Interface to Google Chart Geo or Map Chart interfacer created by RJM Programming ...

0) { document.getElementById(focit('ilist')).disabled=false; }\" id=iverb placeholder='Verb for command line eg. open eg. map [map]' value=''>

0) { if (this.value.indexOf('#mapit=y') != -1) { nextis='iwidth'; ismap=true; document.getElementById('icountry').style.display='none'; } document.getElementById(focit(nextis)).disabled=false; }\" style=display:BLOCK; id=ilist placeholder='Enter comma separated placename list (append #mapit=y for Map Chart rather than Geo Chart), or country list (suffix by &text=y for text mode) eg. Sydney,Beijing,London,Paris,Rome,Boston,Santiago,New_Delhi,Cairo,Istanbul' value=''>
0) { document.getElementById(focit('iwidth')).disabled=false; }\" style=display:none; id=icountry placeholder='Enter optional central country eg. Italy' value=''>
0) { document.getElementById(focit('iheight')).disabled=false; }\" style=display:BLOCK; id=iwidth placeholder='Enter width [556] eg. 1112' value=''>
0) { document.getElementById(focit('itext')).disabled=false; }\" style=display:BLOCK; id=iheight placeholder='Enter height [347] eg. 694' value=''>
0 || 8 == 8) { if (ismap) { reworkit(document.getElementById('myform')); } else { document.getElementById('mysub').click(); } }\" style=display:BLOCK; id=itext placeholder='Enter the word text for text display' value=''>

"; if (isset($argv) || (PHP_OS =='WINNT' || PHP_OS =='WIN32' || PHP_OS =='Windows' || PHP_OS == "Darwin")) { if (isset($_GET['command_line']) || isset($_GET['command'])) { $dru=explode("geo_chart.php",str_replace("/PHP/GeoChart","",str_replace(":80/","/",str_replace(":443/","/","http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "" . explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0]))))[0]; if (strpos($_GET['command_line'] . $_GET['command'], "curl") !== false || strpos($dru, "") === false) { $nb="" . rand(0,6745342); file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".htm", $htmlis); passthru('open ' . $dru . 'geo_chart_' . $nb . '.htm'); sleep(10); unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".htm"); exit; } else { echo $htmlis; exit; } //passthru("php -a < " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart.php"); } else { $nb="" . rand(0,6745342); $kshstuff="#!/bin/ksh echo 'Interface to Google Chart Geo or Map Chart interfacer created by RJM Programming ...' echo '' text=\"\" underscore=\"\" csuffix=\"\" centralplace=\"\" equl=\"=\" echo 'Verb for command line eg. open eg. curl eg. map' read verb if [ -z \"\$verb\" ]; then verb=\"open\" fi if [ \"$verb\" != \"map\" ]; then csuffix=\"\" else csuffix=\"#mapit=y\" underscore=\"__\" fi if [ ! -z \"\$verb\" ]; then echo '' if [ \"$verb\" != \"map\" ]; then echo 'Enter comma separated list of placenames (and append #mapit=y for Map Chart rather than Geo Chart), or list of countries (suffix by &text=y for text mode display) eg. Sydney,Beijing,London,Paris,Rome,Boston,Santiago,New_Delhi,Cairo,Istanbul' else echo 'Enter comma separated list of placenames (suffix by &text=y for text mode display) eg. Sydney,Beijing,London,Paris,Rome,Boston,Santiago,New_Delhi,Cairo,Istanbul' fi read commastring if [ ! -z \"\$commastring\" ]; then if [ \"`echo \$commastring`\" != \"`echo \$commastring | sed '/mapit/s///g'`\" ]; then underscore=\"__\" fi echo '' if [ \"\$verb\" != \"map\" ]; then echo 'Enter optional central country eg. Italy' read centralplace fi echo '' echo 'Enter width [556] eg. 1112' read width if [ -z \"\$width\" ]; then width=\"556\" fi if [ ! -z \"\$width\" ]; then echo '' echo 'Enter height [347] eg. 694' read height if [ -z \"\$height\" ]; then height=\"347\" fi if [ ! -z \"\$commastring\" ]; then echo '' echo 'Enter the word text for text display' read text echo '' echo 'Starting the call ...' if [ \"\$verb\" -eq \"map\" ]; then verb=\"open\" fi echo \"\$verb\${text}_\${width}_\${height}_\${underscore}\${centralplace}_listis\${equl}\${commastring}\${csuffix}\" ksh -c \"\$verb\${text}_\${width}_\${height}_\${underscore}\${centralplace}_listis\${equl}\${commastring}\${csuffix}\" rm -f " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".ksh exit fi fi fi fi fi rm -f " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".ksh exit"; file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".ksh", $kshstuff); passthru("ksh " . dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".ksh"); exit; } } else if (1 == 1) { echo $htmlis; exit; } else { $nb="" . rand(0,6745342); file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".htm", $htmlis); $dru=explode("geo_chart.php",str_replace("/PHP/GeoChart","",str_replace(":80/","/",str_replace(":443/","/","http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . "" . explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[0]))))[0]; passthru('open ' . $dru . 'geo_chart_' . $nb . '.htm'); sleep(10); unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "geo_chart_" . $nb . ".htm"); exit; } exit; } $agy="y"; if (isset($_GET['aregeographicals'])) { $agy=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['aregeographicals'])); } $gtopis="top."; if (strpos(('' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), "=nowiki") !== false) { $gtopis=""; } else if (isset($_POST['onclick'])) { if (strpos($_POST['onclick'], "nowiki") !== false) { $gtopis=""; } } if (isset($_GET['aregeographicals'])) { $ugare=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['aregeographicals'])); } if (isset($_POST['smsdate'])) { $xqwqpx=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['smsdate'])); if ($xqwqpx != "") { // Monday 10 Feb 2020 06:38:54 $dotbits=explode(".", $xqwqpx); if (strlen($xqwqpx) > 20 && strpos($xqwqpx, ":") !== false && strpos($xqwqpx, ".") !== false) { $ipv=file_get_contents('./index.php'); if (strpos(("~" . $ipv), '~document.getElementById('defv" . urldecode($_GET['lldefvnum']) . "').value=\"" . explode(',',explode('{"lat":',$wcontll)[1])[0] . '|' . explode('}',explode(',"lon":',$wcontll)[1])[0] . '|' . urldecode($_GET['llplace']) . "\";"; } else if (strpos($wcontll, '>' . str_replace('_',' ',urldecode($_GET['llplace'])) . ',') !== false) { $wurl.=',' . str_replace(' ','_',explode('', explode('>' . str_replace('_',' ',urldecode($_GET['llplace'])) . ',', $wcontll)[1])[0]); if (strpos($wurl, "<") === false) { $wcontll=@file_get_contents($wurl); } if (strpos($wcontll, '{"lat":') !== false && strpos($wcontll, ',"lon":') !== false) { echo "document.getElementById('defv" . urldecode($_GET['lldefvnum']) . "').value=\"" . explode(',',explode('{"lat":',$wcontll)[1])[0] . '|' . explode('}',explode(',"lon":',$wcontll)[1])[0] . '|' . urldecode($_GET['llplace']) . "\";"; } else { //if (!file_exists("nogoes.txt")) { //file_put_contents("nogoes.txt", $wurl . "\n"); //} else { //$bads=file_get_contents("nogoes.txt"); //if (strpos($bads, $wurl) === false) { //file_put_contents("nogoes.txt", $wurl . "\n" . $bads); //} //} echo "document.getElementById('defv" . urldecode($_GET['lldefvnum']) . "').value=\"\";"; } } else { //if (!file_exists("nogoes.txt")) { //file_put_contents("nogoes.txt", $wurl . "\n\n"); //} else { //$bads=file_get_contents("nogoes.txt"); //if (strpos($bads, $wurl) === false) { //file_put_contents("nogoes.txt", $wurl . "\n\n" . $bads); //} //} echo "document.getElementById('defv" . urldecode($_GET['lldefvnum']) . "').value=\"\";"; } } exit; } $drc=""; $wqform="
