1) { for ($ii=(sizeof($huhs) - 1); $ii>=1; $ii--) { if ($charoneprefix != "" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) == "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 1, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == "'") { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $ideas[$m] . $charoneprefix . explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $outth)); } else if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == '"') { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $ideas[$m] . $charoneprefix . explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $outth)); } else { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",str_replace($huhs[$ii], $charoneprefix . $huhs[$ii], $outth)); } } else if (strtolower(str_replace("file", "http", strtolower(substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 4)))) == "http") { $outth = $outth; } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { if (strpos($huhs[$ii], "data:") === false) { if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == "'") { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $ideas[$m] . $udirname . explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $outth)); } else if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == '"') { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $ideas[$m] . $udirname . explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $outth)); } else { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",str_replace($huhs[$ii], $udirname . $huhs[$ii], $outth)); } } else { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",str_replace($huhs[$ii], str_replace("data:","DATA:",$huhs[$ii]), $outth)); } } else if (substr($huhs[$ii], 1, 1) != "/" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != "'" && substr($huhs[$ii], 0, 1) != '"') { if (strpos($huhs[$ii], "data:") === false) { if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == "'") { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $ideas[$m] . substr($udirname, 0, (strlen($udirname) - 1)) . explode("'",$huhs[$ii])[0] . "'", $outth)); } else if (substr($ideas[$m],-1) == '"') { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",$ideas[$m] . str_replace(explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $ideas[$m] . substr($udirname, 0, (strlen($udirname) - 1)) . explode('"',$huhs[$ii])[0] . '"', $outth)); } else { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",str_replace($huhs[$ii], substr($udirname, 0, (strlen($udirname) - 1)) . $huhs[$ii], $outth)); } } else { $outth = str_replace("/./","/",str_replace($huhs[$ii], str_replace("data:","DATA:",$huhs[$ii]), $outth)); } } } } } } $outth=str_replace("DATA:","data:",$outth); if (strpos($outth, "") !== false && strpos($outth, "", $outth)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode("", str_replace("/./","/",$outth))[0]))] . ""; } return str_replace("/./","/",$outth); } if (isset($_GET['inurl']) && isset($_GET['inid'])) { $inid=str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($_GET['inid'])); $udirname=str_replace(" ","+",urldecode($_GET['inurl'])); $contis=relative_to_absolute_php(file_get_contents($udirname)); } function postmapit($oon) { if (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit'])) { if (isset($_GET['one'])) { return "..."; } else if (isset($_POST['one'])) { return "..."; } else { return "..."; } } return $oon; } function mapit($oone) { global $lastoi, $lastonetodelete; if (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit'])) { //file_put_contents("found.c",strlen($lastoi)); if (file_exists($oone) && $lastoi == '') { ofinterest(file_get_contents($oone)); } } if ($lastoi != "" && (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit']))) { //file_put_contents("found.that","huh"); file_put_contents($oone . server_remote_addr() . ".html", "
" . str_replace("&#","&#", str_replace("\n","
", str_replace('<A ','', str_replace('<DIV ','
', str_replace('</SPAN>','', str_replace('ccc">','ccc">', str_replace("<","<",str_replace(">",">",$lastoi)))))))))) ) . "
"); $lastonetodelete=$oone . server_remote_addr() . ".html"; return $oone . server_remote_addr() . ".html"; } //$lastoi=""; return $oone; } function ofinterest($intobelinked) { global $lastoi, $contis, $inid; $spareintobelinked=$intobelinked; $outtobelinked=$intobelinked; $fns=explode("(", $intobelinked); for ($ifns=0; $ifns= "a" && substr(strtolower($fns[$ifns]),$jns,1) <= "z") { $fnidea=substr($fns[$ifns],$jns,1); $jns--; while (substr($fns[$ifns],$jns,1) == "." || substr($fns[$ifns], $jns,1) == "_" || (substr(strtolower($fns[$ifns]),$jns,1) >= "a" && substr(strtolower($fns[$ifns]),$jns,1) <= "z")) { $fnidea=substr($fns[$ifns], $jns,1) . $fnidea; $kns=$jns; $jns--; if ($jns < 0) { break; } if (substr($fns[$ifns],$kns,1) == ".") { break; } } if ($fnidea != "") { if (substr($fnidea,0,1) == ".") { if (strpos($outtobelinked, "this" . $fnidea . "=") !== false) { $outtobelinked=str_replace("this" . $fnidea . "=", "this." . substr($fnidea,1) . "
=", $outtobelinked); } else if (strpos($outtobelinked, "this" . $fnidea . " =") !== false) { $outtobelinked=str_replace("this" . $fnidea . " =", "this." . substr($fnidea,1) . "
=", $outtobelinked); } else if (strpos($spareintobelinked, "this" . $fnidea . " =") !== false) { $spareintobelinked=str_replace("this" . $fnidea . " =", "this." . substr($fnidea,1) . "
=", $spareintobelinked); $fns=explode("(", $spareintobelinked); } else if (strpos($spareintobelinked, "this" . $fnidea . "=") !== false) { $spareintobelinked=str_replace("this" . $fnidea . "=", "this." . substr($fnidea,1) . "
=", $spareintobelinked); $fns=explode("(", $spareintobelinked); } $fnidea=substr($fnidea,1); $jns++; } } //file_put_contents("found.this",$fnidea); if (strpos(($fns[$ifns] . "("), "function " . $fnidea . "(") !== false && strpos($outtobelinked, "" . $fnidea . "
("; } else if (strlen($fnidea) > 3 && strpos($outtobelinked, ">" . $fnidea . "
") === false && strpos($spareintobelinked, ">" . $fnidea . "") !== false) { $outtobelinked.=substr($fns[$ifns],0,($jns + 1)) . "" . $fnidea . "("; } else if (strlen($fnidea) > 3 && strpos($outtobelinked, ">" . $fnidea . "") === false && strpos($outtobelinked, ">" . $fnidea . "") !== false) { $outtobelinked.=substr($fns[$ifns],0,($jns + 1)) . "" . $fnidea . "("; } else if (strlen($fnidea) > 3 && strpos($outtobelinked, ">" . $fnidea . "") === false) { $oty=urlencode("http://www.google.com/search?q=" . urlencode($fnidea) . "+w3schools+php.net+computerhope"); $outtobelinked.=substr($fns[$ifns],0,($jns + 1)) . "" . $fnidea . "
("; } else { $outtobelinked.=$fns[$ifns] . "("; } } else { $outtobelinked.=$fns[$ifns] . "("; } } else { $outtobelinked.="("; } } if (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit'])) { //file_put_contents("found.b", strlen($outtobelinked)); if ($contis != "") { $outtobelinked=str_replace("
", "", $outtobelinked); } $lastoi=$outtobelinked; } return $intobelinked; } function yourfile_get_contents($inuis) { global $lastoi; if (strpos(("~" . $inuis), "~//") !== false) { if (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit'])) { //file_put_contents("found.it","huh"); return ofinterest(file_get_contents("http:" . $inuis)); } return file_get_contents("http:" . $inuis); } if (isset($_GET['linkit']) || isset($_POST['linkit'])) { //file_put_contents("found.oi","huh"); return ofinterest(file_get_contents($inuis)); } return file_get_contents($inuis); } function ourfile_get_contents($inuis) { if (strpos(("~" . $inuis), "~//") !== false) { return file_get_contents("http:" . $inuis); } return file_get_contents($inuis); } if (isset($_GET['one']) && !isset($_GET['two'])) { if (str_replace("--GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one']) { $called="y"; $iframebits="

