tag href to an internal slideshow HTML file // 2) Twirling Javascript onmouseover scenario ... use eval([PHPequivalentOfJavascript]) to derive next image name (until, and excluding when, we get back to first image name) // 3) Single image scenario ... and ... // 4) Image place specified that has ... encasing and any relevant displayable text (comment) wording // WordPress TwentyTen theme class name (of interest, regarding where to extract image data) $wp_twentyten_classname_of_interest="wp-caption"; // WordPress TwentyTen theme element type (of interest, regarding where to extract image data) $wp_twentyten_elementtype_of_interest="div"; $prea=""; $posta=""; $optbits=""; $optbitsalt=""; $revoptbits=""; $revoptbitsalt=""; $tf="270"; $andthencontent=""; $wordingurl="http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/developing-black-and-white-photos-primer-tutorial/"; // default 4) scenario if (isset($_GET['wordingurl'])) $wordingurl=urldecode($_GET['wordingurl']); if (isset($_POST['wordingurl'])) $wordingurl=urldecode($_POST['wordingurl']); if (strlen($wordingurl) > 0 && strpos($wordingurl, "rjmprogramming.com.au/") === false) { $wordingurl = "http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/" . $wordingurl; } $wordcontent=""; if ($wordingurl != "") $wordcontent=file_get_contents($wordingurl); $place="/Photography"; // default 4) image place defined if (isset($_GET['place'])) $place=urldecode($_GET['place']); if (isset($_POST['place'])) $place=urldecode($_POST['place']); if (strlen($place) > 0 && strpos("*" . $place . " ", "*/") === false) $place = "/" . $place; if ($place != "") $prea=""; if ($place != "") $posta=""; $incrx="2750"; if (isset($_GET['slideperiod'])) $incrx=$_GET['slideperiod']; if (isset($_POST['slideperiod'])) $incrx=$_POST['slideperiod']; $faderx="150"; if (isset($_GET['fadercycle'])) $faderx=$_GET['fadercycle']; if (isset($_POST['fadercycle'])) $faderx=$_POST['fadercycle']; $istyle=" style='opacity:1.0;' "; $cwidth=""; $cheight=""; if (isset($_GET['width'])) $cwidth=$_GET['width']; // . "px"; if (isset($_POST['width'])) $cwidth=$_POST['width']; // . "px"; if (isset($_GET['height'])) $cheight=$_GET['height']; // . "px"; if (isset($_POST['width'])) $cheight=$_POST['height']; // . "px"; if (isset($_GET['width'])) $istyle=str_replace("width:px;", "", str_replace(";'", ";width:" . $_GET['width'] . "px;'", $istyle)); if (isset($_POST['width'])) $istyle=str_replace("width:px;", "", str_replace(";'", ";width:" . $_POST['width'] . "px;'", $istyle)); if (isset($_GET['height'])) $istyle=str_replace("height:px;", "", str_replace(";'", ";height:" . $_GET['height'] . "px;'", $istyle)); if (isset($_POST['width'])) $istyle=str_replace("height:px;", "", str_replace(";'", ";height:" . $_POST['height'] . "px;'", $istyle)); function wording($inimg) { global $wordingurl, $wordcontent, $place, $andthencontent, $prea, $posta; // The hard-coded (first) case of http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/developing-black-and-white-photos-primer-tutorial/ and photos of http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/Photography/ //if (strlen($place) > 0 && strpos(str_replace("\n","",str_replace(" ","",$wordcontent)), "") === false) { if (strlen($place) > 0 && strpos($wordcontent, "") !== false && strpos($wordcontent, "") !== false) { $cells=explode("", $wordcontent); if (sizeof($cells) > 1) { for ($ij=0; $ij", $cells[$ij]); $cellnoti=explode(">", $cellih[0]); if (strpos($cellih[0], $inimg) !== false && sizeof($cellnoti) > 1) { return $cellnoti[sizeof($cellnoti) - 1]; } } } } else if (strpos($andthencontent, " // //Xcode Learning Programming Primer Tutorial // //

Xcode Learning Programming Primer Tutorial

// $dstuff=explode($wp_twentyten_classname_of_interest, $wordcontent); if (sizeof($dstuff) >= 2) { $dih=explode("", $dstuff[1]); if (sizeof($dih) >= 2) { // this is the usual pattern for RJM Programming blog posts $hrefdihtwo=explode("href=", $dih[1]); if (sizeof($hrefdihtwo) >= 2) { $delimis=substr($hrefdihtwo[1],0,1); $hrefdht=explode($delimis, substr($hrefdihtwo[1],1)); $prea=""; $posta=""; if ($andthencontent == "") $andthencontent=file_get_contents($hrefdht[0]); if (strpos($andthencontent, "= 2) { $delimis=substr($dihtwo[1],0,1); $dht=explode($delimis, substr($dihtwo[1],1)); return $dht[0]; } } } } return ""; } function dojs($numimages, $ix, $fx, $wd, $ht) { $scris= " var rj=1;\n var iask=1;\n var iok=1;\n var iw='" . $wd . "';\n var ih='" . $ht . "';\n var lastslide=1;\n var lastix=" . $ix . ";\n var lastfx=" . $fx . ";\n var ix=" . $ix . ";\n var fx=" . $fx . ";\n var numimages=" . $numimages . "\n var way=1.0;\n var ncurid=0;\n var curopacity=1.0;\n function incr() { ncurid=eval((ncurid + 1) % numimages);\n