= '0' && $thisc <= '9')) { $cstrg.=$cdelim . $thisc; $cdelim=""; } else { $cdelim=","; } } if ($cstrg != "") { return $cstrg; } return $outstrg; } $xred="255"; $xgreen="0"; $xblue="0"; $fontname=""; $xangle="0.0"; $xleft="5"; $xtop="5"; $xsize="14px"; $xttfprefix=""; $opac=""; $zris=0; $zrtot=1; $zristwo=0; $huhis=""; if (isset($_POST['fred'])) { $xred=urldecode($_POST['fred']); $huhis.=" red=" . $xred; } if (isset($_POST['fgreen'])) { $xgreen=urldecode($_POST['fgreen']); $huhis.=" green=" . $xgreen; } if (isset($_POST['fblue'])) { $xblue=urldecode($_POST['fblue']); $huhis.=" blue=" . $xblue; } if (isset($_POST['fontname'])) { $fontname=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['fontname'])); if ($fontname != "" && strpos(strtolower($fontname), ".ttf") === false) { if (strpos(("~" . $fontname), "~/") === false) { // Set the environment variable for GD ... thanks to https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagettftext.php putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.')); if (!file_exists(str_replace(".ttf","",$fontname) . ".ttf")) { foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/*.ttf") as $filename) { if (strpos(strtolower("/" . $filename), strtolower("/" . str_replace(".ttf","",$fontname) . ".ttf")) !== false) { $fontname=str_replace(".ttf","",str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . "/","",str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . "","",$filename))); } } } } //$fontname.=".ttf"; } $huhis.=" fontname=" . $fontname; $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; $huhis.=" xttfprefix=" . $xttfprefix; } if (isset($_POST['fangle'])) { $xangle=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['fangle'])); if ($xangle > 1.0 && strpos(('' . $xangle), '.') !== false) { $opac="0." . explode('.', ('' . $xangle))[1]; $xangle=explode('.', ('' . $xangle))[0]; } $huhis.=" angle=" . $xangle; } if (isset($_POST['fleft'])) { $xleft=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['fleft'])))); if (strpos($xleft, "%") !== false) { $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; $xleft="round(\$thisw * " . str_replace("%","",$xleft) . " / 100.0)"; } $huhis.=" left=" . $xleft; } if (isset($_POST['ftop'])) { $xtop=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['ftop'])))); if (strpos($xtop, "%") !== false) { $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; $xtop="round(\$thish * " . str_replace("%","",$xtop) . " / 100.0)"; } $huhis.=" top=" . $xtop; } if (isset($_POST['fsize'])) { $xsize=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_POST['fsize'])))); $huhis.=" size=" . $xsize; } //if ($huhis != "") { echo $huhis; exit; } if (isset($_GET['urlminus']) && isset($_GET['icnt']) && isset($_GET['lastioid']) && isset($_GET['incis']) && isset($_GET['upprefix']) && isset($_GET['upsuffix']) && isset($_GET['upto']) && isset($_GET['thisto'])) { if (isset($_GET['fred'])) { $xred=urldecode($_GET['fred']); } if (isset($_GET['fgreen'])) { $xgreen=urldecode($_GET['fgreen']); } if (isset($_GET['fblue'])) { $xblue=urldecode($_GET['fblue']); } if (isset($_GET['fontname'])) { $fontname=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['fontname'])); if (strpos(("~" . $fontname), "~/") === false) { // Set the environment variable for GD putenv('GDFONTPATH=' . realpath('.')); if (!file_exists(str_replace(".ttf","",$fontname) . ".ttf")) { foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/*.ttf") as $filename) { if (strpos(strtolower("/" . $filename), strtolower("/" . str_replace(".ttf","",$fontname) . ".ttf")) !== false) { $fontname=str_replace(".ttf","",str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . "/","",str_replace(dirname(__FILE__) . "","",$filename))); } } } } //$fontname.=".ttf"; $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; } if (isset($_GET['fangle'])) { $xangle=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['fangle'])); if ($xangle > 1.0 && strpos(('' . $xangle), '.') !== false) { $opac="0." . explode('.', ('' . $xangle))[1]; $xangle=explode('.', ('' . $xangle))[0]; } } if (isset($_GET['fleft'])) { $xleft=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['fleft'])))); if (strpos($xleft, "%") !== false) { $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; $xleft="round(\$thisw * " . str_replace("%","",$xleft) . " / 100.0)"; } } if (isset($_GET['ftop'])) { $xtop=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['ftop'])))); if (strpos($xleft, "%") !== false) { $xttfprefix=" \$thisw=imagesx(\$image); \$thish=imagesy(\$image); "; $xtop="round(\$thish * " . str_replace("%","",$xtop) . " / 100.0)"; } } if (isset($_GET['fsize'])) { $xsize=str_replace("px","",strtolower(str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['fsize'])))); } $it=0; $upit=0; $upsuffix=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['upsuffix'])); $thisto=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['thisto'])); $upto=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['upto'])); if (substr(($upto . " "), 0, 1) == ",") { $spare=$upto; $upto=$thisto . $spare; } $upsuffixes=explode(",",$upsuffix); $uptoes=explode(",",$upto); $urlminus=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['urlminus'])); $upprefix=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['upprefix'])); $lastioid=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['lastioid'])); $incis=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['incis'])); $icnt=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['icnt'])); $scris=""; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); if ($cis != "") { $scris.="\n\n"; $scris.="\n var icnt=eval(-1 + " . $icnt . "), lastio='" . $lastioid . "', fo=null, newi=null; \n function dothis() { \n"; for ($iit=2; $iit<=(sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes)); $iit++) { //if (file_exists('a.aa')) { // file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' here with iit=' . $iit . ' ' . strlen($cis) . ' ... ' . $urlminus . ' ... iit=' . $iit . ' vs ' . (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))); //} $scris.="\n if (icnt == 1) { \n"; $scris.="\n parent.document.getElementById('slideshow').value='" . $urlminus . "'; \n } else if (lastio != '') { parent.document.getElementById(lastio).value='" . $urlminus . "'; \n } \n"; if (("$icnt" == "2" || "$lastioid" != "") && $iit == 2) { $urlminus=""; } while ($cis != "") { $sc=strlen($cis); $scris.="\n if ('" . $sc . "' != '1') { \n"; $scris.="\n fo=parent.document.getElementById('fdiv' + icnt); \n"; $scris.="\n icnt++; \n"; $scris.="\n newi=parent.document.getElementById('slideshow' + icnt); \n"; $scris.="\n if (newi) { if (newi.innerHTML.length == 0) { newi=null; } } \n"; $scris.="\n if (fo != null && newi == null) { \n"; $scris.="\n if (fo.id == 'slideshow') { fo.value='" . $urlminus . "'; } else { fo.innerHTML+=\"Tutorial Slideshow Image \" + icnt + \"

