Another " . $itinis . "? "; $itinother="Another Timeline with Dates and Times and Calendar Events? "; $legs="Legs of Itinerary"; function get_timezone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = "Europe/London") { // thanks to $origin_dtz = new DateTimeZone($origin_tz); $remote_dtz = new DateTimeZone($remote_tz); $origin_dt = new DateTime("now", $origin_dtz); $remote_dt = new DateTime("now", $remote_dtz); $offset = $origin_dtz->getOffset($origin_dt) - $remote_dtz->getOffset($remote_dt); if (isset($_GET['region_city']) && isset($_GET['topdiv']) && isset($_GET['newinput'])) { echo " if (top.document.getElementById('" . urldecode($_GET['topdiv']) . "')) { if (top.document.getElementById('" . urldecode($_GET['newinput']) . "')) { top.document.getElementById('" . urldecode($_GET['newinput']) . "').value='" . $offset . "'; } else { top.document.getElementById('" . urldecode($_GET['topdiv']) . "').innerHTML+=''; } } "; exit; } return $offset; } if (isset($_GET['region_city'])) { $ofs=get_timezone_offset(str_replace("%20","_",str_replace("%20","_",str_replace("%2C",",",str_replace("%2c",",",str_replace("%2F","/",str_replace("%2f","/",$_GET['region_city'])))))), "Europe/London"); if (!isset($_GET['topdiv']) || !isset($_GET['newinput'])) { echo $ofs; } exit; } function ourtimezonelist($ididea) { // thanks to global $kcnt; $idi=1; if (strpos($ididea, "end") !== false) { $idi=2; } //else { // $kcnt++; //} $selstuff=''; for ($xoff=-24.0; $xoff<=24.0; $xoff+=0.5) { $selstuff=str_replace("", "", $selstuff); } $zones = timezone_identifiers_list(); foreach ($zones as $zone) { $origzone=$zone; //$ourtz=new DateTimeZone($zone); $zzbit=$zone; $zone = explode('/', $zone); // 0 => Continent, 1 => City // Only use "friendly" continent names if ($zone[0] == 'Africa' || $zone[0] == 'America' || $zone[0] == 'Antarctica' || $zone[0] == 'Arctic' || $zone[0] == 'Asia' || $zone[0] == 'Atlantic' || $zone[0] == 'Australia' || $zone[0] == 'Europe' || $zone[0] == 'Indian' || $zone[0] == 'Pacific') { if (isset($zone[1]) != '') { //$locations[$zone[0]][$zone[0]. '/' . $zone[1]] = str_replace('_', ' ', $zone[1]); // Creates array(DateTimeZone => 'Friendly name') //$ourtz=new DateTimeZone(str_replace('_', ' ', $zone[0]. '/' . $zone[1])); //$selstuff=str_replace("", "", $selstuff); //$selstuff=str_replace("", "", $selstuff); $selstuff=str_replace("", "", $selstuff); //$selstuff=str_replace("", "", $selstuff); } } } return $selstuff; } function dateselcombo($parid, $defstr) { global $kcnt; $tati=str_replace("datestart","Takeoff Time: ", str_replace("dateend","Landing Time: ", $parid)); $mths=["","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; $yyyystr=""; $mmstr=""; $ddstr=""; $hhstr=""; $mistr=""; $ssstr=""; //if ($parid == "dateend") $kcnt++; return $yyyystr . $mmstr . $ddstr . "" . $hhstr . $mistr . $ssstr; } function retval($inv) { if (strpos($inv, "E-") !== false) return "0"; return $inv; } ?> Itinerary - RJM Programming - (Copyright © 2013 all rights reserved.) \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

" . $GETtitle . " " . $itins . "

\n"; ?>
Another " . $itinis . "? Another Timeline? \n"; echo "\n" . $itinthis . $itinother . "\nAnother Timeline? \n"; if (isset($_GET['desc'])) { echo '<' . 'script' . '> function later() { } <' . '/script>' . "\n "; } if (!isset($_GET['desc'])) { echo '<' . 'script' . '>' . "\n "; ?> Click here to Show ' . $itins . ' Timeline when All Filled out Below ...
";' . "\n"; echo ' num = task;' . "\n" . 'while (ict != task) { ' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; echo ' ict = ict + 1;' . "\n"; echo ' prev_Takeoff_Time.push("as per time to the left");' . "\n"; echo ' prev_Timezone_From.push("as per timezone to the left");' . "\n"; echo ' prev_Landing_Time.push("as per time to the right");' . "\n"; echo ' prev_Timezone_To.push("as per timezone to the right");' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + ("").replace(/zpx/g,ict);' . "\n"; if (strlen($tabitis) == 0) { echo ' bits = bits + ""' . "\n"; } else { echo ' bits = bits + ""' . "\n"; } echo ' bits = bits + ("").replace(/zpx/g,ict);' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "";' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(ict + " -- " + bits);' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { alert("Can only handle 99 or less."); window.location = "./itinerary.php"; }' . "\n"; echo ' bits = bits + "
' . ourtimezonelist('datestart') . '
Time: or ' . dateselcombo("datestart",date("Ymd:His")) . '

' . ourtimezonelist('dateend') . '
Time: or ' . dateselcombo("dateend",date("Ymd:His")) . '
";' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(bits);' . "\n"; echo ' var ct = document.getElementById("calendar_table"); ' . "\n"; echo ' ct.innerHTML = bits;' . "\n"; //echo ' alert(ct.innerHTML);' . "\n"; echo ' if (ict != 0) { ict = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' while (ict != task) { ' . "\n"; echo ' ict = ict + 1;' . "\n"; echo ' cals1(ict,0);' . "\n"; echo ' } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo " var ddd; \n ddd=new Date(); \n for (var kij=1; kij<=ict; kij++) { \n document.getElementById('hhdatestart' + kij).value=('0' + ddd.getHours()).slice(-2); \n document.getElementById('midatestart' + kij).value=('0' + ddd.getMinutes()).slice(-2); \n document.getElementById('hhdateend' + kij).value=('0' + ddd.getHours()).slice(-2); \n document.getElementById('midateend' + kij).value=('0' + ddd.getMinutes()).slice(-2); \n } " . "\n"; echo ' checkforclass(); ' . "\n"; echo "} \n" . '' . "\n"; } ?>