@-->"; $lasttd = "-->"; if (isset($_POST['url'])) { if (strpos(urldecode($_POST['url']), ",") !== false) { $purl = str_replace(",", "@!", urldecode($_POST['url'])); $with = str_replace("lastone=0", "lastone=" . (strlen($purl) - 1 - strlen(urldecode($_POST['url']))), $with); $exlist = explode(",", urldecode($_POST['url'])); $zero = sizeof($exlist) - 1; $prewith = "$" . "2.1"; $with = $exlist[0]; $prewith0 = $lasttd; $with0 = str_replace("$" . "2.2", $exlist[1], $lasttd); if (sizeof($exlist) > 2) { for ($iy=2; $iy", "", str_replace("$" . "2.2", $exlist[$iy], str_replace("t1", "t" . $iy, str_replace("i1", "i" . $iy, $lasttd)))); } else { $with0 .= "\n" . str_replace("$" . "2.2", $exlist[$iy], str_replace("t1", "t" . $iy, str_replace("i1", "i" . $iy, $lasttd))); } } } } else { $prewith = $lasttd; $with = ""; $prewith0 = "$" . "2.1"; $with0 = urldecode($_POST['url']); } } $template = str_replace("$" . "1", $gallerytitle, str_replace($prewith0, $with0, str_replace($prewith, $with, " " . $gallerytitle . " - Slide 1 of $1 Slide 1 of

" . $gallerytitle . "

