setImageFormat('pdf'); $success = $img->writeImage($inpdff); return file_get_contents($inpdff); } return $pdff; } $scale="1.0"; $angle="0"; $selname = ""; if (isset($_POST['selname'])) $selname = urldecode($_POST['selname']); if (isset($_GET['selname'])) $selname = urldecode($_GET['selname']); if (isset($_POST['angle'])) $angle = urldecode($_POST['angle']); if (isset($_GET['angle'])) $selname = urldecode($_GET['angle']); if (isset($_POST['scale'])) $scale = urldecode($_POST['scale']); if (isset($_GET['scale'])) $scale = urldecode($_GET['scale']); //if (strpos($selname, "/") !== false) $selname = urlencode($selname); $firstbits = "\n\n\n\n\nAffine Transformation Rotation and Scale via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial\n\n
\n"; $erroneousbits = "

Sorry, but " . $selname . " was not found.

"; $formbits = "

Affine Transformation Rotation & Scale via ImageMagick Image Url

Url of image file:

"; $suffix = ""; $lastone=0; $cnt=0; if ($selname != "") { exec('echo y > affine_rotate_imagemagick.png; echo y > affine_rotate_imagemagick.png; rm -f affine_rotate_imagemagick-*.pdf < affine_rotate_imagemagick.png 2> /dev/null; rm -f affine_rotate_imagemagick-*.pdf < affine_rotate_imagemagick.png 2> /dev/null; rm -f affine_rotate_imagemagick-*.png < affine_rotate_imagemagick.png 2> /dev/null; rm -f affine_rotate_imagemagick.png < affine_rotate_imagemagick.png 2> /dev/null; angle=' . $angle . '; scale=' . $scale . '; radians=`perl -e "print $angle * atan2(1,1)/45"` sx=`python -c "import math; print math.cos( $radians ) * $scale"` rx=`perl -e "print sin( $radians ) * $scale"` ry=`python -c "print -($rx)"` sy="$sx" ' . $convertpath . 'convert ' . $selname . ' -matte -virtual-pixel Transparent \ -affine $sx,$rx,$ry,$sy,0,0 -transform +repage affine_rotate_imagemagick.png'); sleep(5); if (!file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick.png") && !file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.png")) { while ($cnt < 10 && !file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick.png") && !file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.png")) { sleep(20); $cnt++; } } if (!file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick.png") && !file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.png")) { $selname=$selname; } else if (file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.png")) { if (isset($_POST['pdf']) || isset($_GET['pdf'])) { $fpdf = topdf('affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.png', 'affine_rotate_imagemagick-0.pdf'); } while (file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-" . $lastone . ".png")) { $lastone++; if (isset($_POST['pdf']) || isset($_GET['pdf'])) { if (file_exists("affine_rotate_imagemagick-" . $lastone . ".png")) { topdf('affine_rotate_imagemagick-' . $lastone . '.png', 'affine_rotate_imagemagick-' . $lastone . '.pdf'); } } } if (1 == 2) $lastone--; $sbits = "\n"; $erroneousbits = ""; $firstbits = str_replace("", $sbits . "", $firstbits); if (isset($_POST['pdf']) || isset($_GET['pdf'])) { $formbits=str_replace("", "

", $formbits); } else { $formbits=str_replace("", "

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