Translations from English can happen choosing Language first."; $stylestuff=""; $wsb=""; $qqhval=''; $langcode=''; $langsuffix=''; $htmltop=""; $origlangchange=" lang='en'>"; $langchange=$origlangchange; $zt=@file_get_contents("HTTP://"); file_put_contents("zt.htm", $zt); if (isset($_GET['thelang'])) { if (strlen($_GET['thelang']) > 0) { $langcode=urldecode($_GET['thelang']); $sayps=explode(" " . strtolower($langcode) . "_", $sayvoices); if (sizeof($sayps) > 1) { $sayprefix="-v " . trim(explode("\n", $sayps[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", $sayps[0]))]) . " "; } $langsuffix='&thelang=' . $_GET['thelang']; $htmltop=""; $langchange=" lang='" . urldecode($_GET['thelang']) . "'>"; $togo=""; } } else if (isset($_POST['thelang'])) { if (strlen($_POST['thelang']) > 0) { $langcode=urldecode($_POST['thelang']); $sayps=explode(" " . strtolower($langcode) . "_", $sayvoices); if (sizeof($sayps) > 1) { $sayprefix="-v " . trim(explode("\n", $sayps[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n", $sayps[0]))]) . " "; } $langsuffix='&thelang=' . $_POST['thelang']; $htmltop=""; $langchange=" lang='" . urldecode($_POST['thelang']) . "'>"; $togo=""; } } $lot=""; $sbc=" style=background-color:orange;"; if (isset($_GET['thetemplate'])) { if (strlen($_GET['thetemplate']) > 0) { if (strpos(urldecode($_GET['thetemplate']), "Curriculum_Vitae_LibreOffice.html") !== false && strpos(urldecode($_GET['thetemplate']), "") !== false) { $lot="LibreOffice Email Template "; } else { $lot="LibreOffice Template "; } $sbc=""; } } else if (isset($_POST['thetemplate'])) { if (strlen($_POST['thetemplate']) > 0) { if (strpos(urldecode($_POST['thetemplate']), "Curriculum_Vitae_LibreOffice.html") !== false && strpos(urldecode($_POST['thetemplate']), "") !== false) { $lot="LibreOffice Email Template "; } else { $lot="LibreOffice Template "; } $sbc=""; } } function lookup($ptoobig) { global $langcode, $maybesaynext; $mymc=""; if (str_replace("en","",$langcode) != '' && strlen(trim($ptoobig)) > 0) { $pokay=trim($ptoobig); $purl="" . str_replace("+","%20",urlencode($pokay)) . "&langpair=en|" . $langcode; //!&langpair=en|it#Ciao Mondo! // {"responseData":{"translatedText":"Ciao Mondo!","match":1},"quotaFinished":false,"responseDetails":"","responseStatus":200,"responderId":"242","exception_code":null,"matches":[{"id":"562784765","segment":"Hello World!","translation":"Ciao Mondo!","quality":"74","reference":null,"usage-count":97,"subject":"All","created-by":"MateCat","last-updated-by":"MateCat","create-date":"2018-05-24 22:32:33","last-update-date":"2018-05-24 22:32:33","match":1}]} if (file_exists("mym.txt")) $mymc=file_get_contents("mym.txt"); $findings=explode($purl, $mymc); if (sizeof($findings) > 1) { if (strlen(explode("\n", $findings[1])[0]) <= 1) { return $ptoobig; } else { $maybesaynext=(html_entity_decode(str_replace('\u','&#x',substr(explode("\n", $findings[1])[0],1)), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")); return html_entity_decode(str_replace('\u','&#x',substr(explode("\n", $findings[1])[0],1)), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . " "; } } else { $thisf=str_replace(" "," ",file_get_contents($purl)); if (strpos($thisf, "responseData") !== false) { $fndis=false; if (strpos(strtolower($thisf), '"segment":"' . strtolower(trim($ptoobig)) . '","translation":"' . strtolower(trim($ptoobig)) . '"') !== false) { if (strpos($thisf, '"segment":"' . strtoupper(trim($ptoobig)) . '","translation":"' . strtoupper(trim($ptoobig)) . '"') !== false) { $fndis=false; } else { $fndis=true; file_put_contents("mym.txt", $mymc . $purl . "#" . trim($ptoobig) . "\n"); $maybesaynext=(trim($ptoobig)); return $ptoobig; } } if (!$fndis) { if (strpos($thisf, '{"translatedText":"') !== false) { file_put_contents("mym.txt", $mymc . $purl . "#" . explode('"', explode('{"translatedText":"', $thisf)[1])[0] . "\n"); $maybesaynext=(explode('"', explode('{"translatedText":"', $thisf)[1])[0]); return html_entity_decode(str_replace('\u','&#x',explode('"', explode('{"translatedText":"', $thisf)[1])[0]), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . " "; } else if (strpos(strtolower($thisf), '"segment":"' . strtolower(trim($ptoobig)) . '","translation":"') !