@--> -->

"))); if (isset($_POST['prefix'])) { if ($isiPad) { $template = str_replace($style45, "", $template); } echo $template; exit; } $fsev = ' document.getElementById("files").addEventListener("change", handleFileSelect, false); '; $esuff = ""; $start = "<"; $end = " 1) { $end = substr($start,1); $start = substr($start, 0, 1); } function local_client_files($inmode) { global $fsev, $start, $end; if ($inmode == "script") { return ' var wut = new Array(); var wutname = new Array(); var uform; var uploadButton; var fileSelect; var njk=0 var resmy="my" + "res"; var clist="li" + "st"; var csubmit="sub" + "mit"; var imgmode=" "; var omyh1; var fcont=""; var bigi=0; var bigj=0; var wl=""; var doneonce=""; var presm="sm"; var bigbuffer=""; var prevmy_res=""; var bigf=new Array(); var urlsuf=""; var zipcnt=""; function expand(onein, twoin) { var outtwoin = ""; var div = document.getElementById("dend"); div.innerHTML = twoin; outtwoin = ""; return onein + "  " + outtwoin; } function maybedo() { } function lookoutfor() { } function doonload() { setTimeout(maybedo, 1000); setInterval(lookoutfor, 5000); uform = document.getElementById("file-form"); /' . '/uploadButton = document.getElementById("upload-button"); omyh1 = document.getElementById("myh1"); if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) { var iii=0; } else { document.getElementById("files").style.display = "none"; /' . '/document.getElementById("file").style.display = "none"; if (1 == 2) { alert("The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser."); } } ' . $fsev . ' } function handleFileSelect(evt) { var ourcont=""; var readers = new Array(); var f; var thelines; var thewords; var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object // files is a FileList of File objects. List some properties. var output = []; var file; // = files[0]; var start; // = parseInt(opt_startByte) || 0; var stop; // = parseInt(opt_stopByte) || file.size - 1; var blob; // = file.slice(start, stop + 1); omyh1 = document.getElementById("myh1"); document.getElementById("list").innerHTML = ""; if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("my" + "res") == -1) { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + ""; } else { prevmy_res = document.getElementById("my" + "res").innerHTML; document.getElementById("my" + "res").innerHTML = "~" + "~"; } var ourfile; lastone = eval(files.length - 1); if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("$" + "1") != -1) { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("$" + "1", document.getElementById("prefix").value).replace("$" + "1", document.getElementById("prefix").value); } if (d1ih == "") { d1ih = decodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("lasttd").value); d1ih = d1ih.replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " ").replace("+", " "); } for (var iy = 0; iy < files.length; iy++) { ourfile = files[iy]; } var numi; for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) { bigf[bigf.length] = f.name; if (i >= 2) { //alert(d1ih.replace("i1","i" + iy).replace("t1","t" + iy).replace("i1","i" + iy) + ""); if (i > ilastone) { ilastone = i; if ((i % 10) == 0) { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("", "-->"); } else { document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace("", "-->"); } if (i >= lastone) document.getElementById("a0").click(); } } else if (i == 0) { document.getElementById("i0").src = f.name; } else if (i == 1) { document.getElementById("i1").src = f.name; } document.getElementById("url").value = f.name; wutname[wutname.length] = f.name; wut[wut.length] = null; //window.open("",f.name,"width=500, height=80"); bigi = eval(1 + i); file = f; start = 0; fcont = ""; stop = file.size - 1; readers[readers.length] = new FileReader(); imgmode = "y"; if (imgmode == "y") { readers[readers.length - 1].onload = (function(theFile) { return function(e) { var iyy, oiyy, found=0, fnam=""; for (iyy=0; iyy<=lastone; iyy++) { oiyy = document.getElementById("i" + iyy); if (oiyy != null) { fnam=oiyy.src; if (found == 0 && olist.indexOf("," + iyy + ",") == -1 && (("*" + oiyy.src).indexOf("*image.") != -1 || oiyy.src.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(92) + theFile.name) != -1 || oiyy.src == theFile.name || oiyy.src.indexOf("/" + theFile.name) != -1 || oiyy.src.substring(0,1) == "$")) { olist=olist + iyy + ","; oiyy.src = e.target.result; found = 1; } } } if (found == 0 && fnam != "" && 1 == 2) document.getElementById("myh1").innerHTML=fnam; }; })(file); readers[readers.length - 1].readAsDataURL(file); } else { readers[readers.length - 1].onloadend = function(evt) { if (evt.target.readyState == FileReader.DONE) { var xfcont=evt.target.result,ik,eoc,eik,tcont=""; var thoselines = xfcont.split(String.fromCharCode(10)); var thosewordscnt = 0, poff=0, coff=0, thosewords = xfcont.split(String.fromCharCode(32)); var findwordscnt = 0, cfinds, rconts, cfind = "0", huhv, pref="", ihuh, ht; var cstart="' . substr($start,0,1) . '", cend="' . str_replace("{", "}", str_replace("<", ">", str_replace("[", "]", str_replace("(", ")", substr($start,0,1))))) . '"; var fws, fwsc="", rcont = " ", bit, outtwoin = "", oc = xfcont.split(cstart); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = xfcont; if (xfcont.toLowerCase().indexOf("= 0) { for (ik=0; ik 1) { for (eik=1; eik" + tcont || "" + ""); wut[eval(wut.length - 1)].document.title = wutname[eval(wut.length - 1)] + ".txt"; } else if (xfcont.toLowerCase().indexOf("html>") >= 1) { wut[eval(wut.length - 1)].document.write("  "); wut[eval(wut.length - 1)].document.title = wutname[eval(wut.length - 1)] + ".txt"; } else { thoselines = xfcont.replace(//g, ">").split(String.fromCharCode(10)); for (var jjjjq=0; jjjjq"; wut[eval(wut.length - 1)].document.title = wutname[eval(wut.length - 1)]; wut[eval(wut.length - 1)].document.write(xfcont); } } /' . '/document.getElementById("dend").innerHTML = document.getElementById("dend").innerHTML + "  @!@"; var thosewordscnt = 0, thosewords = xfcont.split(String.fromCharCode(32)); var ourwords, ourwordcnt = 0; //infilecontents.split(String.fromCharCode(32)); for (var jjjj=0; jjjj