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","", str_replace("animation-delay:", "background-position: 20px 20px; \n animation-iteration-count: infinite; \n animation-delay:", $transitionhtml)))))))); } else { $transitionhtml=str_replace("", " " . $jsct . "", str_replace("background:","border:", str_replace("height:","height:1", str_replace("width:","width:10", str_replace("width:100px","width:99px", str_replace("

","", str_replace("animation-delay:", "animation-iteration-count: infinite; \n animation-delay:", $transitionhtml)))))))); } file_put_contents('gimp_guillotine.html', $transitionhtml); } function new_template($posturl) { global $template, $slideshowtitle, $prewith0, $with0, $prewith, $with, $xtemp, $ext, $iflist, $iflistd, $firsttd, $lasttd; if ($posturl == "") { $posturl=$iflist; } if (strpos($posturl, ",") !== false) { $xtemp = str_replace("lastone=0","lastone=" . (-1 + sizeof(explode(",",$posturl))), $xtemp); $purl = str_replace(",", "@!", $posturl); $with = str_replace("lastone=0", "lastone=" . (strlen($purl) - 1 - strlen(urldecode($_POST['url']))), $with); $exlist = explode(",",$posturl); $zero = sizeof($exlist) - 1; $prewith = "$" . "2.1"; $with = new_content($exlist[0]); $prewith0 = $lasttd; $with0 = str_replace("$" . "2.2", new_content($exlist[1]), $lasttd); if (sizeof($exlist) > 2) { for ($iy=2; $iy' . $recs[$irecs] . ''; } return $outc; } function dotable($pcol,$prow,$pfilename, $pwidth, $pheight, $pbdel,$mt) { global $tablebit, $ext, $lastmt, $includesare; $tvh=""; if (strpos($includesare, $pfilename) !== false || $includesare == '') { $tvh=""; } else { $tvh="visibility:hidden;"; } if (strpos($pbdel,"
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Table view ...
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Image Map view ...
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Div Margin view ..." . $tbit . "
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Fade In Fade Out Video view ... +
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PDF Slideshow view ...
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Inhouse Slideshow view ...
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Inhouse Slideshow view ...
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PDF Slideshow view ...
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Fade In Fade Out Video view ... +
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CSS keyframes Transition Animation view ...
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CSS keyframes Transition Animation view ...
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"; $secondbit="

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" . str_replace("\n","
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" . str_replace("\n","
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"/ var imagec=',./mondrian-1504681_640-0-0.png;133;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-1-0.png;164;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-0.png;343;146,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-1.png;343;145,./mondrian-1504681_640-2-2.png;343;189,'; function precanvasanimation(dobr) { icanvascset=0; if (dobr)'repeat'; if (!dobr)'no-repeat'; } function canvasanimation() { if (canvascset.length > 0 && icanvascset >= 0) { if (icanvascset <= 0) { icanvascset=0; context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); eval(canvascset[0]);\"url('\" + elem.toDataURL() + \"')\"; icanvascset++; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 600); } else { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 3000); } } else if (icanvascset > canvascset.length) { icanvascset=0; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 1200); } else { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 6000); } } else { if (clearalot) context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); eval(canvascset[icanvascset]);\"url('\" + elem.toDataURL() + \"')\"; icanvascset++; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 600); 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} function dodur() { var iob=new Image(); if (dur == '') { dur=document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML; } if (dur == '') { if (parent.document.getElementById('dhuh')) { dur=parent.document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML; } } //alert('DuR=' + dur); iob.onload = function () { //alert(11); elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); //alert(111); context=elem.getContext('2d'); //alert(1111); context.drawImage(this,0,0); //alert(21111); }; iob.src=dur; } function lookati() { if (!lookatidone) { lookatidone=true; //document.title='5'; // ios(); //document.title='51'; //alert('-0-0' + ext + ': In ' + imagec);'block'; var myimagec=imagec; imagec=','; var pfix=myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',').length)]; // var iis=myimagec.split(','); var icol=0, irow=0, top=0, left=0, cumtop=0, cumleft=0, fwidth=0, fheight=0, thisw=0, thish=0, thisws=[]; while (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { thisw=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[0]); thish=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[1].split(',')[0]); //alert(eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); if (ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))) { //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.position='absolute'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))'' + top + 'px'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.left='' + left + 'px'; try { if (includesare.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext) != -1 || includesare == '') { if (canvascset.length == 0) { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+='' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } else { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+=',' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } canvascset.push(\"context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img\" + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + \"'), \" + left + \",\" + top + \");\"); context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)), left, top); } } catch(ee) { alert(ee.message); } //alert('-' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); } else { if (includesare.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext) != -1 || includesare == '') { if (canvascset.length == 0) { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+='' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } else { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+=',' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } canvascset.push(\"context.drawImage(imageo[\" + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + \"], \" + left + \",\" + top + \");\"); context.drawImage(imageo[eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)], left, top); } } //document.title+='context.drawImage(z[' + (-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + '],' + top + ',' + left + ')'; myimagec=myimagec.replace('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':','_' + icol + '_' + irow + ext + ':'); left+=thisw; thisws.push(thisw); if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') == -1) { icol=-1; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } else { left+=thisws[icol]; } icol++; } else { icol=0; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } if (elem) { dur=elem.toDataURL(); document.getElementById('mapi').src=dur; document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML=dur; //dodur(); } //alert('dur=' + dur); //\"url('\" + dur + \"')\"; if (document.URL.indexOf('divmarginuse=') != -1) { document.getElementById('topdiv').style.display='INLINE-BLOCK'; dodur(); } } } function prelook() { if (!elem) { if (document.getElementById('mycanvas')) { elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); context=elem.getContext('2d'); } } //if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } } function looknow() { if (dur == '') { results=document.getElementById('results').innerHTML; if (results == '' || (results.indexOf('.') == -1 && results.indexOf(' ') == -1)) { setTimeout(looknow,5000); } else if ((results + ',').substring(0,1) == ' ') { alert('No files found in ' + document.getElementById('filespec').value + ' ... Please try again'); document.getElementById('filespec').value=''; } else { document.getElementById('tresults').innerHTML=resultsel(results); document.getElementById('tresults').style.display='block'; } } " . $jscr . " }
" . str_replace(" id=", " data-id=",$thirdbit) . "

