var x=0, y=0, isclear=true; function filloutform(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); if (e.touches) { if (e.touches[0].pageX) { x = e.touches[0].pageX; y = e.touches[0].pageY; } else { x = e.touches[0].clientX; y = e.touches[0].clientY; } console.log('pos3=' + pos3 + ',pos4=' + pos4); } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { x = e.clientX; y = e.clientY; } else { x = e.pageX; x = e.pageY; } if (x > 0) { document.getElementById('ix').value='' + x; document.getElementById('iy').value='' + y; if (document.getElementById('imode').value == 'click') { //document.getElementById('blastcol').click(); document.getElementById('myform').submit(); } } } function gmenu(rcodeis, erdescis) { var rdescis=decodeURIComponent(erdescis); if (rcodeis.trim() != '' && rdescis.trim() != '') { var rans=prompt('What do you want to do with region ' + rdescis + '? ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'W - Wikipedia look up ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Y - YouTube look up ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'G - Google look up ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10), ''); if (rans == null) { rans=''; } if ((rans + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'W') {'//' + encodeURIComponent(rdescis.replace(/\ \(/g,', ').replace(/\)$/g,'')).replace(/\%20/g,'_'),'_blank','top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600'); } else if ((rans + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'Y') {'//' + encodeURIComponent(' ' + rdescis.replace(/\ \(/g,', ').replace(/\)$/g,'')),'_blank','top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600'); } else if ((rans + ' ').toUpperCase().substring(0,1) == 'G') {'//' + encodeURIComponent(rdescis.replace(/\ \(/g,', ').replace(/\)$/g,'')) + '&tbm=isch','_blank','top=10,left=10,width=600,height=600'); } } } "; exit; } else if (isset($_POST['returnxytoparent']) && isset($_POST['ix']) && isset($_POST['iy'])) { $alp="0123456789ABCDEF"; //=map&chs=600x450& //echo ""; //exit; $imgurl='' . str_replace('=map&chld=', '=map&chs=455x350&chld=', explode('?', str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['returnxytoparent'])))[1]); //echo ""; //exit; $im = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($imgurl)); $tlrgb = imagecolorat($im, $_POST['ix'], $_POST['iy']); $topclick=''; if ($tlrgb) { //echo ''; //exit; $tlr = ($tlrgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $tlg = ($tlrgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $tlb = $tlrgb & 0xFF; $blchex=substr(substr($alp,($tlr / 16)),0,1) . substr(substr($alp,($tlr % 16)),0,1) . substr(substr($alp,($tlg / 16)),0,1) . substr(substr($alp,($tlg % 16)),0,1) . substr(substr($alp,($tlb / 16)),0,1) . substr(substr($alp,($tlb % 16)),0,1); $isclick=false; if (isset($_POST['patparent']) && isset($_POST['imode'])) { $pat=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['patparent'])); if ($_POST['imode'] == 'click') { if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['patparent'])), '#' . strtoupper($blchex)) !== false) { $topclick=" parent.document.getElementById('" . explode('"', explode(' id="', explode('#' . strtoupper($blchex), $pat)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' id="', explode('#' . strtoupper($blchex), $pat)[0]))] )[0] . "').click(); "; } else if (strpos(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['patparent'])), '#' . strtolower($blchex)) !