\"; } \n"; $scris.="\n } \n"; $scris.="\n } \n"; if ("$thisto" == explode(",",$upto)[0] || ((-1 + $thisto) < explode(",",$upto)[0] && "$incis" == "-1") || ((1 + $thisto) > explode(",",$upto)[0] && "$incis" != "-1")) { $cis=""; } else { if ("$incis" == "-1") { $thisto--; $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); if (explode(",",$upto)[0] != "" && $cis == "") { $cis=" "; } } else { $thisto++; $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); if (explode(",",$upto)[0] != "" && $cis == "") { $cis=" "; } } } } //? //if ($cis == "") { if (6 == 6) { //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' again ' . ($iit - 2 + 1) . '<' . sizeof($uptoes) . '? ' . ($iit + 2) . '<' . (sizeof($uptoes) + sizeof($upsuffixes)) . ' '); if (($iit - 2 + 1) < sizeof($uptoes)) { $scris.="\n lastio=''; \n"; // parent.document.getElementById('slideshow').value=''; \n"; $it++; $lastio=''; $icnt++; $xx=$uptoes[$iit - 2 + 1]; //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' whyxx=' . $xx . ' '); if (strpos($xx, "-") !== false) { $thisto=explode("-", $xx)[0]; $upto=explode("-", $xx)[1]; if ($thisto != $upto) { if ("$incis" == "-1") { if ($upto > $thisto) { $incis=1; } } else { if ($upto < $thisto) { $incis=-1; } } } $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' tHiSTo=' . $thisto . ' urlminus=' . $urlminus . ' '); //file_put_contents('a.aa', ' ' . strlen($cis) . ' ... ' . $urlminus . ' ... iit=' . $iit . ' vs ' . (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))); if (explode(",",$upto)[0] != "" && $cis == "" && $iit < (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))) { $cis=" "; } } else { $thisto=$xx; $upto=$xx; $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' thiSTo=' . $thisto . ' urlminus=' . $urlminus . ' '); //file_put_contents('a.aa', file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' ' . strlen($cis) . ' ... ' . $urlminus . ' ... iit=' . $iit . ' vs ' . (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))); if (explode(",",$upto)[0] != "" && $cis == "" && $iit < (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))) { $cis=" "; } } //} elseif (($iit + 2) < (sizeof($uptoes) + sizeof($upsuffixes))) { } elseif (($iit - 2 + 1) < (sizeof($uptoes) + sizeof($upsuffixes))) { $scris.="\n lastio=''; \n"; // parent.document.getElementById('slideshow').value=''; \n"; $lastio=''; $icnt++; //$upit++; $xx=$upsuffixes[$iit - sizeof($uptoes)]; //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' xx=' . $xx . ' '); if (strpos($xx, "-") !== false) { $thisto=explode("-", $xx)[0]; $upto=explode("-", $xx)[1]; if ($thisto != $upto) { if ("$incis" == "-1") { if ($upto > $thisto) { $incis=1; } } else { if ($upto < $thisto) { $incis=-1; } } } $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' thisTo=' . $thisto . ' urlminus=' . $urlminus . ' '); } else { $thisto=$xx; $upto=$xx; $urlminus=$upprefix . $thisto . explode(",",$upsuffix)[0]; $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); //file_put_contents('a.aa', '' . file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' thisto=' . $thisto . ' urlminus=' . $urlminus . ' '); $cis=file_get_contents(str_replace('https:','http:',str_replace('Https:','http:',$urlminus))); //file_put_contents('a.aa', file_get_contents('a.aa') . ' ' . strlen($cis) . ' ... ' . $urlminus . ' ... iit=' . $iit . ' vs ' . (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))); if (explode(",",$upto)[0] != "" && $cis == "" && $iit < (sizeof($upsuffixes) + sizeof($uptoes))) { $cis=" "; } } } } //} // } // ? //} } $scris.="\n } \n
\n"; //file_put_contents('a.aa', $scris); } if ($scris != "") { //file_put_contents('a.aa', $scris); echo "" . $scris . " "; } exit; } $ris=0; $gis=0; $bis=0; $zzz=",0,0,0,"; $stfle=""; $prestfle=""; $extras=""; $ismulti=[]; $ismultidatauri=[]; $icnt=1; $moreh1=""; $imagegif=""; $imagegifandthen=""; $delay=40; // 1000 / 40 $videopath="/opt/local/bin/"; //$aret=[]; //$videopaths=exec("which ffmpeg 2>&1",$aret,$retv); //$videopath=explode("ffmpeg",explode("\n",$videopaths)[-1 + sizeof(explode("\n",$videopaths))])[0]; // $videopaths[-1 + sizeof($videopaths)]; //$aret[0]; //echo $retv . "~" . $videopaths . "*" . $videopath . "^" . $aret[0]; //exit; $videocmd=$videopath . "ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "%03d.jpg " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.mp4 2> " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.bad"; $svideocmd="ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / $delay) . " -i " . "%03d.jpg " . "video.mp4"; $videohtml=""; $videosuffix=""; $ipis=""; // imagettftext ( resource $image , float $size , float $angle , int $x , int $y , int $color , string $fontfile , string $text ) // imagestring ( resource $image , int $font , int $x , int $y , string $string , int $color ) $agifphp=">6)+192).chr((\$num&63)+128); if(\$num<=0xFFFF) return chr((\$num>>12)+224).chr(((\$num>>6)&63)+128).chr((\$num&63)+128); if(\$num<=0x1FFFFF) return chr((\$num>>18)+240).chr(((\$num>>12)&63)+128).chr(((\$num>>6)&63)+128).chr((\$num&63)+128); return ''; } function uniord(\$c) { \$ord0 = ord(\$c{0}); if (\$ord0>=0 && \$ord0<=127) return \$ord0; \$ord1 = ord(\$c{1}); if (\$ord0>=192 && \$ord0<=223) return (\$ord0-192)*64 + (\$ord1-128); \$ord2 = ord(\$c{2}); if (\$ord0>=224 && \$ord0<=239) return (\$ord0-224)*4096 + (\$ord1-128)*64 + (\$ord2-128); \$ord3 = ord(\$c{3}); if (\$ord0>=240 && \$ord0<=247) return (\$ord0-240)*262144 + (\$ord1-128)*4096 + (\$ord2-128)*64 + (\$ord3-128); return false; } function retemoji(\$stringin) { return utf8(hexdec(str_replace(\"U+\",\"\", \$stringin))); //html_entity_decode(preg_replace(\"/U\+([0-9A-F]{4})/\", \"&#x\\\\1;\", \$stringin), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } "; $eachone=" \$text=''; // Open the first source image and add the text. \$image = imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg'); \$text_color = imagecolorallocate(\$image, 200, 200, 200); imagestring(\$image, 5, 5, 5, \$text, \$text_color); // Generate GIF from the $image // We want to put the binary GIF data into an array to be used later, // so we use the output buffer. ob_start(); imagegif(\$image); \$frames[]=ob_get_contents(); \$framed[]=40; // Delay in the animation. ob_end_clean(); // And again.. "; $eachonestring=" \$text=''; // Open the first source image and add the text. \$underimage = imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg'); \$old_width = imagesx(\$underimage); \$old_height = imagesy(\$underimage); \$image = imagecreatetruecolor(\$old_width, \$old_height); \$black = imagecolorallocatealpha(\$image, 254, 254, 254, 0); imagefill(\$image, 0, 0, \$black); imagecopyresampled(\$image, \$underimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, \$old_width, \$old_height, \$old_width, \$old_height); imagecolortransparent(\$image, \$black); \$text_color = imagecolorallocate(\$image, 200, 200, 200); imagestring(\$image, 5, 5, 5, \$text, \$text_color); // Generate GIF from the $image // We want to put the binary GIF data into an array to be used later, // so we use the output buffer. ob_start(); imagegif(\$image); \$frames[]=ob_get_contents(); \$framed[]=40; // Delay in the animation. ob_end_clean(); // And again.. "; if (isset($_GET['red']) && isset($_GET['green']) && isset($_GET['blue'])) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . $_GET['red'] . "," . $_GET['green'] . "," . $_GET['blue'] . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (isset($_POST['red']) && isset($_POST['green']) && isset($_POST['blue'])) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . $_POST['red'] . "," . $_POST['green'] . "," . $_POST['blue'] . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (isset($_GET['background-color'])) { $colis=str_replace('#','',urldecode($_GET['background-color'])); if ($colis != "") { $cn=color_name_to_hex($colis); if ((strcmp(substr($colis,0,1),'0') < 0 || strcmp(substr($colis,0,1),'9') > 0) && $cn != $colis) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . $ris . "," . $gis . "," . $bis . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (strlen($colis) == 6) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . hexdec(substr($colis,0,2)) . "," . hexdec(substr($colis,2,2)) . "," . hexdec(substr($colis,4,2)) . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (strpos(strtolower($colis),'rgb') !== false) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . explode(",",str_replace(")",",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis)))))[0] . "," . explode(",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis))))[1] . "," . explode(",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis))))[2] . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else { $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2,0,0,0,'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } } } else if (isset($_POST['background-color'])) { $colis=str_replace('#','',urldecode($_POST['background-color'])); if ($colis != "") { $cn=color_name_to_hex($colis); if ((strcmp(substr($colis,0,1),'0') < 0 || strcmp(substr($colis,0,1),'9') > 0) && $cn != $colis) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . $ris . "," . $gis . "," . $bis . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (strlen($colis) == 6) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . hexdec(substr($colis,0,2)) . "," . hexdec(substr($colis,2,2)) . "," . hexdec(substr($colis,4,2)) . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else if (strpos(strtolower($colis),'rgb') !== false) { $prestfle=""; $zzz="," . explode(",",str_replace(")",",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis)))))[0] . "," . explode(",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis))))[1] . "," . explode(",",str_replace("rgb(","",str_replace("rgba(","",strtolower($colis))))[2] . ","; $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2" . $zzz . "'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } else { $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2,0,0,0,'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } } } else { $lastbit=" // Generate the animated gif and output to screen. \$gif = new GIFEncoder(\$frames,\$framed,0,2,0,0,0,'bin'); echo \$gif->GetAnimation(); ?> "; } $lastbitfrom="echo \$gif->GetAnimation();"; $lastbitto="\$fp = fopen('animegif.gif', 'w'); \$data = \$gif->GetAnimation(); \$dataUri = 'data:image/gif;base64,' . base64_encode(\$data); fwrite(\$fp, \$data); fclose(\$fp); \$fp = fopen('animegif.html', 'w'); fwrite(\$fp, '

