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" . $_POST['coursename'] . "
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Course Designer

Thanks for your " . $_POST['coursename'] . " Course Design

" . str_replace("ChangeTutNow(this);", " var ahuh=this.value.split(\"=\"); location.href = \"./design_a_course.php?topic=\" + ahuh[ahuh.length - 1].replace(\"#\", \"%23\"); ", via("")) . "

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" . $thetopic . " Course Designer

Course Name:
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" . "

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Course Designer

" . str_replace("ChangeTutNow(this);", " var ahuh=this.value.split(\"=\"); location.href = \"./design_a_course.php?topic=\" + ahuh[ahuh.length - 1].replace(\"#\", \"%23\"); ", via("")) . "

" . ""; } ?>