== false) { $topclick=" parent.document.getElementById('" . explode('"', explode(' id="', explode('#' . strtolower($blchex), $pat)[0])[-1 + sizeof(explode(' id="', explode('#' . strtolower($blchex), $pat)[0]))] )[0] . "').click(); "; } } } echo ''; } //else { //echo ''; //exit; //} imagedestroy($im); exit; } $iso_country_codes=['AF','Afghanistan', 'ax','Aland Islands', 'Al','Albania', 'DZ','Algeria', 'as','American Samoa', 'ad','Andorra', 'AO','Angola', 'ai','Anguilla', 'AQ','Antarctica', 'ag','Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR','Argentina', 'AM','Armenia', 'aw','Aruba', 'AU','Australia', 'At','Austria', 'AZ','Azerbaijan', 'bs','Bahamas the', 'Bh','Bahrain', 'BD','Bangladesh', 'bb','Barbados', 'BY','Belarus', 'BE','Belgium', 'BZ','Belize', 'BJ','Benin', 'bm','Bermuda', 'Bt','Bhutan', 'BO','Bolivia', 'Ba','Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Bw','Botswana', 'bv','Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)', 'BR','Brazil', 'io','British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)', 'vg','British Virgin Islands', 'Bn','Brunei Darussalam', 'BG','Bulgaria', 'BF','Burkina Faso', 'bi','Burundi', 'KH','Cambodia', 'CM','Cameroon', 'CA','Canada', 'cv','Cape Verde', 'ky','Cayman Islands', 'CF','Central African Republic', 'TD','Chad', 'CL','Chile', 'CN','China', 'cx','Christmas Island', 'cc','Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO','Colombia', 'km','Comoros the', 'CD','Congo', 'CG','Congo the', 'ck','Cook Islands', 'CR','Costa Rica', 'CI','Cote d\'Ivoire', 'HR','Croatia', 'CU','Cuba', 'Cy','Cyprus', 'CZ','Czech Republic', 'dK','Denmark', 'Dj','Djibouti', 'DM','Dominica', 'DO','Dominican Republic', 'EC','Ecuador', 'EG','Egypt', 'SV','El Salvador', 'GQ','Equatorial Guinea', 'ER','Eritrea', 'Ee','Estonia', 'ET','Ethiopia', 'FO','Faroe Islands', 'FK','Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'fJ','Fiji', 'FI','Finland', 'FR','France, French Republic', 'GF','French Guiana', 'pf','French Polynesia', 'tf','French Southern Territories', 'GA','Gabon', 'GM','Gambia the', 'GE','Georgia', 'DE','Germany', 'GH','Ghana', 'gi','Gibraltar', 'gR','Greece', 'GL','Greenland', 'gd','Grenada', 'gp','Guadeloupe', 'gu','Guam', 'GT','Guatemala', 'gg','Guernsey', 'GN','Guinea', 'GW','Guinea-Bissau', 'GY','Guyana', 'HT','Haiti', 'hm','Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'va','Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN','Honduras', 'hk','Hong Kong', 'HU','Hungary', 'is','Iceland', 'IN','India', 'ID','Indonesia', 'IR','Iran', 'IQ','Iraq', 'IE','Ireland', 'im','Isle of Man', 'Il','Israel', 'IT','Italy', 'Jm','Jamaica', 'JP','Japan', 'JE','Jersey', 'Jo','Jordan', 'KZ','Kazakhstan', 'KE','Kenya', 'kI','Kiribati', 'KP','Korea', 'KR','Korea', 'KW','Kuwait', 'KG','Kyrgyz Republic', 'kg','Kyrgyzstan', 'LA','Laos', 'Lv','Latvia', 'Lb','Lebanon', 'ls','Lesotho', 'LR','Liberia', 'LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'li','Liechtenstein', 'Lt','Lithuania', 'lu','Luxembourg', 'mo','Macao', 'MK','North Macedonia', 'Mk','Macedonia', 'MG','Madagascar', 'MW','Malawi', 'MY','Malaysia', 'mv','Maldives', 'ML','Mali', 'MT','Malta', 'mh','Marshall Islands', 'mq','Martinique', 'MR','Mauritania', 'mu','Mauritius', 'yt','Mayotte', 'MX','Mexico', 'fm','Micronesia', 'MD','Moldova', 'mc','Monaco', 'MN','Mongolia', 'Me','Montenegro', 'ms','Montserrat', 'MA','Morocco', 'MZ','Mozambique', 'MM','Myanmar', 'NA','Namibia', 'nr','Nauru', 'NP','Nepal', 'an','Netherlands Antilles', 'NL','Netherlands the', 'nc','New Caledonia', 'nZ','New Zealand', 'NI','Nicaragua', 'NE','Niger', 'NG','Nigeria', 'nu','Niue', 'NF','Norfolk Island', 'mp','Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO','Norway', 'om','Oman', 'PK','Pakistan', 'pw','Palau', 'ps','Palestinian Territory', 'PA','Panama', 'PG','Papua New Guinea', 'PY','Paraguay', 'PE','Peru', 'PH','Philippines', 'pn','Pitcairn Islands', 'PL','Poland', 'PT','Portugal, Portuguese Republic', 