Regarding ...

brew install popper

If errors below, you should try command above, yourself, on command line ...

"; $x.=shell_exec('brew install poppler 2> huh.jnk'); if (file_exists('huhjunk.jnk')) { $x.=file_get_contents('huhjnk.jnk'); unlink('huh.jnk'); } echo "
" . $x . "
"; } else if (PHP_OS =='WINNT' || PHP_OS =='WIN32' || PHP_OS =='Windows') { $x="

Regarding ...

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils

If errors below, you should try commands above, yourself, on command line ...

"; $x.=shell_exec('sudo apt-get update'); $x.=shell_exec('sudo apt-get install poppler-utils'); echo "

" . $x . "
"; } } exit; } $filepath=''; $rest=""; $restfrom=""; $restto="

... or ...

"; function rsearch($folder, $pattern, $size) { // thanks, anyway, to $didea=''; if (PHP_OS == "Darwin") { //file_put_contents("x.ksh", "find " . $folder . " -type f -name \"" . $pattern . "\" 2> /dev/null -exec wc -c {} + | egrep '^ " . $size . " ' | sed '/ " . $size . " /s///g'"); if ($folder == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $didea=shell_exec("find \$HOME/Downloads -type f -name \"" . $pattern . "\" 2> /dev/null -exec wc -c {} + | egrep '^ " . $size . " ' | sed '/ " . $size . " /s///g'"); //file_put_contents("xx.ksh", $didea); if ($didea != '') { return $didea; } $didea=shell_exec("find " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . " -type f -name \"" . $pattern . "\" 2> /dev/null -exec wc -c {} + | egrep '^ " . $size . " ' | sed '/ " . $size . " /s///g'"); //file_put_contents("xxx.ksh", $didea); if ($didea != '') { return $didea; } } return shell_exec("find " . $folder . " -type f -name \"" . $pattern . "\" 2> /dev/null -exec wc -c {} + | egrep '^ " . $size . " ' | sed '/ " . $size . " /s///g'"); } //$iti = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder); //foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iti) as $file) { //foreach (glob($folder . $pattern) as $file) { // if (strpos($file , $pattern) !== false && filesize($file) == $size) { // return $file; // } //} return ''; } if (isset($_GET['filename']) && isset($_GET['filesize']) && !isset($_GET['filepath'])) { if (file_exists(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])))) { if (filesize(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename']))) == $_GET['filesize']) { $filepath=dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])); } } if ($filepath == '') { $filepath = rsearch(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])), $_GET['filesize']); } echo ""; exit; } else if (isset($_GET['filename']) && isset($_GET['filesize']) && $_GET['filepath'] == '') { if (file_exists(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])))) { if (filesize(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename']))) == $_GET['filesize']) { $filepath=dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])); } } if ($filepath == '') { $filepath = rsearch(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filename'])), $_GET['filesize']); } echo ""; exit; } else if (isset($_GET['filename']) && isset($_GET['filesize']) && isset($_GET['filepath'])) { $anyextrac=''; if (substr(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['filepath'])), -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $anyextrac=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } echo ""; exit; } $proposedtable=" var dmode='ltor'; var lastpath='', lastfilename=''; function woit(ioo) { var wo=null; if (ioo.src.indexOf('data:') == 0) {'', '_blank'); wo.document.write(''); wo.document.title=ioo.title; } else {, '_blank'); } } function checkf() { if (document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML != '') { document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML; document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML=''; if (document.getElementById('thewords').value.trim() == '' || document.getElementById('thewords').value == lastfilename) { document.getElementById('thewords').value=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title; lastfilename=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title; } if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML == '' && document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title == '') { if (document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML != '') { //alert('am going away to look for filename=' + lastfilename + ' of size ' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML); document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title=' '; //var xx=prompt(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename), document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename)); document.getElementById('path').style.cursor='progress'; document.getElementById('gifif').src='./php_calls_pdfimages.php?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename); } } } if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML != '') { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML; document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML=''; if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.indexOf('/') != -1) { if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.slice(-1) != '/') { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title+='/'; } } else { if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.slice(-1) != String.fromCharCode(92)) { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title+=String.fromCharCode(92); } } if (document.getElementById('path').value.trim() == '' || document.getElementById('path').value == lastpath) { document.getElementById('path').value=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title; lastpath=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title; } } if (document.getElementById('path').value != '') { document.getElementById('path').style.cursor='pointer'; } } function iifopen(iois) { if (iois != null) { var aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument); if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; } if (aconto != null) { //alert(1); if (aconto.getElementById('distyle')) { aconto.getElementById('distyle').innerHTML+=''; aconto.getElementById('files').accept='.pdf'; aconto.getElementById('files').multiple=false; aconto.getElementById('files').style.border='5px solid yellow'; arect=aconto.getElementById('files').getBoundingClientRect(); //alert(2); //aconto.getElementById('files').click(); } } } } function toggle() { if (dmode == 'ltor') { dmode='ttob'; document.getElementById('smode').innerHTML='⬇'; document.getElementById('mydflex').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mytable').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mytabletwo').style.display='table'; } else if (dmode == 'ttob') { dmode='fill'; document.getElementById('smode').innerHTML='➡'; document.getElementById('mydflex').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mytabletwo').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mytable').style.display='table'; } else { dmode='ltor'; document.getElementById('smode').innerHTML='↘'; document.getElementById('mytable').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mytabletwo').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mydflex').style.display='block'; } } setInterval(checkf, 1000);