== false) { $fndat=strrpos(strtolower($thisf), '"segment":"' . strtolower(trim($ptoobig)) . '","translation":"') + strlen('"segment":"' . strtolower(trim($ptoobig)) . '","translation":"'); file_put_contents("mym.txt", $mymc . $purl . "#" . explode('"', substr($thisf, $fndat))[0] . "\n"); $maybesaynext=(explode('"', substr($thisf, $fndat))[0]); return html_entity_decode(str_replace('\u','&#x',explode('"', substr($thisf, $fndat))[0]), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . " "; } else { file_put_contents("mym.txt", $mymc . $purl . "\n"); return $ptoobig; } } //else { //return $ptoobig; //} } else { return $ptoobig; } } } // \u81ea\u5df1\u7d39\u4ecb return $ptoobig; } function httpit($inu) { if (strpos(strtolower(urldecode($inu)), "http") !== false) { return $inu; } else { return urlencode("http:" . urldecode($inu)); } } function ourstr_replace($froms, $tos, $tstr) { global $qqhval; $lc=""; $prevlc=""; if ($tstr == "") return $tstr; $rs=str_replace($froms, $tos, $tstr); $xrs=substr($rs,0,1); $lc=$xrs; for ($ir=1; $ir= '0' && substr($rs,(-1 + $ir),1) <= '9') $xrs.=" "; } else if (substr($rs,$ir,1) >= '0' && substr($rs,$ir,1) <= '9') { if (substr($rs,(-1 + $ir),1) == 'f') $xrs.=" "; } else if (substr($rs,$ir,1) >= 'A' && substr($rs,$ir,1) <= 'Z') { if (substr($rs,(-1 + $ir),1) != ' ') $xrs.=" "; } $prevlc=$lc; $lc=substr($rs,$ir,1); $xrs.=substr($rs,$ir,1); } if ($lc == " ") { if ($prevlc == " ") { $qqhval=$qqhval; // more to do } $qqhval=lookup(str_replace("Translation for English word ","",str_replace("Translation for English words ","",$xrs))); //substr($xrs,0,(strlen($xrs) - 1)); } return $xrs; } if (!isset($_GET['i0']) && isset($_GET['fconcept'])) { // Form findings $prompt="\n ans=prompt('What is your Survey and/or Template Form Concept? (optionally suffix by a space then LibreOffice template HTML URL (such as // LibreOffice Business Letter template), and/or optionally suffix by a space then email list to have potential for those emailees to redistribute this survey further afield)', 'Survey'); \n"; if (isset($_GET['ask'])) { $prompt="\n ans='" . urldecode($_GET['ask']) . "'; \n"; if (strpos(strtolower(str_replace('Curriculum Vitae ','',urldecode($_GET['ask']))), 'http') === false) { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents('http:' . str_replace('Curriculum Vitae ','',urldecode($_GET['ask'])))))[0])[1]; } else { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Curriculum Vitae ','',urldecode($_GET['ask']))))))[0])[1]; } $xcvs=explode("", $wsb)[0])); if (sizeof($xcvs) > 1) { if (strpos($xcvs[1], "<css>") !== false) { $huhs=explode("/*", $xcvs[1]); if (sizeof($huhs) > 1) { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . substr($xcvs[1], 0, (strlen($xcvs[1]) - (2 + strlen($huhs[-1 + sizeof($huhs)])))) . "\n /* "; } else { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . $xcvs[1] . "\n /* "; } } } } $htmlis=$htmltop . " " . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['fconcept'])) . " Survey") . " Form Questions var ilangsuffix=-1,maybesaynext='',langsuffix='" . $langsuffix . "'; var owo=null, say=''; function askmyf() { var ansx=prompt('Optionally enter email list to share this Curriculum Vitae with. A subject to email other than \"Curriculum Vitae\" can be separated after the email list by a space. Make the email list just uppercase to send email link to form, just lowercase to send a Curriculum Vitae report only. and a mix, both of these.', ''); if (ansx != null) { if (ansx.indexOf('@') != -1) { var xansx=ansx.split(' '); if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toUpperCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toLowerCase()) { if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?subject=Curriculum%20Vitae','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(ansx.replace(xansx[0] + ' ',''))); } else { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?'); } document.getElementById('acvemail').click(); } if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toLowerCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toUpperCase()) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } else { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } } } } } function tcheckit(iois) { var ians=1, dl=''; if (iois != null) { var aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument); if (aconto != null) { if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; } if (aconto.body != null) { var bih=aconto.body.innerHTML.replace(/\>\;/g,'<').replace(/\/g,'