'pr','Puerto Rico', 'qa','Qatar', 're','Reunion', 'RO','Romania', 'RU','Russia', 'Rw','Rwanda', 'bl','Saint Barthelemy', 'sh','Saint Helena', 'kn','Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'lc','Saint Lucia', 'mf','Saint Martin', 'pm','Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'vc','Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'ws','Samoa', 'sm','San Marino', 'st','Sao Tome and Principe', 'SA','Saudi Arabia', 'SN','Senegal', 'RS','Serbia', 'sc','Seychelles', 'SL','Sierra Leone', 'sg','Singapore', 'SK','Slovakia (Slovak Republic)', 'Si','Slovenia', 'SB','Solomon Islands', 'SO','Somalia, Somali Republic', 'ZA','South Africa', 'gs','South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'ES','Spain', 'LK','Sri Lanka', 'SD','Sudan', 'SR','Suriname', 'sj','Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands', 'sz','Swaziland', 'SE','Sweden', 'Ch','Switzerland, Swiss Confederation', 'Sy','Syrian Arab Republic', 'Tw','Taiwan', 'TJ','Tajikistan', 'TZ','Tanzania', 'TH','Thailand', 'tl','Timor-Leste', 'TG','Togo', 'tk','Tokelau', 'td','Tonga', 'tt','Trinidad and Tobago', 'TN','Tunisia', 'TR','Turkey', 'TM','Turkmenistan', 'tc','Turks and Caicos Islands', 'tV','Tuvalu', 'UG','Uganda', 'UA','Ukraine', 'AE','United Arab Emirates', 'GB','United Kingdom', 'US','United States of America', 'UM','United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'vi','United States Virgin Islands', 'UY','Uruguay, Eastern Republic of', 'UZ','Uzbekistan', 'vu','Vanuatu', 'VE','Venezuela', 'VN','Vietnam', 'wf','Wallis and Futuna', 'EH','Western Sahara', 'YE','Yemen', 'ZM','Zambia', 'ZW','Zimbabwe']; $ourtzlist="option value=\"Pacific/Fiji\" data-geo=\"-18.13334,178.41666,+12,FJ,+13\">Pacific/Fiji"; $setrange=''; $redplace=-1; $redname=''; $thingos=''; if (isset($_GET['match'])) { if (!isset($_GET['ccode'])) { $_GET['ccode']=explode('-',explode(urlencode('-'), $_GET['match'])[0])[0]; if ($_GET['ccode'] == $_GET['match']) { for ($ihuh=0; $ihuhGeoJson World Countries via Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart - RJM Programming - November, 2023
"; } exit; } else if (isset($_GET['ccode']) || isset($_POST['ccode'])) { $mlls=[false,false,false,false]; $nextdone=false; $nexttwodone=false; $nextthreedone=false; $nextfourdone=false; $minlat=-90.0; $minlong=-180.0; $maxlat=90.0; $maxlong=180.0; $rucc=''; $ucc=''; $ruccs=[]; $thish=''; $hasv=''; if (isset($_GET['ccode'])) { $hashv='#' . $_GET['ccode']; $ucc=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['ccode']))); $rucc=$ucc; } else if (isset($_POST['ccode'])) { $hashv='#' . $_POST['ccode']; $ucc=trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['ccode']))); $rucc=$ucc; } if (strpos($ucc, ',') === false) { $hashv=''; $ruccs=[$rucc]; } if (strpos($ucc, ',') !== false) { $uccs=explode(',', $ucc); $ruccs=explode(',', $rucc); $thish="GeoJson World Countries via Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart - RJM Programming - November, 2023"; for ($iw=0; $iw","", $thish); } } $succ=''; if (isset($_GET['clang']) || isset($_POST['clang'])) { if (isset($_GET['clang'])) { $thish=str_replace('?', '?clang=' . $_GET['clang'] . '&', $thish); $succ=strtolower(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['clang'])))) . '.'; } else if (isset($_POST['ccode'])) { $thish=str_replace('?', '?clang=' . $_POST['clang'] . '&', $thish); $succ=strtolower(trim(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['clang'])))) . '.'; } if (strlen($succ) != 3) { $succ=''; } } if ($thish != '') { if (isset($_GET['world']) || isset($_POST['world'])) { $thish=str_replace('?', '?world=y&', $thish); } if (isset($_GET['redregionquiz']) || isset($_POST['redregionquiz'])) { $thish=str_replace('?', '?redregionquiz=y&', $thish); } echo $thish; exit; } if (strlen($ucc) == 2) { if (strpos($ourtzlist, ',' . $ucc . ',') !