AFGHANISTAN //        Kabul                     34° 35' N     69° 12' E //
//        Algiers                   36° 46' N     30° 3' E
// ... // // echo "Geographicals from RJM Programming // Thanks to ideas via below var ideas=['#d3cbb8,#6d6027', '#74ebd5,#acb6e5', '#f7b733,#fc4a1a', '#00f260,#0575e6', '#ffc0cb,#800080', '#f3f9a7,#cac531', '#605c3c,#3c3b3f', '#fffbd5,#b20a2c', '#03001e,#7303c0,#ec38bc,#fdeff9', '#ada996,#f2f2f2,#dbdbdb,#eaeaea']; var wasone=-1; var aconto=null; function vsgeo(iois) { if (iois != null) { aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument); if (aconto != null) { if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; } if (('' + aconto.referrer).indexOf('/PHP/GeoChart/geo_chart.php') == -1) { var xas=aconto.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var iou=0; iou "; $latarr = array('nowayjose' => -1000.0); $longarr = array('nowayjose' => -1000.0); $cntryarr = array('nowayjose' => ''); $valuearr = array('nowayjose' => ''); $bigscript = ""; $mapidea = "
 " . $preextras; $extras .= "
  • " . str_replace("country=", "", $countryparam) . " Google Search ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Google Image Search for " . str_replace("country=", "", $countryparam) . " ... new window 
  • "; } if ($fromparam != "") { $preextras = " " . $preextras; if ($toparam != "") { $extras .= "
  • " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " Google Search ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Google Image Search for " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Distance on Great Circle from " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " to " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Sun Noon Angle Today at " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Moon Noon Angle Today at " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Coriolis Effect at " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Weather at " . str_replace("place=", "", $toparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; } else { $extras .= "
  • " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " Google Search ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Google Image Search for " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Sun Noon Angle Today at " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Moon Noon Angle Today at " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Coriolis Effect at " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; $extras .= "
  • Weather at " . str_replace("place=", "", $fromparam) . " ... here  ... new window 
  • "; } } $extras .= ""; } else { //$outddata .= " window.location = oto.value + '&done=' + ctoc; "; $outddata .= " location.href = oto.value + '&done=' + ctoc; "; $outddata .= "\n } "; } if ($outddata != "") $outddata .= "\n"; $selcountry = "\n"; $selto = "\n"; $selfrom .= "\n"; $selto .= "\n"; if (strlen(str_replace("&data=,", "", $mapidea)) == strlen($mapidea)) { $mapidea = ""; } else { $mapidea .= "\">"; } if ($bigscript != "") { $bigscript .= "\n \n" . $mapidea; $mapidea = ""; } if ($outmode == 7) { return $outddata . $preextras . "
    " . $selcountry . "" . $selfrom . "" . $selto . "
    " . $extras . "
    " . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 3) { return $outddata . $preextras . "
    " . $selfrom . "" . $selto . "
    " . $extras . "
    " . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 6) { return $outddata . $preextras . "
    " . $selcountry . "" . $selfrom . "
    " . $extras . "
    " . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 5) { return $outddata . $preextras . "
    " . $selcountry . "" . $selto . "
    " . $extras . "
    " . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 1) { return $outddata . $preextras . $selto . $extras . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 2) { return $outddata . $preextras . $selfrom . $extras . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == 4) { return $outddata . $preextras . $selcountry . $extras . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -7) { return $outddata . $selcountry . $selfrom . $selto . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -3) { return $outddata . $selfrom . $selto . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -6) { return $outddata . $selcountry . $selfrom . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -5) { return $outddata . $selcountry . $selto . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -1) { return $outddata . $selto . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -2) { return $outddata . $selfrom . $bigscript; } else if ($outmode == -4) { return $outddata . $selcountry . $bigscript; } } return $outddata . $bigscript . $mapidea . ""; } // Generic functions above if ( basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) ) { echo geography_dropdowns() . ""; } ?>