\n"; try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".htm", $hstr); } catch(Exception $e) { } try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".html", $hstr); } catch(Exception $ee) { } } function outhex($inr, $ing, $inb) { $outr=dechex($inr); if (strlen($outr) == 1) $outr = "0" . dechex($inr); $outg=dechex($ing); if (strlen($outg) == 1) $outg = "0" . dechex($ing); $outb=dechex($inb); if (strlen($outb) == 1) $outb = "0" . dechex($inb); return "#" . $outr . $outg . $outb; } // Thanks to http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php for trimImage() below ... function trimImage($im,$c,$t) { // if trim colour ($c) isn't a number between 0 - 255 if (!is_numeric($c) || $c < 0 || $c > 255) { // grab the colour from the top left corner and use that as default $rgb = imagecolorat($im, 2, 2); // 2 pixels in to avoid messy edges $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $c = round(($r+$g+$b)/3); // average of rgb is good enough for a default } // if tolerance ($t) isn't a number between 0 - 255 use 10 as default if (!is_numeric($t) || $t < 0 || $t > 255) $t = 10; $w = imagesx($im); // image width $h = imagesy($im); // image height for($x = 0; $x < $w; $x++) { for($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { $rgb = imagecolorat($im, $x, $y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; if ( ($r < $c-$t || $r > $c+$t) && // red not within tolerance of trim colour ($g < $c-$t || $g > $c+$t) && // green not within tolerance of trim colour ($b < $c-$t || $b > $c+$t) // blue not within tolerance of trim colour ) { // using x and y as keys condenses all rows and all columns // into just one X array and one Y array. // however, the keys are treated as literal and therefore are not in // numeric order, so we need to sort them in order to get the first // and last X and Y occurances of wanted pixels. // normal sorting will remove keys so we also use x and y as values, // this way they are still available without preserving keys. $y_axis[$y] = $y; $x_axis[$x] = $x; // note: $y_axis[] = $y; and $x_axis[] = $x; works just as well // but results in much much larger arrays than is necessary // array_unique would reduce size again but this method is quicker } } } // sort them so first and last occurances are at start and end sort($y_axis); sort($x_axis); $top = array_shift($y_axis); // first wanted pixel on Y axis $right = array_pop($x_axis); // last wanted pixel on X axis $bottom = array_pop($y_axis); // last wanted pixel on Y axis $left = array_shift($x_axis); // first wanted pixel on X axis return array($top,$right,$bottom,$left); } function server_remote_addr() { $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return str_replace(":", "_", str_replace(".", "_", $rma)); } if (isset($_GET['reading'])) { $grst = urldecode($_GET['reading']); $grs = explode(" ", $grst); $gr = $grs[0]; if (file_exists("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far")) { $gr = ""; while ($gr == "") { if (!file_exists("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far")) { $goes++; if ($goes == 5) $gr = "1.0"; } else { $goes = 0; $grst = @file_get_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); $grs = explode(" ", $grst); $gr = $grs[0]; } } echo ""; } else if ($gr == "1.0" || $gr == "1") { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } exit; } else if (isset($_GET['bmpfile'])) { $bmpfile = urldecode($_GET['bmpfile']); $dbbi=" parent.document.getElementById('xbod').style.backgroundImage=\"url('" . $bmpfile . "')\"; "; $ondbbi=" onload=parent.document.getElementById('xbod').style.backgroundImage=\"url('" . $bmpfile . "')\";"; if (file_exists("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far")) unlink("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".html", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq1) { } try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".htm", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq2) { } } else if (isset($_POST['bmpfile'])) { $bmpfile = urldecode($_POST['bmpfile']); $dbbi=" parent.document.getElementById('xbod').style.backgroundImage=\"url('" . $bmpfile . "')\"; "; $ondbbi=" onload=parent.document.getElementById('xbod').style.backgroundImage=\"url('" . $bmpfile . "')\";"; if (file_exists("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far")) unlink("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".html", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq3) { } try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".htm", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq4) { } } else { if (file_exists("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far")) { unlink("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); } try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".html", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq5) { } try { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".htm", "
Bar Graph Coming Soon ...
"); } catch (Exception $aq6) { } echo "Read image colours into bargraph with progress bar - RJM Programming - April, 2015

Image File Colour Bar Graph - RJM Programming - April, 2015

Image File (http:// or file:// syntax accepted (or a local image file)):
" . $imgstr . "

