20d19 < useflags=location.search.split('rcols=')[1] ? true : useflags; 26,27c25 < var myynft='youllneverfindthis'; < var gcinthehourspush=''; --- > 33c31 < var optfinds=' ', ccodes=[], cplaces=[], doff=[], tzas=[]; --- > var optfinds=' ', ccodes=[], cplaces=[], doff=[]; 43c41 < var ananswer=-1, gproposedanswer=0, goodatry=-1; --- > var ananswer=-1; 49d46 < var ifcnt=0; 57,58d53 < var rcolmaps=['Africa','Asia','Europe','GMT','America','Pacific','Arctic','Atlantic','Indian','Australia','Antarctica']; < var rcolmapred=['15','45','55','55','75','85','95','a5','b5','d5','e5']; 76,122d70 < function tza(inbtb) { < return '' + inbtb + ''; < } < < function vscfive(ioissrc) { < if (9 == 9) { return 'c5'; } < var thatcc='', thatregion='', ithat=0; < if (ioissrc.indexOf('?title=') != -1) { < thatcc=ioissrc.split('?title=')[1].split(';')[0]; < if (yourtzlist.indexOf(',' + thatcc + ',') != -1) { < thatregion=yourtzlist.split(',' + thatcc + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0].split('/')[0]; < for (ithat=0; ithat')[1].split('<')[0].split('/')[0]; < for (ithat=0; ithat')[1].split('<')[0].split('/')[0]; < for (ithat=0; ithat if (cbochecked || document.getElementById('flags').checked) { 179c85 < if (cbochecked || document.getElementById('wimgs').checked || document.getElementById('rcols').checked) { --- > if (cbochecked || document.getElementById('wimgs').checked) { 233,235c139 < if (document.getElementById('rcols').checked) { < setTimeout(function(){ aconto.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML=aconto.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.replace('', '').replace('', '').replace(/\#f5f5f5\;\"/g,'#' + vscfive(iois.src) + vsgcfive(iois.src) + vsbcfive(iois.src) + ';" class="shadow" filter="url(#shadow1)"').replace(/\#f5f5f5\"/g,'#' + vscfive(iois.src) + vsgcfive(iois.src) + vsbcfive(iois.src) + '" class="shadow" filter="url(#shadow1)"').replace(/\#c5f5f5\;\"/g,'#' + vscfive(iois.src) + vsgcfive(iois.src) + vsbcfive(iois.src) + ';" class="shadow" filter="url(#shadow1)"').replace(/\#c5f5f5\"/g,'#' + vscfive(iois.src) + vsgcfive(iois.src) + vsbcfive(iois.src) + '" class="shadow" filter="url(#shadow1)"'); }, 4000); < } else { --- > //setTimeout(function(){ aconto.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML=aconto.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.replace(' .shadow { -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)); filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)) !important; } ' + ctyn + ''; //ctyn; < } < 301c200 < return '' + ctyn + ' place ' + cpn + ''; --- > return ctyn + ' place ' + cpn + ''; 303c202 < return '' + ctyn + ''; //ctyn; --- > return ctyn; 400,401c299 < getnextcountrycode(gproposedanswer); < gproposedanswer=eval(-1 * Math.abs(gproposedanswer)); --- > getnextcountrycode(); 406d303 < if (myynft != 'youllneverfindthis') { myynft=',' + thiscc + ',' + sofarhrs.substring(1).split(' ')[0] + '"'; } 409c306 < if (eval('' + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',').length) != 2 || (yourtzlist.indexOf(myynft) != -1 && eval('' + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',').length) >= 2)) { return true; } --- > if (eval('' + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',').length) != 2) { return true; } 413d309 < //alert(lastsubtos); 417,418c313,314 < function getnextcountrycode(inforce) { < var ccr='', sccr='', wasccr='', interimh=0, thiscc=''; --- > function getnextcountrycode() { > var ccr='', sccr='', wasccr='', interimh=0; 423,465d318 < < if (goodatry > 0 && inforce != 0 && eval(1 + eval('' + cplaces.length)) == Math.abs(inforce)) { < //alert(gproposedanswer + ' vs ' + cplaces.length); < atry=goodatry; < optfinds+=opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ' '; < ccodes.push(opts[eval('' + atry)].value); < cnames.push(opts[eval('' + atry)].innerText); < ccapitals.push(mycc.split("" + opts[eval('' + atry)].innerText + "")[1].split("<")[0]); < subfroms.push('[-89.0000|-88.0000|~From~,2]'); < goodatry=eval(-1 * Math.abs(goodatry)); < //sofarhrs+=yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0] + ' '; < tzas.push(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]); < interimh=eval(eval(eval(eval(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].replace('+','')) + uhour) + 24) % 24); < if (uhour < interimh && yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].indexOf('-') != -1) { < doff.push(-1); < } else if (uhour > interimh && yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].indexOf('-') == -1) { < doff.push(1); < } else { < doff.push(0); < } < if (gcinthehourspush != '') { < cinthehours.push(gcinthehourspush); < gcinthehourspush=''; < } else { < cinthehours.push(('0' + eval(eval(eval(eval(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].replace('+','')) + uhour) + 24) % 24)).