"; $quizhtml=""; $quizcontinent=""; $isoreplace=""; $burl=""; $bdivstart=""; $bdivend=""; $cdivc="background-color: yellow;"; $mapspanstyle=""; $gspanstyle=" .border { border: 1px solid blue; } .bcoly { background-color: yellow; } .wmrl { writing-mode:vertical-rl; } .wmlr { writing-mode:vertical-lr; } .wmtb { writing-mode:horizontal-tb; } .xxsmall { font-size:xx-small; } .xsmall { font-size:x-small; } .small { font-size:small; } .medium { font-size:medium; } .large { font-size:large; } .xlarge { font-size:x-large; } .xxlarge { font-size:xx-large; } .smaller { font-size:smaller; } .larger { font-size:larger; } .tenp { font-size:10%; } .twentyp { font-size:20%; } .fiftyp { font-size:50%; } .onefiftyp { font-size:150%; } .twohundredp { font-size:200%; } .threehundredp { font-size:300%; } .fourhundredp { font-size:400%; } .fivehundredp { font-size:500%; } .sixhundredp { font-size:600%; } .glow { -webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out 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box-shadow-top-right-radius: 50%; box-shadow-top-left-radius: 50%; } to { box-shadow: 0 0 24px #fff, 0 0 6px #ff4da6, 0 0 8px #ff4da6, 0 0 10px #ff4da6, 0 0 12px #ff4da6, 0 0 14px #ff4da6, 0 0 16px #ff4da6; box-shadow-bottom-right-radius: 50%; box-shadow-bottom-left-radius: 50%; box-shadow-top-right-radius: 50%; box-shadow-top-left-radius: 50%; } } "; $nondefs=" "; $guess=""; $guessquestion=""; if (isset($_POST['guess'])) { $nondefs="legend: 'none',"; $guess=urldecode($_POST['guess']); if (isset($_POST['question'])) { $guessquestion=urldecode($_POST['question']); } else if (isset($_GET['question'])) { $guessquestion=urldecode($_GET['question']); } } else if (isset($_GET['guess'])) { $nondefs="legend: 'none',"; $guess=urldecode($_GET['guess']); if (isset($_POST['question'])) { $guessquestion=urldecode($_POST['question']); } else if (isset($_GET['question'])) { $guessquestion=urldecode($_GET['question']); } } else { $nondefs=""; } $top=""; if (isset($_POST['area']) || isset($_GET['area'])) $top=" "; $ntop="1"; $roff="0"; $mtop="1"; $newextras=""; $lastgo = ""; $GETimage = ""; $myextras = " + ' or maybe perhaps ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\"' + '\\n\\n'"; $lri=["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]; //$dri=["U+1F1E6","U+1F1E7","U+1F1E8","U+1F1E9","U+1F1EA","U+1F1EB","U+1F1EC","U+1F1ED","U+1F1EE","U+1F1EF","U+1F1F0","U+1F1F1","U+1F1F2","U+1F1F3","U+1F1F4","U+1F1F5","U+1F1F6","U+1F1F7","U+1F1F8","U+1F1F9","U+1F1FA","U+1F1FB","U+1F1FC","U+1F1FD","U+1F1FE","U+1F1FF"]; $dri=["127462","127463","127464","127465","127466","127467","127468","127469","127470","127471","127472","127473","127474","127475","127476","127477","127478","127479","127480","127481","127482","127483","127484","127485","127486","127487"]; $ourtzlist=""; $flagentity=""; $ourtitles=[""]; $whblurb = " ... note that floats to three decimal places of abscissa up to 100 represent negative percentage offsets proportional to integer part."; $inplace=""; $iso_country_codes=['AF','Afghanistan', 'AX','Aland Islands', 'AL','Albania', 'DZ','Algeria', 'AS','American Samoa', 'AD','Andorra', 'AO','Angola', 'AI','Anguilla', 'AQ','Antarctica', 'AG','Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR','Argentina', 'AM','Armenia', 'AW','Aruba', 'AU','Australia', 'AT','Austria', 'AZ','Azerbaijan', 'BS','Bahamas the', 'BH','Bahrain', 'BD','Bangladesh', 'BB','Barbados', 'BY','Belarus', 'BE','Belgium', 'BZ','Belize', 'BJ','Benin', 'BM','Bermuda', 'BT','Bhutan', 'BO','Bolivia', 'BA','Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW','Botswana', 'BV','Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya)', 'BR','Brazil', 'IO','British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)', 'VG','British Virgin Islands', 'BN','Brunei Darussalam', 'BG','Bulgaria', 'BF','Burkina Faso', 'BI','Burundi', 'KH','Cambodia', 'CM','Cameroon', 'CA','Canada', 'CV','Cape Verde', 'KY','Cayman Islands', 'CF','Central African Republic', 'TD','Chad', 'CL','Chile', 'CN','China', 'CX','Christmas Island', 'CC','Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO','Colombia', 'KM','Comoros the', 'CD','Congo', 'CG','Congo the', 'CK','Cook Islands', 'CR','Costa Rica', 'CI','Cote d\'Ivoire', 'HR','Croatia', 'CU','Cuba', 'CY','Cyprus', 'CZ','Czech Republic', 'DK','Denmark', 'DJ','Djibouti', 'DM','Dominica', 'DO','Dominican Republic', 'EC','Ecuador', 'EG','Egypt', 'SV','El Salvador', 'GQ','Equatorial Guinea', 'ER','Eritrea', 'EE','Estonia', 'ET','Ethiopia', 'FO','Faroe Islands', 'FK','Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', 'FJ','Fiji', 'FI','Finland', 'FR','France, French Republic', 'GF','French Guiana', 'PF','French Polynesia', 'TF','French Southern Territories', 'GA','Gabon', 'GM','Gambia the', 'GE','Georgia', 'DE','Germany', 'GH','Ghana', 'GI','Gibraltar', 'GR','Greece', 'GL','Greenland', 'GD','Grenada', 'GP','Guadeloupe', 'GU','Guam', 'GT','Guatemala', 'GG','Guernsey', 'GN','Guinea', 'GW','Guinea-Bissau', 'GY','Guyana', 'HT','Haiti', 'HM','Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'VA','Holy See (Vatican City State)', 'HN','Honduras', 'HK','Hong Kong', 'HU','Hungary', 'IS','Iceland', 'IN','India', 'ID','Indonesia', 'IR','Iran', 'IQ','Iraq', 'IE','Ireland', 'IM','Isle of Man', 'IL','Israel', 'IT','Italy', 'JM','Jamaica', 'JP','Japan', 'JE','Jersey', 'JO','Jordan', 'KZ','Kazakhstan', 'KE','Kenya', 'KI','Kiribati', 'KP','Korea', 'KR','Korea', 'KW','Kuwait', 'KG','Kyrgyz Republic', 'kg','Kyrgyzstan', 'LA','Laos', 'LV','Latvia', 'LB','Lebanon', 'LS','Lesotho', 'LR','Liberia', 'LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'LI','Liechtenstein', 'LT','Lithuania', 'LU','Luxembourg', 'MO','Macao', 'MK','North Macedonia', 'Mk','Macedonia', 'MG','Madagascar', 'MW','Malawi', 'MY','Malaysia', 'MV','Maldives', 'ML','Mali', 'MT','Malta', 'MH','Marshall Islands', 'MQ','Martinique', 'MR','Mauritania', 'MU','Mauritius', 'YT','Mayotte', 'MX','Mexico', 'FM','Micronesia', 'MD','Moldova', 'MC','Monaco', 'MN','Mongolia', 'ME','Montenegro', 'MS','Montserrat', 'MA','Morocco', 'MZ','Mozambique', 'MM','Myanmar', 'NA','Namibia', 'NR','Nauru', 'NP','Nepal', 'AN','Netherlands Antilles', 'NL','Netherlands the', 'NC','New Caledonia', 'NZ','New Zealand', 'NI','Nicaragua', 'NE','Niger', 'NG','Nigeria', 'NU','Niue', 'NF','Norfolk Island', 'MP','Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO','Norway', 'OM','Oman', 'PK','Pakistan', 'PW','Palau', 'PS','Palestinian Territory', 'PA','Panama', 'PG','Papua New Guinea', 'PY','Paraguay', 'PE','Peru', 'PH','Philippines', 'PN','Pitcairn Islands', 'PL','Poland', 'PT','Portugal, Portuguese Republic', 'PR','Puerto Rico', 