'); var abih=bih.split(' src=\"'); for (var ibih=1; ibih 1) { if (ans.split(' ')[eval(-1 + ans.split(' ').length)].indexOf('@') != -1) { emaillist=ans.split(' ')[eval(-1 + ans.split(' ').length)]; document.getElementById('theto').value=emaillist; ans=ans.replace(' ' + emaillist,''); document.getElementById('thesubject').value=(ans + ' Survey').replace('Survey Survey','Survey') + ' Survey (ideally using Google Chrome web browser for audio input via microphone)'; if (ans.split(' ').length > 2) iioff--; } iioff--; if (ans.split(' ')[eval(-1 + ans.split(' ').length)].toLowerCase().indexOf('http') != -1 || ans.split(' ')[eval(-1 + ans.split(' ').length)].toLowerCase().indexOf('//') != -1) { templateis=ans.split(' ')[eval(-1 + ans.split(' ').length)]; document.getElementById('thetemplate').value=templateis; document.getElementById('tiframe').src=templateis; } } document.getElementById('myconcept').value=ans; } } if (templateis != '') { document.getElementById('myconcept').value=ans.replace((' ' + templateis),''); } else { while (ans != null) { ans=prompt('Separate a survey question ' + ians + ' from an optional prompt via ? ... Cancel finishes questions to ask ... eg. What is your favourite colour?Favourite colour', ''); if (ans != null) { if (ans != '') { document.getElementById('myquestions').value+=dl + '\"' + ans + '\"'; dl=','; ians++; } } } document.getElementById('mysf').click(); } }

" . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",urldecode($_GET['fconcept']) . " Survey") . " " . $lot . "Form Questions

... another?

"; echo $htmlis; exit; } else if (isset($_POST['i0']) && isset($_POST['fconcept'])) { // Form findings $joff=0; $defbh="

" . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['fconcept'])) . " Survey") . " " . $lot . "Report

... another? email?

"; if (isset($_POST['thetemplate'])) { if ($_POST['thetemplate'] != "") { if (strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_POST['thetemplate'])), 'http') === false) { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents('http:' . urldecode($_POST['thetemplate']))))[0])[1]; } else { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',urldecode($_POST['thetemplate'])))))[0])[1]; } $xcvs=explode("", $wsb)[0])); if (sizeof($xcvs) > 1) { if (strpos($xcvs[1], "<css>") !== false) { $huhs=explode("/*", $xcvs[1]); if (sizeof($huhs) > 1) { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . substr($xcvs[1], 0, (strlen($xcvs[1]) - (2 + strlen($huhs[-1 + sizeof($huhs)])))) . "\n /* "; } else { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . $xcvs[1] . "\n /* "; } } } while (substr($wsb,$joff,1) != '>') { $joff++; } $joff++; $defbh=str_replace("


",substr($wsb,$joff)); if (strpos(urldecode($_POST['thetemplate']), "Curriculum_Vitae_LibreOffice.html") !== false && strpos(urldecode($_POST['thetemplate']), "") !== false) { $defbh=str_replace(" " . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['fconcept'])) . " Survey") . " Report var ilangsuffix=-1,maybesaynext='',langsuffix='" . $langsuffix . "'; var owo=null, say=''; var dul=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; var argis=''; function askmyf() { var ansx=prompt('Optionally enter email list to share this Curriculum Vitae with. A subject to email other than \"Curriculum Vitae\" can be separated after the email list by a space. Make the email list just uppercase to send email link to form, just lowercase to send a Curriculum Vitae report only. and a mix, both of these.', ''); if (ansx != null) { if (ansx.indexOf('@') != -1) { var xansx=ansx.split(' '); if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toUpperCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toLowerCase()) { if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?subject=Curriculum%20Vitae','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(ansx.replace(xansx[0] + ' ',''))); } else { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?'); } document.getElementById('acvemail').click(); } if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toLowerCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toUpperCase()) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } else { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } } } } } function initemail() { document.getElementById('aemail').href=document.getElementById('aemail').href.replace(/\ /g,'%20').replace(/\+/g,'%20') + encodeURIComponent(dul + '?fconcept=') + encodeURIComponent('" . str_replace("'","' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '",str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",($_POST['fconcept']) . " Survey")) . " Report&" . "').replace(/\%20/g,'+'); fixemail(); } function fixemail() { var prerest=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('?subject=')[1].split('&body=')[0]; var rest=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('&body=')[1].split('php')[1]; document.getElementById('aemail').href=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('?subject=')[0] + '?subject=' + (prerest) + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent('') + (rest).replace(/\%20/g,'+'); } " . $defbh . " "; $ival=0; if ($joff == 0) { if (isset($_POST['s' . $ival])) { $htmlis=str_replace("", "
", $htmlis); } else { $htmlis=str_replace("", "
", $htmlis); } } while (isset($_POST['i' . $ival])) { if ($joff != 0) { $farr=explode("<" . str_replace("`","'",str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['s' . $ival]))) . ">", $htmlis); if (sizeof($farr) <= 2) { $htmlis=str_replace("<" . str_replace("`","'",str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['s' . $ival]))) . ">", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['i' . $ival])), $htmlis); } else { $prehtml=$farr[0] . "<" . str_replace("`","'",str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['s' . $ival]))) . ">"; $posthtml=str_replace("<" . str_replace("`","'",str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['s' . $ival]))) . ">", str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['i' . $ival])), $prehtml); $htmlis=str_replace($prehtml, $posthtml, $htmlis); } } else { if (isset($_POST['s' . $ival])) { $htmlis=str_replace("", "" . urldecode($_POST['s' . $ival]) . "" . urldecode($_POST['i' . $ival]) . "", $htmlis); $htmlis=str_replace("function fixemail() {", "function fixemail() { document.getElementById('aemail').href+=encodeURIComponent('s" . $ival . "=" . str_replace("'","' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '",($_POST['s' . $ival])) . "&'); ", $htmlis); $htmlis=str_replace("function fixemail() {", "function fixemail() { document.getElementById('aemail').href+=encodeURIComponent('i" . $ival . "=" . str_replace("'","' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '",($_POST['i' . $ival])) . "&'); ", $htmlis); } else { $htmlis=str_replace("", "" . urldecode($_POST['i' . $ival]) . "", $htmlis); $htmlis=str_replace("function fixemail() {", "function fixemail() { document.getElementById('aemail').href+=encodeURIComponent('i" . $ival . "=" . str_replace("'","' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '",($_POST['i' . $ival])) . "&'); ", $htmlis); } } $ival++; } if (isset($_POST['theto'])) { if (strpos(urldecode($_POST['theto']), "@") !== false) { // && strpos($htmlis, "") !== false) { $eol = PHP_EOL; $header = 'From: ' . '' . $eol; $header .= 'Reply-To: ' . '' . $eol; if (isset($_POST['thecc'])) { $header .= 'CC: ' . urldecode($_POST['thecc']) . $eol; } if (isset($_POST['thebcc'])) { $header .= 'BCC: ' . urldecode($_POST['thebcc']) . $eol; } // attachment $filename=str_replace("@", "_", str_replace(".", "_", urldecode($_POST['thesubject']) . urldecode($_POST['theto']))) . ".html"; $content = chunk_split(base64_encode(str_replace("%2b","+",str_replace(' contenteditable=',' data-alt=',$htmlis)))); $message="Please download attached webpage. "; if (sizeof(explode("\n",urldecode($_POST['thesubject']))) > 1) { $message.=str_replace("\r"," ",str_replace("\n"," ",str_replace(explode("\r",explode("\n",urldecode($_POST['thesubject']))[0])[0], "", urldecode($_POST['subject'])))); } // a random hash will be necessary to send mixed content $uid = md5(time()); $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$uid."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-type:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $message."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"".$filename."\"\r\n"; // use different content types here $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $content."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."--"; try { mail(urldecode($_POST['theto']), explode("\r",explode("\n",urldecode($_POST['thesubject']))[0])[0], "", $header); //$htmlis=str_replace("inite" . "mail();"," alert('Email sent okay.'); inite" . "mail();", $htmlis); } catch (Exception $ee) { //$htmlis=str_replace("inite" . "mail();"," alert('Email not sent.'); inite" . "mail();", $htmlis); } } } echo $htmlis; exit; } else if (isset($_GET['i0']) && isset($_GET['fconcept'])) { // Form findings $joff=0; $defbh="

" . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['fconcept'])) . " Survey") . " " . $lot . "Report

... another? email?

