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"." . str_replace($extis,"",$postprexp[-1 + sizeof($postprexp)]) . "GETME" . $extis; } return $outs; } $delim = "Is Mentioned By - RJM Programming - August, 2016"; $retval = ""; $ourtitle = ""; $criteria = ""; if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $ourtitle = urldecode($_GET['title']); } else if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $ourtitle = urldecode($_POST['title']); } $ourother = $ourtitle; if ($ourtitle != "") { $words = explode(" ", str_replace(" Tutorial", "", $ourtitle)); if (sizeof($words) > 5) { $criteria = $words[0] . " " . $words[1] . " " . $words[2] . " " . $words[3]; $ourother = $criteria; } else if (sizeof($words) > 4) { $criteria = $words[0] . " " . $words[1] . " " . $words[2]; $ourother = $criteria; } else if (sizeof($words) > 3) { $criteria = $words[0] . " " . $words[1]; $ourother = $criteria; } } if ($ourtitle != "") { $hostname = 'localhost'; /*** mysql username ***/ $username = 'username'; /*** mysql ***/ $password = 'password'; $dbname = 'database_name'; if (isset($_GET['dbname'])) $dbname = $_GET['dbname']; $tname = 'wp_posts'; $link = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($dbname); $secresult=""; $res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . " AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . " AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') " . " UNION SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, ' ' as post_content, -1 as tfind, (-480 + TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,NOW()," . $tname . ".post_modified)) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_modified as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' AND " . $tname . ".post_modified > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH " . " UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . " AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . " AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date "); if (1 == 3) { file_put_contents("x.x","SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . " AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . " AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . " OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') " . " UNION SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, ' ' as post_content, -1 as tfind, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR," . $tname . ".post_modified,CURTIME()) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_modified as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' AND " . $tname . ".post_modified > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK " . " UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . " AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . " AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date "); } if ($res == 0) { if (1 == 2) echo("Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . ""); } else if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { if (1 == 2) echo("Query executed successfully"); $retval=$delim; $retval = str_replace(" }", " parent.document.getElementById('d" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . "').innerHTML=''; }", $retval); } else { while (($r_array = mysql_fetch_row($res))) { if ($r_array[3] == "-1" && strpos(("" . $r_array[4]), "-") !== false) { if ($secresult == "") { $secresult="  "; } if ($r_array[4] <= -11520) { $blks=(40 - floor((0 - $r_array[4]) / (24 * 60))); $optv='"; } $secresult=str_replace('>Modified','>Modified' . $optv . '