Transform -> Guillotine" function less($ins) { return str_replace(".","",str_replace(substr("\\",0,1),"",str_replace("/","",$ins))); } if (!isset($_GET['donothing']) || isset($_POST['filespec']) || isset($_GET['filespec'])) { $img_filelist=""; $gimp_place=""; $secondbit="
"; $commis=""; $commresult=""; $results=""; $fspec=""; $jscr=""; $imagec=""; $imagex=""; $cwidth="500"; $cheight="500"; $imgd=""; $thirdbit=""; $fourthbit=""; $none="none"; $below="Image"; $ext=""; if (isset($_GET['filespec'])) { $fspec=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['filespec'])); } if (isset($_GET['divmarginuse'])) { $none="INLINE-BLOCK;opacity:0.5;z-index:-6"; } if (isset($_GET['command']) && isset($_GET['temp_file_list'])) { while ($commresult == "") { exec(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['command']))); $commresult=file_get_contents(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['temp_file_list']))); if ($commresult == "") { sleep(5); } else { if (strpos($commresult, "-0-0.") !== false) { $prefix=explode("-0-0.", $commresult)[0]; $cr=""; $crd=""; $row="0"; $cnt=0; $bdel="
"; $cumwidth=0; $premargin=""; $margin=""; foreach (glob($prefix . "-*-*.*g*") as $filename) { if ($below == "Image") $below="Image (or in New Window)"; if ($ext == "") $ext="." . explode(".", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode(".", $filename))]; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filename); $imagec.=$filename . ':' . $width . ':' . $height . ','; if ($imagex == "") { $imagex="'; \n function ios() { \n"; if ("row" == "0") $cwidth=$width; if ("row" == "0") $cheight=$height; $row=explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0]; } else if (explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] != "$row") { $premargin="margin-top:-" . (explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] * 6) . "px;"; $cumwidth=0; if (strpos($filename, "-0-" . $row . ".") === false) { if (strpos($thirdbit, "-" . explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-2 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] . "-0" . $ext . "' style='left:") !== false) { $cumwidth=explode("px", explode("-" . explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-2 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] . "-0" . $ext . "' style='left:", $thirdbit)[1])[0]; $margin="margin-"; } } $bdel="
"; $row=explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0]; $cheight+=$height; } else if ("$row" == "0") { $cwidth+=$width; } if (1 == 1) { $thirdbit.=$bdel . "img""; $bdel=""; $margin=""; $cnt++; } else { $imagex.="\n imageo.push(new Image()); \n imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].src='data:image/" . substr($ext,1) . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)) . "'; \n"; } $cumwidth+=$width; if ($jscr == "") $jscr="\n if (imagec == ',') { "; $jscr.="\n imagec+='" . $filename . ",'; imageo.push(new Image()); imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].onload = function () { imagec = imagec.replace('," . $filename . ",', '," . $filename . ":' + eval(('' + this.width).replace('px','')) + ':' + eval(('' + this.height).replace('px','')) + ','); }; imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].src='" . $filename . "'; \n"; $cr.=$crd . $filename; $crd="\n"; } if ($imagex != "") $imagex.="\n } \n imagec+='"; if ($jscr != "") $jscr.=" \n } \n if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } \n"; echo ""; exit; } } } } else if (isset($_POST['filespec']) || $fspec != "") { $dcr=""; $cr=""; $crd=""; $row="0"; $cnt=0; if ($fspec == "") { $fspec=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['filespec'])); } $bdel="
"; $cumwidth=0; $premargin=""; $margin=""; foreach (glob($fspec) as $filename) { if ($below == "Image") $below="Image (or in New Window)"; if ($ext == "") $ext="." . explode(".", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode(".", $filename))]; if ($jscr == "") $jscr="\n if (imagec == ',') { "; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filename); $imagec.=$filename . ':' . $width . ':' . $height . ','; if ($imagex == "") { $imagex="'; \n function ios() { \n"; if ("row" == "0") $cwidth=$width; if ("row" == "0") $cheight=$height; $row=explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0]; } else if (explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] != "$row") { $premargin="margin-top:-" . (explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] * 6) . "px;"; $cumwidth=0; if (strpos($filename, "-0-" . $row . ".") === false) { if (strpos($thirdbit, "-" . explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-2 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] . "-0" . $ext . "' style='left:") !== false) { $cumwidth=explode("px", explode("-" . explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-2 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0] . "-0" . $ext . "' style='left:", $thirdbit)[1])[0]; $margin="margin-"; } } $bdel="
"; $row=explode(".",explode("-", $filename)[-1 + sizeof(explode("-", $filename))])[0]; $cheight+=$height; } else if ("$row" == "0") { $cwidth+=$width; } if (1 == 1) { $thirdbit.=$bdel . "img""; $bdel=""; $margin=""; $cnt++; } else { $imagex.="\n imageo.push(new Image()); \n imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].src='data:image/" . substr($ext,1) . ";base64," . base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)) . "'; \n"; } $cumwidth+=$width; if (1 == 2) $jscr.="\n imagec+='" . $filename . ",'; imageo.push(new Image()); imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].onload = function () { imagec = imagec.replace('," . $filename . ",', '," . $filename . ":' + eval(('' + this.width).replace('px','')) + ':' + eval(('' + this.height).replace('px','')) + ','); }; imageo[eval(-1 + imageo.length)].src='" . $filename . "'; \n"; $cr.=$crd . $filename; $dcr.=$crd . "" . $filename . ""; $crd="\n"; } if ($imagex != "") $imagex.="\n } \n imagec+='"; if ($jscr != "") $jscr.=" \n } \n if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } \n"; //$jscr.="\n alert(imagec); \n"; //$jscr.="\n alert(imagec); \n"; if ($cr == "") { //echo ""; //exit; $results=" "; $secondbit="
"; } else { //echo ""; //exit; $results=$cr; $secondbit="
" . str_replace("\n","
",$dcr) . "