GIMP Guillotine Follow Up

RJM Programming - August, 2018

Input Images

GIMP Guillotine Image Filespec (of images):

       " . $bffmpeg . $bconvert . $binhouseslideshow . $btransitionhtml . "

HTML Use of Input " . $below . " List Below

" . $secondbit . $ifm . "
Canvas (and animations) view ...
" . rettb($thirdbit) . "" . $tablebit . $mapbit . $bitffmpeg . $bitconvert . $bitinhouseslideshow . $bittransition . ""; if ($allhtml) { $eol = PHP_EOL; $headers = 'From: ' . '' . $eol; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . '' . $eol; $filname="gimp_guillotine.html"; $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($hecho)); //$uid = md5(uniqid(time())); // a random hash will be necessary to send mixed content $separator = md5(time()); $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" . $separator . "\"" . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" . $eol; $headers .= "This is a MIME encoded message." . $eol . $eol; // message $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "Please see attachment below:" . $eol . $eol; //ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, "", $headers . "--" . $separator . "--"); // attachment $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filname . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . $filname . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "--" . $separator . "--"; //mail($to, $subject, "", $headers); } echo $hecho; if ($to != '' && $headers != '') { mail($to, $subject, "", $headers); } exit; } else if (isset($_GET['gimp'])) { exec($gimp_place); exit; } else { $temp_file_list = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'myfile.list'); exec("echo '' > " . $temp_file_list); $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), ''); exec("echo '' > " . $temp_file); //echo $temp_file; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $commis="forfiles /P C:\\ /M *-0-0.*g* /S /D -0 2> nul > " . $temp_file_list; } else { $commis="find / -name '*-0-0.*g*' -type f -newer " . $temp_file . " -print 2> /dev/null > " . $temp_file_list; } $hecho=" GIMP Guillotine Follow Up - RJM Programming - August, 2018 var includesare='" . $includesare . "'; var clearalot=false; var canvascset=[]; var icanvascset=0; var dur=''; var lookatidone=false; var elem=null; var context=null; var ext='" . $ext . "'; var results=''; var imageo=new Array(); var imagec='," . $imagec . $imagex . "'; function precanvasanimation(dobr) { icanvascset=0; if (dobr)'repeat'; if (!dobr)'no-repeat'; } function canvasanimation() { if (canvascset.length > 0 && icanvascset >= 0) { if (icanvascset <= 0) { icanvascset=0; context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); eval(canvascset[0]);\"url('\" + elem.toDataURL() + \"')\"; icanvascset++; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 600); } else { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 3000); } } else if (icanvascset > canvascset.length) { icanvascset=0; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 1200); } else { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 6000); } } else { if (clearalot) context.clearRect(0, 0, elem.width, elem.height); eval(canvascset[icanvascset]);\"url('\" + elem.toDataURL() + \"')\"; icanvascset++; if (clearalot) { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 600); } else { setTimeout(canvasanimation, 3000); } } } else if (canvascset.length > 0) { icanvascset=0; } } function butwhatif(icolid) { if (document.URL.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') == -1) { document.getElementById('icolthree').src=document.getElementById(icolid).src; document.getElementById('icolthree').style.display='block'; } } function bimg(dobr) { icanvascset=-1; if (dobr)'repeat'; if (!dobr)'no-repeat';\"url('\" + dur + \"')\"; } function showthese() { var osel=document.getElementById('tresults'); var cinc='', cincd=''; for (var i=0; i' + recs[irecs] + ''; } document.getElementById('tresults').size='' + recs.length; return outc; } function doopen(wois) { location.href='#' +,eval( - 1)) + 'd'; document.getElementById(,eval(-1 + + 'd').open=true; } function ourdocumentgetElementById(huh) { var isa=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var jsa=0; jsa margin { 0 0 0 0 } padding { 0 0 0 0 } ' + document.getElementById('topdiv').innerHTML.replace(/\-top\:\ /g,'-top:').replace(/\-top\:\-/g,'-top:0.00')); } function lookati() { if (!lookatidone) { lookatidone=true; //document.title='54'; // ios(); //document.title='154'; //alert('-0-0' + ext + ': in ' + imagec);'block'; var myimagec=imagec; imagec=','; var pfix=myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',')[eval(-1 + myimagec.split('-0-0' + ext + ':')[0].split(',').length)]; // alert(pfix); // var iis=myimagec.split(','); var icol=0, irow=0, top=0, left=0, cumtop=0, cumleft=0, fwidth=0, fheight=0, thisw=0, thish=0, thisws=[]; while (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':') != -1) { thisw=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[0]); thish=eval(myimagec.split('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':')[1].split(':')[1].split(',')[0]); //document.title+='-' + 'img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length); //alert(eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); if (ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))) { //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.position='absolute'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length))'' + top + 'px'; //ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)).style.left='' + left + 'px'; try { if (includesare.