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + umin).slice(-2)); < } < //var newd = new Date(new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]})); < //alert(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0] + ': ' + newd + ' vs ' + cinthehours[eval(-1 + cinthehours.length)]); < thiscc=opts[eval('' + atry)].value; < lastsubtos='[' + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[0].split('"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[0].split('"').length)].split(',')[0] + '|' + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[0].split('"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[0].split('"').length)].split(',')[1] + '|~' + encodeURIComponent(yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[1].split('"')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0].replace(yourtzlist.split(',' + thiscc + ',')[1].split('"')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0].split('/')[0] + '/', '').replace(/\_/g,' ')) + '~,2]'; < subtos.push(lastsubtos); < cplaces.push(decodeURIComponent(lastsubtos.split('~')[1])); < console.log(cinthehours); < console.log(cplaces); < console.log(ccodes); < console.log(cnames); < console.log(ccapitals); < console.log(subfroms); < console.log(subtos); < console.log(sofarhrs); < return ''; < } < 474c327 < atry=Math.floor(Math.random() * eval('' + optslength)); --- > atry=Math.floor(Math.random() * eval('' + opts.length)); 484d336 < if (!simple) { 489a342 > if (!simple) { 514d366 < tzas.push(""); 516,553d367 < if (inforce > 0) { < goodatry=atry; < var cinthehourspush=(('0' + eval(eval(eval(eval(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].replace('+','')) + uhour) + 24) % 24)).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + umin).slice(-2)); < var newd = new Date(new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]})); < var newh=eval(('' + newd).split(':')[0].split(' ')[eval(-1 + ('' + newd).split(':')[0].split(' ').length)]); < if (cinthehourspush.indexOf('' + ('0' + newh).slice(-2)) != 0) { < var oldh=eval('' + cinthehourspush.split(':')[0]); < if (oldh != newh) { < //alert('uhour=' + uhour + ' and oldh=' + oldh + cinthehourspush.substring(2) + ' goes with ' + yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0] + ' and newh=' + newh + cinthehourspush.substring(2)); < if (newh < uhour && newh == 0 && uhour == 23) { < sofarhrs+='+' + eval(24 - uhour) + ' '; < } else if (newh > uhour && newh == 23 && uhour == 0) { < sofarhrs+='-' + eval(24 - newh) + ' '; < } else if (oldh > uhour) { < sofarhrs+=yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].replace('' + eval(oldh - uhour), '' + eval(newh - uhour)) + ' '; < } else if (oldh < uhour) { < sofarhrs+=yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0].replace('' + eval(uhour - oldh), '' + eval(uhour - newh)) + ' '; < } else if (newh < uhour && newh == 0 && uhour == 23) { < sofarhrs+='+' + eval(24 - uhour) + ' '; < } else if (newh > uhour && newh == 23 && uhour == 0) { < sofarhrs+='-' + eval(24 - newh) + ' '; < } else if (newh > uhour) { < sofarhrs+='+' + eval(newh - uhour) + ' '; < } else if (newh < uhour) { < sofarhrs+='-' + eval(uhour - newh) + ' '; < } < } < gcinthehourspush='' + ('0' + newh).slice(-2) + cinthehourspush.substring(2); < } < sofarhrs+=yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('"')[0] + ' '; < myynft=''; < return ''; < } < optfinds+=opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ' '; < ccodes.push(opts[eval('' + atry)].value); < cnames.push(opts[eval('' + atry)].innerText); < ccapitals.push(mycc.split("" + opts[eval('' + atry)].innerText + "")[1].split("<")[0]); < subfroms.push('[-89.0000|-88.0000|~From~,2]'); 555d368 < tzas.push(yourtzlist.split(',' + opts[eval('' + atry)].value + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]); 567d379 < } 569c381 < //} --- > } 577d388 < if ((1 == 1 || useflags) && document.getElementById('rcols').checked) { hints+='&rcols=y'; } 585d395 < if ((1 == 1 || useflags) && document.getElementById('rcols').checked) { hints+='&rcols=y'; } 752d561 < gproposedanswer=0; 768d576 < if (simple) { proposedanswer=Math.min(9, eval(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1)); gproposedanswer=proposedanswer; } 770d577 < if (proposedanswer == 0) { 788d594 < } 822c628 < setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('sdz').