'QA','Qatar', 'RE','Reunion', 'RO','Romania', 'RU','Russia', 'Ru','Russian Federation', 'RW','Rwanda', 'BL','Saint Barthelemy', 'SH','Saint Helena', 'KN','Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'LC','Saint Lucia', 'MF','Saint Martin', 'PM','Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'VC','Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'WS','Samoa', 'SM','San Marino', 'ST','Sao Tome and Principe', 'SA','Saudi Arabia', 'SN','Senegal', 'RS','Serbia', 'SC','Seychelles', 'SL','Sierra Leone', 'SG','Singapore', 'SK','Slovakia (Slovak Republic)', 'SI','Slovenia', 'SB','Solomon Islands', 'SO','Somalia, Somali Republic', 'ZA','South Africa', 'GS','South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'ES','Spain', 'LK','Sri Lanka', 'SD','Sudan', 'SR','Suriname', 'SJ','Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands', 'SZ','Swaziland', 'SE','Sweden', 'CH','Switzerland, Swiss Confederation', 'SY','Syrian Arab Republic', 'TW','Taiwan', 'TJ','Tajikistan', 'TZ','Tanzania', 'TH','Thailand', 'TL','Timor-Leste', 'TG','Togo', 'TK','Tokelau', 'TO','Tonga', 'TT','Trinidad and Tobago', 'TN','Tunisia', 'TR','Turkey', 'TM','Turkmenistan', 'TC','Turks and Caicos Islands', 'TV','Tuvalu', 'UG','Uganda', 'UA','Ukraine', 'AE','United Arab Emirates', 'GB','United Kingdom', 'US','United States of America', 'UM','United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'VI','United States Virgin Islands', 'UY','Uruguay, Eastern Republic of', 'UZ','Uzbekistan', 'VU','Vanuatu', 'VE','Venezuela', 'VN','Vietnam', 'WF','Wallis and Futuna', 'EH','Western Sahara', 'YE','Yemen', 'ZM','Zambia', 'ZW','Zimbabwe']; $gwqp=""; $qinterim=""; if (isset($_GET['wqperspective'])) { $gwqp=str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_GET['wqperspective'])); if ($gwqp != "") { // Monday 10 Feb 2020 06:38:54 $dotbits=explode(".", $gwqp); if (strlen($gwqp) > 20 && strpos($gwqp, ":") !== false && strpos($gwqp, ".") !== false) { $ipv=file_get_contents('./index.php'); if (strpos($ipv, '// ' . $gwqp . "\n") !== false) { if (strlen($dotbits[-1 + sizeof($dotbits)]) == 4) { file_put_contents('./index.php', str_replace('// ' . $gwqp . "\n", "", $ipv)); $gwqp=chr(substr($dotbits[-1 + sizeof($dotbits)],0,2)) . chr(substr($dotbits[-1 + sizeof($dotbits)],2,2)); //$qinterim="\n alert(String.fromCharCode(64) + String.fromCharCode(32) + firstchoice); \n"; } else { $gwqp="AD"; } } else { $gwqp=""; } } else { $gwqp=""; } } } if (isset($_POST['wqperspective']) || $gwqp != "") { $thedate=date('l d M Y H:i:s'); $ghf=""; if ($gwqp == "") { $ghf=strtoupper(str_replace('+',' ',urldecode($_POST['wqperspective']))); } else { $ghf=strtoupper($gwqp); } $mygurl="//;My%20World%20Quiz%20Zoom%20In%20Question&arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.South_Pole%2Chttp.Round_from_South_Pole&peninfo=South%20Pole,+Round%20fromn%20South%20Pole&width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=Quiz&data=%20[-89.99|-179.99|~South%20Pole~,1]%20,%20[-89.99|178.99|~Round%20from%20South%20Pole~,1]%20,%20[-89.99|178.99|~AD~,1]"; $myrurl="//,+Round%20fromn%20South%20Pole&data=%20[-89.99|-179.99|~South%20Pole~,1]%20,%20[-89.99|178.99|~Round%20from%20South%20Pole~,1]"; $jsis=" var myrorig='', score=0, goes=0, selihis='', answer='', lastanswer='ad', lastfanswer='Andorra', thisanswer=''; var chfrom='', chto='', gsv=''; var smsorig=''; var smsdateorig=''; var'flags=')[1] ? true : false;'wimgs=')[1] ? true : useflags; var firstchoice='" . $ghf . "'; var noway=true; var lri='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; var dri=['127462','127463','127464','127465','127466','127467','127468','127469','127470','127471','127472','127473','127474','127475','127476','127477','127478','127479','127480','127481','127482','127483','127484','127485','127486','127487']; var myflag=''; var yourtzlist=''; var svgtemp=\"data:image/svg+xml;utf8,1 +\"; if (!String.fromCodePoint) { // thanks to // ES6 Unicode Shims 0.1 , © 2012 Steven Levithan , MIT License String.fromCodePoint = function fromCodePoint () { var chars = [], point, offset, units, i; for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { point = arguments[i]; offset = point - 0x10000; units = point > 0xFFFF ? [0xD800 + (offset >> 10), 0xDC00 + (offset & 0x3FF)] : [point]; chars.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, units)); } return chars.join(''); } } // If you modify this array, also update default language / dialect below ... thanks to Google var langs = [['Afrikaans', ['af-ZA']], ['አማርኛ', ['am-ET']], ['Azərbaycanca', ['az-AZ']], ['বাংলা', ['bn-BD', 'বাংলাদেশ'], ['bn-IN', 'ভারত']], ['Bahasa Indonesia',['id-ID']], ['Bahasa Melayu', ['ms-MY']], ['Català', ['ca-ES']], ['Čeština', ['cs-CZ']], ['Dansk', ['da-DK']], ['Deutsch', ['de-DE']], ['English', ['en-AU', 'Australia'], ['en-CA', 'Canada'], ['en-IN', 'India'], ['en-KE', 'Kenya'], ['en-TZ', 'Tanzania'], ['en-GH', 'Ghana'], ['en-NZ', 'New Zealand'], ['en-NG', 'Nigeria'], ['en-ZA', 'South Africa'], ['en-PH', 'Philippines'], ['en-GB', 'United Kingdom'], ['en-US', 'United States']], ['Español', ['es-AR', 'Argentina'], ['es-BO', 'Bolivia'], ['es-CL', 'Chile'], ['es-CO', 'Colombia'], ['es-CR', 'Costa Rica'], ['es-EC', 'Ecuador'], ['es-SV', 'El Salvador'], ['es-ES', 'España'], ['es-US', 'Estados Unidos'], ['es-GT', 'Guatemala'], ['es-HN', 'Honduras'], ['es-MX', 'México'], ['es-NI', 'Nicaragua'], ['es-PA', 'Panamá'], ['es-PY', 'Paraguay'], ['es-PE', 'Perú'], ['es-PR', 'Puerto Rico'], ['es-DO', 'República Dominicana'], ['es-UY', 'Uruguay'], ['es-VE', 'Venezuela']], ['Euskara', ['eu-ES']], ['Filipino', ['fil-PH']], ['Français', ['fr-FR']], ['Basa Jawa', ['jv-ID']], ['Galego', ['gl-ES']], ['ગુજરાતી', ['gu-IN']], ['Hrvatski', ['hr-HR']], ['IsiZulu', ['zu-ZA']], ['Íslenska', ['is-IS']], ['Italiano', ['it-IT', 'Italia'], ['it-CH', 'Svizzera']], ['ಕನ್ನಡ', ['kn-IN']], ['ភាសាខ្មែរ', ['km-KH']], ['Latviešu', ['lv-LV']], ['Lietuvių', ['lt-LT']], ['മലയാളം', ['ml-IN']], ['मराठी', ['mr-IN']], ['Magyar', ['hu-HU']], ['ລາວ', ['lo-LA']], ['Nederlands', ['nl-NL']], ['नेपाली भाषा', ['ne-NP']], ['Norsk bokmål', ['nb-NO']], ['Polski', ['pl-PL']], ['Português', ['pt-BR', 'Brasil'], ['pt-PT', 'Portugal']], ['Română', ['ro-RO']], ['සිංහල', ['si-LK']], ['Slovenščina', ['sl-SI']], ['Basa Sunda', ['su-ID']], ['Slovenčina', ['sk-SK']], ['Suomi', ['fi-FI']], ['Svenska', ['sv-SE']], ['Kiswahili', ['sw-TZ', 'Tanzania'], ['sw-KE', 'Kenya']], ['ქართული', ['ka-GE']], ['Հայերեն', ['hy-AM']], ['தமிழ்', ['ta-IN', 'இந்தியா'], ['ta-SG', 'சிங்கப்பூர்'], ['ta-LK', 'இலங்கை'], ['ta-MY', 'மலேசியா']], ['తెలుగు', ['te-IN']], ['Tiếng Việt', ['vi-VN']], ['Türkçe', ['tr-TR']], ['اُردُو', ['ur-PK', 'پاکستان'], ['ur-IN', 'بھارت']], ['Ελληνικά', ['el-GR']], ['български', ['bg-BG']], ['Pусский', ['ru-RU']], ['Српски', ['sr-RS']], ['Українська', ['uk-UA']], ['한국어', ['ko-KR']], ['中文', ['cmn-Hans-CN', '普通话 (中国大陆)'], ['cmn-Hans-HK', '普通话 (香港)'], ['cmn-Hant-TW', '中文 (台灣)'], ['yue-Hant-HK', '粵語 (香港)']], ['日本語', ['ja-JP']], ['हिन्दी', ['hi-IN']], ['ภาษาไทย', ['th-TH']]]; function smswho() { if (smsorig == '') { smsorig=document.getElementById('smssend').href.split('0000')[0]; } if (smsdateorig == '') { smsdateorig=document.getElementById('smsdate').value; } var smsto=prompt('SMS to?', document.getElementById('smssend').href.split('sms:')[1].split('?')