&1",$aret,$retv); //$videopath=explode("ffmpeg",explode("\n",$videopaths)[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n",$videopaths))])[0]; // $videopaths[-1 + sizeof($videopaths)]; //$aret[0]; //echo $retv . "~" . $videopaths . "*" . $videopath . "^" . $aret[0]; //exit; $videocmd=$videopath . "ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "%03d.jpg " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.mp4 2> " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.bad"; $svideocmd="ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . "%03d.jpg " . "video.mp4"; $videohtml=""; $videosuffix=""; $agifphp="GetAnimation(); ?> "; $lastbitfrom="echo \$gif->GetAnimation();"; $lastbitto="\$fp = fopen('animegif.gif', 'w'); \$data = \$gif->GetAnimation(); \$dataUri = 'data:image/gif;base64,' . base64_encode(\$data); fwrite(\$fp, \$data); fclose(\$fp); \$fp = fopen('animegif.html', 'w'); fwrite(\$fp, '

Data URI version below

... via web browser (Windows right click, Mac OS X two finger gesture) ...

'); fclose(\$fp);"; $agtext=""; $url=""; function inhouseslideshow($uarray,$uarraydatauri) { global $agtext, $videocmd, $videopath; if (sizeof($uarray) == 0) return ""; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { exec($videocmd); // exec("`which ffmpeg` " . explode("ffmpeg",$videocmd)[1]); } //echo $videocmd; //exit; $sofar=" \n"; $sofar.=" \n"; $sofar.="" . $agtext . " - via RJM Programming Slideshow Presentation \n"; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.="" . $agtext . " \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.="

Slideshow version below

... optionally get content via web browser (Windows right click, Mac OS X two finger gesture) ...

\n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; //for ($iqw=1; $iqw--> \n "; //} return $sofar . "
\n\n"; } function server_remote_addr() { $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return str_replace(":", "_", $rma); } function analyze($url) { //$aprefix="../"; $aprefix=""; if (strpos($url, "//") === false && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "rjmprogramming.com.au") !== false) return $aprefix; if (strpos($url, "//") === false && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "localhost") !== false) return $aprefix; $aub=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $xubf=explode("?", $aub); $xubf[0]=str_replace("tutorial_to_animated_gif.php", "", str_replace("@!@","", str_replace("@!@/","", "@!@" . $xubf[0]))); $xubff=explode("/", $xubf[0]); for ($ih=1; $ih 2) { $xub=str_replace("/" . $xubff[sizeof($xubff) - 1], "/", $xubf[0]); } else { $xub=str_replace("@$@", "", str_replace("/@$@", "/", ($xubf[0] . "@$@"))); } $ubf=explode("?", $url); $ubff=explode("/", $ubf[0]); if (strpos($ubff[sizeof($ubff) - 1], ".") !== false && (sizeof($ubff) - 1) > 2) { $ub=str_replace("/" . $ubff[sizeof($ubff) - 1], "/", $ubf[0]); } else { $ub=str_replace("@$@", "", str_replace("/@$@", "/", ($ubf[0] . "@$@"))); } $preubff=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au:80/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } else { $preubff=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } else { $preubff=explode("localhost:8888/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } } } return $aprefix; } if (isset($_GET['slideshow']) || isset($_POST['slideshow'])) { if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) $url=($_GET['slideshow']); if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) $url=($_POST['slideshow']); if (strpos($url, ' src="') !== false) { $shtml=$url; file_put_contents(server_remote_addr() . "_huh.html", $url); $moreh1=" ... you have 10 seconds to change delay value as necessary"; $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('slideshow').value='http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/animegif/" . server_remote_addr() . "_huh.html'; setTimeout(and_then,10000); "; $shtml=""; } else { if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) $shtml=@file_get_contents($_GET['slideshow']); if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) $shtml=@file_get_contents($_POST['slideshow']); } $prefix=analyze($url); if (isset($_GET['delay'])) $delay=($_GET['delay']); if (isset($_POST['delay'])) $delay=($_POST['delay']); $videocmd=$videopath . "ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "%03d.jpg " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.mp4 2> " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.bad"; $svideocmd="ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . "%03d.jpg " . "video.mp4"; if (!file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { $videohtml="

No ffmpeg installed, so ... if you have in your local system ... at command line (in download directory, first removing any existant %03d.jpg files such as 001.jpg to 999.jpg) type (to end up with a video.mp4 video)

" . $svideocmd . "

... after downloading ...

open video.mp4

"; $videosuffix=" creation advice"; } $eachone=str_replace("[]=40;", "[]=" . $delay . ";", $eachone); $gifphp=$agifphp; if (isset($_GET['stitle'])) $agtext=($_GET['stitle']); if (isset($_POST['stitle'])) $agtext=($_POST['stitle']); if (strpos($shtml, ' src="') === false) { $shtml=' src="' . $url . '" '; $icnt++; $jfilep="00"; $ijf=1; $jf=1; while (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt]) || isset($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt])) { if (sizeof($ismulti) == 0) { if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists('video.mp4')) unlink('video.mp4'); if (1 == 1) { if (file_exists('001.jpg')) { while (file_exists(substr(($jfilep . $jf),-3) . '.jpg')) { unlink(substr(($jfilep . $jf),-3) . '.jpg'); $jf++; } } if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; } $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($url)); } } if (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt])) { $url=($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt]); if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($url)); } } if (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt])) { $url=($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt]); if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($url)); } } $shtml.=' src="' . $url . '" '; $icnt++; } if (sizeof($ismulti) > 0) { $ofp = fopen('slideshow.html', 'w'); fwrite($ofp, inhouseslideshow($ismulti,$ismultidatauri)); fclose($ofp); $extras=" Animated GIF Video Data URI version Slideshow versions"; } else { $extras=" Animated GIF Data URI version"; } } $photos=explode(' src="', $shtml); if (sizeof($photos) > 1) { $atext=$agtext; $wasprefix=$prefix; for ($io=1; $io"; $imagegif.="

"; if (sizeof($ismulti) > 0) { $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('idiv').innerHTML+=\"

Preview Above ... Animated GIF then Video" . $videosuffix . " Below

Video" . $videosuffix . " below ...

" . $videohtml . "

 Data URI version Top Animated GIF Slideshow Data URI

" . "\";"; } else { $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('idiv').innerHTML+=\"

Preview Above ... Animated GIF Below

 Top Animated GIF
" . "\";"; } } } //else { echo " Tutorial Slideshow to Animated GIF

Tutorial Slideshow to Animated GIF" . $moreh1 . "

Tutorial Slideshow Title

Tutorial Slideshow Delay

Tutorial Slideshow HTML or Image

" . $extras . "
" . $imagegif . "
"; //} ?>