"; $noep=""; $types = array("audio/wav","audio/x-wav","audio/x-pn-realaudio","audio/x-mpegurl","audio/x-aiff","audio/mpeg","audio/mid","video/mp4", "audio/basic","audio/ogg","video/x-sgi-movie","video/x-msvideo","video/quicktime","audio/mp3","video/mp4","video/mpeg", "video/x-la-asf","video/ogg","video/webm","audio/mp4"); $exts = array(".wav",".wav",".ram",".m3u",".aiff",".mp3",".rmi",".mp4", ".snd",".ogg",".movie",".avi",".mov",".mp3",".m4v",".mpeg", ".lsx",".ogv",".webm",".m4a"); function urltype($ourl) { global $types, $exts, $type, $ext, $starttag, $midsrc, $endtag, $noep; $starttag=""; $starttag="<" . explode("/", $type)[0] . ""; $midsrc=" controls>", "", str_replace("", "", $intbl)); if (isset($_POST['operrow'])) { // operrow $perrow=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['operrow'])); if ($perrow == "0") { return $intbl; } else { $pretr=explode("", $intbl)[0]; $midrows=explode("", explode("", substr($intbl, strlen($pretr)))[0]); if ($midrows[-1 + sizeof($midrows)] == "" || (sizeof($midrows) % 2) == 1) { $joff=1; } for ($ii=0; $ii<((sizeof($midrows) - $joff) / 2); $ii++) { $pretr.=$midrows[$ii] . ""; $pretr.=$midrows[((sizeof($midrows) - $joff) / 2) + $ii] . ""; } //file_put_contents("z.z", $pretr); return $pretr . ""; } } else { return $intbl; } } function jserver_remote_addr() { global $stfle; $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return str_replace(":", "_", $rma); } function server_remote_addr() { global $stfle; $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; if (isset($_GET['outfile'])) { if (urldecode($_GET['outfile']) != "") { $stfle=' '; return urldecode($_GET['outfile']); } } else if (isset($_POST['outfile'])) { if (urldecode($_POST['outfile']) != "") { $stfle=' '; return urldecode($_POST['outfile']); } } return str_replace(":", "_", $rma); } if (isset($_POST['stitle']) && isset($_POST['slideshow'])) { if (isset($_POST['operrow'])) { // operrow $perrow=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['operrow'])); if ($perrow == "1") { $rowsep=""; $perrow="0"; } // else { echo $perrow; exit; } } $owidth=""; if (isset($_POST['owidth'])) { $owidth=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['owidth'])); if (strpos($owidth, "%") !== false || strpos(strtolower($owidth), "vw") !== false) { $owidth=" style='width:" . $owidth . "'"; } else if ($owidth != "") { $owidth=" style='width:" . str_replace("px","",strtolower($owidth)) . "px'"; } } $oururl=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['slideshow'])); $ourcaption=""; if (strpos($oururl, ";") !== false) { $ourcaption=explode(";", $oururl)[1]; $oururl=explode(";", $oururl)[0]; } else if (strpos($oururl, "#") !== false) { $ourcaption=explode("#", $oururl)[1]; $oururl=explode("#", $oururl)[0]; } if (strpos($oururl, "//") === false && (strpos($oururl, "[") !== false || strpos($oururl, "*") !== false || strpos($oururl, "?") !== false)) { $specurl=$oururl; $oururl=""; $andmore=""; foreach (glob($specurl) as $filename) { if ($oururl == "") { $oururl=$filename; $capselsuff=" (" . $filename . ")"; } else if ($andmore == "") { $andmore=$filename; } else { $andmore.="," . $filename; } } } $oururl=urltype($oururl); $ourtitle=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['stitle'])); $oursubtitle=""; if (strpos($ourtitle, ";") !== false) { $oursubtitle=explode(";", $ourtitle)[1]; $ourtitle=explode(";", $ourtitle)[0]; } else if (strpos($ourtitle, "#") !== false) { $oursubtitle=explode("#", $ourtitle)[1]; $ourtitle=explode("#", $ourtitle)[0]; } $tablesofar="
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow1' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
"; $capselsuff=""; while ($andmore != "") { if ($perrow != "0") { $rowsep=""; if ($ijm % $perrow == 1) { $rowsep=""; } } $oururl=urltype(explode(",", $andmore)[0]); $capselsuff=str_replace(" ()", "", " (" . $oururl . ")"); if (strpos($tablesofar, " src=''") !== false) { $tablesofar="