[0].split('&')[0]); if (smsto == null) { smsto = ''; } if (smsto.trim() != '') { //alert(365); document.getElementById('smsdate').value=smsdateorig + '.' + gsv.substring(0,1).charCodeAt(0) + gsv.substring(1).substring(0,1).charCodeAt(0); document.getElementById('smsbut').click(); document.getElementById('smssend').href=(smsorig + '' + gsv.substring(0,1).charCodeAt(0) + gsv.substring(1).substring(0,1).charCodeAt(0)).replace('sms:?','sms:' + smsto + '?').replace('sms:&','sms:' + smsto + '&'); document.getElementById('smssend').click(); } } function emailwho() { var emto=prompt('Email to?', document.getElementById('emailto').value); if (emto == null) { emto = ''; } if (emto.indexOf('@') != -1) { //alert(465); document.getElementById('emailto').value=emto; document.getElementById('hcont').value='
'; document.getElementById('iemail').click(); } } function orflag(thiscc) { var ccsuff='', ccchar=' ', cde=''; for (var iccsuff=0; iccsuff 0) { gsv=answer; document.getElementById('iswas').innerHTML='Was ' + orflag(answer) + '🕒 📧 📟 '; document.getElementById('rhdata').style.backgroundColor='white'; //'pointer'; if (selopt.value == answer) { score++; document.getElementById('myifrurl').style.visibility='hidden';'ne-resize'; document.getElementById('rhdata').style.cursor='ne-resize'; } else {'sw-resize'; document.getElementById('rhdata').style.cursor='sw-resize'; ourdelay=19000; selopt.value=answer; scoresuffix=' ... answer was ' + lastfanswer + ' ' + orflag(answer) + ' 🕒'; // &arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.South_Pole%2Chttp.Round_from_South_Pole&peninfo=South%20Pole,+Round%20fromn%20South%20Pole&data=%20[-89.99|-179.99|~South%20Pole~,0]%20,%20[-89.99|178.99|~Round%20from%20South%20Pole~,0] //alert(myrorig.replace(chfrom, '&arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.' + lastfanswer.replace(/\ /g,'_') + '&peninfo=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfanswer) + '&data=%20[' + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"').length)].split(',')[0] + '|' + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"').length)].split(',')[1] + '|~' + encodeURIComponent(lastfanswer) + '~,1]')); document.getElementById('myifrurl').src=myrorig.replace(chfrom, '&arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.' + lastfanswer.replace(/\ /g,'_') + '&peninfo=' + encodeURIComponent(lastfanswer) + '&data=%20[' + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"').length)].split(',')[0] + '|' + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"')[eval(-1 + yourtzlist.split(',' + answer + ',')[0].split(' data-geo=\"').length)].split(',')[1] + '|~' + encodeURIComponent(lastfanswer) + '~,1]'); document.getElementById('myifrurl').style.visibility='visible'; } goes++; document.getElementById('score').innerHTML='Score: ' + score + '/' + goes + scoresuffix; //'pointer'; //'progress'; setTimeout(pickone, ourdelay); } } function pickone() {'help'; document.getElementById('rhdata').style.cursor='help'; document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundImage=''; document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.backgroundImage=''; document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; document.getElementById('rhdata').style.backgroundColor='cyan'; if (selihis.length == 0) { selihis=document.getElementById('selceqwq').innerHTML; } if (myrorig.length == 0) { myrorig=document.getElementById('myifrurl').src; chfrom='&arexplaces=' + myrorig.split('&arexplaces=')[1]; // &arexplaces=y&aregeographicals=http.South_Pole%2Chttp.Round_from_South_Pole&peninfo=South%20Pole,+Round%20fromn%20South%20Pole&data=%20[-89.99|-179.99|~South%20Pole~,0]%20,%20[-89.99|178.99|~Round%20from%20South%20Pole~,0] } document.getElementById('iswas').innerHTML='Is'; var chares=[]; if (selihis.indexOf('>?') == -1) { chares=selihis.split(''); } else { chares=selihis.split('>?')[1].split(''); } var cisq=Math.floor(Math.random() * eval(-1 + chares.length)); " . $qinterim . " if (firstchoice.length == 2 && firstchoice >= 'AA' && firstchoice <= 'ZZ') { //alert(firstchoice); for (var iyrt=0; iyrt')[0].substring(1).substring(0,2) == firstchoice) { cisq=iyrt; } } firstchoice=' '; } thisanswer=chares[cisq].split(' value=')[eval(-1 + chares[cisq].split(' value=').length)].split(' ')[0].split('>')[0].substring(1).substring(0,2); //if (firstchoice == ' ') { alert(thisanswer); } while (yourtzlist.indexOf(',' + thisanswer + ',') == -1 || thisanswer == lastanswer) { cisq=Math.floor(Math.random() * eval(-1 + chares.length)); thisanswer=chares[cisq].split(' value=')[eval(-1 + chares[cisq].split(' value=').length)].split(' ')[0].split('>')[0].substring(1).substring(0,2); } lastfanswer=chares[cisq].split('>')[eval(-1 + chares[cisq].split('>').length)]; document.getElementById('myifgurl').src=document.getElementById('myifgurl').src.replace(lastanswer.toUpperCase() + ';', thisanswer + ';').replace('~' + lastanswer.toUpperCase() + '~', '~' + thisanswer + '~'); answer=thisanswer; lastanswer=thisanswer; if (document.getElementById('flags').checked || document.getElementById('wimgs').checked ) { applyhints(''); } } function lookforpath(ioiso) { if (ioiso != null) { var atwoconto = (ioiso.contentWindow || ioiso.contentDocument); if (atwoconto != null) { if (atwoconto.document) { atwoconto = atwoconto.document; } var pathsare=atwoconto.body.innerHTML.split('1 +', '>' + myflag) + '\")'; document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundPosition='right center'; document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; } if (document.getElementById('wimgs').checked) { if (yourtzlist.indexOf(',' + answer.toUpperCase() + ',') != -1) { yt=yourtzlist.split(',' + answer.toUpperCase() + ',')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]; nnyt=yt.replace(yt.split('/')[0] + '/',''); document.getElementById('rhdata').style.cursor='progress'; document.getElementById('tzi').src=document.getElementById('tzi').src.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?tzexact=' + encodeURIComponent(yt.replace(/\ /g,'_')) + '&tznickname=' + encodeURIComponent( nnyt.replace(/\ /g,'_') ); } } } else { document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundImage=''; document.getElementById('source').