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('myh3').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('myh4').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('source').title=applyhints(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML); if (!simple) { document.getElementById('source').innerHTML=ccapitals[eval(-1 + answer)]; document.getElementById('source').style.border='3px dashed pink'; } else { document.getElementById('source').innerHTML='It is just after ' + cinthehours[eval(-1 + answer)] + ' in ...'; document.getElementById('source').style.border='3px dashed olive'; } document.getElementById('source').style.fontSize='30px'; document.getElementById('source').style.textShadow='-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95'; if (window.self !== window.top) { answer=answer; } else { document.getElementById('source').scrollIntoView(); } }, 8000); --- > setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('sdz').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('myh3').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('myh4').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('source').title=applyhints(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML); if (!simple) { document.getElementById('source').innerHTML=ccapitals[eval(-1 + answer)]; } else { document.getElementById('source').innerHTML='It is just after ' + cinthehours[eval(-1 + answer)] + ' in ...'; } document.getElementById('source').style.fontSize='30px'; document.getElementById('source').style.textShadow='-2px 2px 2px #ff2d95'; document.getElementById('source').scrollIntoView(); }, 8000); 1087,1088c893,894 < <

Experimental Drag and Drop  Hints ... Flags ... Wikipedia Images ... Regions

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Experimental Drag and Drop  Hints ... Flags ... Wikipedia Images

1172c978 < document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML=placecty(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML,cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' is capital city of ' + ctyp(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag; --- > document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML=placecty(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML,cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' is capital city of ' + cnames[eval(-1 + answer)] + ' ' + myflag; 1174c980 < document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML='It is just after ' + tza(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML.replace('It is just after ','').split(' in ')[0]) + ' in ' + ctyplace(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag + rnm(' right now'); --- > document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML='It is just after ' + document.getElementById('source').innerHTML.replace('It is just after ','').split(' in ')[0] + ' in ' + ctyplace(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag + rnm(' right now'); 1193c999 < document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML=placecty(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML,cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' is capital city of ' + ctyp(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag; --- > document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML=placecty(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML,cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' is capital city of ' + cnames[eval(-1 + answer)] + ' ' + myflag; 1195c1001 < document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML='It is just after ' + tza(document.getElementById('source').innerHTML.replace('It is just after ','').split(' in ')[0]) + ' in ' + ctyplace(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag + rnm(' right now'); --- > document.getElementById('goodsum').innerHTML='It is just after ' + document.getElementById('source').innerHTML.replace('It is just after ','').split(' in ')[0] + ' in ' + ctyplace(cnames[eval(-1 + answer)],cplaces[eval(-1 + answer)],eval(-1 + answer)) + ' ' + myflag + rnm(' right now'); 1270c1076 < BoliviaLa Paz --- > BoliviaLa Paz (administrative), Sucre (judicial) 1297c1103 < DjiboutiDjibouti --- > DjiboutiDjibouti (city) 1369c1175 < MyanmarNaypyidaw --- > Myanmar (Burma)Naypyidaw 1411c1217 < South AfricaPretoria --- > South AfricaPretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial) 1443c1249 < Vatican CityVatican City --- > Vatican City (Holy See)Vatican City 1480c1286 < --- > 1482c1288 < --- >