Data URI version below

... via web browser (Windows right click, Mac OS X two finger gesture) ...

'); fclose(\$fp);"; $agtext=""; $url=""; // converts an html color name to a hex color value // if the input is not a color name, the original value is returned // http://wpCodeSnippets.info function color_name_to_hex($color_name) { // thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2553566/how-to-convert-a-string-color-to-its-hex-code-or-rgb-value global $ris, $gis, $bis; // standard 147 HTML color names $colors = array( 'aliceblue'=>'F0F8FF', 'antiquewhite'=>'FAEBD7', 'aqua'=>'00FFFF', 'aquamarine'=>'7FFFD4', 'azure'=>'F0FFFF', 'beige'=>'F5F5DC', 'bisque'=>'FFE4C4', 'black'=>'000000', 'blanchedalmond '=>'FFEBCD', 'blue'=>'0000FF', 'blueviolet'=>'8A2BE2', 'brown'=>'A52A2A', 'burlywood'=>'DEB887', 'cadetblue'=>'5F9EA0', 'chartreuse'=>'7FFF00', 'chocolate'=>'D2691E', 'coral'=>'FF7F50', 'cornflowerblue'=>'6495ED', 'cornsilk'=>'FFF8DC', 'crimson'=>'DC143C', 'cyan'=>'00FFFF', 'darkblue'=>'00008B', 'darkcyan'=>'008B8B', 'darkgoldenrod'=>'B8860B', 'darkgray'=>'A9A9A9', 'darkgreen'=>'006400', 'darkgrey'=>'A9A9A9', 'darkkhaki'=>'BDB76B', 'darkmagenta'=>'8B008B', 'darkolivegreen'=>'556B2F', 'darkorange'=>'FF8C00', 'darkorchid'=>'9932CC', 'darkred'=>'8B0000', 'darksalmon'=>'E9967A', 'darkseagreen'=>'8FBC8F', 'darkslateblue'=>'483D8B', 'darkslategray'=>'2F4F4F', 'darkslategrey'=>'2F4F4F', 'darkturquoise'=>'00CED1', 'darkviolet'=>'9400D3', 'deeppink'=>'FF1493', 'deepskyblue'=>'00BFFF', 'dimgray'=>'696969', 'dimgrey'=>'696969', 'dodgerblue'=>'1E90FF', 'firebrick'=>'B22222', 'floralwhite'=>'FFFAF0', 'forestgreen'=>'228B22', 'fuchsia'=>'FF00FF', 'gainsboro'=>'DCDCDC', 'ghostwhite'=>'F8F8FF', 'gold'=>'FFD700', 'goldenrod'=>'DAA520', 'gray'=>'808080', 'green'=>'008000', 'greenyellow'=>'ADFF2F', 'grey'=>'808080', 'honeydew'=>'F0FFF0', 'hotpink'=>'FF69B4', 'indianred'=>'CD5C5C', 'indigo'=>'4B0082', 'ivory'=>'FFFFF0', 'khaki'=>'F0E68C', 'lavender'=>'E6E6FA', 'lavenderblush'=>'FFF0F5', 'lawngreen'=>'7CFC00', 'lemonchiffon'=>'FFFACD', 'lightblue'=>'ADD8E6', 'lightcoral'=>'F08080', 'lightcyan'=>'E0FFFF', 'lightgoldenrodyellow'=>'FAFAD2', 'lightgray'=>'D3D3D3', 'lightgreen'=>'90EE90', 'lightgrey'=>'D3D3D3', 'lightpink'=>'FFB6C1', 'lightsalmon'=>'FFA07A', 'lightseagreen'=>'20B2AA', 'lightskyblue'=>'87CEFA', 'lightslategray'=>'778899', 'lightslategrey'=>'778899', 'lightsteelblue'=>'B0C4DE', 