latinVSgreek = $latinVSgreek; $this->lgis = $lgis; $this->meaning = $meaning; $this->relbit = $relbit; $this->example = $example; } function newDerivationCSV($latinVSgreek) { $one = explode(",", $latinVSgreek); $this->latinVSgreek = $one[0]; $this->lgis = $one[1]; $this->meaning = $one[2]; $this->relbit = $one[3]; $this->example = $one[4]; } } $suggestion = ""; $dataarray = array( 0 => "Latin,annus,a year,annu,annual", 1 => "Latin,audio,I hear,audi,audible", 2 => "Latin,avis,a bird,avi,aviation", 3 => "Latin,brevis,short,brev,abbreviate", 4 => "Latin,cavus,hollow,cav,cavity", 5 => "Latin,corpus,the body,corp,corpse", 6 => "Latin,centum,one hundred,cent,century", 7 => "Latin,credo,I believe,ced,incredible", 8 => "Latin,dico,I say,dic,dictation", 9 => "Latin,dominus,lord/master,dom,dominate", 10 => "Latin,finis,end,fin,finite", 11 => "Latin,forma,shape,form,formulate", 12 => "Latin,genus,a kind/type,gen,generation", 13 => "Latin,aravis,heavy,ravi,gravity", 14 => "Latin,labor,work,labo,labour", 15 => "Latin,liber,free,libe,liberty", 16 => "Latin,locus,a place,loc,location", 17 => "Latin,magnus,great,magn,magnify", 18 => "Latin,navis,a ship,nav,navy", 19 => "Latin,scribo,I write,scri,inscribe", 20 => "Latin,sento,I feel,sent,sentimental", 21 => "Latin,similis,like,simi,similar", 22 => "Latin,sol,the sun,sol,solar", 23 => "Latin,spiro,I breath,spir,respiration", 24 => "Latin,terra,the earth,terr,terrestrial", 25 => "Latin,verbum,a word,verb,verbal", 26 => "Greek,aer,the air,aer,aeroplane", 27 => "Greek,archo,I rule,arch,monarch", 28 => "Greek,atmos,vapour,atmos,atmosphere", 29 => "Greek,autos,self,auto,automatic", 30 => "Greek,bios,life,bio,biography", 31 => "Greek,chroma,colour,chroma,chromatic", 32 => "Greek,chronos,time,chron,chronology", 33 => "Greek,demos,the people,demo,democratic", 34 => "Greek,grapto,I write,grap,autograph", 35 => "Greek,isos,equal,isos,isosceles", 36 => "Greek,mechane,machine,mech,mechanical", 37 => "Greek,mikros,small,micro,microscope", 38 => "Greek,monos,alone/one,mono,monologue", 39 => "Greek,naus,ship,nau,nautical", 40 => "Greek,optomai,I see,opt,optical", 41 => "Greek,orthos,right,orth,orthodox", 42 => "Greek,pathos,feeling,path,pathetic", 43 => "Greek,phone,voice/sound,phon,telephone", 44 => "Greek,photos,light,phot,photograph", 45 => "Greek,polis,city,poli,metropolitan", 46 => "Greek,skopeo,I see,scop,telescope", 47 => "Greek,therme,heat,therm,thermal", ); if (isset($_GET['suggestion']) && isset($_GET['lgis']) && isset($_GET['reason']) && isset($_GET['echoback'])) { $suggestion=" var yh=prompt('Error(s) reported regarding your `" . $_GET['echoback'] . "` answer(s) is/are `" . str_replace("_"," ",$_GET['reason']) . "`. One word derived from " . $_GET['lgis'] . " is " . $_GET['suggestion'] . ". Hit OK to see it explained by ... thanks.','" . $_GET['suggestion'] . "'); if (yh != null && yh == '" . $_GET['suggestion'] . "') {'" . $_GET['suggestion'] . "','" . $_GET['suggestion'] . "',' height=600,width=900,top=30,left=400 '); } "; } $myderivation = new Derivation(); $myderivation->newDerivationCSV($dataarray[rand(0, (sizeof($dataarray)-1))]); $tablehtml = ""; $numtoguess = 0; $score = "0"; $outof = "0"; $theword = ""; if (isset($_GET['score'])) { $score=$_GET['score']; } if (isset($_GET['outof'])) { $outof=$_GET['outof']; } if (isset($_POST['score'])) { $score=$_POST['score']; } if (isset($_POST['outof'])) { $outof=$_POST['outof']; } echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; echo "\n" . 'The Derivations Game - RJM Programming - 2014' . "\n"; echo "\n" . ' \n"; ?>

The Derivations Game

Score: " . $score . " / " . $outof . " \n"; echo "\n" . '
' . "\n"; echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; ?>
Old WordOld LanguageMeaningEnglish Word