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.backgroundImage=''; document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; } return towhat.replace(/\&\;/g, 'and'); } function fgcit(iois) { var outof=[\"left top\",\"left center\",\"left bottom\",\"right top\",\"right center\",\"right bottom\",\"center top\",\"center center\",\"center bottom\"]; var startwith='', endwith='', imglist=[]; if (iois != null) { if (iois.src.indexOf('tzexact=') != -1) { var aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument); if (aconto != null) { if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; } if (aconto.body != null) { //alert('answer=' + answer); if (aconto.body.outerHTML.replace(/\"\;/g,\"'\").indexOf(\"document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.background\") != -1) { //alert(aconto.body.outerHTML); //document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.backgroundRepeat='no-repeat'; startwith=\"document.getElementById['ourcanvas'].style.background\" + aconto.body.outerHTML.replace(/\&\;/g,\"&\").replace(/\"\;/g,\"'\").split(\"document.getElementById('ourcanvas').style.background\")[1].split(';')[0] + ';'; imglist=startwith.split(','); for (var jiu=0; jiu window.outerHeight) { document.getElementById('score').scrollIntoView(); } //else { //var wasthisso=('' + (screen.orientation || {}).type || screen.mozOrientation || screen.msOrientation); //document.getElementById('score').innerHTML+=' ' + 'wasthisso='; //document.getElementById('score').innerHTML+=' ' + wasthisso; //if (('' + wasthisso).indexOf('landscape') != -1) { //document.getElementById('score').scrollIntoView(); //} //} } } } function showInfo(s) { // thanks to Google if (s) { for (var child = info.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if ( { = == s ? 'inline' : 'none'; } } // = 'visible'; } else { = 'hidden'; } } function updateCountry() { // thanks to Google for (var i = select_dialect.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { select_dialect.remove(i); } var list = langs[select_language.selectedIndex]; for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { select_dialect.options.add(new Option(list[i][1], list[i][0])); } = list[1].length == 1 ? 'hidden' : 'hidden'; if (!noway) { // //alert(select_dialect.value); if (document.URL.indexOf('') == -1 && document.URL.indexOf('//') != -1) { //location.href='//' + select_dialect.value.split('-')[0] + '&_x_tr_hl=en'; //alert('' + document.URL.split('//')[1].split('?')[0].split('#')[0].replace(document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0],'').replace('http:','https:') + '?titlequiz=My%20World%20Quiz&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=' + select_dialect.value.split('-')[0] + '&_x_tr_hl=en'); if (document.getElementById('flags').checked) { location.href=('' + document.URL.split('//')[1].split('?')[0].split('#')[0].replace(document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0],'').replace('http:','https:') + '?titlequiz=My%20World%20Quiz&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=' + select_dialect.value.split('-')[0] + '&_x_tr_hl=en&wqperspective=' + lastanswer.toUpperCase() + '&flags=y&score=' + score + '&goes=' + goes).replace('geo_chart.php','geochart.html'); } else { location.href=('' + document.URL.split('//')[1].split('?')[0].split('#')[0].replace(document.URL.split('//')[1].split('/')[0],'').replace('http:','https:') + '?titlequiz=My%20World%20Quiz&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=' + select_dialect.value.split('-')[0] + '&_x_tr_hl=en&wqperspective=' + lastanswer.toUpperCase() + '&score=' + score + '&goes=' + goes).replace('geo_chart.php','geochart.html'); } } } } "; $tablehead="Country Zoomed In On Here Totally in Chart (Not Always Pink) ...Is ... "; $tablebody=""; echo "" . $jsis . "My World Quiz

My World Zoom In Quiz ... Hints ... Flags ... Wikipedia Images  

RJM Programming - February, 2020

Score: 0/0

" . $tablehead . $tablebody . "

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"; exit; } function expandh($xymd) { //file_put_contents("ymd.ymd", $ymd); //exit; $bigret=""; $bigretd=""; //file_put_contents("xymd.xymd", $xymd); $preplss=explode("[", $xymd); $ymd=""; //for ($ipl=0; $ipl"; $cdivc.="margin-left:" . round(-0.01 * (explode(".", $w_in)[1]) * explode(".", $w_in)[0]) . ";margin-top:" . round(-0.01 * (explode(".", $h_in)[1]) * explode(".", $h_in)[0]) ."px;"; $mapspanstyle=" #mapspan { text-decoration: underline;} "; } } } return $retv; } //,128249%20Brisbane&width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=Popularity&data=%20[-33.865|151.20944444444|~Sydney~,2]%20,%20[-27.466666666667|153.03333333333|~Brisbane~,2] function noemoji($inentity) { $allnum=true; if ($inentity != '' && explode(' ',str_replace("_"," ",$inentity))[0] != str_replace("_"," ",$inentity)) { if (substr(str_replace("_"," ",$inentity),0,1) != ' ') { for ($iu=0; $iu '9')) $allnum=false; } if ($allnum && strpos($inentity,"_") !== false) { return str_replace(" ","_",substr($inentity, (strlen(explode(' ',str_replace("_"," ",$inentity))[0]) + 1))); } if ($allnum) { return substr($inentity, (strlen(explode(' ',$inentity)[0]) + 1)); } } } return $inentity; } //,128249%20Brisbane&width=556&height=347&country=Places&popularity=Popularity&data=%20[-33.865|151.20944444444|~Sydney~,2]%20,%20[-27.466666666667|153.03333333333|~Brisbane~,2] function lfb($zcisis) { //global $udirname; $zimgsx=explode("' . str_replace("_"," ",$wplace) . ',') !== false && sizeof(explode("',explode('>' . str_replace("_"," ",$wplace) . ',', $wcont)[1])[0]); if (strpos($newwurll, "<") === false) { $wcont=""; if ($okaytodo) { $wcont=@file_get_contents($newwurll); $wcont=lfb($wcont); } } else { $wurll=$wasw; } } if (strpos($wcont, ' id="content"') !== false) { $isc=sizeof(explode("= 8) { if (strpos($wcont, ' id="firstHeading"') !== false) { $wconts=explode(' id="firstHeading"', $wcont); $wcont=str_replace($wconts[0],"",$wcont); } else { $wcont=$wcont; } } else { $wcont=""; } } else { $wcont=""; } if (strpos($wcont, " 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . " "; //$gfsis[$jfgsis]; } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . ""; //$gfsis[$jfgsis]; } else { $ofupa=""; } } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . $gfsis[$jfgsis] . "#" . $wurll; } } else if ($jfgsis > 0) { $ofupa.=$fdel . $gfsis[$jfgsis] . "#" . $wurll; } } return $ofupa; } function tzl($inwith, $dc) { global $iso_country_codes, $isoreplace; if (!$dc) { $inwithtz=($inwith); } if ($dc) { //$inwithtz=urldecode($inwith); $inwithtz=urldecode(urldecode($inwith)); } for ($icc=1; $icc
'); fclose($file_handle); $lastgo = "   
Last" . "  Email  W?  H?  +"; if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $lastgo .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { $lastgo .= '  Another?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { $lastgo .= '  Another?'; } else { $lastgo .= '  Another?'; } } } else if (strlen($inst) > 0 && file_exists("TestGeoChart_" . $rma . ".url")) { $file_handle = fopen("TestGeoChart_" . $rma . ".url", "r"); $rma=fgets($file_handle); fclose($file_handle); $timesuff = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); while (file_exists("GeoChart_" . $rma . "_" . $timesuff . ".html")) { $timesuff = date("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); } $file_handle = fopen("GeoChart_" . $timesuff . ".html", "w"); fwrite($file_handle, '
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" . $quizhtml . " " . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)) . " Geo Map