'lightyellow'=>'FFFFE0', 'lime'=>'00FF00', 'limegreen'=>'32CD32', 'linen'=>'FAF0E6', 'magenta'=>'FF00FF', 'maroon'=>'800000', 'mediumaquamarine'=>'66CDAA', 'mediumblue'=>'0000CD', 'mediumorchid'=>'BA55D3', 'mediumpurple'=>'9370D0', 'mediumseagreen'=>'3CB371', 'mediumslateblue'=>'7B68EE', 'mediumspringgreen'=>'00FA9A', 'mediumturquoise'=>'48D1CC', 'mediumvioletred'=>'C71585', 'midnightblue'=>'191970', 'mintcream'=>'F5FFFA', 'mistyrose'=>'FFE4E1', 'moccasin'=>'FFE4B5', 'navajowhite'=>'FFDEAD', 'navy'=>'000080', 'oldlace'=>'FDF5E6', 'olive'=>'808000', 'olivedrab'=>'6B8E23', 'orange'=>'FFA500', 'orangered'=>'FF4500', 'orchid'=>'DA70D6', 'palegoldenrod'=>'EEE8AA', 'palegreen'=>'98FB98', 'paleturquoise'=>'AFEEEE', 'palevioletred'=>'DB7093', 'papayawhip'=>'FFEFD5', 'peachpuff'=>'FFDAB9', 'peru'=>'CD853F', 'pink'=>'FFC0CB', 'plum'=>'DDA0DD', 'powderblue'=>'B0E0E6', 'purple'=>'800080', 'red'=>'FF0000', 'rosybrown'=>'BC8F8F', 'royalblue'=>'4169E1', 'saddlebrown'=>'8B4513', 'salmon'=>'FA8072', 'sandybrown'=>'F4A460', 'seagreen'=>'2E8B57', 'seashell'=>'FFF5EE', 'sienna'=>'A0522D', 'silver'=>'C0C0C0', 'skyblue'=>'87CEEB', 'slateblue'=>'6A5ACD', 'slategray'=>'708090', 'slategrey'=>'708090', 'snow'=>'FFFAFA', 'springgreen'=>'00FF7F', 'steelblue'=>'4682B4', 'tan'=>'D2B48C', 'teal'=>'008080', 'thistle'=>'D8BFD8', 'tomato'=>'FF6347', 'turquoise'=>'40E0D0', 'violet'=>'EE82EE', 'wheat'=>'F5DEB3', 'white'=>'FFFFFF', 'whitesmoke'=>'F5F5F5', 'yellow'=>'FFFF00', 'yellowgreen'=>'9ACD32'); $color_name = strtolower($color_name); if (isset($colors[$color_name])) { $ris = hexdec(substr($colors[$color_name],0,2)); $gis = hexdec(substr($colors[$color_name],2,2)); $bis = hexdec(substr($colors[$color_name],4,2)); return ('#' . $colors[$color_name]); } else { return ($color_name); } } function inhouseslideshow($uarray,$uarraydatauri) { global $agtext, $videocmd, $videopath; if (sizeof($uarray) == 0) return ""; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { exec($videocmd); // exec("`which ffmpeg` " . explode("ffmpeg",$videocmd)[1]); } //echo $videocmd; //exit; $sofar=" \n"; $sofar.=" \n"; $sofar.="" . $agtext . " - via RJM Programming Slideshow Presentation \n"; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.="" . $agtext . " \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.="

Slideshow version below

... optionally get content via web browser (Windows right click, Mac OS X two finger gesture) ...