== false) { $preohbit=explode(',' . $ucc . ',', $ourtzlist)[0]; $ohbit=explode('<', $preohbit)[-1 + sizeof(explode('<', $preohbit))]; if (strpos($ohbit, ' title="') !== false) { $tbitis=explode('"', explode(' title="', $ohbit)[1])[0]; if (sizeof(explode(',', $tbitis)) == 4) { $setrange=$tbitis; } } } if (strtoupper($ucc) == 'RU' || strtoupper($ucc) == 'SI') { $b='r'; } $beworried=true; $nine=9; $seven=7; $isbig=1; for ($jk=0; $jk 1) { $kkk=0; for ($kk=0; $kk $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,($nine + $thislong)); } if ($thislat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-$seven + $thislat)); } if ($thislat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,($seven + $thislat)); } // echo ' ... ' . $thislong . ' ' . $maxlong; } } } if ($beworried && $nine == 9 && $seven == 7) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-9 + $minlong)); $maxlong=min(180.0,(9 + $maxlong)); $minlat=max(-90.0,(-7 + $minlat)); $maxlat=min(90.0,(7 + $maxlat)); $ptwo=explode(' data-geo="', $ourtzlist); for ($kkk=1; $kkk $maxlong || $complat < $minlat || $complat > $maxlat) { //if (abs($complong - $minlong) < 7 || abs($complong - $maxlong) < 7 || abs($complat - $minlat) < 7 || abs($complat - $maxlat) < 7) { if (abs($complat - $minlat) < 7 || abs($complat - $maxlat) < 7) { if ($complong < $minlong) { $mlls[0]=true; } if ($complong > $maxlong) { $mlls[1]=true; } if ($complat < $minlat) { $mlls[2]=true; } if ($complat > $maxlat) { $mlls[3]=true; } if (!$nextdone) { if ($complong < $minlong) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-1 + $complong)); } if ($complong > $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,(1 + $complong)); } if ($complat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-1 + $complat)); } if ($complat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,(1 + $complat)); } $nextdone=true; } else if (!$nexttwodone) { if ($complong < $minlong) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-1 + $complong)); } if ($complong > $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,(1 + $complong)); } if ($complat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-1 + $complat)); } if ($complat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,(1 + $complat)); } $nexttwodone=true; } else if (!$nextthreedone) { if ($complong < $minlong) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-1 + $complong)); } if ($complong > $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,(1 + $complong)); } if ($complat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-1 + $complat)); } if ($complat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,(1 + $complat)); } $nextthreedone=true; } else if (!$nextfourdone) { if ($complong < $minlong) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-1 + $complong)); } if ($complong > $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,(1 + $complong)); } if ($complat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-1 + $complat)); } if ($complat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,(1 + $complat)); } if ($mlls[0] && $mlls[1] && $mlls[2] && $mlls[3]) { $nextfourdone=true; } } } } } } } } } if ($setrange != '' && !isset($_GET['world']) && !isset($_POST['world'])) { $url='' . $setrange . '&chs=600x350&chld=&chco=&chdl='; } else { $url='' . $minlat . ',' . $minlong . ',' . $maxlat . ',' . $maxlong . '&chs=600x350&chld=&chco=&chdl='; } $zero=explode(strtoupper($ucc) . '-', $iccs)[0]; $subi=explode('', substr($iccs, (-3 + strlen($zero))))[0]; //$subi=explode('', explode('', $subi); $ru=-1; $rl=-1; if (isset($_GET['redregionquiz']) || isset($_POST['redregionquiz']) || strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), 'redregionquiz') !