" . $GETimage . " \n"; } else { echo "

" . $quizhtml . " " . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)) . " Geo Map

" . $GETimage . " \n"; } if ((!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) || isset($_GET['popularity'])) { echo $bdivstart . '
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Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "|~") !== false || 1 == 1) { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo '
Another Geo Map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } } } if (!isset($_GET['popularity']) && !isset($_POST['popularity']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "x=x") === false) { if ((isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "x=x") === false) { echo '
' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; //echo '
' . server_remote_addr('1') . '
' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '
' . "\n"; //echo '
' . "\n"; if (strpos($lastgo, "Another") === false) { if (isset($_GET['isMobile']) || isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } else { echo 'Another geo map?' . $lastgo . "\n"; } } } } echo '<' . 'script' . ' type="text/javascript">' . "\n "; if (!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { //echo '<' . 'script type="text/javascript">' . "\n"; echo ' setTimeout(prelater, 2 * 1000);' . "\n"; //echo '<' . '/' . 'script>' . "\n"; } echo ' function styleit(indef) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.indexOf(document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML) != -1) { " . "\n"; echo " if (1 == 1) { document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML=document.getElementById('chart_div').innerHTML.replace(document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML, ' \" + document.getElementById(indef).outerHTML); } " . "\n"; echo " if (1 == 3) { document.getElementById(indef).innerHTML+=(' \"); } " . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n" . "\n"; echo ' return indef; } ' . "\n" . "\n"; echo ' function clearit() { ' . "\n" . ' if (document.getElementById("data").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("data").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("title").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("title").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("width").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("width").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("height").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("height").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("country").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("country").value=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (document.getElementById("popularity").style.backgroundColor.indexOf("yellow") != (0 - 1)) document.getElementById("popularity").value=""; ' . "\n" . ' } ' . "\n"; if (1 == 7) { echo ' var datalineprefix = " "; ' . "\n"; echo ' var acnt = -1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var defv = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var dlpll = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var defsid="_ABSTRACT_RENDERER_ID_0", alldefs=[]; ' . "\n"; echo ' var datalinesuffix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var extra = "", four; ' . "\n"; echo ' var thisline = 1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var totalleft = 100.0; ' . "\n"; echo ' var title = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var alttitle = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var width = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var height = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var country = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var popularity = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' function whileinnards() { if (datalinesuffix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalineprefix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (datalineprefix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' extra = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) extra = " (for " + totalleft + " enter nothing or hit Cancel button)"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (fti) { datalinesuffix = ""; } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalinesuffix="" + theval; iquiziso++; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra, "" + theval); } theval--; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra, "0"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) datalinesuffix = totalleft; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null) datalinesuffix = "0"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix != null) datalineprefix = datalineprefix.replace("{popularity}", datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length == 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(totalleft) == eval(datalinesuffix) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' popularity = popularity + " ercent "; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = eval(totalleft) - eval(datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' datac = datac + ",[~" + datalineprefix + "~," + datalinesuffix + "]"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") == -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); if (exra != "") { exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; } datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix + "~," + exra + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") != -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(",", "~,") + "," + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' thisline++; defv=""; acnt=eval(-1 + thisline); if (document.getElementById("defv" + acnt)) { defv=document.getElementById("defv" + acnt).value; } ' . "\n comma=','; \n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.length != 0 && (popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) || popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") != (0 - 1) || (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && totalleft > 0))) { ' . "\n"; echo ' alert(1); } else { alert(2); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; } echo "function prelater() { \n if (saetc) { saetc(); } later('','','','','',''); \n } \n function later(t,w,h,c,p,m) { \n"; echo "\n if (document.getElementById('od1')) { document.getElementById('od1').style.width='' + eval(window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px','')) + 'px'; } \n"; echo "\n if (document.getElementById('od2')) { document.getElementById('od2').style.width='' + eval(window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px','')) + 'px'; } \n"; if (1 == 1) { echo ' var datalineprefix = " "; ' . "\n"; echo ' var acnt = -1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var iswq = false; ' . "\n"; echo ' var defv = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var dlpll = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var