\n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; $sofar.=" \n "; //for ($iqw=1; $iqw--> \n "; //} return $sofar . "
\n\n"; } function jserver_remote_addr() { global $stfle; $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; return str_replace(":", "_", $rma); } function server_remote_addr() { global $stfle; $rma = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); // you can add different browsers with the same way .. if(preg_match('/(chromium)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(safari)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(opera)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '000'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(msie)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '00'.$rma; elseif(preg_match('/(mozilla)[ \/]([\w.]+)/', $ua)) $rma = '0'.$rma; if (isset($_GET['outfile'])) { if (urldecode($_GET['outfile']) != "") { $stfle=' '; return urldecode($_GET['outfile']); } } else if (isset($_POST['outfile'])) { if (urldecode($_POST['outfile']) != "") { $stfle=' '; return urldecode($_POST['outfile']); } } return str_replace(":", "_", $rma); } function analyze($url) { global $xred,$xgreen,$xblue,$fontname,$xangle,$xleft,$xtop,$xsize,$xttfprefix,$opac,$zris,$zristwo,$zrtot; //$aprefix="../"; $aprefix=""; if (strpos($url, "//") === false && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "rjmprogramming.com.au") !== false) return $aprefix; if (strpos($url, "//") === false && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "localhost") !== false) return $aprefix; $aub=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $xubf=explode("?", $aub); $xubf[0]=str_replace("tutorial_to_animated_gif.php", "", str_replace("@!@","", str_replace("@!@/","", "@!@" . $xubf[0]))); $xubff=explode("/", $xubf[0]); for ($ih=1; $ih 2) { $xub=str_replace("/" . $xubff[sizeof($xubff) - 1], "/", $xubf[0]); } else { $xub=str_replace("@$@", "", str_replace("/@$@", "/", ($xubf[0] . "@$@"))); } $ubf=explode("?", $url); $ubff=explode("/", $ubf[0]); if (strpos($ubff[sizeof($ubff) - 1], ".") !== false && (sizeof($ubff) - 1) > 2) { $ub=str_replace("/" . $ubff[sizeof($ubff) - 1], "/", $ubf[0]); } else { $ub=str_replace("@$@", "", str_replace("/@$@", "/", ($ubf[0] . "@$@"))); } $preubff=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au:80/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } else { $preubff=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } else { $preubff=explode("localhost:8888/", $ub); if (sizeof($preubff) > 1) { $aprefix.=$preubff[1]; } } } return $aprefix; } if (isset($_GET['slideshow']) || isset($_POST['slideshow'])) { if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) $url=($_GET['slideshow']); if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) $url=($_POST['slideshow']); if (strpos($url, ' src="') !== false) { $shtml=$url; file_put_contents(server_remote_addr() . "_huh.html", $url); $moreh1=" ... you have 10 seconds to change delay value as necessary"; //$imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('slideshow').value='http://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/animegif/" . server_remote_addr() . "_huh.html'; setTimeout(and_then,10000); "; $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('slideshow').value=document.URL.split('/')[0] + '//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/PHP/animegif/" . server_remote_addr() . "_huh.html'; setTimeout(and_then,10000); "; $shtml=""; } else { if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) $shtml=@file_get_contents($_GET['slideshow']); if (isset($_POST['slideshow'])) $shtml=@file_get_contents($_POST['slideshow']); } $prefix=analyze($url); if (isset($_GET['delay'])) $delay=ourstr_replace("+","",urldecode($_GET['delay'])); if (isset($_POST['delay'])) $delay=ourstr_replace("+","",urldecode($_POST['delay'])); $videocmd=$videopath . "ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / explode(",",$delay)[0]) . " -i " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "%03d.jpg " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.mp4 2> " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "video.bad"; $svideocmd="ffmpeg -r " . (1000 / explode(",",$delay)[0]) . " -i " . "%03d.jpg " . "video.mp4"; if (!file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { $videohtml="

No ffmpeg installed, so ... if you have in your local system ... at command line (in download directory, first removing any existant %03d.jpg files such as 001.jpg to 999.jpg) type (to end up with a video.mp4 video)

" . $svideocmd . "

... after downloading ...

open video.mp4

"; $videosuffix=" creation advice"; } $eachone=str_replace("[]=40;", "[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[$zris] . ";", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("[]=40;", "[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[$zris] . ";", $eachonestring); if (strpos($delay, ",") !== false) { //$zris++; $zrtot=sizeof(explode(",",$delay)); } $gifphp=$agifphp; if (isset($_GET['stitle'])) $agtext=($_GET['stitle']); if (isset($_POST['stitle'])) $agtext=($_POST['stitle']); if (strpos($shtml, ' src="') === false) { $shtml=' src="' . $url . '" '; $icnt++; $jfilep="00"; $ijf=1; $jf=1; while (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt]) || isset($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt])) { if (sizeof($ismulti) == 0) { if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists('video.mp4')) unlink('video.mp4'); if (1 == 1) { if (file_exists('001.jpg')) { while (file_exists(substr(($jfilep . $jf),-3) . '.jpg')) { unlink(substr(($jfilep . $jf),-3) . '.jpg'); $jf++; } } if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; } $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#',$url)[0])); } } if (isset($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt])) { $url=($_GET['slideshow' . $icnt]); if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#',$url)[0])); } } if (isset($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt])) { $url=($_POST['slideshow' . $icnt]); if (strpos($url,".") !== false) { $ismulti[sizeof($ismulti)]=$url; if (file_exists($videopath . "ffmpeg")) { file_put_contents(substr(($jfilep . $ijf),-3) . '.jpg', file_get_contents($url)); } else { $videohtml=str_replace("

