1) { $voice=$mvins[1]; for ($ilx=0; $ilx= 23) { $found=true; file_put_contents('./sayspare.php', $contis); file_put_contents('./say.php', str_replace('?' . '>', "\n $" . $lcode . '="' . $transblurb . '";' . "\n" . '?' . '>', $contis)); } } } $fromb=str_replace("_"," ",str_replace("-v_" . $mvins[1] . "_","",trim($mvin))); $frombs=explode(",", $fromb); if ($found) { // Playing 500 or bridge card game $pbcg=trim(str_replace(" 500 "," ",$transbits[0])); $pg=trim(str_replace($transbits[21],$transbits[22],$transbits[0])); if (strpos($fromb, "In your bridge card game") !== false) { $pg=$pbcg; } $intrick=trim(str_replace("23","",$transbits[5])); $passedword=trim(str_replace("41","",$transbits[7])); $doubleword=trim(str_replace("31","",$transbits[8])); $redoubleword=trim(str_replace("21","",$transbits[9])); $bidword="with bid"; $tostarttrick="to start trick"; $andword="and"; $andweshow=trim($transbits[11]); $ofclubs=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[16])); $ofspades=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[17])); $ofhearts=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[18])); $ofdiamonds=trim(str_replace("7","",$transbits[19])); $joker=trim($transbits[20]); $jack=str_replace($ofspades,"",$transbits[3]); $queen=str_replace($ofhearts,"",$transbits[4]); $king=str_replace($ofdiamonds,"",$transbits[5]); $ace=str_replace($ofclubs,"",$transbits[6]); if (strpos($transbits[2], "51") !== false && strpos($transbits[2], " 1") !== false) { if (strpos($transbits[2], "51") < strpos($transbits[2], " 1")) { $bidword=trim(explode(" 1", explode("51", $transbits[2])[1])[0]); } else { $bidword=trim(explode("51", explode(" 1", $transbits[2])[1])[0]); } } if (strpos($transbits[12], " 2") !== false && strpos($transbits[12], " 9") !== false) { $andword=explode(" ",trim($transbits[12]))[0]; if (strpos($transbits[12], " 2") < strpos($transbits[12], " 9")) { $tostarttrick=trim(explode(" 9", explode(" 2", $transbits[12])[1])[0]); } else { $tostarttrick=trim(explode(" 2", explode(" 9", $transbits[12])[1])[0]); } } if (strpos($fromb, ' follow suit') !== false) { if (sizeof($frombs) > 1) { $fromb=$frombs[1] . ', ' . $transbits[1]; } else { $fromb=$people[0] . ', ' . $transbits[1]; } } else if (strpos($fromb, 'incorrect') !== false) { if (sizeof($frombs) > 1) { $fromb=$frombs[1] . ', ' . $transbits[10]; } else { $fromb=$people[0] . ', ' . $transbits[10]; } } // In your bridge card game with final bid 1 Diamonds by Player 2 Player 2 started trick 1 with 2 of Diamonds // In your bridge card game with final bid 1 Diamonds by Player 2 Player 2 started trick 1 with 2 of Diamonds and Player 3 started trick 1 with 3 of Spades // Congratulations, Player Player 2, you win Trick 1 () lead off by Player Player 2 and Trumps Diamonds), and lead off, as applicable, for the next trick. Scores are 0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0 // In your bridge card game with final bid 1 Diamonds by Player 2 Congratulations, Player 2, you win Trick 1 after Player 2 started trick 1 with 2 of Diamonds and Player 3 started trick 1 with 3 of Spades and Player 4 started trick 1 with 5 of Spades and Player 1 started trick 1 with King of Hearts making trick scores 0 1 0 0 game score 0 0 0 0 and team scores 0 0 } return "-v " . $voice . " \"" . $fromb . "\""; } else { return $mvin; } } if (isset($_GET['macbeth'])) { $wordset[0]="When shall we three meet again. In thunder, lightning, or in rain?"; $wordset[1]="When the hurlyburly's done. When the battle's lost and won."; $wordset[2]="That will be ere the set of sun."; $wordset[3]="Where the place?"; $wordset[4]="Upon the heath."; $wordset[5]="There to meet with Macbeth."; $wordset[6]="I come, Graymalkin!"; $wordset[7]="Paddock calls."; $wordset[8]="Anon."; $wordset[9]="Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air."; } while (isset($_GET['n' . $ipeople])) { $people[-1 + $ipeople]=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['n' . $ipeople])); $ipeople++; } if (isset($_GET['translate'])) { if (strlen(('' . $_GET['translate'])) == 2 && ('' . $_GET['translate']) == strtolower(('' . $_GET['translate']))) { $lcode=('' . $_GET['translate']); $contis=file_get_contents('./say.php'); //file_put_contents("xxx.xxx", 'http://api.mymemory.translated.net/get?q=' . str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($gleanblurb)) . '&langpair=en|' . $lcode); $xtvmm=file_get_contents('http://api.mymemory.translated.net/get?q=' . str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($gleanblurb)) . '&langpair=en|' . $lcode); //$xtvmn="Giocando a 500 carte bridge, potresti seguire il seme, 51 con dichiarazione di 1 fiori, jack di picche, regina di cuori, re di quadri, asso di fiori, 41 passati, 31 raddoppiati, 21 raddoppiati, non è corretto e mostriamo il miglior offerente carte partner a tutti e gioca 2 per iniziare la presa 9, quindi gioca 91 di fiori, quindi il punteggio è 0 0 0 0, il punteggio del gioco è 456, 7 di fiori, 7 di picche, 7 di cuori, 7 di quadri, jolly, gioco di carte bridge, gioco di carte, nella presa 5, il punteggio della squadra è 8 0"; //file_put_contents("xx.xx", $xtvmm); //$transblurb=$xtvmn; if (strpos($xtvmm, '"translatedText":"') !