", $wordcontent); if (sizeof($cells) > 1) { for ($ij=0; $ij", $cells[$ij]); $cellnoti=explode(">", $cellih[0]); if (strpos($cellih[0], $inimg) !== false && sizeof($cellnoti) > 1) { return $cellnoti[sizeof($cellnoti) - 1]; } } } return ""; } function dojs($numimages, $ix, $fx, $wd, $ht) { $scris= " var iask=1;\n var iok=1;\n var iw='" . $wd . "';\n var ih='" . $ht . "';\n var lastslide=1;\n var lastix=" . $ix . ";\n var lastfx=" . $fx . ";\n var ix=" . $ix . ";\n var fx=" . $fx . ";\n var numimages=" . $numimages . "\n var way=1.0;\n var ncurid=0;\n var curopacity=1.0;\n function incr() { ncurid=eval((ncurid + 1) % numimages);\n if (lastix != ix) { document.getElementById('slidesecs').title=ix; document.getElementById('slidesecs').value=ix; document.title=document.title.replace('Slide Period: ' + lastix, 'Slide Period: ' + ix); lastix=ix; } \n if (lastfx != fx) { document.getElementById('fadercycle').title=fx; document.getElementById('fadercycle').value=fx; document.title=document.title.replace('Fader Cycle: ' + lastfx, 'Fader Cycle: ' + fx); lastfx=fx; } \n document.title=document.title.replace('Slideshow Slide ' + lastslide, 'Slideshow Slide ' + ncurid);\n lastslide=ncurid; var was=document.getElementById('twording').innerHTML.replace('Start of slideshow ...',''); if (ncurid == 1) { document.getElementById('twording').innerHTML = 'Start of slideshow ...' + was; } else if (was != document.getElementById('twording').innerHTML) { document.getElementById('twording').innerHTML=was; } \n for (var ii=0; ii= 1.0) { way = -way; } document.getElementById('i' + ncurid).style.opacity=curopacity; setTimeout(fader, fx); } "; $scris.=" \n function mclick(evt) { var mois=null; var minis=0; var maxis=0; if (evt.target.id) { mois=document.getElementById(evt.target.id); minis=mois.min; maxis=mois.max; } else if (evt.id) { mois=document.getElementById(evt.target.id); minis=mois.min; maxis=mois.max; } if (mois != null) { if (evt.clientY) { if (mois.id == 'slidesecs') { ix=verify(eval(Math.floor(((evt.clientY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis)); this.value=ix; } else { fx=verify(eval(Math.floor(((evt.clientY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis)); this.value=fx; } } else if (evt.pageY) { if (mois.id == 'slidesecs') { ix=eval(Math.floor(((evt.pageY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis); this.value=ix; } else { fx=eval(Math.floor(((evt.pageY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis); this.value=fx; } } } } "; $scris.=" \n function verify(inidea) { if (iask != 0) { var valis=prompt('If you are not happy with Calculated value, please change it as required. Cancel stops asking, like this.',inidea); if (valis != null) { return valis; } else { iask=0; } } return inidea; } "; return $scris; } $inline = "inline"; $bits=explode("/", getcwd()); $diris=str_replace("/" . $bits[(sizeof($bits) - 1)], $place, getcwd()) . "/"; $myarray = glob($diris . "*.jpg"); // Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124958/glob-sort-by-date usort($myarray, create_function('$a,$b', 'return filemtime($b) - filemtime($a);')); echo "" . str_replace("/", " ", $place) . " Slideshow Slide 1 Slide Period: " . $incrx . " Fader Cycle: " . $faderx . "
"; for ($i=0; $i"; $inline = "none"; } echo "

Slide Time in milliseconds
Slide Time in milliseconds
(short) 1000 to 60000 (long)
Fader Cycle Period in milliseconds
Fader Cycle Period in milliseconds
(lots) 50 to 3600000 (little)

Start of slideshow ...
"; ?>