Extract the Images Within a PDF File via Pdfimages

RJM Programming April, 2023

"; $outp='ideas'; $pathp='.' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (isset($_GET['inpath'])) { if (trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['inpath']))) != '') { $pathp=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['inpath'])); if (substr(strrev($pathp),0,1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $pathp.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } } else if (isset($_POST['inpath'])) { if (trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['inpath']))) != '') { $pathp=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['inpath'])); if (substr(strrev($pathp),0,1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $pathp.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } } if (isset($_GET['outprefix'])) { $outp=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['outprefix'])); if (trim($outp) == "") { $outp='ideas'; } } else if (isset($_POST['outprefix'])) { $outp=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['outprefix'])); if (trim($outp) == "") { $outp='ideas'; } } if (isset($_GET['convertthis'])) { $infile='"' . $pathp . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['convertthis'])) . '"'; } else if (isset($_POST['convertthis'])) { $infile='"' . $pathp . str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['convertthis'])) . '"'; } else if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), "localhost") === false) { echo " " . str_replace(explode('>', explode('', explode("', '', explode('', explode(" "; echo str_replace($rest, $restto, $proposedtable); //exit; } else { echo " var lastpath='', lastfilename=''; function checkf() { if (document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML != '') { document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML; document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').innerHTML=''; if (document.getElementById('thewords').value.trim() == '' || document.getElementById('thewords').value == lastfilename) { document.getElementById('thewords').value=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title; lastfilename=document.getElementById('justputpdffilename').title; } if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML == '' && document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title == '') { if (document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML != '') { //alert('am going away to look for filename=' + lastfilename + ' of size ' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML); document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title=' '; //var xx=prompt(document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename), document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename)); document.getElementById('path').style.cursor='progress'; document.getElementById('gifif').src='./php_calls_pdfimages.php?filepath=&filesize=' + document.getElementById('justputpdffilesize').innerHTML + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfilename); } } } if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML != '') { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML; document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').innerHTML=''; if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.indexOf('/') != -1) { if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.slice(-1) != '/') { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title+='/'; } } else { if (document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title.slice(-1) != String.fromCharCode(92)) { document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title+=String.fromCharCode(92); } } if (document.getElementById('path').value.trim() == '' || document.getElementById('path').value == lastpath) { document.getElementById('path').value=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title; lastpath=document.getElementById('justputpdfpath').title; } } if (document.getElementById('path').value != '') { document.getElementById('path').style.cursor='pointer'; } } function iifopen(iois) { if (iois != null) { var aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument); if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; } if (aconto != null) { //alert(1); if (aconto.getElementById('distyle')) { aconto.getElementById('distyle').innerHTML+=''; aconto.getElementById('files').accept='.pdf'; aconto.getElementById('files').multiple=false; aconto.getElementById('files').style.border='5px solid yellow'; arect=aconto.getElementById('files').getBoundingClientRect(); //alert(2); //aconto.getElementById('files').click(); } } } } setInterval(checkf, 1000);

... or ...

Extract the Images Within a PDF File via Pdfimages

RJM Programming - April, 2023

"; exit; } if (PHP_OS == "Darwin") { $huhw=shell_exec("where pdfimages"); if (strpos($huhw, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false) { $proposedtable=str_replace('>', '>' . $huhw . ' -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png', $proposedtable); exec($huhw . ' -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png'); } else { if (1 == 1) { putenv('PATH=/usr/local/bin'); $proposedtable=str_replace('>', '>pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png', $proposedtable); exec('pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png'); } else { $proposedtable=str_replace('>', '>/usr/local/bin/pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png', $proposedtable); exec('/usr/local/bin/pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png'); } } } else if (PHP_OS =='WINNT' || PHP_OS =='WIN32' || PHP_OS =='Windows') { $proposedtable=str_replace('>', '>pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png', $proposedtable); exec('pdfimages -j ' . $infile . ' ' . $outp . ' -png'); } $sofarw=0; $vsw=0; $padbr=''; if (isset($_GET['sw'])) { $vsw=$_GET['sw']; } foreach (glob($outp . '-*') as $filename) { $datau='data:image/' . str_replace("jpg","jpeg",strtolower(explode(".", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode(".", $filename))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)); $proposedtable=str_replace('', '', $proposedtable); $proposedtable=str_replace('', '', $proposedtable); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filename); if ("$vsw" != "0" && ($sofarw + $width) > $vsw) { $padbr="
"; $sofarw=($width + 5); } else { $sofarw+=($width + 5); } $proposedtable=str_replace('', $padbr . ' ', $proposedtable); $padbr=''; if ($outp != strtoupper($outp)) { unlink($filename); } } echo str_replace($rest, $restto, $proposedtable); exit; ?>