"; //"; // . $thirdbit . ""; } } if (file_exists("../../")) { $gimp_place="../../"; } else if (file_exists("/Applications/")) { $gimp_place="/Applications/"; } if ($gimp_place == "") { echo " GIMP Guillotine Follow Up - RJM Programming - August, 2018 var dur=''; var lookatidone=false; var elem=null; var context=null; var ext='" . $ext . "'; var results=''; var imageo=new Array(); var imagec='," . $imagec . $imagex . "'; /" . "/ var imagec=',./mondrian-1504681_640-0-0.png;133;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-1-0.png;164;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-0.png;343;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-1.png;343;145,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-2.png;343;189,'; function ourdocumentgetElementById(huh) { var isa=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var jsa=0; jsa margin { 0 0 0 0 } padding { 0 0 0 0 } ' + document.getElementById('topdiv').innerHTML.replace(/\-top\:\ /g,'-top:').replace(/\-top\:\-/g,'-top:0.00')); } function dodur() { var iob=new Image(); if (dur == '') { dur=document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML; } if (dur == '') { if (parent.document.getElementById('dhuh')) { dur=parent.document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML; } } //alert(dur); iob.onload = function () { //alert(11); elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); //alert(111); context=elem.getContext('2d'); //alert(1111); context.drawImage(this,0,0); //alert(21111); }; iob.src=dur; } function lookati() { if (lookatidone) return; lookatidone=true; //document.title='5'; // ios(); //document.title='51'; //alert('-0-0' + ext + ': In ' + imagec);'block'; var myimagec=imagec; imagec=','; var pfix=myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',').length)]; // var iis=myimagec.split(','); var icol=0, irow=0, top=0, left=0, cumtop=0, cumleft=0, fwidth=0, fheight=0, thisw=0, thish=0, thisws=[]; while (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { thisw=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[0]); thish=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[1].split(',')[0]); //alert(eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); if (ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))) { //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.position='absolute'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))'' + top + 'px'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.left='' + left + 'px'; try { context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)), left, top); } catch(ee) { alert(ee.message); } //alert('-' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); } else { context.drawImage(imageo[eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)], left, top); } //document.title+='context.drawImage(z[' + (-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + '],' + top + ',' + left + ')'; myimagec=myimagec.replace('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':','_' + icol + '_' + irow + ext + ':'); left+=thisw; thisws.push(thisw); if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') == -1) { icol=-1; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } else { left+=thisws[icol]; } icol++; } else { icol=0; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } if (elem) { dur=elem.toDataURL(); document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML=dur; //dodur(); } //alert('dur=' + dur); //\"url('\" + dur + \"')\"; if (document.URL.indexOf('divmarginuse=') != -1) { document.getElementById('topdiv').style.display='INLINE-BLOCK'; } } function prelook() { if (!elem) { if (document.getElementById('mycanvas')) { elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); context=elem.getContext('2d'); } } if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } } function looknow() { results=document.getElementById('results').innerHTML; if (results == '' || (results.indexOf('.') == -1 && results.indexOf(' ') == -1)) { setTimeout(looknow,5000); } else if ((results + ',').substring(0,1) == ' ') { alert('No files found in ' + document.getElementById('filespec').value + ' ... Please try again'); document.getElementById('filespec').value=''; } else { document.getElementById('tresults').innerHTML=results; document.getElementById('tresults').style.display='block'; } " . $jscr . " }
" . str_replace(" id=", " data-id=",$thirdbit) . "