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
"; $capselsuff=""; } else { $tablesofar=str_replace("", "", str_replace("", $rowsep . "
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc ."'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
", $tablesofar)); $selbit=explode("", $tablesofar)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("", $tablesofar)[0]))]; $tablesofar=str_replace("","",str_replace("", "" . $rowsep . "", $tablesofar)); $prevselbit=$selbit; $capselsuff=""; } if ($oururl == $andmore) { $andmore=""; } else { $andmore=substr($andmore, (strlen($oururl) + 1)); $capselsuff=str_replace(" ()", "", " (" . explode(",", $andmore)[0] . ")"); } $ijm++; } while (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $ij])) { if ($perrow != "0") { $rowsep=""; if ($ijm % $perrow == 1) { $rowsep=""; } } $oururl=htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_POST['slideshow' . $ij])); if ($oururl != "") { $ourcaption=""; if (strpos($oururl, ";") !== false) { $ourcaption=explode(";", $oururl)[1]; $oururl=explode(";", $oururl)[0]; } else if (strpos($oururl, "#") !== false) { $ourcaption=explode("#", $oururl)[1]; $oururl=explode("#", $oururl)[0]; } if (strpos($oururl, "//") === false && (strpos($oururl, "[") !== false || strpos($oururl, "*") !== false || strpos($oururl, "?") !== false)) { $specurl=$oururl; $oururl=""; $andmore=""; foreach (glob($specurl) as $filename) { if ($oururl == "") { $oururl=$filename; $capselsuff=" (" . $filename . ")"; } else if ($andmore == "") { $andmore=$filename; } else { $andmore.="," . $filename; } } } $oururl=urltype($oururl); if (strpos($tablesofar, " src=''") !== false) { $one="" . $ijm; $tablesofar="
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
"; $capselsuff=""; } else { $tablesofar=str_replace("", "", str_replace("", $rowsep . "
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
", $tablesofar)); $selbit=explode("", $tablesofar)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("", $tablesofar)[0]))]; $tablesofar=str_replace("","",str_replace("", "" . $rowsep . "", $tablesofar)); $prevselbit=$selbit; $capselsuff=""; } } $ij++; $ijm++; while ($andmore != "") { if ($perrow != "0") { $rowsep=""; if ($ijm % $perrow == 1) { $rowsep=""; } } $oururl=urltype(explode(",", $andmore)[0]); $capselsuff=str_replace(" ()", "", " (" . $oururl . ")"); if (strpos($tablesofar, " src=''") !== false) { $one="" . $ijm; $tablesofar="
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
"; $capselsuff=""; } else { $tablesofar=str_replace("", "", str_replace("", $rowsep . "
" . $starttag . $owidth . " id='slideshow" . $ijm . "' onclick=\"" . $noep . "window.open('" . $oururl . "','_blank');\" title='" . $ourcaption . "' alt='" . $ourcaption . "' style='width:100%'" . $midsrc . "'" . $oururl . "'>" . $endtag . "
" . $ourcaption . "
", $tablesofar)); $selbit=explode("", $tablesofar)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("", $tablesofar)[0]))]; $tablesofar=str_replace("", "" . $rowsep . "", $tablesofar); $capselsuff=""; } if ($oururl == $andmore) { $andmore=""; } else { $andmore=substr($andmore, (strlen($oururl) + 1)); $capselsuff=str_replace(" ()", "", " (" . explode(",", $andmore)[0] . ")"); } $ijm++; } } //file_put_contents("x.x", $tablesofar); echo " Use HTML figcaption tag to create a media gallery

" . $ourtitle . "

" . $oursubtitle . "

" . rearr(str_replace("", "", $tablesofar)) . "
Back to Gallery
"; } else { echo " Use HTML figcaption tag to create a media gallery

Use HTML figcaption tag to create a media gallery" . $moreh1 . "

" . $prestfle . $stfle . " Gallery Title

Gallery Media Width

Slides per Row

Image/Video/Audio URL

" . $extras . "
" . $imagefig . "
"; } ?>