== false) { for ($ir=0; $ir= 0 && $ru >= 1) { $redplace=max(1,rand($rl, $ru)); } } $sr=-1; for ($ir=0; $ir', $therest); $thisstate=''; //echo $therest; //exit; for ($jr=0; $jr', $therestbits[$jr])[(-1 + sizeof(explode('>', $therestbits[$jr])))])); //if ($thistext != '') { //echo $thiscode . $therest . ' ThistexT=' . $thistext; //exit; //} if ($thisstate == '' && $thistext != $thiscode && trim(str_replace(' ','',$thistext)) != '' && substr(substr(($thistext . ' '),2),0,1) != '-') { //if ($thistext != '') { //echo 'Thistext=' . $thistext; //exit; //} $thisstate=str_replace(' ','',$thistext); } if (isset($_GET['match'])) { if ($thiscode == urldecode($_GET['match']) && $thisstate != '') { for ($ihuh=0; $ihuh', $iccs)[0]))])[0]; $interimurl='http://' . $succ . '' . $relurl; $geostuff=file_get_contents($interimurl); //file_put_contents('x.x', $interimurl . "\n" . $geostuff); if (strpos($geostuff, ' class="latitude">') !== false) { $xxlat=explode('<', explode(' class="latitude">', $geostuff)[1])[0]; //echo " lat is " . $xxlat; if (strpos($xxlat, 'S') !== false) { $thislat=(-1.0 * explode("°", $xxlat)[0]); } else { $thislat=(1.0 * explode("°", $xxlat)[0]); } //echo " Lat is " . $thislat; $xxlong=explode('<', explode(' class="longitude">', $geostuff)[1])[0]; //echo " long is " . $xxlong; if (strpos($xxlong, 'E') !== false) { $thislong=(-1.0 * explode("°", $xxlong)[0]); } else { $thislong=(1.0 * explode("°", $xxlong)[0]); } //echo " Long is " . $thislong; //exit; if ($thislong < $minlong) { $minlong=max(-180.0,(-1 + $thislong)); } if ($thislong > $maxlong) { $maxlong=min(180.0,(1 + $thislong)); } if ($thislat < $minlat) { $minlat=max(-90.0,(-1 + $thislat)); } if ($thislat > $maxlat) { $maxlat=min(90.0,(1 + $thislat)); } //echo " minLong is " . $minlong; //echo " minLat is " . $minlat; //echo " maxLong is " . $maxlong; //echo " maxLat is " . $maxlat; //echo substr(explode(' class="latitude">', $geostuff)[1],0,40); //exit; } } $sixrand=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; for ($kr=1; $kr<6; $kr++) { $sixrand.=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; } if ($statecount != 0 && ($ir >= (-1 + $redplace))) { // || $sr >= (-1 + $redplace)) && $statecount != 0) { if ($redname == '') { $redname=$thisstate; $sixrand='ff0000'; } else if ($sixrand == 'ff0000' && $redplace >= 0) { $sixrand='ff7712'; } else if (substr($sixrand,0,1) == 'f' && $redplace >= 0) { $sixrand='e' . substr($sixrand,1); } } else if ($sixrand == 'ff0000' && $redplace >= 0) { $sixrand='ff7712'; } else if (substr($sixrand,0,1) == 'f' && $redplace >= 0) { $sixrand='e' . substr($sixrand,1); } else { //echo $sixrand; //exit; $sixrand=str_replace('00ff00','22ff22',str_replace('ff0000','ff2222',str_replace('0000ff','2222ff',$sixrand))); while (strpos($url, $sixrand) !== false) { $sixrand=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; for ($kr=1; $kr<6; $kr++) { $sixrand.=$sixrs[rand(0, (-1 + sizeof($sixrs)))]; } $sixrand=str_replace('00ff00','22ff22',str_replace('ff0000','ff2222',str_replace('0000ff','2222ff',$sixrand))); } } if ($statecount == 0) { if (!isset($_GET['world']) && !isset($_POST['world'])) { if ($rucc != strtoupper($ucc) && $rucc != strtolower($ucc)) { if (strpos($ourtzlist, ',' . strtoupper(substr($thiscode,0,2)) . ',') !== false) { $contbit=explode('/', explode('>', explode(',' . strtoupper(substr($thiscode,0,2)) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]; if (strpos($continfo, ';' . $contbit . ';') === false) { $contbit=''; } } } } if ($maxlat > 70.0) { $maxlat=80.0; } if ($setrange != '' && !isset($_GET['world']) && !isset($_POST['world'])) { $url='' . $tbit . 