Red-crested turacoSteller' . Rock doveSouthern cassowaryGentoo penguinBar-throated minlaShoebillGrey crowned craneAnna' . Rainbow lorikeetGrey heronEurasian eagle-owlWhite-tailed tropicbirdIndian peafowlAtlantic puffinAmerican flamingoBlue-footed boobyKeel-billed toucan'; if (isset($_GET['noun'])) { $suffix=str_replace('+','_',urldecode($_GET['noun'])); } else if (isset($_POST['noun'])) { $suffix=str_replace('+','_',urldecode($_POST['noun'])); } $content=file_get_contents('' . urlencode($suffix)); $tablebits=explode('', str_replace('Clockwise from left','
',$tablebits[1]))[0]); } $mapbits=explode('', $content); if (sizeof($mapbits) > 1 || sizeof($timgs) == 2) { $zeroone=-1; $zerotwo=-1; $notzero=-1; if (sizeof($mapbits) > 1) { $coordbits=explode(' coords="', $mapbits[0]); for ($iik=1; $iik'); $optcount=(-1 + sizeof(explode(' 1) { $three='' . ($zerotwo - $zeroone); $six='' . floor((-1 + sizeof($coordbits)) / $three); $yf="false"; } if (sizeof($imgbits) > 1) { if (strpos($imgbits[1], ' src="') !== false) { $wurl='http://' . explode('//', explode('"', explode(' src="', $imgbits[1])[1])[0])[1]; //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n010:" . $wurl); } } } else { $mapdata=''; $ww=intval($onehundred); $wurl='http://' . explode('//', explode('"', explode(' src="', $timgs[1])[1])[0])[1]; //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n0110:" . $wurl); if (strpos($tablebits[1], 'Clockwise from left') !== false) { $cw='true'; $six='' . round(sizeof(explode(' title="', explode('representing the ', explode('', explode('Clockwise from left',$tablebits[1])[1])[0])[0])) / $three); $arrs=explode(' title="', explode('representing the ', explode('', explode('Clockwise from left',$tablebits[1])[1])[0])[0]); for ($jh=1; $jh'; } else { $mapdata.='' . explode(''; $ww+=intval($onehundred); } } $optcount=(-1 + sizeof(explode('', explode('Clockwise from left',$tablebits[1])[1])[0])[0] . ' ' . $drawi; //exit; //$drawi=''; } else { $six='' . round(sizeof(explode(' title="', explode('', str_replace('Clockwise from left','',$tablebits[1]))[0])) / $three); for ($jh=1; $jh' . explode('representing the ', explode('', explode('Clockwise from left',$tablebits[1])[1])[0])[0]; //exit; } } else if (sizeof($timgs) > 1) { //echo 'sizeof=' . sizeof($timgs); //exit; $mapdata=''; $wurl='.jpeg'; $jp='.jpeg'; for ($jh=1; $jh"; //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n00:" . $wurl); $fwurl=file_get_contents($wurl); if (strpos($timgs[$jh], ' title="') !== false) { if (explode('<',$fwurl)[0] == '') { //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n0:" . substr($fwurl,0,4)); $jp=$wurl; $drawi.=" " . " blurbs.push(\"" . explode('"', explode(' title="', $timgs[$jh])[1])[0] . "\"); " . " " . " imguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); " . " "; } else { //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n2:" . substr($fwurl,0,4)); $drawi.=" " . " blurbs.push(\"" . explode('"', explode(' title="', $timgs[$jh])[1])[0] . "\"); " . " " . " imguris.push('data:image/" . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.', explode('#', explode('?', $wurl)[0])[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode('.', explode('#', explode('?', $wurl)[0])[0]))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode($fwurl) . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); " . " "; } } else { if (explode('<',$fwurl)[0] == '') { $jp=$wurl; //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n1:" . substr($fwurl,0,4)); $drawi.=" " . " blurbs.push(''); " . " " . " imguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); " . " "; } else { //file_put_contents('x.x', file_get_contents('x.x') . "\n3:" . substr($fwurl,0,4)); $drawi.=" " . " blurbs.push(''); " . " " . " imguris.push('data:image/" . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.', explode('#', explode('?', $wurl)[0])[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode('.', explode('#', explode('?', $wurl)[0])[0]))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode($fwurl) . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); uimguris.push('" . $wurl . "'); " . " "; } } } //file_put_contents('xx.xx', $drawi); //echo $drawi; $wurl=$jp; //'.jpeg'; } else { $suffix="Bird"; $mapdata='Red-crested turacoSteller' . Rock doveSouthern cassowaryGentoo penguinBar-throated minlaShoebillGrey crowned craneAnna' . Rainbow lorikeetGrey heronEurasian eagle-owlWhite-tailed tropicbirdIndian peafowlAtlantic puffinAmerican flamingoBlue-footed boobyKeel-billed toucan'; $content=file_get_contents('' . urlencode($suffix)); $mapbits=explode('', $content); if (sizeof($mapbits) > 1) { $imgbits=explode(''); $optcount=(-1 + sizeof(explode(' 1) { if (strpos($imgbits[1], ' src="') !== false) { $wurl='http://' . explode('//', explode('"', explode(' src="', $imgbits[1])[1])[0])[1]; } } } } ?> Dropdown Thumbnail Image Choices - RJM Programming - June, 2023

Dropdown Thumbnail+ Image Choices

RJM Programming - June, 2023

Quiz ... thanks to Wikipedia

Score: 0/0

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