"; if (isset($_GET['thetemplate'])) { if ($_GET['thetemplate'] != "") { if (strpos(strtolower(urldecode($_GET['thetemplate'])), 'http') === false) { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents('http:' . urldecode($_GET['thetemplate']))))[0])[1]; } else { $wsb=explode("",str_replace($origlangchange,$langchange,file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',urldecode($_GET['thetemplate'])))))[0])[1]; } $xcvs=explode("", $wsb)[0])); if (sizeof($xcvs) > 1) { if (strpos($xcvs[1], "<css>") !== false) { $huhs=explode("/*", $xcvs[1]); if (sizeof($huhs) > 1) { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . substr($xcvs[1], 0, (strlen($xcvs[1]) - (2 + strlen($huhs[-1 + sizeof($huhs)])))) . "\n /* "; } else { $stylestuff="*/ \n" . $xcvs[1] . "\n /* "; } } } while (substr($wsb,$joff,1) != '>') { $joff++; } $joff++; $defbh=str_replace("


",substr($wsb,$joff)); if (strpos(urldecode($_GET['thetemplate']), "Curriculum_Vitae_LibreOffice.html") !== false && strpos(urldecode($_GET['thetemplate']), "") !== false) { $defbh=str_replace(" " . str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['fconcept'])) . " Survey") . " Report var ilangsuffix=-1,maybesaynext='',langsuffix='" . $langsuffix . "'; var owo=null, say=''; var dul=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0]; var argis=''; function askmyf() { var ansx=prompt('Optionally enter email list to share this Curriculum Vitae with. A subject to email other than \"Curriculum Vitae\" can be separated after the email list by a space. Make the email list just uppercase to send email link to form, just lowercase to send a Curriculum Vitae report only. and a mix, both of these.', ''); if (ansx != null) { if (ansx.indexOf('@') != -1) { var xansx=ansx.split(' '); if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toUpperCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toLowerCase()) { if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?subject=Curriculum%20Vitae','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(ansx.replace(xansx[0] + ' ',''))); } else { document.getElementById('acvemail').href=document.getElementById('acvemail').href.replace('mailto:?','mailto:' + xansx[0].toLowerCase() + '?'); } document.getElementById('acvemail').click(); } if (ansx[0] == ansx[0].toLowerCase() || ansx[0] != ansx[0].toUpperCase()) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; if (xansx.length > 1) { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } else { document.getElementById('myf').innerHTML+=''; } } } } } function initemail() { document.getElementById('aemail').href=document.getElementById('aemail').href.replace(/\ /g,'%20').replace(/\+/g,'%20'8/*-) + encodeURIComponent(dul + '?fconcept=') + encodeURIComponent('" . str_replace("'","' + String.fromCharCode(39) + '",str_replace("Survey Survey","Survey",($_GET['fconcept']) . " Survey")) . " Report&" . "').replace(/\%20/g,'+'); fixemail(); } function fixemail() { var prerest=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('?subject=')[1].split('&body=')[0]; var rest=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('&body=')[1].split('php')[1]; document.getElementById('aemail').href=document.getElementById('aemail').href.split('?subject=')[0] + '?subject=' + (prerest) + '&body=' + encodeURIComponent('') + (rest).replace(/\%20/g,'+'); } " . $defbh . " "; $ival=0; if ($joff == 0) { if (isset($_GET['s' . $ival])) { $htmlis=str_replace("", "
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... another?

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" . str_replace(" LibreOffice"," LibreOffice",$qone) . " Form

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" . str_replace(" LibreOffice"," LibreOffice",$qone) . " Form

" . $qins . "
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LibreOffice",$qone); ?> (thanks to Google Speech to Text)

<- 1 Player 2 ->

One quizzer can
key in 1 (left)
or 2 (right)

Score: 0/0