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< if (pcols[1].indexOf('HtTp') == 0) { < // Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5943368/dynamically-generating-a-qr-code-with-php < // https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&choe=UTF-8 < if (pcols.length == 2) { pcols.push(document.URL.split('//')[0] + '//chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=300x300&cht=qr&chl=http' + encodeURIComponent(pcols[1].substring(4).replace('S:','s:')) + '&choe=UTF-8'); } < if (pcols[0].trim() == '') { < pcols[0]='http' + (pcols[1].substring(4).replace('S:','s:')); < if (eval('' + pcols[0].length) >= eval('' + ninelen)) { < fs="9"; < document.getElementById('iself').value='9'; < } else if (eval('' + pcols[0].length) >= eval('' + fourteenlen)) { < fs="14"; < fs='' + eval(eval('' + fs) - Math.round(eval(eval('' + eval('' + ninelen) - eval('' + pcols[0].length)) / eval('' + eval('' + ninelen) - eval('' + fourteenlen)) * 5))); < document.getElementById('iself').value='' + fs; < } < } < //document.getElementById('dmore').innerHTML=''; 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