/tmp/rsync_in.aaa'); $helpbits=@file_get_contents('/tmp/rsync_in.aaa'); $helpbits=str_replace("\n", "~", str_replace('"','`',$helpbits)); unlink('/tmp/rsync_in.aaa'); if (isset($_POST['dfile'])) { if ($_POST['rsync'] != '') { if ($_POST['dfile'] != '') { if ($_POST['sfile'] != '') { if ($_POST['aswitch'] != '') { if (strpos(urldecode($_POST['aswitch']), "@") === false) $ibb=" "; if ($_POST['rpassword'] != '') { file_put_contents('/tmp/rsync_in.ans', urldecode($_POST['rpassword'])); exec(urldecode($_POST['rsync']) . ' ' . urldecode($_POST['aswitch']) . $ibb . urldecode($_POST['sfile']) . ' ' . urldecode($_POST['dfile']) . ' < /tmp/rsync_in.ans ' . ' > /tmp/rsync_out.log 2> /tmp/rsync_out.err'); } else { exec(urldecode($_POST['rsync']) . ' ' . urldecode($_POST['aswitch']) . $ibb . urldecode($_POST['sfile']) . ' ' . urldecode($_POST['dfile']) . ' > /tmp/rsync_out.log 2> /tmp/rsync_out.err'); } if (file_exists('/tmp/rsync_in.ans')) { unlink('/tmp/rsync_in.ans'); } if (file_exists('/tmp/rsync_out.log')) { $logbits=@file_get_contents('/tmp/rsync_out.log'); $logbits .= "\n"; unlink('/tmp/rsync_out.log'); } if (file_exists('/tmp/rsync_out.err')) { $logbits.=@file_get_contents('/tmp/rsync_out.err'); unlink('/tmp/rsync_out.err'); } } } } } } ?> PHP Supervises rsync Backup " . $logbits . "
"; } ?>

Linux Backup


Switch (add u for incremental and add -e ssh user@server_IP: for remote (good with -avzP)):

Local/Remote Directory to be Backed Up:

Local Media Destination Directory: