postabits[$iijj]); if (strpos($postabits[$iijj], "°") !== false) $xpostabits=explode("°", $postabits[$iijj]); } else { $xpostabits=explode("°", $postabits[$iijj]); $xxpostabits=explode("°", $postabits[$iijj]); } for ($iijjk=1; $iijjk"; //if (substr($xpostabits[$iijjk], 0, 1) == "S") $latis="-" . $xpostabits[$iijjk - 1]; // . "🎞   " . $titleis . $imgbit . "   " . $titleis . $imgbit . "🎞   " . $altis . $imgbit . "   " . $altis . $imgbit . "
" . $ourform . $ourscript . "\n if (1 == 1) { setTimeout(after, 2000); } \n } \n

"; } ?>