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this ... " . $_GET['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above ... " . str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_GET['one']) . "

"; $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_GET['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_GET['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_GET['one'])); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_GET['one']) . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } else if (str_replace("-GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one']) { $called="y"; $iframebits="

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this ... " . $_GET['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above ... " . str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_GET['one']) . "

"; $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_GET['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_GET['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_GET['one'])); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_GET['one']) . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } else if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one']) { $fillinone=$_GET['one']; } } else if (isset($_GET['one']) && isset($_GET['two'])) { if ($_GET['one'] != "" && $_GET['two'] != "" && $_GET['one'] != $_GET['two'] && str_replace("GETME","",str_replace("_","",str_replace("-","",$_GET['one']))) == str_replace("GETME","",str_replace("_","",str_replace("-","",$_GET['two'])))) { if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one'] && str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['two']) != $_GET['two']) { $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; } else if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one'] || str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['two']) != $_GET['two']) { $xprefix=""; $onloadbit=" onload=\" var huh=prompt('Password? (Hint: Why is a duck?)',''); if (huh != null && huh == 'BecausE IT FlieS SO HigH') { document.getElementById('diffdiv').style.display='block'; } else { document.getElementById('diffdiv').innerHTML=''; } \""; $prevg=""; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) == $_GET['one']) { if ("" != @ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_GET['two']))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_GET['two']))); while ($prevg != "") { $_GET['one']=$prevg; if ("" != ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))); } else { $prevg=""; } } $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; $onloadbit=""; } } else { if ("" != @ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_GET['one']))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_GET['one']))); while ($prevg != "") { $_GET['two']=$prevg; if ("" != ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))); } else { $prevg=""; } } $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; $onloadbit=""; } } } $called="y"; $iframebits=$xprefix . "

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this " . $_GET['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above " . $_GET['two'] . "

" . $xsuffix; } $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['one']) != $_GET['one'] || str_replace("GETME", "", $_GET['two']) != $_GET['two']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_GET['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_GET['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents($_GET['two']); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . $_GET['two'] . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } else if (isset($_POST['one']) && !isset($_POST['two'])) { if (str_replace("--GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one']) { $called="y"; $iframebits="