GIMP Guillotine Follow Up

RJM Programming - August, 2018

Input Images

GIMP Guillotine Image Filespec (of images):


HTML Use of Input " . $below . " List Below

" . $secondbit . "" . $thirdbit . ""; } else if (isset($_GET['gimp'])) { exec($gimp_place); exit; } else { $temp_file_list = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'myfile.list'); exec("echo '' > " . $temp_file_list); $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), ''); exec("echo '' > " . $temp_file); //echo $temp_file; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $commis="forfiles /P C:\\ /M *-0-0.*g* /S /D -0 2> nul > " . $temp_file_list; } else { $commis="find / -name '*-0-0.*g*' -type f -newer " . $temp_file . " -print 2> /dev/null > " . $temp_file_list; } echo " GIMP Guillotine Follow Up - RJM Programming - August, 2018 var dur=''; var lookatidone=false; var elem=null; var context=null; var ext='" . $ext . "'; var results=''; var imageo=new Array(); var imagec='," . $imagec . $imagex . "'; function ourdocumentgetElementById(huh) { var isa=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var jsa=0; jsa margin { 0 0 0 0 } padding { 0 0 0 0 } ' + document.getElementById('topdiv').innerHTML.replace(/\-top\:\ /g,'-top:').replace(/\-top\:\-/g,'-top:0.00')); } function lookati() { if (lookatidone) return; lookatidone=true; //document.title='54'; // ios(); //document.title='154'; //alert('-0-0' + ext + ': in ' + imagec);'block'; var myimagec=imagec; imagec=','; var pfix=myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',').length)]; // alert(pfix); // var iis=myimagec.split(','); var icol=0, irow=0, top=0, left=0, cumtop=0, cumleft=0, fwidth=0, fheight=0, thisw=0, thish=0, thisws=[]; while (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { thisw=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[0]); thish=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[1].split(',')[0]); //document.title+='-' + 'img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length); //alert(eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); if (ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))) { //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.position='absolute'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))'' + top + 'px'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.left='' + left + 'px'; try { context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)), left, top); } catch(ee) { alert(ee.message); } //alert('--' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); } else { context.drawImage(imageo[eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)], left, top); } //document.title+='context.drawImage(x[' + (-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + '],' + top + ',' + left + ')'; myimagec=myimagec.replace('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':','_' + icol + '_' + irow + ext + ':'); //alert(document.title); left+=thisw; thisws.push(thisw); if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') == -1) { icol=-1; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } else { left+=thisws[icol]; } icol++; } else { icol=0; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } if (elem) { dur=elem.toDataURL(); document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML=dur; //dodur(); } //alert('Dur=' + dur); //\"url('\" + dur + \"')\"; if (document.URL.indexOf('divmarginuse=') != -1) { document.getElementById('topdiv').style.display='INLINE-BLOCK'; } } function prelook() { if (!elem) { if (document.getElementById('mycanvas')) { elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); context=elem.getContext('2d'); //alert('/' + imagec); } } if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } } function looknow() { results=document.getElementById('results').innerHTML; if (results == '' || (results.indexOf('.') == -1 && results.indexOf(' ') == -1)) { setTimeout(looknow,5000); } else if ((results + ',').substring(0,1) == ' ') { alert('No files found in ' + document.getElementById('filespec').value + ' ... Please try again'); document.getElementById('filespec').value=''; } else { document.getElementById('tresults').innerHTML=results; document.getElementById('tresults').style.display='block'; } " . $jscr . " }
" . str_replace(" id=", " data-id=",$thirdbit) . "

GIMP Guillotine Follow Up

RJM Programming - August, 2018

Input Images

GIMP Guillotine Image Filespec (of images): ... Versus ...


HTML Use of Input " . $below . " List Below

" . $secondbit . "" . $thirdbit . ""; } } ?>