'cht=map:fixed=' . $setrange . '&chdlp=' . $b . '&chs=600x450&chld=' . $thiscode . '&chco=' . '00ff00' . '|' . $sixrand . '&chdls=' . '00ff00' . '|' . $sixrand . ',6&chdl=' . urlencode($thisstate); } else { $url='' . $tbit . 'cht=map:fixed=' . $minlat . ',' . $minlong . ',' . $maxlat . ',' . $maxlong . '&chdlp=' . $b . '&chs=600x450&chld=' . $thiscode . '&chco=' . '00ff00' . '|' . $sixrand . '&chdls=' . '00ff00' . '|' . $sixrand . ',6&chdl=' . urlencode($thisstate); } //echo $url; //exit; } else { if ($contbit != '') { if (strpos($ourtzlist, ',' . strtoupper(substr($thiscode,0,2)) . ',') !== false) { if ($contbit != explode('/', explode('>', explode(',' . strtoupper(substr($thiscode,0,2)) . ',', $ourtzlist)[1])[1])[0]) { $contbit=''; } } } if (isset($_GET['match'])) { if ($thiscode == urldecode($_GET['match']) && $thisstate != '') { for ($ihuh=0; $ihuh'); } else if ($redname != '' && isset($_GET['countryname'])) { file_put_contents('lasturlis.html', ''); } else if ($redname != '' && 1 == 5) { file_put_contents('lasturlis.html', ''); } if (1 == 1) { $wasurl=$url; $bas=explode('&', $url); for ($ibas=1; $ibas 1) { $url=str_replace('map:' . explode('&chs=', explode('map:', $url)[1])[0], 'map:fixed=' . explode(':', $hashbit)[1], $url); } else { $url=str_replace('map:' . explode('&chs=', explode('map:', $url)[1])[0], 'map', $url); } } $contbit=explode(':', explode('#;' . $contbit . ';', $hashbit)[1])[0]; //$url=str_replace('&chco=', '&chco=b1bbc1|b1bbc1|', explode('&chdls=', $url)[0]); $chcobit='|00ff00|00ff00'; //,106.85,-5.46667,162.03333&chdlp=b&chs=600x450&chld=AU-NSW|AU-QLD|AU-SA|AU-TAS|AU-VIC|AU-WA|AU-ACT|AU-NT|AU&chco=00ff00|af4269|ff0000|18c26d|e471ae|336c99|24c49c|ebceb5|3e0122|0000ff&chdls=00ff00|af4269,6|ff0000,6|18c26d,6|e471ae,6|336c99,6|24c49c,6|ebceb5,6|3e0122,6|0000ff,6&chdl=New+South+Wales|Queensland|South+Australia|Tasmania|Victoria|Western+Australia|Australian+Capital+Territory|Northern+Territory if (strpos($url, '&chld=') !== false) { $newcontbit=''; $newchcobit=''; $newcs=explode('|', $contbit); for ($inewcs=0; $inewcs"; exit; } //$url=str_replace('', '', $url); //echo $url; //exit; } } } if (isset($_GET['justfishing']) || isset($_POST['justfishing'])) { echo '' . $url . ''; exit; } if ($url != '') { header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo file_get_contents($url); exit; } else if (1 == 1) { echo " Interfacer to Google Charts Image Chart Map Chart for Regional Country Colour Coding - RJM Programming - November, 2023

Google Charts Image Chart Map Chart Interfacer

RJM Programming - November, 2023

700) { this.method='POST'; if (lastinid == 'bsfour') { this.action=this.action.replace('image_chart.php','rangegeo.php'); document.getElementById('justthat').name='justthat'; } else { this.action=this.action.replace('rangegeo.php','image_chart.php'); document.getElementById('justthat').name='x'; } } else { this.action=this.action.replace('rangegeo.php','image_chart.php'); this.method='GET'; if (document.getElementById('justthat').outerHTML.indexOf(' name=') != -1) { document.getElementById('justthat').name='x'; } } document.getElementById('jfrepos').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('kfrepos').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('ifrepos').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('geochart').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('mapchart').style.display='block'; gcdo(ssv.toUpperCase()); document.getElementById('ccode').value=ssv; return thatcouldbe(true);\" target=ifrepos method=GET action=./image_chart.php> or


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