"; exit; } if ($bmpfile != "") { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "-3"); if (strpos((strtolower($bmpfile) . "*"), ".jpg*") === false && strpos((strtolower($bmpfile) . "*"), ".jpeg*") === false && strpos((strtolower($bmpfile) . "*"), ".bmp*") === false && strpos((strtolower($bmpfile) . "*"), ".gif*") === false && strpos((strtolower($bmpfile) . "*"), ".png*") === false) { $bmpfile = ""; } else if (strpos(("*" . strtolower($bmpfile)), "*http://") !== false || strpos(("*" . strtolower($bmpfile)), "*https://") !== false) { $cont = @file_get_contents($bmpfile); $fz = -1; } else if (strpos(("*" . strtolower($bmpfile)), "*file://") !== false) { $bmpfile = substr($bmpfile, 7); if ($bmpfile != "") { if (substr($bmpfile, 0, 1) == ".") { $bmpfile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $bmpfile; if (!file_exists($bmpfile)) $bmpfile = ""; } else if (!file_exists($bmpfile)) { $bmpfile = ""; } } } else if ($bmpfile != "") { if (!file_exists($bmpfile)) $bmpfile = ""; } if ($cont == "" && $bmpfile != "") { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "-2"); $cont = @file_get_contents($bmpfile); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "-1"); $fz = filesize($bmpfile); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "0" . $fz); // Thanks to http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php if (strpos($bmpfile, ".jp") !== false) { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($bmpfile); // we need resource } else if (strpos($bmpfile, ".gif") !== false) { $im = imagecreatefromgif($bmpfile); // we need resource } else if (strpos($bmpfile, ".bmp") !== false) { $im = imagecreatefromwbmp($bmpfile); // we need resource } else if (strpos($bmpfile, ".png") !== false) { $im = imagecreatefrompng($bmpfile); // we need resource } else { $im = imagecreatefromstring($cont); // we need resource if ($fz <= 0) $fz = strlen($cont); } } if ($cont != "" && ($fz > 54 || $fz < 0)) { /* if ($fz < 0) { $i = 54; try { $x = substr($cont, $i, 1); while ($i > 0) { $x = substr($cont, $i, 1); try { if ($biggest < 0) { $biggest = $x; $smallest = $x; } else if ($biggest < $x) { $biggest = $x; } else if ($smallest > $x) { $smallest = $x; } $harray[$x] = $harray[$x] + 1; } catch (Exception $ex) { $harray[$x] = 1; } $i = $i + 1; if (($i % 54) == 0) file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far", ($i / $fz)); } unlink("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".fargo", $smallest . " vs " . $biggest); echo ""; exit; } catch (Exception $exzero) { var_dump($harray); } } else */ { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "1"); // Thanks to http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php //$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($bmpfile); // we need resource file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "2"); $c = (isset($_GET[c])) ? $_GET[c] : null; // set trim colour via GET $t = (isset($_GET[t])) ? $_GET[t] : null; // set tolerance via GET file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "3"); list($t,$r,$b,$l) = trimImage($im,$c,$t); // find top, right, bottom and left file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", "4"); $k = 0; $w = $r-$l; // find width $h = $b-$t; // find height file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", ($w * $h)); for($x = 0; $x < $w; $x++) { for($y = 0; $y < $h; $y++) { $k++; try { if (($k % 54) == 0) { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", $k . " then " . ($w * $h)); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far", ((($x + 0) * $w + ($y + 1)) / ($w * $h)) . " " . $cstring); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", $k . " Then " . ($w * $h)); htmlis(); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".farit", $k . " TheN " . ($w * $h)); } $rgb = imagecolorat($im, $x, $y); $red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $grn = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $blu = $rgb & 0xFF; if ( $red < $r-$t || $red > $r+$t || // not trim red (nor within tolerance) $grn < $g-$t || $grn > $g+$t || // not trim green (nor within tolerance) $blu < $b-$t || $blu > $b+$t // not trim blue (nor within tolerance) ) { $thiscol = substr(outhex($red, $grn, $blu), 1); if ($harray[$thiscol] == null) $harray[$thiscol] = 0; if (1 == 1) { $pos=strpos($cstring, "," . $harray[$thiscol] . ",#"); if ($pos === false) $pos = -1; if (strpos($cstring, "," . $harray[$thiscol] . ",#" . $thiscol . ",") !== false) { str_replace("," . $harray[$thiscol] . ",#" . $thiscol . ",", "," . ($harray[$thiscol] + 1) . ",#" . $thiscol . ",", $cstring); } else if ($pos == 0) { $xstring="," . ($harray[$thiscol] + 1) . ",#" . $thiscol . substr($cstring,0,120); $cstring=$xstring; $one++; } else if ($pos > 0 && $pos < 90) { $xstring=substr($cstring,0,$pos) . "," . ($harray[$thiscol] + 1) . ",#" . $thiscol . substr($cstring,$pos,(120 - $pos)); $cstring=$xstring; $one++; } $harray[$thiscol] += 1; } } } catch (Exception $ew) { } } if (eval(($w * $h) - (($x + 0) * $w + ($y + 1))) < 10) { file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far", ((($x + 0) * $w + ($y + 1)) / ($w * $h)) . " " . $cstring); htmlis(); } } unlink("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".far"); file_put_contents("bmpso" . server_remote_addr() . ".fargo", $cstring); htmlis(); echo ""; exit; } } //else { //echo $fz; //} //var_dump($harray); } ?>