email"; $msg="Things That We Have in Common " . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $thisidea . " ... has been sent for moderation (within 24 hours)."; try { mail("", "Things That We Have in Common ... " . $thisidea . " ... " . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'), $thisidea); //$amsg=""; } catch (Exception $e) { } } } if (isset($_POST['mymfileidea'])) { $msg='?'; $thisidea=urldecode($_POST['mymfileidea']); file_put_contents(urlencode($thisidea) . ".aml", ""); $msg='@' . $thisidea; if ($thisidea != '') { $msg='!'; date_default_timezone_set('Australia/Perth'); $amsg="
"; $msg="Things That We Have in Common " . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . " ... " . $thisidea . " ... file has been flagged for moderation (within 24 hours)."; } } if (isset($_GET['admin'])) { $amsg="
"; } echo " Things That We Have in Common ... " . $msg . ""; ?>

Things That We Have in Common

It seems to me that there is so much more that should unite people, rather than divide.

What do you think?

" . $msg . ""; ?>
Ideas (for what we have in common)" . "\n"; $lines=explode("\n", $cont); for ($cnt=1; $cnt<=sizeof($lines); $cnt++) { echo "" . $lines[-1 + $cnt] . ""; } echo "" . "\n"; } ?>

What do you think?

Private Thought (ie. no moderation, but will appear for you, in list above):

Email Moderation (ie. click resultant moderation button and will be sent for moderation and, perhaps, be included in list above within 24 hours):

File Moderation (ie. click resultant moderation button and will be sent for moderation and, perhaps, be included in list above within 24 hours):