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext) != -1 || includesare == '') { if (canvascset.length == 0) { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+='' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } else { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+=',' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } canvascset.push(\"context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img\" + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + \"'), \" + left + \",\" + top + \");\"); context.drawImage(ourdocumentgetElementById('img' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)), left, top); } } catch(ee) { alert(ee.message); } //alert('--' + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)); } else { if (includesare.indexOf('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext) != -1 || includesare == '') { if (canvascset.length == 0) { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+='' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } else { document.getElementById('lefttop').value+=',' + eval(20 + left) + ',' + eval(20 + top); } canvascset.push(\"context.drawImage(imageo[\" + eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + \"], \" + left + \",\" + top + \");\"); context.drawImage(imageo[eval(-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length)], left, top); } } //document.title+='context.drawImage(x[' + (-1 + myimagec.split(',' + pfix + '-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext)[0].split(',').length) + '],' + top + ',' + left + ')'; myimagec=myimagec.replace('-' + icol + '-' + irow + ext + ':','_' + icol + '_' + irow + ext + ':'); //alert(document.title); left+=thisw; thisws.push(thisw); if (myimagec.indexOf('-' + irow + ext + ':') == -1) { icol=-1; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } else { left+=thisws[icol]; } icol++; } else { icol=0; irow++; top+=thish; left=0; } } if (elem) { dur=elem.toDataURL(); document.getElementById('mapi').src=dur; document.getElementById('dhuh').innerHTML=dur; //dodur(); } //alert('Dur=' + dur); //\"url('\" + dur + \"')\"; if (document.URL.indexOf('divmarginuse=') != -1) { document.getElementById('topdiv').style.display='INLINE-BLOCK'; dodur(); } } } function prelook() { if (!elem) { if (document.getElementById('mycanvas')) { elem=document.getElementById('mycanvas'); context=elem.getContext('2d'); //alert('/' + imagec); } } //if (imagec != ',') { lookati(); } } function looknow() { if (dur == '') { results=document.getElementById('results').innerHTML; if (results == '' || (results.indexOf('.') == -1 && results.indexOf(' ') == -1)) { setTimeout(looknow,5000); } else if ((results + ',').substring(0,1) == ' ') { alert('No files found in ' + document.getElementById('filespec').value + ' ... Please try again'); document.getElementById('filespec').value=''; } else { document.getElementById('tresults').innerHTML=resultsel(results); document.getElementById('tresults').style.display='block'; } } " . $jscr . " }
" . str_replace(" id=", " data-id=",$thirdbit) . "

GIMP Guillotine Follow Up

RJM Programming - August, 2018

Input Images

GIMP Guillotine Image Filespec (of images): ... Versus ...

       " . $bffmpeg . $bconvert . $binhouseslideshow . $btransitionhtml . "

HTML Use of Input " . $below . " List Below

" . $secondbit . $ifm . "
Canvas (and animations) view ...
" . rettb($thirdbit) . "" . $tablebit . $mapbit . $bitffmpeg . $bitconvert . $bitinhouseslideshow . $bittransition . " "; if ($allhtml) { $eol = PHP_EOL; $headers = 'From: ' . '' . $eol; $headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . '' . $eol; $filname="gimp_guillotine.html"; $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($hecho)); //$uid = md5(uniqid(time())); // a random hash will be necessary to send mixed content $separator = md5(time()); $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" . $separator . "\"" . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" . $eol; $headers .= "This is a MIME encoded message." . $eol . $eol; // message $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "Please see attachment below:" . $eol . $eol; //ourpremail($tem, $mysubject, "", $headers . "--" . $separator . "--"); // attachment $headers .= "--" . $separator . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $filname . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $eol; $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\"" . $filname . "\"" . $eol; $headers .= $content . $eol . $eol; $headers .= "--" . $separator . "--"; //mail($to, $subject, "", $headers); } echo $hecho; } if ($to != '' && $headers != '') { mail($to, $subject, "", $headers); } exit; } else { exit; } ?>