datalinesuffix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var extra = "", four; ' . "\n"; echo ' var thisline = 1; ' . "\n"; echo ' var totalleft = 100.0; ' . "\n"; echo ' var title = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var alttitle = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var width = "", widthblurb=""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i) ) { widthblurb=" (for quiz entries append &flag=y for Emoji Flags on tooltips)"; } else { widthblurb=" (for quiz entries append &istn=y for top left thumbnails and/or &flag=y for Emoji Flags on tooltips)"; } ' . "\n"; echo ' var height = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var country = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var popularity = ""; ' . "\n"; } echo ' if ((t.length + w.length + h.length + c.length + p.length) == 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' saetc(); if (("" + document.URL.split("#")[0] + "&").replace(/\+/g,"%20").indexOf("?titlequiz=My%20World%20Quiz&") != -1) { title="My World Quiz"; t=title; w="556"; h="347"; c="Country"; p="Popularity"; } else { title = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Title (background image URL or background image data URI ; separated (followed by ;) before title are available options, and you can replace Survey with Quiz for a quiz, and you can prefix by a Region Code (eg. IT) (followed by ;) before title as an available options, and you can suffix by &onclick=y for added onclick functionality and/or ®ion=145 to display Western Asia (for example) and/or &text=y to display text and/or &aregeographicals=y (or instead of y put an http marker image URL like for you prefixing Labels by lat|long| values and/or &areplaces=y (or instead of y put a comma separated http marker image URL (or use hTtP for link but no image) or placename list (with ,+ usage indicating to plot a line)) for places (prefixable by the number part of an emoji HTML Entity (decimal) eg. 128249 is video camera) rather than countries, Email Attachment Title suffixes are &emailto=[emailTo] &emailsubject=[EmailSubject] (and to make a quiz question for someone after all your entries also append (things like) &guess=Brazil&question=Which country had Tijuana brass?))", "' . str_replace("+"," ",urldecode($GETtitle)) . '"); } if (title != null) { if (title == "My World Quiz") { iswq=true; t=title; allowed=false; fti=true; document.getElementById("wq").click(); } alttitle=title; if (title.indexOf("&are") != -1) { alttitle=placelook(title); title=alttitle; } } else { alttitle=""; } ' . "\n"; echo ' defv=""; acnt++; if (document.getElementById("defv" + acnt)) { defv=document.getElementById("defv" + acnt).value; } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if ((t.length + w.length + h.length + c.length + p.length) != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' title = t; ' . "\n"; echo ' width = w; ' . "\n"; echo ' height = h; ' . "\n"; echo ' country = c; ' . "\n"; echo ' popularity = p; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (title != null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' width = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Width' . $whblurb . ' (7860.045 for Europe quiz) (3930.068 for South East Asia and Oceania quiz) (3230.035 for Africa quiz) (3001.011 for South America quiz) (2201.001 for North and Central America quiz) (2202.056 for Asia quiz)" + widthblurb, "' . $GETwidth . '"); if (width.split("&")[0] == "2202.056") { isquiz="Asia"; height="2002.029"; } else if (width.split("&")[0] == "2201.001") { isquiz="North and Central America"; height="2001.029"; } else if (width.split("&")[0] == "3001.011") { isquiz="South America"; height="2801.059"; } else if (width.split("&")[0] == "3230.035") { isquiz="Africa"; height="2737.052"; } else if (width.split("&")[0] == "7860.045") { isquiz="Europe"; height="6875.041"; } else if (width.split("&")[0] == "3930.068") { isquiz="South East Asia and Oceania"; height="3437.054"; } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (isquiz == "Asia") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2002.029 for Asia quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)", "2002.029"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2002.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "North and Central America") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2001.029 for North and Central America quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)", "2001.029"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2001.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "South America") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2801.059 for South America quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)", "2801.059"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2801.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "Africa") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (2737.052 for Africa quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)", "2737.052"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("2737.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else if (isquiz == "South East Asia and Oceania ... add spaces for more quiz places") { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (3437.054 for South East Asia and Oceania quiz)", "3437.054"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("3437.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } else { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . ' (6875.041 for Europe quiz ... add spaces for more quiz places)", "6875.041"); if ((height.trim() + ".").indexOf("6875.") != 0) { isquiz=""; } else { height=setsixteenquiz(height); } } } else { height = geoprompt("Enter Geo Map Height' . $whblurb . '", "' . $GETheight . '"); } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (title.indexOf("&are") != -1) { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { country="Places"; } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Places Label", "Places"); } } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Places Label", "Places"); } } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { country = "Country"; } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Country Label", "' . $GETcountry . '"); } } else { country = geoprompt("Enter Country Label", "' . $GETcountry . '"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (1 == 1) { popularity="Countdown"; } else { popularity = geoprompt("Enter " + country + " Numerical Measure(s) (ie. can be comma separated)", "Countdown"); } } else { popularity = geoprompt("Enter " + country + " Numerical Measure(s) (ie. can be comma separated)", "' . $GETpopularity . '"); } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' var datac = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' var sq = "' . "'" . '"; ' . "\n"; //echo ' datalineprefix = prompt("Enter " + country + " Name " + thisline, ""); ' . "\n"; echo " if (iswq) { if (document.URL.indexOf('wqperspective=') == -1) { document.getElementById('wq').click(); } allowed=false; fti=true; } if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; if (isquiz.length > 0 && iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalineprefix=quizisos[iquiziso]; } else { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=""; } ' . "\n" . ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' while (datalineprefix.length != 0 && (popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) || popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") != (0 - 1) || (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && totalleft > 0))) { ' . "\n"; if (1 == 1) { echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo " if (fti) { datalineprefix = ''; dlpll = ''; } else { dlpll=''; if (alttitle.indexOf('&aregeographicals=') != -1) { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter Latitude|Longitude|\" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); if (datalineprefix == null) { datalineprefix=''; } dlpll=datalineprefix.split('|')[0]; if (dlpll != '') { dlpll+='|' + datalineprefix.split('|')[1] + '|'; datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(dlpll,''); } } else { dlpll = ''; if (isquiz.length > 0 && iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalineprefix=quizisos[iquiziso]; } else { datalineprefix = geoprompt(\"Enter \" + country + \" Name (can enter URL whose contents contains country,numerical sets or your own list entered here comma separated) \" + thisline + ' (for no more please hit Cancel button and optionally append with ' + '\\n\\n' + ',\"A tooltip (regarding {popularity}) of some sort like {country}\" ' + '\\n\\n'" . $myextras . " + ' as an example of what is possible with HTML included)', ('`' + defv).replace('`0|0|','').replace('`','')); } } } " . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix != null) { datalineprefix=dlp(datalineprefix); iof=0; dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1 && (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")))) { while (eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(39))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(",")) && eval(-1 + iof + datalineprefix.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(34))) > eval(datalineprefix.indexOf(","))) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(",", "%2C"); iof+=0; } } datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace(/#/g, "%23"); if (datalineprefix.indexOf("{country}") != -1 && datalineprefix.indexOf(",") != -1) { dlsa=datalineprefix.split(","); if (dlsa.length > 1) { datalineprefix=datalineprefix.replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])).replace("{country}",encodeURIComponent(dlsa[0])); } } } ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix == null) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalineprefix = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (datalineprefix.length != 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' extra = ""; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) extra = " (for " + totalleft + " enter nothing or hit Cancel button)"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (fti) { datalinesuffix = ""; } else { if (isquiz.length > 0) { if (iquiziso < quizisos.length) { datalinesuffix="" + theval; iquiziso++; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra, "" + theval); } theval--; } else { datalinesuffix = geoprompt("Enter " + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + " " + thisline + extra, "0"); } } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) datalinesuffix = totalleft; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix == null) datalinesuffix = "0"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix != null) datalineprefix = datalineprefix.replace("{popularity}", datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalinesuffix.length == 0) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(totalleft) == eval(datalinesuffix) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") != (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' datalinesuffix = eval(totalleft); ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = 0; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else if (eval(datalinesuffix) > eval(totalleft) && popularity.indexOf("ercent") == (0 - 1) && popularity.indexOf(" ercent ") == (0 - 1)) { ' . "\n"; echo ' popularity = popularity + " ercent "; ' . "\n"; echo ' } else { ' . "\n"; echo ' totalleft = eval(totalleft) - eval(datalinesuffix); ' . "\n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; //echo ' datac = datac + ",[~" + datalineprefix + "~," + datalinesuffix + "]"; ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") == -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); if (exra != "") { exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; } datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(/\%5f/g,"%20").replace(/\_/g,"%20") + "~," + exra + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' if (datalineprefix.indexOf("' . "'" . '") != -1) { four=("" + datalinesuffix).split(","); exra=String.fromCharCode(39) + "Regarding " + popularity + four[0] + String.fromCharCode(39) + ","; datac = datac + comma + " [" + dlpll + "~" + datalineprefix.replace(",", "~,").replace(/\%5f/g,"%20").replace(/\_/g,"%20") + "," + datalinesuffix + "] "; } ' . "\n"; echo ' thisline++; defv=""; acnt=eval(-1 + thisline); if (document.getElementById("defv" + acnt)) { defv=document.getElementById("defv" + acnt).value; } ' . "\n comma=','; \n"; echo ' } ' . "\n"; } else { echo "\n whileinnards(); \n"; } echo ' } ' . "\n"; if (!isset($_GET['isMobile']) && !isset($_POST['isMobile'])) { echo ' if (allowed) { var windowlocation = "./geo_chart.php?title=" + title + m + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height + "&country=" + country + nojwinextra + "&popularity=" + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + "&data=" + assess_small(datac); if (windowlocation.length > 800) { document.getElementById("dpostform").innerHTML="
"; var wwl=iftoobig("",windowlocation); if (wwl != "#") { location.href=wwl; } } else { window.location=windowlocation; } } ' . "\n"; } else { echo ' if (allowed) { var windowlocation = "./geo_chart.php?isMobile=y&title=" + title + m + "&width=" + width + "&height=" + height + "&country=" + country + nojwinextra + "&popularity=" + popularity.replace(" ercent ", "") + "&data=" + assess_small(datac); if (windowlocation.length > 800) { document.getElementById("dpostform").innerHTML="
"; var wwl=iftoobig("",windowlocation); if (wwl != "#") { location.href=wwl; } } else { window.location=windowlocation; } } ' . "\n"; } echo "} \n"; // . "} \n"; echo '' . "\n"; } echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "justmenu") === false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "justmenu") === false) { echo '
' . "\n"; } else { echo '   Menu' . "\n"; } ?>
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