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this" . $_POST['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above" . str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_POST['one']) . "

"; $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_POST['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_POST['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_POST['one'])); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . str_replace("--GETME", "-GETME", $_POST['one']) . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } else if (str_replace("-GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one']) { $called="y"; $iframebits="

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this" . $_POST['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above" . str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_POST['one']) . "

"; $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_POST['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_POST['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_POST['one'])); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . str_replace("-GETME", "_GETME", $_POST['one']) . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } else if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one']) { $fillinone=$_POST['one']; } } else if (isset($_POST['one']) && isset($_POST['two'])) { $suffix = " file(s) not found"; if ($_POST['one'] != "" && $_POST['two'] != "" && $_POST['one'] != $_POST['two'] && str_replace("GETME","",str_replace("_","",str_replace("-","",$_POST['one']))) == str_replace("GETME","",str_replace("_","",str_replace("-","",$_POST['two'])))) { if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one'] && str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['two']) != $_POST['two']) { $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; } else if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one'] || str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['two']) != $_POST['two']) { $xprefix=""; $onloadbit=" onload=\" var huh=prompt('Password? (Hint: Why is a duck?)',''); if (huh != null && huh == 'BecausE IT FlieS SO HigH') { document.getElementById('diffdiv').style.display='block'; } else { document.getElementById('diffdiv').innerHTML=''; } \""; $prevg=""; if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) == $_POST['one']) { if ("" != @ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_POST['two']))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_POST['two']))); while ($prevg != "") { $_POST['one']=$prevg; if ("" != @ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))); } else { $prevg=""; } } $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; $onloadbit=""; } } else { if ("" != ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_POST['one']))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $_POST['one']))); while ($prevg != "") { $_POST['two']=$prevg; if ("" != ourfile_get_contents(str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))))) { $prevg=str_replace("GET~ME","GETME",str_replace("_GETME", "-GET~ME", str_replace("-GETME", "--GET~ME", $prevg))); } else { $prevg=""; } } $xprefix=""; $xsuffix=""; $onloadbit=""; } } } $called="y"; $iframebits=$xprefix . "

Latest file " . postmapit('...') . " Differences below this " . $_POST['one'] . "

"; $iframebits.="

Differences ^ v

"; $iframebits.="

Older file ... Differences just above " . $_POST['two'] . "

" . $xsuffix; } if (str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['one']) != $_POST['one'] || str_replace("GETME", "", $_POST['two']) != $_POST['two']) { $suffix=""; $onec = yourfile_get_contents($_POST['one']); if (str_replace(" ","",$onec) == "" || strpos($onec, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix = " " . $_POST['one'] . " not found"; $twoc = ourfile_get_contents($_POST['two']); if (str_replace(" ","",$twoc) == "" || strpos($twoc, "No newline" . " at end of file") !== false) $suffix .= " " . $_POST['two'] . " not found"; } else { $suffix = " sorry, no can do"; } } if ($suffix == "" && (str_replace(" ","",$onec) != "" || str_replace(" ","",$twoc) != "")) { //file_put_contents("found.a",""); $fh = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . "/one.one", "w"); fwrite($fh, $onec); fclose($fh); $fh = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . "/two.two", "w"); fwrite($fh, $twoc); fclose($fh); exec("diff " . $_GET['minus'] . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/one.one " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/two.two > " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/huh.huh"); //if ($called == "") unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/one.one" . server_remote_addr() . ".html"); if ($called == "") unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/one.one"); if ($called == "") unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . "/two.two"); if ($called != "") { if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "linkit=") !== false && strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "linktwoit=") === false) { //sleep(5); header('Location: ./diff.php?' . str_replace("linkit=", "linktwoit=y&linkit=", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); exit; } echo "PHP Linux diff file differences ... First file, Differences, Second file ... RJM Programming November 2013\n"; echo $iframebits; echo ""; if ($lastonetodelete != "") { exec("sleep 8; rm -f " . $lastonetodelete); $lastonetodelete=""; } } else { header("Location: " . "/huh.huh"); } } else { if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "linkit=") !== false && strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "linktwoit=") === false) { //sleep(5); header('Location: ./diff.php?' . str_replace("linkit=", "linktwoit=y&linkit=", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); exit; } echo "PHP Linux diff file differences ... RJM Programming November 2013\n"; echo "

File comparison ... " . $suffix . "

" . "\n"; echo "Enter URL (ending in GETME) for file comparison 1 of 2:
\n"; echo "Enter URL (ending in GETME) for file comparison 2 of 2:

\n"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; if ($lastonetodelete != "") { exec("sleep 8; rm -f " . $lastonetodelete); $lastonetodelete=""; } } ?>