1) { $bz=""; $prebz=""; $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; while (file_exists($outrpts[0] . ".csv" . $bz)) { if (("" . $bz) == "") { $prebz="_"; $bz=1; } else { $bz++; } $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; } } // Start of business logic piecing together CSV report ... $cont=file_get_contents($inxml); $detailrec=''; $detailrec='"col1value","col2value"'; // you do more in depth work to get to this point via $cont if (trim($detailrec) != "") { $headerrec='"col1label","col2label"'; // you do more in depth work to get a header record as required via $cont if ($outrpt != "" && 1 == 1) { if ($headerrec != "") { $headerrec.="\n"; } file_put_contents($outrpt, $headerrec . $detailrec); exit; } else { if ($headerrec != "") { $headerrec.="
"; } echo "
" . $headerrec . $detailrec . "
"; return null; } } // End of business logic piecing together CSV report return null; } } $genextra=""; if (isset($_GET['generic']) || isset($_POST['generic'])) { $genextra=""; } $xmlstr=""; $outidea="outfile.csv"; $keep=true; if (!isset($_GET['keep']) && !isset($_POST['keep'])) { $keep=false; } if (isset($_GET['xml'])) { // add in file(spec) considerations here if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['xml'])), "*") !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['xml'])), "%") !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['xml'])), "?") !== false) { $htmlis="

XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report Run ...

"; foreach (glob(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['xml']))) as $xmlfil) { $bz=""; $prebz=""; $outrpts=explode(".xm", str_replace(".XML",".xml",str_replace(".Xml",".xml",$xmlfil))); $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; while (file_exists($outrpts[0] . ".csv" . $bz)) { if (("" . $bz) == "") { $prebz="_"; $bz=1; } else { $bz++; } $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; } exec("curl " . "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0] . '?xml=' . urlencode($xmlfil)); if (file_exists($outrpt)) { $htmlis=str_replace("","Read " . $xmlfil . " as basis for" . " " . $jobbits . " report " . $outrpt . " for your perusal.
",$htmlis); } else { $htmlis=str_replace("","Could not read " . $xmlfil . " as basis for" . " " . $jobbits . " report " . $outrpt . " successfully, alas.
",$htmlis); } } echo $htmlis; exit; } // end of file(spec) considerations above if (strpos(strtolower("~" . urldecode($_GET['xml'])), "~http") !== false) { $xmlstr=file_get_contents(urldecode($_GET['xml'])); $outidea=explode("." . explode(".",urldecode($_GET['xml']))[-1 + sizeof(explode(".",urldecode($_GET['xml'])))], urldecode($_GET['xml']))[0]; $outidea=explode("/", $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode("/", $outidea))]; $outidea=explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea))]; $outidea.=".csv"; } else if (strpos(strtolower("~" . urldecode($_GET['xml'])), "~<") !== false) { $xmlstr=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['xml'])); } if ($xmlstr != "") { $xml = oursimplexml_load_string($xmlstr); } else if (file_exists(urldecode($_GET['xml']))) { $xmlstr=" "; $outidea=explode("." . explode(".",urldecode($_GET['xml']))[-1 + sizeof(explode(".",urldecode($_GET['xml'])))], urldecode($_GET['xml']))[0]; $outidea=explode("/", $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode("/", $outidea))]; $outidea=explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea))]; $outidea.=".csv"; $xml = oursimplexml_load_file(urldecode($_GET['xml'])); } } else if (isset($_POST['xml'])) { // add in file(spec) considerations here if (strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['xml'])), "*") !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['xml'])), "%") !== false || strpos(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['xml'])), "?") !== false) { $htmlis="

XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report Run ...

"; foreach (glob(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['xml']))) as $xmlfil) { $bz=""; $prebz=""; $outrpts=explode(".xm", str_replace(".XML",".xml",str_replace(".Xml",".xml",$xmlfil))); $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; while (file_exists($outrpts[0] . ".csv" . $bz)) { if (("" . $bz) == "") { $prebz="_"; $bz=1; } else { $bz++; } $outrpt=$outrpts[0] . $prebz . $bz . ".csv"; } exec("curl " . "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0] . '?xml=' . urlencode($xmlfil)); if (file_exists($outrpt)) { $htmlis=str_replace("","Read " . $xmlfil . " as basis for" . " " . $jobbits . " report " . $outrpt . " for your perusal.
",$htmlis); } else { $htmlis=str_replace("","Could not read " . $xmlfil . " as basis for" . " " . $jobbits . " report " . $outrpt . " successfully, alas.
",$htmlis); } } echo $htmlis; exit; } // end of file(spec) considerations above if (strpos(strtolower("~" . urldecode($_POST['xml'])), "~http") !== false) { $xmlstr=file_get_contents(urldecode($_POST['xml'])); $outidea=explode("." . explode(".",urldecode($_POST['xml']))[-1 + sizeof(explode(".",urldecode($_POST['xml'])))], urldecode($_POST['xml']))[0]; $outidea=explode("/", $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode("/", $outidea))]; $outidea=explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea))]; $outidea.=".csv"; } else if (strpos(strtolower("~" . urldecode($_POST['xml'])), "~<") !== false) { $xmlstr=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['xml'])); } if ($xmlstr != "") { $xml = oursimplexml_load_string($xmlstr); } else if (file_exists(urldecode($_POST['xml']))) { $xmlstr=" "; $outidea=explode("." . explode(".",urldecode($_POST['xml']))[-1 + sizeof(explode(".",urldecode($_POST['xml'])))], urldecode($_POST['xml']))[0]; $outidea=explode("/", $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode("/", $outidea))]; $outidea=explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea)[-1 + sizeof(explode(substr("\\",0,1), $outidea))]; $outidea.=".csv"; $xml = oursimplexml_load_file(urldecode($_POST['xml'])); } } if ($xmlstr != "") { if ($xml) { while (file_exists($outidea)) { $outidea=str_replace(".csv","1.csv",$outidea); } $outstream = fopen($outidea,'w'); $header=false; foreach($xml as $k=>$details) { if (!$header) { $harr=array_keys(get_object_vars($details)); if (sizeof($harr) != 0) { fputcsv($outstream,$harr); $header=true; } } $harr=get_object_vars($details); if (sizeof($harr) != 0) fputcsv($outstream,$harr); } fclose($outstream); //$csvstr=preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "",file_get_contents($outidea)); //$csvstr=preg_replace("/(^[\n]*|[\n]+)[\s\t]*[\n]+/", "",$csvstr); $csvstr=file_get_contents($outidea); if (isset($_GET['download']) || isset($_POST['download'])) { echo "XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report - RJM Programming - September, 2018

XML to CSV " . $outidea . "

RJM Programming - August, 2018

XML File(spec) or URL:

" . $genextra . "
"; } } else { if (!$keep) { unlink($outidea); header('Content-type: text/csv'); echo $csvstr; exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['keep'])) { if (urldecode($_GET['keep']) == 'keep') { unlink($outidea); echo "XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report - RJM Programming - September, 2018 "; } else { header('Content-type: text/csv'); echo $csvstr; exit; } } else if (isset($_POST['keep'])) { if (urldecode($_POST['keep']) == 'keep') { unlink($outidea); echo "XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report - RJM Programming - September, 2018 "; } else { header('Content-type: text/csv'); echo $csvstr; exit; } } } } } else { echo "XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report - RJM Programming - September, 2018

XML to CSV " . $jobbits . " Report

RJM Programming - September, 2018

XML File(spec) or URL:

" . $genextra . "
"; } ?>