Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . ""); } else if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { echo("Query executed successfully"); } else { while (($r_array = mysql_fetch_row($res))) { if ($tablestr == "") { $tablestr="

Report on RJM Programming WordPress Blog Comment Counts of Titles Containing '" . urldecode($_GET['answer']) . "'

TitleOpen these Blog Postings?Look 4.1.1Other Look

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Reveal " . $r_array[4] . " as WordPress 4.1.1 Look Comment Count ..." . $r_array[6] . "
Reveal " . $r_array[5] . " Other Look Comment Count ..." . $r_array[7] . "

Old and New WordPress Blog Postings Comment Count Comparison - RJM Programming - April, 2018 function openthese(v_4_1_1) { if (typeof v_4_1_1 === 'undefined') { v_4_1_1=false; } var ota=document.getElementById('commit').value.split('-'); for (var iota=1; iota" . $tablestr . ""; } mysql_close($link); } else { echo ""; } ?>