== false || $transblurb != '') { if ($transblurb == '') { $transblurb=explode('"', explode('"translatedText":"', $xtvmm)[1])[0]; } $transbits=explode(',', $transblurb); if (sizeof($transbits) == 12) { file_put_contents('./sayspare.php', $contis); file_put_contents('./say.php', str_replace('?' . '>', "\n $" . $lcode . '="' . $transblurb . '";' . "\n" . '?' . '>', $contis)); } } } } if (isset($_GET['say'])) { if ($_GET['say'] == "") { exec("say hello world"); $title="Just said ... hello world"; } else { $cexec=''; $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say']))) . ";"); $title="Just said ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say']))); if (isset($_GET['say2'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say2']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say2']))); if (isset($_GET['say3'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say3']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say3']))); if (isset($_GET['say4'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say4']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say4']))); if (isset($_GET['say5'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say5']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say5']))); if (isset($_GET['say6'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say6']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say6']))); if (isset($_GET['say7'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say7']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say7']))); if (isset($_GET['say8'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say8']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say8']))); if (isset($_GET['say9'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say9']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say9']))); if (isset($_GET['say10'])) { $cexec.=("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say10']))) . ";"); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_GET['say10']))); } } } } } } } } } //echo $cexec; //exit; if ($cexec != '') exec($cexec); } } else if (isset($_POST['say'])) { if ($_POST['say'] == "") { exec("say hello world"); $title="Just said ... hello world"; } else { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say']))) . ""); $title="Just said ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say']))); if (isset($_POST['say2'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say2']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say2']))); if (isset($_POST['say3'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say3']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say3']))); if (isset($_POST['say4'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say4']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say4']))); if (isset($_POST['say5'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say5']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say5']))); if (isset($_POST['say6'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say6']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say6']))); if (isset($_POST['say7'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say7']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say7']))); if (isset($_POST['say8'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say8']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say8']))); if (isset($_POST['say9'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say9']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say9']))); if (isset($_POST['say10'])) { exec("say " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say10']))) . ""); $title.=" ... and ... " . maybevoice(str_replace(" ","_",urldecode($_POST['say10']))); } } } } } } } } } } } if (1 == 1) { echo " " . $title . "

Text to English Speech via MAMP Web Server

What You Want to Hear:
And Then:
And Back to You:

"; } $it="Giocando a 500 carte bridge, potresti seguire il seme, 51 con dichiarazione di 1 fiori, jack di picche, regina di cuori, re di quadri, asso di fiori, 41 passati, 31 raddoppiati, 21 raddoppiati, non è corretto e mostriamo il miglior offerente carte partner a tutti e gioca 2 per iniziare la presa 9, quindi gioca 91 di fiori, quindi il punteggio è 0 0 0 0, il punteggio del gioco è 456, 7 di fiori, 7 di picche, 7 di cuori, 7 di quadri, jolly, gioco di carte bridge, gioco di carte, nella presa 5, il punteggio della squadra è 8 0"; ?>