if (lastix != ix) { document.getElementById('nslideperiod').value=ix; document.getElementById('slidesecs').title=ix; document.getElementById('slidesecs').value=ix; document.title=document.title.replace('Slide Period: ' + lastix, 'Slide Period: ' + ix); lastix=ix; } \n if (lastfx != fx) { document.getElementById('nfadercycle').value=fx; document.getElementById('fadercycle').title=fx; document.getElementById('fadercycle').value=fx; document.title=document.title.replace('Fader Cycle: ' + lastfx, 'Fader Cycle: ' + fx); lastfx=fx; } \n document.title=document.title.replace('Slideshow Slide ' + lastslide, 'Slideshow Slide ' + ncurid);\n lastslide=ncurid; var was=document.getElementById('sos').innerHTML.replace('Start of slideshow ...',''); if (ncurid == 1) { document.getElementById('sos').innerHTML = 'Start of slideshow ...' + was; } else if (was != document.getElementById('sos').innerHTML) { document.getElementById('sos').innerHTML=was; } \n for (var ii=0; ii= 1.0) { way = -way; } document.getElementById('i' + ncurid).style.opacity=curopacity; setTimeout(fader, fx); } "; $scris.=" \n function mclick(evt) { var mois=null; var minis=0; var maxis=0; if (evt.target.id) { mois=document.getElementById(evt.target.id); minis=mois.min; maxis=mois.max; } else if (evt.id) { mois=document.getElementById(evt.target.id); minis=mois.min; maxis=mois.max; } if (mois != null) { if (evt.clientY) { if (mois.id == 'slidesecs') { ix=verify(eval(Math.floor(((evt.clientY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis)); document.getElementById('nslideperiod').value=ix; this.value=ix; } else { fx=verify(eval(Math.floor(((evt.clientY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis)); document.getElementById('nfadercycle').value=fx; this.value=fx; } } else if (evt.pageY) { if (mois.id == 'slidesecs') { ix=eval(Math.floor(((evt.pageY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis); document.getElementById('nslideperiod').value=ix; this.value=ix; } else { fx=eval(Math.floor(((evt.pageY - 20) / 200.0) * (maxis - minis)) + minis); document.getElementById('nfadercycle').value=fx; this.value=fx; } } } } "; $scris.=" \n function verify(inidea) { if (iask != 0) { var valis=prompt('If you are not happy with Calculated value, please change it as required. Cancel stops asking, like this.',inidea); if (valis != null) { return valis; } else { iask=0; } } return inidea; } "; $scris.=" \n function fixifld(sval,idis) { if (sval.replace(' ','').replace(' ','').replace(' ','').replace(' ','').replace(' ','') == '') { rj=eval((rj % 4) + 1); for (var idf=1; idf<=4; idf++) { if (idf == rj) { document.getElementById('rjm' + idf + 'sel').style.display='inline'; } else { document.getElementById('rjm' + idf + 'sel').style.display='none'; } } } if (sval.indexOf('rjmprogramming.com.au') != -1) { document.getElementById('wordingurl').value=isd(sval.replace('http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/','').replace('http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/wordpress','../wordpress')); } } "; $scris.=" \n function isd(xval) { if (xval != 'developing-black-and-white-photos-primer-tutorial/' && document.getElementById('nplace').value == 'Photography') { document.getElementById('nplace').value=''; } return xval; } "; return $scris; } function scmp($a, $b) { // oldest to latest comparison method if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp($a, $b) { // alphabetical comparison method $ta=explode("title=", $a); $tb=explode("title=", $b); if ($ta[sizeof($ta) - 1] == $tb[sizeof($tb) - 1]) { return 0; } return ($ta[sizeof($ta) - 1] < $tb[sizeof($tb) - 1]) ? -1 : 1; } function revcmp($a, $b) { // reverse alphabetical comparison method $ta=explode("title=", $a); $tb=explode("title=", $b); if ($ta[sizeof($ta) - 1] == $tb[sizeof($tb) - 1]) { return 0; } return ($ta[sizeof($ta) - 1] > $tb[sizeof($tb) - 1]) ? -1 : 1; } function formstuff($wu, $plc, $ix, $fx, $wd, $ht) { global $tf, $optbits, $optbitsalt, $revoptbits, $revoptbitsalt; if (strlen($plc) > 0 && strpos("*" . $plc . " ", "*/") !== false) $plc = substr($plc, 1); $wu=str_replace("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/", "", str_replace("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/wordpress", "../wordpress", $wu)); $mytuts=file_get_contents("http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/Welcome.html"); $myts=explode("mytuts", $mytuts); $optbits=""; $optbitsalt=""; $revoptbits=""; $revoptbitsalt=""; if (sizeof($myts) == 2) { $mytwo=explode("", $myts[1]); $myts=explode(">", $mytwo[0]); $optbits=str_replace('show blog, ', '', str_replace('selected="selected"', '', str_replace("selected='selected'", "", str_replace($myts[0] . ">", "", $mytwo[0])))); $exoptbits=explode("