open", "
" . $url . " 

open", $videohtml); } $ijf++; $ismultidatauri[sizeof($ismultidatauri)]='data:image/' . str_replace('jpg','jpeg',strtolower(explode('.',$url)[-1 + sizeof(explode('.',$url))])) . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents(explode('#',$url)[0])); } } $shtml.=' src="' . $url . '" '; $icnt++; } if (sizeof($ismulti) > 0) { $ofp = fopen('slideshow.html', 'w'); fwrite($ofp, inhouseslideshow($ismulti,$ismultidatauri)); fclose($ofp); $extras=" Animated GIF Video Data URI version Slideshow versions"; } else { $extras=" Animated GIF Data URI version"; } } $photos=explode(' src="', $shtml); if (sizeof($photos) > 1) { $aa_to="\" . retemoji('U+' . '"; $aato="') . \""; $atext=str_replace("}",$aato,str_replace("{",$aa_to,$agtext)); $wasprefix=$prefix; $bplus=""; $yangle=$xangle; for ($io=1; $io= 0.0 && $xangle <= 1.0) { $bplus=", " . round((1.0 - $xangle) * 127.0); $eachone=str_replace("imagecolorallocate(", "imagecolorallocatealpha(", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("imagecolorallocate(", "imagecolorallocatealpha(", $eachonestring); $yangle="0.0"; } else if ("$opac" != "") { $bplus=", " . round((1.0 - $opac) * 127.0); $eachone=str_replace("imagecolorallocate(", "imagecolorallocatealpha(", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("imagecolorallocate(", "imagecolorallocatealpha(", $eachonestring); } $eachone=str_replace(", 200, 200, 200)", ", " . $xred . ", " . $xgreen . ", " . $xblue . $bplus . ")", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace(", 200, 200, 200)", ", " . $xred . ", " . $xgreen . ", " . $xblue . $bplus . ")", $eachonestring); if ($fontname != '') { $eachone=str_replace(", 5, 5, 5,", ", " . $xsize . ", " . $yangle . ", " . $xleft . ", " . $xtop . ",", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace(", 5, 5, 5,", ", " . $xsize . ", " . $yangle . ", " . $xleft . ", " . $xtop . ",", $eachonestring); $eachone=str_replace("text_colour","text_color",str_replace("text_color)","text)",str_replace("text, ", "text_colour, '" . $fontname . "',", $eachone))); $eachonestring=str_replace("text_colour","text_color",str_replace("text_color)","text)",str_replace("text, ", "text_colour, '" . $fontname . "',", $eachonestring))); $eachone=str_replace("imagestring", $xttfprefix . " imagettftext", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("imagestring", $xttfprefix . " imagettftext", $eachonestring); //echo $eachone . "\n\n" . $eachonestring; //exit; // imagettftext ( resource $image , float $size , float $angle , int $x , int $y , int $color , string $fontfile , string $text ) // imagestring ( resource $image , int $font , int $x , int $y , string $string , int $color ) } else if ($xleft != "5" || $xtop != "5") { $eachone=str_replace("imagestring", $xttfprefix . " imagestring", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("imagestring", $xttfprefix . " imagestring", $eachonestring); $eachone=str_replace(", 5, 5, 5,", ", 5, " . $xleft . ", " . $xtop . ",", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace(", 5, 5, 5,", ", 5, " . $xleft . ", " . $xtop . ",", $eachonestring); //echo $eachone . "\n\n" . $eachonestring; //exit; } } else { $atext.=str_replace("}","') . \"",str_replace("{","\" . retemoji('U+' . '",str_replace("~","\\n",str_replace('"','`',str_replace('_',' ',explode("#", explode('"', $photos[$io])[0])[1]))))); } if ($zrtot > 1) { if ($zris >= sizeof(explode(",", $delay))) { $delay.="," . explode(",",$delay)[$zristwo]; $zristwo++; if ($zristwo >= $zrtot) { $zristwo=0; } } if ($zris > 0) { $eachone=str_replace("[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[-1 + $zris] . ";", "[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[$zris] . ";", $eachone); $eachonestring=str_replace("[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[-1 + $zris] . ";", "[]=" . explode(",",$delay)[$zris] . ";", $eachonestring); } $zris++; } } $aphoto=explode("#", explode('"', $photos[$io])[0]); $prefix=analyze($aphoto[0]); if (strpos($aphoto[0], "rjmprogramming.com.au/") !== false) { $bts=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au/", $aphoto[0]); $aphoto[0]=$bts[1]; //echo "aphoto[0]=" . $aphoto[0] . " and wasprefix=" . $wasprefix . " and prefix=" . $prefix; //exit; if (strpos($aphoto[0], "/") === false && strpos($aphoto[0], substr("\\",0,1)) === false && str_replace("../","",$prefix) == "" && $wasprefix != "") { $prefix.=$wasprefix; } } else if (strpos($aphoto[0], "rjmprogramming.com.au:80/") !== false) { $bts=explode("rjmprogramming.com.au:80/", $aphoto[0]); $aphoto[0]=$bts[1]; //echo "aphoto[0]=" . $aphoto[0] . " and wasprefix=" . $wasprefix . " and prefix=" . $prefix; //exit; if (strpos($aphoto[0], "/") === false && strpos($aphoto[0], substr("\\",0,1)) === false && str_replace("../","",$prefix) == "" && $wasprefix != "") { $huhp=$prefix; $prefix.=$wasprefix; if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } else if (!file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=$huhp; } } } else if (strpos($aphoto[0], "/") === false && strpos($aphoto[0], substr("\\",0,1)) === false && strpos($url, "rjmprogramming.com.au") !== false) { if (strpos($aphoto[0], "/") === false && strpos($aphoto[0], substr("\\",0,1)) === false && str_replace("../","",$prefix) == "" && $wasprefix != "") { $huhp=$prefix; $prefix.=$wasprefix; if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } else if (!file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=$huhp; } } //echo "Aphoto[0]=" . $aphoto[0] . " and wasprefix=" . $wasprefix . " and prefix=" . $prefix; //exit; } $dbits=explode("/", $aphoto[0]); for ($itr=0; $itr<(sizeof($dbits) - 1); $itr++) { $dtib=$dbits[$itr] . "/"; $oy=1; if (strpos($prefix, $dtib) !== false) $prefix=str_replace($dtib, "", $prefix, $oy); } if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), "//") !== false) $prefix=""; if (strpos($aphoto[0], ";base64,") !== false) { $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode('" . explode(";base64,",$aphoto[0])[1] . "'));", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachonestring)); } else if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), "//") !== false) { $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefromstring(@file_get_contents('" . $prefix . $aphoto[0] . "'));", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachone)); } else if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), ".jp") !== false) { if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefromjpeg('" . $prefix . $aphoto[0] . "');", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachone)); } else if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), ".png") !== false) { if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefrompng('" . $prefix . $aphoto[0] . "');", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachone)); } else if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), ".gif") !== false) { if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefromgif('" . $prefix . $aphoto[0] . "');", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachone)); } else if (strpos(strtolower($aphoto[0]), ".bmp") !== false) { if (strpos($prefix, "../../") !== false && !file_exists($prefix . $aphoto[0]) && file_exists(str_replace("../../","../",$prefix) . $aphoto[0])) { $prefix=str_replace("../../","../",$prefix); } $gifphp.=str_replace("imagecreatefromjpeg('source01.jpg');", "imagecreatefrombmp('" . $prefix . $aphoto[0] . "');", str_replace("\$text='';", "\$text=\"" . $atext . "\";", $eachone)); } $atext=""; } if ($agtext == "") $agtext="slideshow"; $lastbit=str_replace("framed,0,2" . $zzz, "framed,0," . (sizeof($photos) - 1) . $zzz, $lastbit); //file_put_contents(str_replace(" ", "_", $agtext) . "_preview.php", $gifphp . $lastbit); //file_put_contents(str_replace(" ", "_", $agtext) . ".php", $gifphp . str_replace($lastbitfrom, str_replace("'animegif.gif'", "'" . server_remote_addr() . ".gif" . "'", $lastbitto), $lastbit)); //@file_get_contents(str_replace(" ", "_", $agtext) . ".php"); file_put_contents(server_remote_addr() . "_preview.php", $gifphp . $lastbit); file_put_contents(server_remote_addr() . ".php", $gifphp . str_replace($lastbitfrom, str_replace("'animegif.gif'", "'" . server_remote_addr() . ".gif" . "'", $lastbitto), $lastbit)); //@file_get_contents(server_remote_addr() . ".php?x=" . rand (2,450456)); //header("Location: " . str_replace(" ", "_", $agtext) . "_preview.php"); $imagegif="

Preview Below ... Animated GIF (Later) (Way) Below

"; $imagegif.="

"; if (sizeof($ismulti) > 0) { $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('idiv').innerHTML+=\"

Preview Above ... Animated GIF then Video" . $videosuffix . " Below

Video" . $videosuffix . " below ...

" . $videohtml . "

 Data URI version Top Animated GIF Slideshow Data URI

" . "\";"; } else { $imagegifandthen.="document.getElementById('idiv').innerHTML+=\"

Preview Above ... Animated GIF Below

 Top Animated GIF
" . "\";"; } } } //else { echo " Tutorial Slideshow to Animated GIF

Tutorial Slideshow to Animated GIF" . $moreh1 . " ... or ...

" . $prestfle . $stfle . " Tutorial Slideshow Title

Tutorial Slideshow Delay(s)

Tutorial Slideshow HTML or Image

" . $extras . "
" . $imagegif . "
"; //} ?>